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The Book of Common Prayer, &c. (Baskett.) 1 vol. 12mo. 5.5 x 3.5. London. 1716. Ruled in red. Red morocco extra, g. t. sides, g. e.

The Book of Common Prayer, &c. (as in the folio of 1662). London. Engraven and Printed by the Permission of Mr John Baskett, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty 1717. Sold by John Sturt, Engraver, in Golden Lion Court in Aldersgate Street. Large paper. Quite perfect. 1 vol. 8vo. 9.5 x 6.5. Old red morocco extra, g. t. sides, g.e.

The Book of Common Prayer, &c. (as in the folio 1662). 1 vol. folio. 15 x 9.6. London. 1729. Old purple morocco extra, g. e. Printed by the Assignes of his Majestie's Printer, and Henry Hills, deceased.

The Book of Common Prayer, &c. (as in the 4to. 1662). 1 vol. 4to. 9.3 x 7.1. Oxford. 1755. Printed by Thomas Baskett, Printer to the University. Bound with the Bible of 1756. (q. v.)

The Book of Common Prayer, &c. (as in 1662). London.
Printed for John Reeves Esqre one of the Patentees of
the Office of Kings Printer. 1 vol. 12mo. 1801.
Purple morocco extra, g.e.

A church is painted on the front edge.


The Book of Common Prayer, &c. With Notes by
Bishop Mant. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1840. 11 × 8.6.
Red Russia extra, g.e.

The Book of Common Prayer. The First Part containing the Order of Daily Service, the Litany, and Order of the Administration of the Holy Communion, with Plain Tune, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland. The Second Part containing the Psalter, the Eight Tones for the Psalms, the Burial Office, and an Appendix containing Observations on Plain Song, by Dyce, and the Music of Marbeck to such portions of Edward the Sixth's First Book as are omitted from the present Book of Common Prayer. 2 vols. 4to. Large paper. 14 x 11. Black Letter. London. 1843. Brown morocco, b. t. sides, g. e.

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The Booke of the Common Prayer, &c. Edward the
Sixth's First Book. 1549. Pickering's Reprint.
1844. Black Letter.

The Boke of common prayer, and administration of the
Sacramentes, and other rites and Ceremonies in the
Churche of Englande. Edward the Sixth's Second
Book. 1552. Pickering's Reprint. 1844. Black


The Boke of common praier, &c. The Book of Eliza-
beth. 1559. Pickering's Reprint. 1844. Black

The Booke of Common Prayer, &c. James the First's
Book. 1604. Pickering's Reprint. 1844. Black

The Booke of Common Prayer, &c. Charles the First's
Scottish Book. 1637. Pickering's Reprint. 1844.
Black Letter.

The Book of Common Prayer, &c. Charles the Second's
Book. 1662. Pickering's Reprint. 1844. Black


The Book of Common Prayer, &c. Pickering. 1844.
Black Letter.

This volume (only altered from the last, mutatis mutandis for the reigning Sovereign), with the six preceding, and the one following, form a complete set of the Service Books of the Church of England since the accession of Edward VI., and are bound in parchment gilt. 13.9 × 9.3.

The Order for the Administration of the Holy Com-
munion and Occasional Offices, according to the
Use of the Church of England. Pickering. 1 vol.
London. 1844. Black Letter.

The Book of Common Prayer Noted. By John Merbecke
1550. 1 vol. 4to. 9.3 x 6.9. London. 1844. Re-
print by Pickering. Black Letter. Parchment gilt.
The Book of Common Prayer, &c. Oxford. 1844.
Dark red morocco extra, g. t. b., inlaid sides, gauffré

The Book of Common Prayer, &c. With engraved borders copied from old Books of Hours. 7.1 × 4.7. London. William Pickering. 1853. Brown morocco, b. t., g. e., gauffré.

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The Book of Common Prayer, &c. (as in the folio 1662).
1 vol. 8vo. 8.2 x 5.7. With outline borders from
one of Geoffrey Tori's Hora. London. 1864.
(Longman.) Brown morocco extra, tooled sides, g. e.
The Annotated Book of Common Prayer; Being an
Historical, Ritual, and Theological Commentary on
the Devotional System of the Church of England.
1 vol. 8vo. 10.9 x 7.5. London. 1866. (Blunt.)
The Book of Common Prayer, &c. (as in 1633). Fac-
simile of the Black-Letter Prayer-book of 1636,
with the MS. Alterations and Additions made in the
year 1661, the whole copied and subscribed Dec 20,
A. D. 1661, by the Convocations of Canterbury and
York, and annexed to the Act
of Uniformity, and
known as the "Sealed Book" of 1662. King
Charles the Second's. 1 vol. folio. London. 1871.

The Book of Common Prayer, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. 6.8 x 4.3.
Small Pica. London. 1876. Black morocco, g. e.
New Lectionary.

Prayer-Books in other Languages.



Liber Precum Publicarum, seu Ministerij Ecclesiastica
administrationis Sacramentorum, aliorumque rituum
et cæremoniarum in Ecclesia Anglicana.
cusum Londini per assignationem Francisci Flora.
Cum Priuilegio Regia Maiestatis. [Colophon.]
Londini, Excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius. 1574.
1 vol. 16mo. 5.9 x 3.7. Calf gilt, m. e.

No date on the title, but 1574 on folio 188, the title page of the Psalter. The ornaments rubric is omitted. A 8 leaves; b4 leaves; d and e in eights; A-Pp 3 in eights.

Liber Precum Publicarum, &c. (as above). 1594. 1 vol. 16mo. 5.9 x 3.7. [Colophon.] Londini Excudebat Joan. Jacksonus. 1594. Brown morocco extra, g.e. Royal Arms on sides inlaid from an earlier binding.

This is a reprint of the Book of 1574, and with the same collation. Both of them are editions of the Book of 1560, but much varied from it.


Prayer-Books in other Languages (Continued).



Liturgia seu Liber Precum Communium. Et Administrationis Sacramentorum Aliorumque Rituum atque Ceremoniarum Ecclesiæ Juxta Usum Ecclesiæ Anglicana: una cum Psalterio seu Psalmis Davidis, Ea Punctione distinctis, qua Cantari aut Recitari debent in Ecclesiis. Itemque Forma et Modus Faciendi, Ordinandi, et Consecrandi Episcopos, Presbyteros, Diaconos. Londini apud Sam. Mearne, Bibliopolam MD.CLXXXI. 1 vol. 16mo. Purple calf gilt, m. e.

Liturgia seu Liber Precum Communium et Administrationis Sacramentorum, Aliorumque Rituum & Ceremoniarum In Ecclesia Anglicana receptus Itemque Forma & Modus Creandi, Ordinandi and Consecrandi Episcopos, Presbyteros, & Diaconos. Epistola, Evangelia & Psalmi Inseruntur juxta Sebastiani Castellionis Versionem Londini . . MDCCXIII. 1 vol. 12mo.

[ocr errors]

Liber precum Publicarum, Ordo Administrandæ Cœnæ Domini, Catechismus, Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ. Psalterium. Londini Impensis Joannis Gulielmi Parker in Vico dicto West Strand. 1848. 5.6 x 3.2. Purple morocco, b. t., g. e., gauffré.

Βίβλος τῆς δημοσίας Εὐχῆς καὶ Τελέσεως Μυστηρίων καὶ τῶν ἄλλων Θεσμῶν καὶ Τελετῶν τῆς Ἐκκλησίας, κατὰ τὸ ἔθος τῆς ̓Αγγλικανῆς Ἐκκλησίας. Πρὸς δὲ τούτοις Τύπος καὶ Τρόπος τῆς Καταστάσεως, Χειροτονίας καὶ Καθιερώσεως Επισκόπων, Πρεσβυτέρων, καὶ Διακόνων. Ἐν τῇ Κανταβριγίᾳ, Εξετυπώθη παρ ̓ Ἰωάννου Φιέλδου τοῦ τῆς ̓Ακαδημίας Τυπογράφου Ἔτει ἀπὸ τῆς Θεοτ γονίας αχξε (1665). Purple morocco extra, g. t. sides, g. e.

From the Pakington Library.

Βιβλίον τῶν Δημοσίων Προσευχῶν καὶ τῆς Ὑπηρεσίας τῶν Μυστηρίων καὶ ἄλλων Εκκλησιαστικών Θεσμῶν, καὶ Τελετῶν κατὰ τὸ ἔθος τῆς Ἡνωμένης Εκκλησίας Αγγλίας καὶ Ἰερνίας. Ὦ προσετίθη τὸ Ψαλτήριον τοῦ Δαυίδ Μετὰ τὰς Συναπτώς. Καὶ αἱ Ἐπιστολαὶ καὶ Εὐαγ γέλια. London. Samuel Bagster, Paternoster Rou. 1823. Sm. 8vo.

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Prayer-Books in other Languages (continued).




De Engelsche Liturgie: Dat is: Den Gemeynen KerckenDienst von Engelandt. ofte Het Boeck der Gemeene Gebeden, Bedieninge der Sacramenten ende Ceremonien in de Engelsche Kercke gebruyckelijck. Getrouwelyck vertaalt nae het Engelsch ende Latijns exemplaar, ten tijde des Koninginne Elizabeths, in den jare 1574 ende 1575 gedruckt, ende tegen de laetste-gedruckte exemplaren, ten tijde des Konings Karels, over-sien. Tot Rotterdam. By Joannes Neranus, Boeck-verkooper, Woonende op't Steyger. 1645. 1 vol. sm. 8vo. (the Psalter having separate pagination). 6 × 3.8. Vellum binding.

1-4* in eights; A-Nn in eights.

Liturgia Inglesa ò Libro del Rezado Publico, de la
Administracion de los Sacramentos y otros Ritos y
Ceremonias de la Yglesia de Ingalaterra. 1 vol. 4to.
8.6 × 6.4. Aug. Trinob. (London.) M.D.I.IXIIV.

This is the first translation of the Book of Common Prayer into Spanish, which was made by T. Carrascon, at the command of King James I., who rewarded his labours by making him a Canon of Hereford Cathedral. Lowndes mentions three editions of this book as printed in 1612, 1613, and 1616. There was but one edition, and that was printed in 1612/3 (?). The figures can be read either way; hence his mistake. A—F, A-Qq, A-Y in fours.

La Liturgia Ynglesa o El Libro de la Oracion Comun y
Administracion de los Sacramentos, y otros Ritos y
Ceremonias de la Yglesia Segun el Uso de la
Yglesia Anglicana. Juntamente con el Psalterio
ô Psalmos de David, Y Tambien el Libro de la
Consagracion y Ordenacion de los Obispos, Presby-
teros y Diaconos. Hispanizado por D. Felix de
Alvarado, Ministro de la Yglesia Anglicana. Con
las Alteraciones hechas en el Nombre de Nuestro
Muy Augusto Soverano, el Rey Don Jorge: Su
Alteza Real Don Jorge, Principe de Gales, la
Princessa, y Su Posteridad. Edicion Segunda
Corregida y Augmentada. Londres. Impresso por
William Bowyer, Impressor de Libros: Anno Domini
MD CCXV. 1 vol. 8vo. Red morocco extra,
g. sides, g. e.

Liturgia Anglicana, ò Libro de Oracion comun, &c.
Nueva Edicion corregida y revisada por la
Sociedad para promover el Conocimiento Christiano.
1 vol. 8vo. 7x 4.2. Londres. 1837. Impreso por
Ricardo Clay. Morocco extra, g.e.

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