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Nine Companies more, suptas (> 14,778.

Total of a Dragoon Regiment, 18006.

The Colonels, Lieut. Colonels, and Majors, have all Companies, and full Allowance as Captains.


The Portions are to every common Soldier * Ton of Corn, the Eighth Part of a Ton of Pease or Oatmeal, and ten Pounds of Bacon, per Month:

To the Dragoons eighteen Pounds English of Hay per diem, and two Ton of Oats per Month. All under Officers, from Quarter-mafters to Drummers inclufively, have double Portions; the Hautboys, where any are, receive their extra Pay from the Colonels.

The Foreign Generals are on different Footings according to their Capitulations. General Officers.

Felt Marshal Lieutenant, 10,000 Dollars, per


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A Foreign Lieutenant General, General, commonly 3256 Rubles, per Annum.

*So in the Original; but probably a Russian Ton differs very much from ours.


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All general Officers have Regiments and Companies, with Allowance of Pay and Profits.

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REGIMENTs which are not compleatly Officered, cloatbed and paid on the Foreign Footing:

Four Regiments in Garrison at Smolensko,
One Reginent in Archangel,

One Regiment in Veronitz,

Four Regiments in Afoph and Taganrok,
Five Regiments in Astracan

In Cafan, and be- Four Regiments of Foot,

tween the Don and Wolga.

Two Regiments of Dra-}


Twenty-one Regiments,




I 200 4800 6000 4800


24,800 Two

Two Regiments of Militia near Cafan,
Unregimented Soldiers and Free Com-ac
panies in the leffer Garrisons of Ingria, Ing
Officers and Soldiers of the Artillery insta
feveral Garrifons of Ingria,156
Recruits exercifing in feveral Parts of
the Country, generally about
Ninety Regiments of Dragoons, as on
Page 105,




of }


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Total, 150,600.

Six Regiments of Germans, who, after their Capitulation at Perevolot fch, took Service under the Czar and were fent laft Winter to Cafan and Aftracan, being between three or four hundred each, may be about 10,000V, TO

Of the Gaffacks and Tartars I cannot make any juft Computation; the moft the Czar has had together in this War, have not been above 30,000 Men."

To these must be added, the Garrisons of Siberia and the North, which cannot be drawn off for any Service in Europe and dis at einen gu

The Pay of the Officers in the Garrifons and uncompleated Regiments is,

STEL DHE AMA ni rtasmigod not Colonel, from 25 to 30 Rubles, per Month. Lieut. Colonel, 15 Rubles, per Month,








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For cloathing the Czar's Army, every Man is allowed eight Arfbines of Cloth, from fixty to seventy Copeeks the Arbine † ; the first Coft of the Cloth in England is about 3 s. and 2 d. the Yard.

Cloaks for the Dragoons, each fix Yards.

Hats delivered into the

Magazines at


} 60 Copeeks a Piece.

80 Copeeks a Pair.

A Soldier's Mufquet, bad, 80 Copeeks

A Sword,

A Pair of Piftols,

25 Copeeks.

3 Rubles.

N. B. Only the Guards have Piftols; they have also better Arms from Utrecht, or Saxony.

The Army is cloathed once in two Years; towards the cloathing, a Copeek a Day is deducted from the Soldiers; the Czar finds the Arms and Horfes.

The Nobility are obliged to furnish the Horfes for the Dragoons, at feven Rubles a Horse, paid Horfes. out of the Czar's Treafury, though the

Horfes often coft them ten or twelve Rubles a Piece. Some of the Regiments have been mounted on the Swedish Horfes which were furrendered atPerevolotsch; the reft very ill mounted: Most of the Dragoons are Gentry, obliged to appear by the Tenure of their Lands.

The Name of a Rafs Measure, near a Quarter less than an Exglish Yard,


The Artillery is very well ferved; the great Guns are most of Metal, generally from three to Artillery. thirty-fix Pounders, new caft fince the present War, either from old Pieces, which had been heaped up by the Czar's Ancestors, without any juft Regard to the Calibre, or from the Bells which every Church or Cloifter were obliged to furnish to the Foundery about ten Years ago, according to their Largenefs and Income. In 1708, there were a thousand Pieces of Cannon in the Town of Mofco alone; from one to fixty Pounders; the Arfenals of Plefcow, Smolensko and Chioff were filled in Propotion; befides the Field Artillery, every Battalion having two long three Pounders of Metal; the Mortars are of Brafs, or Siberia Iron, of all Bores. The Czar is perfonally very curious in his Fireworks, is Captain of his Bombardiers, and has moft foreign Officers, which he engaged in England or Holland after the laft Peace. The Powder is made in Mofco ftrong and good, except the Delivery is connived at by the Officers for their own Profits; the Magazines are not filled with Stores as they ought to be, but fufficient Quantities may be prepared in a little Time, there being feveral Mills ready, and always Plenty of good Salt-petre from the Ukraine.

Account of the Progrefs made by the Czar in his Shipping,

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