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come of the endowment fund to that purpose, and that any balance not so provided be paid by an annual assessment of the Dio


That the receipts from Royalties of the Book of Common Praise during the next three years be paid to the Finance Treasurer of the M.S.Č.C. for augmentation of the General Reserve Fund of the Society.


(a) To the Provincial Synod of Ontario.

The letter from the Equal Franchise Club of Brantford, (See page. ).

(b) To all the Provincial Synods:

(1) "It is a recommendation that steps be taken by the Provincial Synod of Ontario, or its Executive Council, to appoint representatives in an advisory capacity on the Ontario Religious Education Council, and that the Provincial Synods of Canada, Rupert's Land and British Columbia, or Diocesan Synods, where the Diocese is coterminus with a province, take similar action if they have not already done so, provided that the constitution of the Provincial Branches of the Religious Education Council is made to harmonize with that of the Canadian Council.

(2) The Provincial Synod of Ontario has through the Archbishop of Algoma sent a Questionaire to all the Parochial Clergy of Ontario on the subject of the enforcement of the Ontario Public School regulations on Religious and Moral instruction in the Public Schools of Ontario. The General Synod recommends the issue of a similar Questionaire in all the Provinces, and a definite and well-planned campaign based thereon.

J. To Diocesan Synods:

(a) Re Statistics.

(1) Resolved: That in view of the importance of gathering accurate statistics it is requested that a committee on "Statistics and State of the Church" be appointed in each Diocese, such Committee to report Diocesan conditions to the Chairman of the Committee of this General Synod on "Statistics and the State of the Church."

(b) Re Religious Instruction:

2. (a) The great practical question in Ontario at present is to get clergy and laity, throughout the Province, working locally without delay. The General Synod recommends, therefore, that the Bishops of the Province be requested to take the matter up with clergy and laity in their Parochial visitations to the end that local Committees, representative of the Church in each School area, be formed as quickly as possible. As a first step the Synod thinks it would be well if the Bishop of each Diocese would lay the duty of making the initial enquiry as to the extent of the enforcement of the regulations in the area, upon a competent person, clerical or lay, and that such person should be appointed by him the Convener of a 'ocal committee of Churchmen so as to ensure the convening of a representative meeting which cou'd appoint a committee to take charge of and see to the carrying out of the work a'ong the 'ines mentioned above.

(b) That in each Diocese in the Province of Ontario provision be made by the Synod of the Diocese to carry out the policy of the Provincial Synod of Ontario, and in particular assist the Bishop to carry out the school area campaigns aready mentioned. The Synod thinks this course might we!! be followed in the other provinces.

(c) The Synod further recommends to the Provinces, with the exception of Quebec, the serious consideration of the complete Policy adopted by the Provincial Synod of Ontario believing that it is the best one formulated so far that it is capable of application generally.



In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

We, the Bishops, together with the Delegates from the Clergy and Laity of the Church of England in the Dominion of Canada, now assembled in the first General Synod, hereby make the following Solemn Declaration:

We declare this Church to be, and desire that it shall con

tinue, in full communion with the Church of England throughout the world, as an integral portion of the one Body of Christ composed of Churches which, united under the One Divine Head and in the fellowship of the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, hold the one Faith revealed in Holy Writ, and defined in the Creeds as maintained by the undivided primitive Church in the undisputed Ecumenical Councils; receive the same Canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as containing all things necessary to salvation; teach the same Word of God; partake of the same Divinely ordained Sacraments, through the ministry of the same Apostolic Orders, and worship one God and Father through the same Lord Jesus Christ, by the same Holy and Divine Spirit Who is given to them that believe to guide them into all truth.

And we are determined by the help of God to hold and maintain the Doctrine, Sacraments, and Discipline of Christ as the Lord hath commanded in His Holy Word, and as the Church of England hath received and set forth the same in "The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Use of the Church of England; together with the Psalter or Psalms of David pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches; and the Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons;" and in the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion; and to transmit the same unimpaired to our posterity.


We declare that the General Synąd when formed does not intend to, and shall not, take away from or interfere with any rights, powers, or jurisdiction of any Diocesan Synod within its own territorial limits as now held or exercised by such Diocesan Synod.

We declare that the constitution of a General Synod involves no change in the existing system of Provincial Synods, but the retention or abolition of the Provincial Synods is left to be dealt with according to the requirements of the various Provinces as to such Provinces and the Dioceses therein may seem proper.


I. (a) The General Synod shall consist of the Bishops of the Church of England in the Dominion of Canada and of Dele

gates chosen from the Clergy and the Laity.

(b) The Delegates shall be chosen by the several Diocesan Synods according to such rules as they may adopt, or, in a Diocese which has no Synodical organization, may be appointed by the Bishop, such Delegates to be in all cases resident in the Diocese from which they are elected or appointed; provided that, until circumstances permit of its being otherwise ordered by the General Synod, the Bishops of the Dioceses of Moosonee, Yukon, Mackenzie River, Athabasca and Caledonia, and such other Dioceses as may be formed out of them, be permitted to elect or appoint non-resident Delegates to the General Synod, provided only that the said Delegates be resident within the bounds of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert's Land, or the Civil Province of British Columbia respectively. Provided further that until 1896 these Dioceses may elect their Delegates from any Diocese whatever. Provided also that the Chancellor of a Diocese shall be eligible for election as a representative of the Diocese of which he is Chancellor, wherever he may be resident.*

For every

(c) The representation shall be as follows: Diocese one Delegate of each order; for Dioceses having fifteen licensed clergy and fewer than twenty-five, two of each order; for Dioceses having twenty-five and fewer than fifty, four of each order; for Dioceses having fifty and fewer than one hundred, six of each order; for Dioceses having one hundred and fewer than one hundred and fifty, eight of each order; for Dioceses having one hundred and fifty and fewer than two hundred, nine of each order; for Dioceses having two hundred and fewer than two hundred and fifty, ten of each order; for Dioceses having two hundred and fifty and upwards, eleven of each order†

2. (a) The Synod shall consist of two Houses; the Bishops constituting the Upper, and the Clergy and Laity together the Lower House. The two houses shall sit separately except by the consent of both Houses.

(b) The Clergy and Laity shall vote by Orders if required: and if the proposition be carried in the negative it shall be conclusive; but if in the affirmative any six Delegates (two from each of three different Dioceses) may then demand a vote by Dioceses, when, if the proposition be carried in the negative, it shall be conclusive, the vote of each Diocese being determined by the majority of the delegates of that Diocese. And in case of

*Amended at Ninth Session, (See Journal, page 159) †Amended at Ninth Session. (See Journal, page 178)

equality in the votes of the Delegates from any Diocese, such Diocese shall not be counted.

(c) When both Houses sit together, each House shall vote separately.

3. (a) There shall be a Primate who shall be elected by the House of Bishops from among the Metropolitans or Bishops of Dioceses not in any Ecclesiastical Province. He shall be styled the Primate of all Canada, and Archbishop of the See over which he presides He shall be President of the General Synod.*

(b) The Primate shall hold office for life, or so long as he is Bishop of any Diocese of the General Synod; nevertheless he may, resign at any time by written notice to the Senior Metropolitan who shall forthwith assemble the Bishops of the Upper House to consider and act on such notice, which shall only become effective upon acceptance by a majority of the Bishops of the Upper House, who shall forthwith proceed to the election of a successor.†

4. The General Synod shall have the power to deal with all matters affecting in any way the general interests and well-being of the Church within its jurisdiction. Provided that no Canons or resolutions of a coercive character, or involving penalties or disabilities, shall be operative in any Ecclesiastical Province, or in any Diocese not included in any Ecclesiastical Province until accepted by the Synod of such Province or Diocese, and that the jurisdiction of the General Synod shall not withdraw from a Provincial Synod the right of passing upon any subject falling within. its jurisdiction at the time of the formation of the General Synod. 5. The following, or such like objects are declared to be within the jurisdiction of the General Synod:


Matters of doctrine, worship and discipline.

(b) All agencies employed in the carrying on of the general work of the Church.

(c) The general missionary and educational work of the Church.

(d) The adjustment, with the consent of the Dioceses, or of the Province (in the case of the Province of Rupert's Land), of the relations between Dioceses in respect of Clergy, Widows' and Orphans' and Superannuation Funds.

(e) Regulations affecting the transfer of Clergy from one Diocese to another.

*Amended at Second Session, 1896, (Journal page 57).
†Amended at Ninth Session. (See Journal page 173)

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