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ARTS.-Society for the Encouragement of
Arts, Manufactures......See SOCIETIES.

ARUNDALE (F.).—The edifices of A. Pal-
ladio, forming a selection from his most admired
buildings, from drawings and measurements taken
at Vicenza......By F. A. (The life of A. Palladio,
translated from the Italian of Milizia.) Fol. Lon-
don (1832).
ARUNDALE (F.).—Illustrations of Jeru-
salem and Mount Sinai, including the most interest-
ing sites between Grand Cairo and Beirout; from
drawings by F. A. With a descriptive account of
his tour and residence in those remarkable countries.
4to. London, 1837.
ARUNDALE (F.).-Examples and Designs
of Verandahs......24 plates. 4to. London, 1851.


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ARZE (LUIGI). — Indicazione storico-artistica delle cose spettanti alla Villa Legatizia di San Michele in Bosco, già monastero de' RR. PP. Olivetani. Monumento fra i più celebri suburbani di Bologna. (By L. A.) 8vo. Bologna, 1850. S.K. ASBECK (F. W. VON).—Verzeichniss der

.... dem Herrn F. W. von A. gehörigen Handzeichnungen und Kupferstiche. See CATALOGUES. ASBURG (EMANUEL).-A Catalogue of his Collection of Coins and Medals CATALOGUES.

1780. See

ASCANII (PELLEGRINO).-Raccolta di Medaglie antiche Imperiali. 2 parts. Plates. 12mo. Modena, 1677. Cicogn. sopra


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ASHIK (ANTON).-De la découverte de deux

statues antiques à Kertch. 8vo. Odessa, 1851. B.M. ASHLEY (ALFRED).-The Art of Etching on copper. 14 plates, and frontispiece. Oblong 4to. London (1849). S.K.

ASHLEY (JOHN).-The Art of painting on and annealing in glass; with the true receipts of the colours, the ordering of the furnace, and the secrets thereunto belonging, as practised about the year 1500. 4to. London, 1801. B.M. ASHMOLE (ELIAS).

The Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the most noble Order of the Garter. (With an appendix.) 30 plates, mostly engraved by Hollar, and a portrait of King Charles II., by William Sherwin. Fol. London, 1672. B.M. There are copies with a reprinted title of the date of 1693.

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actions of the Society instituted in Bengal, for
inquiring into the History and Antiquities, the
Arts, Sciences and Literature of Asia. Plates......
1788-1839. See SOCIETIES.

ASIATIC SOCIETY.-The Journal of the
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Plates......1834, &c. See SOCIETIES.

le Statue de Laocoonte, di Venere, e d'Apollo, &c. ASMUS (HEINRICH). Neue Ornamente. 8vo. Roma, 1539.


Muster-Blätter für Architekten, Fabrikanten, Bau


handwerker und Künstler. Vorlege-Blätter für ASSMANN (G.).—Grundrisse für städtische Kunst-, Bau- und Gewerbe-Schulen. 46 chromoWohngebäude. Mit Rücksicht auf die für Berlin lithogr. plates. Oblong fol. Berlin, 1844. S.K. geltende Bauordnung. 10 lithogr. plates. ASPEDEN CHURCH.-A Survey of the Berlin, 1862. present state of Aspeden Church, Herts, June 1793. 13 pp., and 4 plates. 4to. London, 1796.




ASSALL (FRIEDRICH WILHELM). — Nachrichten über die früheren Einwohner von NordAmerika und ihre Denkmäler ...... Herausgegeben mit einem Vorberichte von F. J. Mone lithogr. plates. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1827. ASSAS (MANUEL DE).-Album artistico de Toledo. 50 plates. Fol. Madrid, 1848. ASSAS (M. DE).-La Catedral de Toledo. In Puerta Vizcaino (J. de la) and Becquer (G. A.), Historia de los Templos de España. Vol. I. 1857.


B.M. ASSELIJN (THOMAS). - Broederschap der Schilderkunst, ingewydt door Schilders, beeldthouwers en des zelfs begunstigers; op den 21 van Wynmaent 1654, op St. Joris Doelen, in Amsterdam. (In verse.) 8vo. Aemsteldam, 1654. ASSELIN (ALFRED FELIX) and DEHAISNES (Abbé).- Recherches sur l'Art à Douai aux XIVe, XVe et XVIe siècles, et sur la vie et l'œuvre de Jean Bellegambe, auteur du Retable d'Anchin. 22 pp. 8vo. Paris.

ASSELINEAU.-Armes et Armures, Meubles et autres objets du moyen-âge et de la renaissance, dessinées d'après nature et lithographiées par A. 2 vols. 146 lithogr. plates. Fol. Paris, S.K.


ASSELINEAU.-Meubles religieux et civils ......1863. See RAMÉE (Daniel). ASSELINEAU.

Sculptures décoratives

.....1863. See RAMÉE (D.). ASSELINEAU (CHARLES).-André Boulle, Ébéniste de Louis XIV. 12mo. Alençon, 1854. B.M. 2nd edition. 12mo. Paris, 1855. ASSELINEAU (CH.).-Notice sur Lazare Bruandet, peintre de l'école française (1753-1803). 8vo. P ris, 1855. ASSIER (ALEXANDRE).-Comptes de la fabrique de l'église Sainte-Madeleine de Troyes, suivis de la construction du Jubé et de plusieurs pièces curieuses conservées aux archives de l'Aube. 8vo. Troyes, 1854.


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ASTLE (THOMAS).-An Account of the Seals of the Kings, Royal Boroughs, and Magnates of Scotland. 44 pp., and 5 plates. Imper. fol. 1792.

This forms a portion of the 3rd volume of the "Vetusta Monumenta." Several copies were printed as a separate publication.

ASTLE (TH.).-The Origin and Progress of Writing, as well hieroglyphic as elementary, illustrated by engravings taken from marbles, manuscripts, and charters, ancient and modern; also some account of the origin and progress of Printing. 2nd edition, with additions. Fol. LonS.K. don, 1803. ASTRUC (ZACHARIE).-Les Quatorze Stations du Salon, 1859. Suivies d'un récit douloureux. (With a preface by George Sand.) 12mo. Paris, 1859. B.M. Le Salon intime ; exposition au Boulevard des Italiens. Avec une préface extraordinaire, et une eau-forte de Carolus Duran. 12mo. Paris, 1860. B.M.

ASTRUC (Z.).— Beaux-Arts.

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ATKINSON (JAMES).-A Letter to a Royal Academician containing a review of the Fine Arts in Greece. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1800. ATKINSON (JOHN AUGUSTUS).—A pictur esque Representation of the Naval, Military and Miscellaneous Costumes of Great Britain......with a descriptive essay on the subject of each plate, in English and French. Vol. I. 50 coloured plates. Fol. London, 1807.


ATKINSON (J. A.) and WALKER (JAMES). A picturesque Representation of the Manners, Customs and Amusements of the Russians, in 100 coloured plates; with an accurate explanation of each plate, in English and French. 3 vols. 3 por

and Queries


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Painting as a suitable mode of Mural Decoration.
By J. B. A. Article from the "Journal of the So-
ciety of Arts," February 1864.
ATKINSON (J. B.).—Historic Portraits.
By J. B. A. Article from "Blackwood's Magazine,"
No. 613, November 1866.

ATKINSON (J. B.).-Art in the Paris Exhibition. By J. B. A. Article from the "Contemporary Review," vol. vi., No. 22, October 1867. S.K.


ATKINSON (THOMAS). -A Conference Letween a Painter and an Engraver: containing useful hints and necessary instructions proper for the young Artist. 12mo. London, 1736. B.M. ATKINSON (T. W.).—Gothic Ornaments, selected from the different Cathedrals and Churches in England. Fol. London, 1829. ATKINSON (THOMAS WITLAM).—Oriental and Western Siberia; a narrative of seven years explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia. Numerous illustrations, partly coloured, and a map. 8vo. London, 1858. B.M. ATKINSON (TH. W.). Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor and the Russian acquisitions on the confines of India and China. Numerous illustrations, and a map. 8vo. London, 1860. B.M.

ATKINSON (Mrs. THOMAS WITLAM).-Recollections of Tartar Steppes and their inhabitants. With illustrations. 8vo. London, 1863. B.M. ATKINSON (WILLIAM).-Views of picturesque Cottages, with plans, selected from a collection of drawings taken in different parts of England, &c. 4to. London, 1805. B.M. ATKYNS (RICHARD).-The Original and Growth of Printing, collected out of History and the Records of this Kingdome: wherein is also demonstrated that Printing appertaineth to the Prerogative Royal; and is a Flower of the Crown of England. Frontispiece. 4to. London, 1664. B.M. ATKYNS (Sir ROBERT).-The ancient and present state of Glostershire. 74 plates, including the Author's portrait. Fol. London, 1712. B.M. 2nd edition. 73 plates. Fol. London, 1768. B.M. ATTARDI (BONAVENTURA).-Storia dell' integra città di S. Filippo d'Aggira; col rapporto d'inediti monumenti e delle sue antiche medaglie. 4to. Palermo, 1742.


ATTI (GAETANO).-Intorno alla Vita e alle Opere di Gianfrancesco Barbieri, detto Il Guercino. .....1861. See GUERCINO.

ATTIRET (JEAN DENIS). A particular account of the Emperor of China's Gardens near Pekin in a letter from F. A., a French missionary his friend at Paris. Translated from the French by Sir H. Beaumont (pseud., i. e. J. Spence). 8vo. London, 1752. B.M.

ATTRIBUTE, die, der Heiligen, alphabetisch geordnet. Ein Schlüssel zur Erkennung der Heiligen nach deren Attributen, in Rücksicht auf Kunst, Geschichte und Cultus. Nebst einem Anhange über die Kleidung der katholischen Weltund Ordensgeistlichen und einem Namenregister der vorkommenden Heiligen. 8vo. Hannover,


ATWOOD (GEORGE).-A Dissertation on the construction and properties of Arches. 4to. London, 1801.

Part II. A supplement to a tract entitled: A treatise on the construction and properties of Arches. 4to. London, 1804. B.M.

AUBER (CHARLES AUGUSTE, Abbé).-Biographie de Girouard, sculpteur poitevin. 8vo. Poitiers, 1841.

AUBER (CH. A., Abbé).-Notice sur un poignard du XVIe siècle et sur la famille de Blacwood. 1 plate. 8vo. Poitiers, 1843.

AUBER (CH. A., Abbé).-Table générale analytique et raisonnée du Bulletin monumental. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1846-51.

AUBER (CH. A., Abbé).-Histoire de la Cathédrale de Poitiers, contenant la description de toutes les parties de l'édifice, les diverses périodes de sa construction, la théorie de ses vitraux peints, le symbolisme de ses sculptures, et des considérations générales sur l'Art au moyen-âge; avec les faits historiques qui s'y rattachent depuis son origine, au IIIe siècle, jusqu'à nos jours. 30 lithogr. plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Poitiers et Paris,

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AUBER (CH. A., Abbé).-Instruction de la Commission archéologique diocésaine, établie à Poitiers, sur la construction, les restaurations, l'entretien et la décoration des églises. 8vo. Poitiers, 1851. B. Arch.

AUBER (CH. A., Abbé).-Considérations générales sur l'histoire du Symbolisme chrétien, ses causes, ses développements et sa décadence. 8vo. Paris, 1857.

Extract from the "Bulletin monumental."

AUBER (CH. A., Abbé).-Notice sur un reliquaire de l'époque romaine. Plates. 8vo. Poitiers, 1845.

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AUBRÉE (CHARLES).—Traité pratique de Photographie sur papier, sur verre et sur plaques métalliques. 8vo. Paris, 1851.

AUBREE (CH.) and DUBREUIL (ALFRED). Opuscule photographique sur le Collodion, son application sur les plaques de verre; instantanéité obtenue par un nouveau procédé. 8vo. Paris, 1852. B.M.

AUBREY (C. E.).-Engravings from Designs by C. È. A. See LOCKHART (J. G.). AUBREY (JOHN).-The Natural History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey. 5 vols. 10 plates, a map, and portrait of the author. 8vo. London, 1718-19. B.M. AUBREY (J.).-Wiltshire. The Topographical Collections of John Aubrey, F.R.S., A.D. 1659-70, with illustrations. Corrected and enlarged by John Edward Jackson. Published by the Wiltshire Archæological and Natural History Society. Plates. 4to. Devizes, 1862. S.K. AUBRY (FELIX).-Rapport sur les Dentelles, les blondes, les tulles et les broderies, fait à la Commission Française du Jury International de l'Exposition Universelle de Londres, par M. F. A. 8vo. Paris, 1854. AUDEBERT (JEAN-BAPTISTE).- Histoire naturelle des Singes et des Makis. 61 coloured and 2 uncoloured plates, drawn and engraved by A. Royal folio. Paris, An VIII (1800). B.M. AUDEBERT (J.-B.) and VIEILLOT (L. P.). Histoire naturelle et générale des colibris, oiseaux-mouches, jacamars et promerops (des grimpereaux et des oiseaux de paradis). 2 vols. 189 coloured plates. Royal fol. Paris, An XI=1802. B.M. The half-title is "Oiseaux dorés, ou à reflets métalliques." AUDIAT (LOUIS).-Bernard Palissy. Etude sur sa vie et ses travaux. 8vo. Paris, 1868. S.K.


AUDIERNE (Abbé).-Le Périgord illustré. Guide monumental, statistique, pittoresque et historique de la Dordogne. Illustrations in the text. Svo. Périgueux, 1851. B.M. AUDIERNE (Abbé).-De l' Origine et de l'enfance des arts en Périgord, ou de l'âge de la pierre dans cette province avant la découverte des métaux. 53 pp. and 6 lithogr. plates. Royal 8vo. Périgueux, 1863. S.K

AUDIGANNE (A.).-Paris dans sa splerdeur, monuments, vues, scènes historiques. Dessins et lithographies par MM. P. Benoist, J. Arnoit, Bachelier......Vignettes de F. Benoist et Catenacci ......Texte par MM. A., P. Bailly, E. Carissan, &c. 3 vols. Fol. Paris, 1861. BM.

AUDRAN (BENOIST).—Catalogue des planches gravées, tableaux, autres objets de curiosité de feu M. B. A., graveur......1772. See CATALOGUES, Sale.

AUDRAN (GÉRARD).-Les Proportions du Corps humain, mesurées sur les plus belles Figures de l'Antiquité. 30 plates. Fol. Paris (chez G. Audran, graveur), 1683.

Reprinted. Fol. Paris, 1855.


German edition.-Des menschlichen Leibes Proportionen, von denen vortrefflichsten und allerschönsten Antiken genommen, und mit Fleiss abgemessen, durch Mr. Audran, Professeur der Königl. MalerAcademie zu Paris. Anitzo, den Kunstliebenden zum Besten, ins Teutsche übersetzet. 26 plates, engraved by Johann Jacob von Sandrart. Fol. Nürnberg (1686?). B.M.

AUDRAN (G.).—Catalogue des estampes qui se vendent chez G. A., graveur ordinaire du Roi, à Paris. See CATALOGUES, Sale. AUDRAN (G.).-Catalogue des estampes qui se vendent chez la veuve de M. feu G. A., &c. See CATALOGUES, Sale. AUDRAN (G.).-Catalogue des estampes provenant des fonds de planches des sieurs G. A. et François Chereau, graveurs ordinaires du roy ......1742. See CATALOGUES.

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and Queries



ches gravées, dessins, estampes et tableaux, après le décès de M. A.......1771. See CATALOGUES, Sale. AUDSLEY (W.) and (G.).-Guide to the Art of Illuminating and Missal Painting. With 8 pp. of lithogr. illustrations. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1861. S.K. AUDSLEY (W.) and (G.).—Taste versus

Das Elsass. Neue historisch-topographische Beschreibung der beiden Rhein-Departemente. vols. Plates, and maps. 8vo. Strassburg, 1825-26. French translation.-L'Alsace. Nouvelle description historique et topographique des deux Départements du Rhin. 2 vols. Plates, and maps. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1826. B.M.

fashionable colours, a manual for Ladies, on colour AUGOYAT (ANTOINE MARIE, Colonel).


in dress. 8vo. London (1863). AUDSLEY (W.) and (G.).—Handbook of Christian Symbolism. 7 chromo-lithogr. plates, and woodcut illustrations. Small 4to. London (1865). S.K. AUDSLEY (W.) and (G.).—The Sermon on the Mount, illuminated by W. and G. A., illustrated by Charles Rolt, chromo-lithographed by W. R. Tymms. 27 chromo-lithographs. Fol. London, n. d. S.K.

AUDUBON (JOHN JAMES).-The Birds of America, from original drawings by J. J. A. 4 vols. 435 coloured plates. Atlas fol. London, 1827-30. B.M. Another edition.-The Birds of America, from drawings made in the United States and their territories. (With descriptive letter-press.) 7 vols. 500 coloured plates. Royal 8vo. New York, 1840-44. B.M. Also, 7 vols. Royal 8vo. New York, 1856. AUDUBON (J. J.) and BACHMANN (Rev. John). The Quadrupeds of North America. 3 vols. 150 coloured plates. Atlas fol. Boston, 1843, &c. Another edition. 3 vols. 155 coloured plates. Royal 8vo. New York, 1854. B.M. AUER (ALOIS).-Der polygraphische Ap


parat, oder die verschiedenen Kunstfächer der k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei zu Wien. 8vo., and Atlas of 25 plates, 4to. Wien, 1853. S.K. AUER (A.). The discovery of the Natural Printing-process, &c. 8vo., and Atlas of 12 plates, 4to. Vienna, 1853. AUERSWALD (FABIAN VON).-Ringerkunst: fünff und achtzig stücke...... Durch F. von A. zugericht. Woodcuts by Lucas Cranach......

1539. See CRANACH.



FICHOT (CHARLES).- Album pittoresque et monumental du département de l'Aube, dessiné d'après nature et lithographié......par Ch. F.; accompagné de notices historiques, archéologiques et descriptives par A. A. 60 tinted lithographs. Fol. Troyes, 1852. S.K. AUFAUVRE (A.) and FICHOT (CH.).— Les Monuments de Seine-et-Marne. Description historique et archéologique, et reproduction des édifices religieux, militaires et civils du département. 108 lithogr. plates. Fol. Troyes et Paris, (1854-)1858.

Notice sur les Chastillon, sur Claude Chastillon, topographe du roi, et sur l'œuvre de cet artiste; par le Colonel A. 8vo. Paris, 1856.

Extract from the "Spectateur militaire." AUGSBURG.-Curia Augustanæ reipublicæ, das ist: Aussführliche Beschreib- und Ausslegung aller Kunstreichen Gemähl, Stuck und Taflen, welche in dem anno 1620 Neuerbauten RathHauss der Stadt Augspurg zu sehen. Auss beweerthen Authorn zusammengetragen. 4th edition. 4to. Augspurg, 1683. B.M. AUGSBURG.-Geschlechter Buch......der löblichen Kayserlichen Reichs Statt Augspurg; sampt eines jeden Geschlechts Wapen Zeichen, Schilt und Helm, &c. Fol. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1661. B.M.

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Catalogue d'une collection d'objets d'art et de curiosités composant le cabinet de feu M.A.......1850. See CATALOGUES, Sale.

AUGUSTI (JOHANN CHRISTIAN WILHELM).— Beiträge zur christlichen Kunstgeschichte und Liturgik. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1844-46.


The 2nd is a posthumous vol., edited and accompanied with a preface by Carl Immanuel Nitzsch. AUGUSTIN (JEAN-BAPTISTE JACQUES). Catalogue de tableaux anciens et modernes...... de miniatures et émaux peints, par M. A.; le tout provenant de son cabinet......1839. See CATALOGUES, Sale.

AUGUSTINUS (ANTONIUS, Archbishop of Tarragona).-See AGUSTIN.

AUGUSTINUS (LEONARDUS).-Gemmæ et sculpturæ antiquæ. See AGOSTINI.

AUNGIER (GEORGE JAMES).-The History and Antiquities of Syon Monastery; the Parish of Isleworth; and the Chapelry of Hounslow. 17 plates. 8vo. London, 1840.


AURÈS (AUGUSTE).-Etude des dimensions de la Maison carrée de Nîmes, au triple point de vue de l'archéologie, de l'architecture et de la métrologie. 1re partie: Dimensions du plan. 44 pp., and 2 plates. 4to. Nîmes, 1844.

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