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some of them looking flushed and indig nant, some of them looking bewildered, some of them rather merry. Two servants, in the convulsions of smothered laughter, were keeping them off from the bed of death, whereon, by the dim light of the half-closed shutters, might be seen lying the outstretched form and pale face of the Honourable Henry Frederick Augustus Fitzurse, with two copious streams of a red colour distaining his brow and cheeks from a small dark spot on his forehead. On the other side of the bed was beheld, by the aid of a spirit lamp which threw a ghastly blue glare over the whole apartment, a tall, portly gentleman with a rosy countenance, a powdered wig, with two rows of curls on each side of his head, and a stout powdered queue be hind. He was dressed in a close cut coat of black, well powdered on the collar, a thick white neckcloth, long flapped black waistcoat, black silk breeches and stockings, and silver buckles, a gold snuff-box in his hand, a cane hung at his wrist, and although he was certainly a very good-looking elderly gentleman, no one would have taken him for rollicking Tom Hamilton, unless they were much better informed upon the subject than any of the jurors there present. At the moment of the coroner's approach that most respectable personage was bending over the corpse of Mr. Fitzurse, affecting busily to smooth down some of the bed clothes, which one of the too zealous jurymen had deranged in an effort actually to sit upon the body. It was evident, however, that the surgeon-for the coroner concluded at once that such must be the eharacter of the personage before himit was very evident, I say, that the surgeon must have been a dear friend to Mr. Fitzurse, for as he bent down his head he was clearly affected by a spasmodic motion, and warm tears continued to fall upon the countenance of the corpse, over whom also he seemed to be muttering some prayer or ejaculation, as his lips parted and a low mur. muring was heard in the room.

"In front, however, was a much more important person, in the eyes of the coroner, being no other than the peer himself. Most unfortunately, indeed, it happened that the viscount had been seized at that particular moment with another violent fit of coughing, which interrupted him sadly.

Take them away, coroner,' he cried, take them away (cough, cough, cough, cough), we've had quite enough of them (cough, cough, cough); they've viewed the body (cough, cough, cough), and, by jingo, now they want to sit upon it!' (cough, cough, cough.)


Well, warn't I toald that I were to sit upon 'um,' said Mr. Dickens. "I want nothing more nor


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Silence!' cried the coroner. Have you viewed the body, gentlemen?' "Oh ay, we've viewed 'un,' said Stubbs; but you see, Mr. Coroner' "Well, if you have viewed it,' said the coroner, who bore his drink dis creetly, walk down stairs.'

"Right shoulders forward,' cried the ex-volunteer sergeant, single file, march!' and away they trooped at the word of command, nearly tumbling over each other in the rapidity of the descent.

"The coroner brought up the rearthe door of the deceased gentleman's room was shut and up started the corpse, holding both his sides and roaring with laughter!

Hurra!' cried the disconsolate father, sinking into an arm chair, with his heels beating the ground, and his fat stomach heaving up and down like a soufflet.

"Driven them from the field, by Jupiter!' cried the surgeon, handing a glass of punch out of the spirit lamp to the corpse; but d-n it, my lord, we must keep serious; our part isn't played out yet, and they have very nearly beaten us already. Why, if that fellow who would sit upon the body had been a little nearer, he'd have heard the chuckles in the dead man's stomach.'

“Lord have mercy upon us!' cried the peer, it's capital. But come, Tom, as you say, we must get back our long faces. Give me a glass of cold water; if any thing will make me serious, that will. There now, that's sad enough! Come now, Tom, let us go and give evidence. See that your wig's right, old fellow.'

"Tom went to a glass, adjusted his curls; and while the Honourable Henry Frederick Augustus took another ladle full of the revivifying fluid, the peer and his companion proceeded to the diningroom, where the servants who had brought Mr. Fitzurse home from the scene of the fatal affray, as the coroner termed it, were giving unconsciously a false impression by their true evidence in regard to the death of their respectable young master.

"A little bustle ensued upon the entrance of the viscount and Tom Hamilton, all the jurors rising, and pulling at the hair upon their foreheads, while the two gentlemen took seats beside the coroner. The evidence of the servants was

soon concluded, and the crown officer then turned to the peer, who took the opportunity of presenting Mr. Heavitree, the famous surgeon. The coroner and Mr. Heavitree bowed, and then

the former inquired whether the vis count had any information to give upon this melancholy occasion.

"I shall be very happy,' answered his lordship, with a rueful air, 'to answer any questions that may be asked of me.'


"Ahem!' said the coroner. I ask if you have any precise information in regard to the person whose hand As yet we committed this sad act? have nothing but hearsay, for none of the witnesses we have examined were present.'

"Why,' replied the peer, I saw a challenge given to my son, the night before last, from a young dog of the name of Worrel, and so it is natural to conclude that he was the man who shot him.'

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"Precisely,' replied the coroner with with a sapient look. Pray, my lord, is your lordship aware of who was your son's second upon this tragical expedition?'

"The peer cocked his eye at Mr. Heavitree with a look of indescribable fun, and then replied—


"Oh, yes. I know quite well. young rakehelly vagabond fellow of the name of Hamilton, better known as Tom Hamilton the Blazer, a desperate hand at the bottle and among the girls, a capital shot, and rather fond of fishing. Never ask him to any of your houses, gentlemen, for he'll drink you a pipe of Madeira in no time. He got the poor boy into a number of scrapes, and I dare say this was all his fault if the truth were known.'

"The coroner took down all the particulars carefully, and after putting a few more very pertinent questions, he turned to the jury, inquiring if they wished to ask his lordship any thing.

"Upstarted Stubbs without more ado. "Why, my lord,' he said, with the usual tug, I do wish to ax your lordship one thing, which is couldn't you just give us another mug of that ere ale? It's woundy dry work sitting here.'

"The coroner reproved him solemnly; but the peer was more complacent, and the ale was brought up; upon which no farther questions were asked by the jury. The coroner then turned to Mr. Heavitree, and, begged that he would make any statement he thought proper in regard to the cause of death.

"Tom now gave back the peer his shrewd look, and replied

"I have examined the body of the deceased, and find a small wound in the centre of the forehead, which is the only thing about him likely to cause death that I can discover. It is not indeed very profound, and on examining it I


certainly did not reach the brain, but
this, from my knowledge of the de
ceased's family, did not surprise me, as
that organ in his noble house is ordinarily
exceeding small, and perhaps in his case
may be wanting altogether.'

"Whew!' cried the peer with a long
shrill whistle.

"My dear sir,' said the coroner, 'you forget his lordship's presence.'

"Ha, ha, ha!' cried one of the bumpkins, who took the joke and seemed to enjoy it.


"I do not forget in the least,' replied Tom Hamilton, imbibing an enor mous pinch of snuff, and looking round with the contemptuous superiority of a great surgeon, who always seems to feel that our bones, limbs, muscles, nerves, and arteries are all at his dispo sal, and that he may cut us up morally and physically whenever he pleases. do not forget at all, Mr. Coroner, nor is there any offence to his lordship; there are many more men in the world without brains than you know of. Now I will very willingly this moment bring down my circular saw, and just take a little bit, not bigger than the palm of my hand, out of the skulls of the gentle men here present, and I will answer for it, that in two heads out of three you won't find four pennyweights of brains l'

"There was an evident bustle amongst the jury and an evident tendency to run towards the door, Dickens, who was a stout fellow, muttering to himself—' I'll knock thee down, if thou touchest my head!'

"Tom Hamilton, however, proceeded in his character of surgeon—

"It is a very mistaken idea, Mr. Coroner, that people can't get on in the world without brains. For my part I think, physiologically speaking, the less brains a man has the better. Why, I have known a famous ministry keep off and on for ten years together, and not three out of the whole party had any brains at all. But to return to the matter in hand. My opinion is, that the state to which the Honourable Mr. Fitzurse was reduced, as you have it in evidence, about six o'clock yesterday morning, was, either by the rapid and violent propulsion of some small hard substance whether round or angular, I cannot take upon myself to say-against the central part of the os frontis: or by the violent and rapid propulsion of his os frontis against some small hard substance whether round or angular I have no means of knowing.'

"That is to say,' said the coroner, 'that either a pistol ball came and knocked a hole in his head, or he went and knocked his head against a pistol ball?'

[blocks in formation]

"Halloo!' cried Dickens. slaughter! I think it's summut wuss than that.'

"Why how can that be?' cried Stubbs. If it had been a woman it would have been murder, but as it's a man it's manslaughter!'


"I vote for feely-de-se!' said a small tailor from the end of the table; and every man now put forth his opinion, each being different from the other. Some insisted upon homicide, some upon murder, some upon petty larceny.

"The coroner then rose and obtained silence, in order to explain to the gentlemen the real meaning of the various terms they had picked up like children gathering pebbles on the sea shore without knowing what they really were. Being also primed and loaded by the worthy viscount, he gave them very broadly to understand that their verdict must be one of murder, and was going on to mark clearly the distinctions between that crime and any other, when a gentleman of a very thoughtful and considerate look, rose solemnly, scratched his head, and said—

"Well, Mr. Crowner, I don't know but I can't make out that hole in his head!'

"The matter had well nigh begun all over again. The coroner, however, stopped imperiously this system of trying back, and having so explained the matter that he thought there was no possibility of the men coming to any but one conclusion, he left it, like other high officers, in the hands of the jury. After a moment's consultation, however, to his horror and astonishment the personage who acted as foreman returned a verdict of wilful murder against the Honourable Henry Frederick Augustus Fitzurse, and other persons unknown,' and to this they stuck in spite of all the coroner could say."

We have now, somewhat in slovenly fashion, we own it, introduced our readers to the opening chapters of this amusing story. We have briefly told them something of the author's intentions, and still more passingly, produced one or two of his leading characters. Yet enough have we quoted to show that his powers as a writer

are no less remarkable than they are varied bearing evidence of one whose style passes by an easy transition to pictures of grave and gay, of lively and severe; eminently gifted with humour, he sees those little traits of human nature, which need but the cunning finger to point them out to our laughter, to make us enjoy them richly he is no less successful in scenes of stronger and more passionate interest. The fire is pictured forth with a masterly hand-the falling timbers crash, and the red sparks fall in showers around you as you read; and yet amid all, a few words draw you from the material interest of the scene, to the living actors, and carry you away with the current of the story.

Neither does our space nor our inclination permit of our tracing out the details of the story. Independent of its artful construction, which would render such a task, in narrow limits, impossible, we would not mar the interest of our readers by a meagre sketch, nor injure the author's conceptions by the sudden and abrupt transitions from incident to incident, which such a summary must convey. Far rather would we impart some impression of his habit of thought, and his power of expression, both singularly clear and vivid. The following picture of an early morning in London, admirably serves to illustrate both our own meaning, and one of those many peculiarities in which his writing reminds us of a most favoured describer of the life and habits of the great city:

"The Chevalier de Lunatico was an early man, and although the Golden Cross, Charing Cross, is one of those houses in which one can practise early habits with greater impunity than any where else, yet even there he scared a dull housemaid on the stairs, who was listening to something that Boots was saying with their faces very close together. They both concluded that he must be the gentleman who was going by the five o'clock heavy Bristol, and Boots began to inquire concerning his luggage.

The chevalier, however, set him right; and issued forth into the streets of London, gazing round him with the curiosity which the scenes of the great metropolis might naturally produce. He had the fairest opportunity in the world of studying proper names

which, let me tell the reader, is no un-
important chapter in the natural his-
tory of national character. There they
stood, in long rows against the boarded-
up windows of the shops-sometimes
bearing a clear or a mystic reference to
the trades which were inscribed after
them; sometimes set up in fierce oppo-
sition to the sort of business which the
proprietors had chosen. There was Mr.
Gold, the jeweller, and Mr. Spratt, the
fishmonger, and Mr. Woollen, the ho-
sier, and Mr. Bond, the law-stationer:
while on the other hand, appeared Mr.
Hogsflesh, the perfumer, Mr. Boxer, the
man-milliner, Mr. Silver-tongue, the
brass-founder, and Mr. Rotten, the
pork-butcher. There was a Mr. Rams-
bottom who dealt in lace, and on one
door appeared Mr. Heavysides, profes
Mr. Stone dealt in
sor of dancing.
feather-beds, and Mr. Golightly in
Cheshire cheeses. We could go a great
deal farther, and tell all the manifold
curious nomens and cognomens that the
chevalier examined and noted down;
but to say the truth the subject is a de-
licate one, and-besides all the filthy and
obscene names with which Englishmen
have thought fit to bedizen themselves,
and which made Mr. de Lunatico judge
that at least one half of the people ought
to remigrate to his own sphere-there
may be many a one which might offend
some of our dearly beloved readers to
have handled lightly, and therefore we
forbear. Onward went the chevalier,
however, with his peculiar jaunty and
inquiring look, remarking the various
classes who at that early hour take their
way out, and begin the miseries and la-
bours of the day. But we must not
trespass by our descriptions upon the
peculiar walk of any gentleman who has
written upon the humorous city of Lon-
don; for, as in every other profession,
particular individuals are allowed to
establish a right prescriptive in certain
walks, there is no reason why the same
should not hold good with authors also.
Milkmen, pickpockets, women of the
town, are all very tenacious in this re-
spect; and although authors may be an
inferior class, as the government seems
to think them, they may perhaps im-
We will
prove by aping their betters.
therefore simply give a few of the che-
valier's brief notes, recording his matu-
tinal excursion through the streets of
the great metropolis. After comment-
ing upon the names, he goes on.

"Mem. All men in London before six o'clock walk with their shoulders up to their ears, and their hands in their pockets. Query-Can they be afraid that if they took theirs out other people would put their hands in? N.B.-All I met were of a class which seemed to have the least cause for fearing such a process. That the noses of all Mem. cobblers who live in stalls in London are red, and turn up at the point. QueryCan this proceed from frequent hammering between the nose and the lapstone? N.B. It is but natural the nose should keep itself out of the way.

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Mem. The quantity of cabbage consumed in London must be immense. In Covent Garden alone I saw coming in enough to supply the whole moon. N.B. They must dress their cabbage in gin, for there was a very strong smell of that fluid amongst all the people collected to buy and sell. Mem. -To try the experiment when I get home.

"Mem. Saw a gentleman leaning against a post at the corner of a street called Russell; was hiccupping violently, and looking as if he did not see very distinctly, nevertheless he was preaching to a mob of boys around him who were picking his pocket. The sermon was tolerable. He must have been a clergyman, because he had on a black coat. N.B.The English clergymen preach in the Query-Do they always open air. preach drunk?""

And now, reader, whatever your complexion of madness-and some form of the malady "The Commissioner" could surely pronounce you afflicted There is much with-read this book.

interest in it; there is much wisdom. There is wit, too, sharp and sparkling; and humour, racy and mellow as old wine. But better than all, amid the heavy censures of vice and wickedness in which its pages teem, amidst all its sarcasm on the callous and unworthy features of a cold and heartless code of society, there is a vein of manly honesty, and sound English feeling, which grows rarer with us every day, and threatens, ere long, to be among the memories of the good things that dwelt with our fathers.



THERE is something in the conflict now at issue between the repealers and their antagonists so singularly and deeply exciting, that we have more than once surprised ourselves absorbed in the interest of the game to a degree which has caused us to forget our personal concern in it. So, we have heard, it fares with unhappy mariners drawn within the influence of some dread whirlpool, in which, if they cannot break the fatal fascination it exerts over them, they will be engulphed and lost. So, we are reminded, perished Pliny, in the contemplation of a phenomenon less appalling than the moral Maelstrom which now seems to expect Great Britain as its prey. All we can

say to excuse our own temporary unconsciousness of danger is, that we have not, like the great naturalist, courted it; and that we have not neglected anything in our poor power to give warning that it was at hand.

And yet, when we consider the character of the conflict upon which it is our allotted part to be inactive gazers, we feel that a partial forgetfulness of self scarcely needs excuse or explanation. We are deeply persuaded, that, in the ample range of history, there is no example of a struggle like this by which Ireland is now agitated, and the British empire threatened with convulsion and ruin—a struggle in which the ends were so vast and the agencies so extraordinary. On the one hand, the dismemberment and destruction of the greatest empire in this world is aimed at, through a process of peaceful agitation for which the free spirit of our constitution provides facilities. On the other hand, it is hoped to baffle these daring aims by affording the freest scope to the devices for their accomplishment; and it is hoped that the integrity of the British empire can be ensured, by affording such latitude of indulgence to its enemies, as shall permit hostility to evaporate and exhaust itself in the throes of a menacing but peaceful agitation.

Such seem to be the aims and expectations of two parties on which the attention of thinking men throughout Europe is fixed; on the issue of

whose contest the fate of Great Britain, humanly speaking, is dependent. If Mr. O'Connell prevail, even for a brief season, England will, in all probability, lose her high place above nations. If the policy of Sir Robert Peel succeed, we are taught to hope, the anti-Anglican spirit in Ireland will be laid, and for ever. How earnestly, in the presence of such an alternative, we take the spirits of the passing moment to task, and question them respecting the future how earnestly do we scrutinize the policy of those who direct the movements in favour of repeal, and of those to whose wisdom and good faith the safety of the empire has been confided; and with what "miser care" do we hoard every incident or circumstance that seems to promise an issue favourable to the best interests of the empire!!

The avowed policy of each of these opposing parties may be briefly stated. Mr. O'Connell declares his purpose and his hope to be, that he will obtain from Great Britain, by peaceful agitation, a repeal of the legislative union. Sir Robert Peel is said to expect, that, by giving the amplest latitude to this peaceful agitation, and merely taking precautions to prevent its freshening into war, it will subside of itself, and with it will die away the hopes which have sustained for so long a lapse of time a spirit of disaffection and disorder. Such is, in its principle, the policy of each of the two parties. In comparing their respective merits, and presaging their prospects of success, perhaps the first distinction which strikes us is one favourable to Mr. O'Connell. It is this: the repealers' policy has had the effect of cementing the closest union between all who approve of its object; the policy of Sir Robert Peel has had the effect of dividing among themselves, or of estranging from their leader, Conservatives devotedly attached to the interests of British connection. This must be regarded as, at the least, an unhappy accident.

There are some, we are aware, who impute the discontent of Irish Conservatives to motives unworthy of

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