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many Languages every thing that perhaps has been written on that Country. Mr. Cambridge's known Benevolence, and his Difpofition to encourage every useful Undertaking, has made him willing to throw open this Magazine of Curiofity to whoever is inclined to compile a Hiftory, or elucidate the Tranfactions of an Empire, almoft unknown even to it's Contemporaries.

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HE Country of Ruffia has for-
merly been fo little frequented by Empire.
Foreigners, and their Share in the

Affairs of Europe so inconfiderable, that to form any juft Notion thereof it may be of Use in the present Juncture, to give fome general Account of the Czar's Dominions, Revenues, and Forces, which may ferve as a Ground-work, to judge more properly of whatever may happen in the Course of this War.


The Empire of Muscovy is at prefent of a vaft Extent, bounded on the North by the Ice-fea, and the unknown Tracts near the Pole, on the Eaft and South-Eaft by China, Great Tartary, the Ufbecque Tartars, and Perfia; on the South by Part of Turkey, Poland, and Lithuania, and on the


Weft by the Baltick-fea, Sweden and Lapland: A Territory almoft equal in Compass of Ground Nature. to the rest of Europe, but very fhort of feveral Kingdoms, in the Riches of the Country, and Number of the People: Moft like the American Plantations on the Continent, the Banks of the feveral Rivers being tolerably inhabited, and Land enough tilled for the Neceffity of Life and the Conveniency of their Trade, as is very obvious from the Frontiers of Lithuania to Mofco; for the Ground is only cleared in Proportion to the Largenefs of the Towns or Villages on the Road, and the reft Wood on all Sides. In the Southern Parts are very large unfrequented Plains of several hundred Miles, extremely fruitful in Grafs, and all Sorts of sweet Herbs and Flowers, but wanting in Wood and good Water, and expofed to the fudden Inroads of the Tartars, against which no Peace or Treaty is any Security.


The Soil is different in Nature and Goodness according to the Climate: That about Mofco Climate, is fandy and not very fruitful, but sufficiently fupplied by the Convenience of the Rivers in Summer, and Cheapnefs of fled Carriage in the Winter, which generally lafts there about fix Months.

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The Inhabitants are chiefly those called Moscovites, the reft fwell the Bulk, but add little to the Strength of the Country; the Laplanders and Samoiedes being too heavy and difpirited;



the feveral Nations of Tartars too wild, and the Coffacks too full of Freedom, and Privilege to be of any great Advantage.



The Laplanders and Samojedes are difperfed all along the large Woods on the White and Ice Sea; their Stature is low, their Fi gure very difagreeable, their Apprehen- Samoiedes. fion and Understanding scarce above that of Brutes, and their Religion, if any at all, little understood by those who frequent them. Their Food is generally raw Fish, or whatever they kill or find dead, without Distinction; they are of Ufe to the Muscovites in their & Seal- fifhery about Nova Zembla; and pay the Czar a fmall Tribute of Furs..

The Kingdoms of Siberia and Daury were first entered by some Ruffian Malefactors who Tartars of fled from Justice in the Time of John Ba- Siberia and filowitz, but on this Discovery received. Daury. their Pardons, and being feconded by fome Soldiers made feveral Settlements on the nearest Rivers; which by Degrees bave been extended to the Frontiers of China, the laft Fortress of the Czar's Dominions called Nerczinfk, being built on the River Amur which falls into the South Sea; the original Inhahitants of these wide Countries were feveral Sorts of Tartars, who living in little Hordes or Companies under diftinét Governments, like the Indian Nations in America, were easily subdued; near the Ruffian Plantations, they have learned to dwell in Houses, to till the Ground, and pay the Czar an Annual Tribute

Tribute of Furs, as Sables, Foxes and Ermines : The other Tartars, who continue to range about with their Tents, do not acknowledge the Czar's Sovereignty, and are often troublesome in little Parties, though not capable of making any great Impreffion.

of Cafan

and Afiracan.

Cafan and Aftracan were Tartarian Kingdoms, who once made the Muscovites tributary, and several Times brought that Government to the brink of Ruin; but were entirely fubdued by John Bafilowitz, the first in 1552, and the other in 1554: After which he built several Towns on the Wolga, ftrengthened them with good Garrifons, and fent Colonies of his own People to Cafan and Aftracan, who to this Day do not fuffer any Tartarians to fettle within the Walls.


and Morduars.

The Czeremees and Morduars poffefs a large Tract of Land between Nifen-Novograd and Cafan, on both Sides of the River Wolgd; they live in Houses, follow Husbandry, and pay the Czar Taxes and Services as his other Subjects, but never furnish Recruits to the War.

The Bafkirs are a powerful Nation, extended from Cafan to the Frontiers of Siberia; they Bafkirs. have fome Villages, but maintain, their old Freedom, and rebelled in 1707, when the Czar's Officers would have loaded them with new Impofitions, and forced feveral of them to be batpized: They were appeased by the Shew of Force, and Redrefs of their Grievances.


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