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GOOCH (Benjamin). Practical Treatise on Wounds and other chirurgical subjects, with a short historical account of the rise and progress of Surgery and Anatomy.

plates, 2 vols. 8vo. Norwich, 1767 GOOD (R. R.). De la Résection de l'Articulation Coxo-Fémorale pour Carie. 8vo. Paris, 1869 GOODSIR (John). Anatomical Memoirs; edited by William Turner, with a biographical memoir by Henry Lonsdale.

portrait and plates, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1868

Vol. 1. Biographical Memoir-Works: on the Dignity of the Human Body-on Life and Organisation-Address, Present Aspect of Medicine and Progress of Anatomy-Papers on the Amphioxus lanceolatus, Gymnorhynchus, and other subjects in Comparative Anatomy, Morphology of the Muscles, &c.

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2. On the Pulps and Sacs of the Human Teeth, &c.-On the Supra-renal, Thymus and Thyroid Bodies, Nervous System, Limbs, Knee-joint, Retina, Cochlea, Electrical Apparatus in the Torpedo, &c. Sarcina Ventriculi, &c.-Anatomical and Pathological Observations-Erectile Tumours-Mechanism of the Hip-joint.

GORE (Albert A.). Brief remarks as to the causes and nature of African "Lethargus." 8vo. Dublin, 1868 GREENHOW (E. Headlam). On Chronic Bronchitis, especially as connected with Gout, Emphysema, and Diseases of the Heart. 8vo. Lond. 1869

Greenwood (Amos). Case of: Wilde.

GRIESINGER (Wilhelm). Maladies Mentales. Appendice: Baillarger.

GRIFFITHS (W. Handsel). On Hæmodromometers.

8vo. 1865 GRIMSHAW (Thomas Wrigley). Thermometric Observations on Pneumonia. 8vo. Dublin, 1869

GROSS (Ch. F.). Essai sur la Structure Microscopique du Rein. plates, 8vo. Strasbourg, 1868

GSCHEIDLEN (Richard): Bezold (Untersuchungen). GUIBOURT (N. J. B. G.). Histoire Naturelle des Drogues simples, ou Cours d'Histoire Naturelle à l'Ecole de Pharmacie; sixième édition, augmentée par G. Planchon.

woodcuts, 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1869 GUILBERT (Alphonse). De la Phthisie Pulmonaire dans ses rapports avec l'altitude et avec les races, au Pérou et en Bolivie [Du Soroche ou mal des Montagnes].

8vo. Paris, 1862 GUILLIE (Sebastien). Nouvelles Recherches sur la Cataracte et la Goutte Sereine (avec la Bibliographie Oculaire).

8vo. Paris, 1818

Gulstonian Lectures.

1868. Harley, Old Vegetable Neurotics.

GÜNTHER (Rudolf). Die Indische Cholera im Regierungs-bezirke Zwickau im Jahre 1866. map and tables, 4to. Leipzig, 1869 GUY (William A.). Principles of Forensic Medicine; third edition. 12mo. Lond. 1868 HAECKEL (Ernst). Natürliche Schöpfungs-geschichte: Vorträge über die Entwickelungs-lehre im Allgemeinen und diejenige von Darwin, Goethe und Lamarck im Besonderen, über die Ursprung des Menschen. plates, 8vo. Berlin, 1868

HAESER (H.): Pfolfprundt, Bündth-Ertznei.

HAGEN (R.). Praktische Beiträge zur Ohrenheilkunde.

IV. Klotz; Ueber Ohrpolypen.

8vo. Leipzig, 1868-69

V. Die Carbolsäure und ihre Anwendung in der Ohrenheilkunde.
VI. Die Brenner'sche Methode der Galvanischen Acusticusreizung.

HAGENBACH (E.) Anwendung des kalten Wassers bei fieberhaften
Krankheiten: Liebermeister.

HAKE (Thomas Gordon). On Vital Force, its pulmonic origin, and the general laws of its metamorphoses. 12mo. Lond. 1867

HALFORD (Geo. B.). On the Condition of the Blood after Death from Snake-bite, as a probable clue to the further study of zymotic diseases, and of Cholera especially.

8vo. Melbourne, 1867 HALIDAY Charles). Statistical Inquiry into the Sanitary Condition of Kingstown; edited by T. M. Madden; second edition.

8vo. Lond. 1818

8vo. Dublin, 1867 HALL (Marshall). On the Mimoses, an Essay on the affections usually denominated dyspeptic, hypochondriac, bilious, nervous, chlorotic, hysteric, &c. HALLER (Albert). First Lines of Physiology; translated, with the Index from Dr. Cullen's edition and the Notes of Wrisberg. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1786 HALLIER (Ernst). Phytopathologie: die Krankeiten der Culturgewächse für Land und Forstwirthe, Gärtner und Botaniker. plates, 8vo. Leipzig, 1868

HAMY (E. T.). L'os Intermaxillaire de l'homme, à l'état normal et pathologique. plates, 8vo. Paris, 1868 HANNOVER (Adolph). Om Bygningen og Udviklingen af Skjael og Pigge hos Bruskfisk, (Structure et développement des écailles et des épines chez les poissons cartilagineux).

4to. Kiöbenhavn, 1867

HANUSCHKE (Gerhard B. A.). Chirurgisch-operative Erfahrungen einer fünfundzwanzigjährigen wundärztlichen Beschäftigung.

plates, 4to. 1864

HARDWICKE (W.). See Catalogue of JOURNALS (Public Health). HARDY (A.). Leçons sur les Maladies de la Peau (deuxième et troisième éditions, par L. Moysant). 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo.

Paris, 1863-8

Partie 1. Dartres, Eczéma, Lichen, Psoriasis, Pityriasis.

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2. Macules et difformités de la Peau-Maladies cutanées, accidentelles-Maladies parasitaires.

3. La Scrofule, les Scrofulides; La Syphilis, les Syphilides.

et A. de MONTMEJA. Clinique Photographique de l'Hôpital Saint Louis (Maladies de la Peau).

coloured photographs, imperial 8vo. Paris, 1868 HARLEY (John). The Old Vegetable Neurotics, Hemlock, Opium, Belladonna, and Henbane, their physiological action and therapeutical use alone and in combination. (Gulstonian Lectures, 1868.) 8vo. Lond. 1869


1869. Rees.

HARVEY (Alex.) Four Letters on Homœopathy, with an Appendix on Homœopathic Statistics.

8vo. Aberdeen, 1868

HASELDEN (A. F.). Notes on the British Pharmacopoeia.

12mo. Lond. 1864

HAVILAND (Alfred). Abstracts of two papers: the Geographical
Distribution of Heart Disease and Dropsy, and of Cancer, in
England and Wales
8vo. Lond. 1869

HAYEM (G.) Etudes sur les diverses formes d'Encéphalite (anatomie et physiologie pathologiques). plates, 8vo. Paris, 1868 HAYES (Isaac I.). Physical Observations in the Arctic Seas, made on the West Coast of North Greenland, the vicinity of Smith Strait, and the West Side of Kennedy Channel, during 1860 and 1861; reduced by C. A. Schott.

plates, 4to. Washington, 1867

(Smithsonian Contributions, vol. XV. No. 5.) HEBRA (Ferdinand). On Diseases of the Skin, including the Exanthemata; translated and edited by C. Hilton Fagge and P. H. Pye Smith, M.D.

(New Sydenham Society, vol. 37.) vol. 2, 8vo. Lond. 1868 HEIDER (M.) and C. WEDL. Atlas zur Pathologie der Zähne; die Zeichnungen von C. Heitzmann [in German and English]. 4to. Leipzig, 1868HENKE (Ph. Jak. Wilhelm). Handbuch der Anatomie und Mechanik der Gelenke, mit Rücksicht auf Luxationen und Contracturen. plates, 8vo. Leipzig, 1863 HERMANN (L.). Grundriss der Physiologie des Menschen; zweite Auflage.

8vo. Berlin, 1867

8vo. Lond. 1868

HILL (Berkeley). Syphilis and local contagious disorders.

HILL (Matthew Davenport). Opinions of Cremieux, Bonneville de Marsangy, Lord Campbell, and Lord Brougham, on Lord Brougham's Application in 1848 for French Letters of Natu8vo. Bristol, 1869 HIRSCH (M.). Ueber die specifische Ursache der Cholera und ihre erfolgreiche Behandlung mit Schwefelammonium.


8vo. Mainz, 1866 HIS (Wilhelm). Untersuchungen über die erste Anlage des Wirbelthierleibes: Die erste Entwickelung des Hühnchens im Ei. plates, 4to. Leipzig, 1868 HOFFMAN (Carl Ernst Emil). Untersuchungen über die pathologisch-anatomischen Veränderungen der Organe beim Abdominaltyphus. plates, 8vo. Leipzig, 1869 HOFMEISTER (Wilh.). Handbuch der Physiologischen Botanik. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868

Band 1, abth. 2. Allgemeine Morphologie der Gewächse, von
W. Hofmeister.

HOGG (Jabez). The Ophthalmoscope, its mode of application explained, and its value shown in the exploration of Internal Diseases affecting the Eye; second edition.

plate, 8vo. Lond. 1859 HOLDEN (Luther). Manual of the Dissection of the Human Body. 8vo. Lond. 1851

HOLMES (T.). The Surgical Treatment of the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood; second edition. plates, 8vo. Lond. 1869 HOLST (Johannes). Beiträge zur Gynäkologie und Geburtskunde. Heft 1-2. 8vo. Tübingen, 1865-7

HOOPER (Robert). The Morbid Anatomy of the Human Brain, illustrated by coloured engravings of the most frequent and important diseases to which that viscus is subject.

folio, Lond. 1828

HOPPE-SEYLER (Felix). Medicinisch-Chemische Untersuchungen. Heft 3. 8vo. Berlin, 1868

HORTON (James Africanus B.). Guinea Worm, or Dracunculus, its symptoms and progress, causes, pathological anatomy, results and radical cure. 8vo. Lond. 1868 HOWARD (Benjamin). Plain Rules for the Restoration of Persons apparently Dead from Drowning. 8vo. New York, 1869

HUSSEY (E. L.). On the Epidemic Small-pox in Oxford in 1854-5. 12mo. Lond. 1860

HUTCHINSON (Jonathan): Skin Atlas (Catalogue). HUXLEY (Thomas Henry). Introduction to the Classification of woodcuts, 8vo. Lond. 1869


INMAN (Thomas). On Ancient Pillar Stones and Cairns, their antiquity, the extent of country over which their use extended, and their signification. plates, 8vo. Liverpool, 1867 INNES (John). Short description of the Human Muscles; improved by Alexander Monro. 12mo. Lond. 1791 JACCOUD (S.). Leçons de Clinique Médicale, faites à l'Hôpital de la Charité. 8vo. Paris, 1867 JAEGER (Eduard von). Ophthalmoskopischer Hand Atlas. coloured plates, roy. 8vo. Wien, 1869 JAMES (J. H.). On the Results of the Operations for Cicatrices after Burns. 8vo. Lond. 1868 JEANNEL (J.). De la Prostitution dans les Grandes Villes au dixneuvième siècle, et de l'extinction des maladies vénériennes. 12mo. Paris, 1868

JENCKEN (Ferdinand E.) Vaccination impartially Reviewed.

8vo. Lond. 1868

JOHNSON (George). Lecture on Vesicular Emphysema of the Lungs. 8vo. Lond. 1868

JOHNSON (Thomas): Parey's works (translated). JONES (Henry Bence). Croonian Lectures on Matter and Force, given at the Royal College of Physicians in 1868.

12mo. Lond., 1868 JONES (Thomas Wharton). The Caudal Heart of the Eel a Lymphatic Heart: effect of the force of the lymph-stream therefrom on the flow of the blood in the vein into which the heart opens, &c. (from Philos. Trans.). 4to. Lond. 1868

JORDAN (Joseph). Traitement des Pseudarthroses, par l'autoplastie périostique. plates, 4to. Paris, 1860

JULLIEN (J). Etude sur la Nicotine.

JUNG (Benjamin). Verbot der Kuhpoken Impfung.

8vo. Paris, 1868

8vo. Stuttgart, 1864

KERNER (Justinus). Die Seherin von Prevorst: Eröffnungen über das innere Leben des Menschen und über das Hereinragen einer Geisterwelt in die unsere. 2 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1829

Das verschleirte Bild zu Sais, oder die Wunder des Magnetismus, eine Beleuchtung der Kernerschen Seherin von Prevorst. 12mo. Leipzig, 1830 Blätter aus Prevorst: Originalien und Lesefrüchte für Freunde des innern Lebens.

12 parts (wanting parts 5 and 6), 12mo. Karlsruhe, 1831-39 continuation, see JOURNALS (Magicon).

Geschichten Besessener neuerer Zeit, Beobachtungen aus dem Gebiete kakodämonisch-magnetischer Erscheinungen; 8vo. Karlsruhe, 1835

zweite Auflage.

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