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[No. 12.








(Continuations of Transactions, Journals, and other Periodical Publications, are not inserted.)

ABEILLE (J.). Traitement du Croup par les inhalations de vapeurs humides de sulfure de mercure.

8vo. Paris, 1867

ABOU DJAFAR AH'MAD. Traité de Médecine: Dugat.

ACLAND (Henry W.). Address to the British Medical Association, Aug. 1868. 8vo. Oxford, 1868

: Museum (Oxford).

ADDINGTON (John). Practical Observations on the Inoculation of the Cow-pox. 8vo. Birmingham (1801)

ADOLPHE RICHARD: Richard (A.) AEBY (Chr.). Der Bau des menschlichen Körpers, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf seine morphologische und physiologische Bedeutung. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868 ALDIS (C. J. B.). See Catalogue of REPORTS (Sanitary Condition of St. George's, Hanover Square).

ALFONSO X. Libros de Astronomia

Tome 5, p. 1, folio, Madrid, 1867

ALISON (S. Scott). Morbid Conditions of the Throat, in their relation to Pulmonary Consumption. 12mo. Lond. 1869

ANDERSON (M'Call). On the Parasitic Affections of the Skin; second edition.

plates, 8vo. Lond. 1868

On the Pathology of the so-called Eczema Marginatum and of Sycosis.

plate, 8vo. Edinb. 1868

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ATKINSON (E.): Ganot on Physics (translated).

ATTIMONT (Aristide). Considérations sur les résultats de la Paracentèse dans la pleurésie purulente.

AUSPITZ (Heinrich).


8vo. Paris, 1869

See Catalogue of JOURNALS (Archiv für

AUZIAS-TURENNE (Joseph Alexandre). Les Virus au tribunal de l'Académie et dans la presse.

8vo. Paris, 1868

AVERBECK (H.). Die Addison'sche Krankheit, eine Monographie.

8vo. Erlangen, 1869

Bacon (Lord). On the Health, &c., of: Dowson (J.)

BAILLARGER (Jules G. F.). Des Symptômes de la Paralysie générale et des rapports de cette maladie avec la Folie (Append. au "Traité des Maladies mentales de Griesinger").

8vo. Paris, 1869 BAILLIE (Matthew). The Morbid Anatomy of some of the most important parts of the Human Body; the fifth edition.

8vo. Lond. 1818

8vo. Edinb. 1868

BAKER (W. Morrant): Kirkes's Physiology (edited). BALFOUR (George W.). On the Treatment of Aneurism by Iodide of Potassium. BARKOW (H. C. L.). Diè Venen der obern Extremität des Menschen. plates, folio, Breslau, 1868

BARTER (C. S.). See Catalogue of REPORTS (Sanitary Condition-

BARTON (John K.). The Pathology and Treatment of Syphilis,
Chancroid Ulcers and their complications. 8vo. Dublin, 1868
BASTIAN (A.). Das Beständige in den Menschenrassen und die
Spielweite ihrer Veränderlichkeit.
map, 8vo. Berlin, 1868

BASTIAN (H. Charlton). On the 'Muscular Sense' and on the Phy-
siology of Thinking.
8vo. Lond. 1869

BAYLIS (C. O.). See Catalogue of REPORTS (Sanitary ConditionBirkenhead).

BAYNTON (Thomas). Descriptive Account of a new method of treating Old Ulcers of the Legs. 8vo. Bristol, 1797

BEALE (Lionel S.). Kidney Diseases, Urinary Deposits and Calculous Disorders, their nature and treatment; third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1869

BEAMAN (George). Epilepsy and its cure; second edition.

12mo. Lond. 1868

BEAMISH (W.). Practical Observations on the pathology, prevention, and treatment of Asiatic Cholera in the Epidemics of 1849, 1853, and 1866, with Cases. 8vo. Dublin, 1867

BEGBIE (J. Warburton). Sketch of the Early History of Anatomy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1868

: Virchow, Struma Exophthalmica (notes).

BÉHIER (J.). Conférences de Clinique Médicale faites à La Pitié, recueillies par Mengaud et Proust. 8vo. Paris, 1864

Erysipele Rétrécissements de l'Esophage - Pneumonie-Pneumothorax-Maladies des Femmes en couches.

BELL (Benjamin). Treatise on the theory and management of Ulcers, with a Dissertation on White Swellings of the Joints, and on the Chirurgical Treatment of Inflammation and its consequences; third edition. 8vo. Edinb. 1784

System of Surgery; third edition.

plates, 6 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1787-9 Treatise on Gonorrhoea Virulenta and Lues Venerea.

2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1793

BELL (Benjamin), Junr. Treatise on the Diseases of the Bones.

12mo. Edinb. 1828

BERGEON (L.). Théorie des Bruits Physiologiques de la Respiration.

BERKENHOUT (John). Symptomatology.

8vo. Paris, 1869

8vo. Lond. 1784

First Lines of the Theory and Practice of Philosophical Chemistry. 8vo. Lond. 1788

Clavis anglica Lingua Botanicæ, or a Botanical Lexicon; second edition, with a Calendarium Botanicum.

8vo. Lond. 1789

BERLIN (Guilielmus). * De Circulatione in Cavo Cranii.

8vo. Amstel. 1850

BERTIN (Eugène). Étude clinique de l'emploi et des effets du Bain d'Air Comprimé dans le traitement des maladies de Poitrine, selon les procédés d'Emile Tabarié; deuxième édition.

plate, 8vo. Paris, 1868 BEVERIDGE (R.). On the Statistics of the recent Epidemic of Typhus in Aberdeen, showing its probable cause and cost.

8vo. Lond. 1868

BEZARD (Léon). Recherches sur l'Emphysème Traumatique consécutif aux Fractures de Côtes. 8vo. Paris, 1868 BEZOLD (-). Untersuchungen aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium in Würzburg, herausgegeben von Richard Gscheidlen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868

Heft 3. Morphium, Speichelverdauung, Wirkung des Calabar auf die Herznerven, Ruckenmarkswurzeln, Blutmenge, Peripherische Endigungen des Vagus im Herzen.

BICHAT (Xavier). Physiological Researches on Life and Death; translated by F. Gold [with Life of Bichat by Buisson].

Svo. Lond.

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