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but at last found that picric acid ammoniac controlled by picrocarmine was very suitable for the tissue. The picrocarmine having a slightly fixing effect could be used in larger or smaller proportions, according to the nature of the tissue. It at the same time afforded a good muscular stain. For cilia I found that a few minutes' exposure to vapour of osmic acid before dissociation gave good results. By these means I was able to isolate cells of neural epithelium gills and glands, &c.

Though some of the results of my work here have been negative rather than positive I have reason to be satisfied, more especially with the physiological facts ascertained. The material I have collected will be used for the working out of further anatomical details, and the whole will form the subject of a future publication.

Not among the least of the advantages which my stay at the Station has afforded me was the opportunity of making the personal acquaintance of other naturalists working in the same territory. I found our interchange of ideas and criticism invaluable.

I have to express my gratitude to the British Association for the opportunity, which I could not otherwise have had, of completing my work and making it more than a mere collection of anatomical details. My thanks are also due to the authorities at the Station for their unexceptionable kindness.

III. A List of Naturalists who have worked at the Zoological Station from the end of June 1892 to the end of June 1893.

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IV. A List of Papers which have been published in the year 1892 by the Naturalists who have occupied Tables at the Zoological Station.

Dr. C. Hartlaub

E. A. Minchin

Zur Kenntniss der Anthomedusen. Nachr. K. Ges. Wiss.,'
Göttingen, 1892.

Notes on a sieve-like membrane across the oscula of a
species of Leucosolenia, with some observations on the
histology of the Sponge. Quart. Journ. Micr. Science,'
Vol. 33, 1892.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

E. W. MacBride

[ocr errors]

Prof. G. von Koch.

Dr. F. Raffaele

Dr. R. von Erlanger

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Some points in the Histology of Leucosolenia (Ascetta)
clathrus, O.S. Zool. Anzeiger,' 1892.

The oscula and anatomy of Leucosolenia clathrus, O.S.
Quart. Journ. Micr. Science,' vol. 33, 1892.

[ocr errors]

Ueber eine bewegliche Sarcine. Centralbl. f. Bacteriologie u. Parasitenkunde,' Bd. 4, 1892.

Zur Entw.-Geschichte des Ovarialeies bei Selachiern. 'Anat. Anz.,' 1892.

Ueber den feineren Bau der Muskelsubstanzen.

1. Die

Muskelfaser der Cephalopoden. 'Arch. f. Mikr. Anat.,'
Bd. 39, 1892.

Sviluppo dei Portunidi. Morfologia dei Portunidi e
Corystoidei. 'Soc. Ital. delle Scienzi,' T. 8, 1892.
Sviluppo postembrionale dello Stenopus spinosus. 'Boll.
Soc. Nat. Napoli,' V. 5, 1892.

Zur Systematik der Nemertinenfauna des Golfes von
Neapel, vorläufige Mitthlg. 'Nach. K. Ges. Wiss.,'
Göttingen, 1892.

Einige Beiträge zur Bildung des Mantels der Ascidien.
Mém. Acad. Imp. Sciences,' St.-Pétersbourg, vol. 38,

Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Excretionsorgane der
Pantopoden. Ibid.

Embriologia dell' Amphiura squamata, Sars., Morfologia
dell' apparecchio riproduttore. Atti R. Accad. Sc. Fis.
e Mat., vol. 5, 1892.

Contribuzione all' Embriologia degli Echinodermi e
sviluppo dell' Asterias glacialis. 'Boll. Soc. Nat. Na-
poli,' vol. 6, 1892.
Della Embriologia e dell' apparato riproduttore dell'
Amphiura squamata. Ibid., vol. 5.

Impfungsversuche mit Giards pathogenem Leuchtbacillus.
Centralbl. f. Bacteriologie u. Parasitenkunde,' Bd. 11,

Fibres connecting the nervous system and chorda in
Amphioxus. 'Anat. Anz.,' 1892.

Ueber Bau u. Entwickelung der Cuninenknospen. 'Zool.
Jahrbücher,' Abth. 'Anatomie u. Ontogenie,' Bd. 5, 1892.
Die Metamorphose von Esperia Lorenzi O.S., nebst Beo-
bachtungen an anderen Schwammlarven. 'Mitth.
Zool. Station, Neapel,' Bd. 10, 1892.

[ocr errors]

The development of the genital organs, pseudo-heart
(ovoid gland), axial and aboral sinuses in Amphiura
squamata. 'Zool. Anz.,' 1892, and Quart. Journ.
Micr. Science,' vol. 34, 1892.
Kleinere Mittheilungen über Anthozoen. 7. Ueber Kolo-
nien von Bebryce mollis Phil., welche Cornulariden
ähnlich sind. Morph. Jahrbuch,' Bd. 18, 1892.
Ricerche sullo sviluppo del sistema vascolare nei Selacei.
'Mitth. Zool. Station, Neapel,' Bd. 10, 1892.

On the paired nephridia of Prosobranchs, the homologies
of the only remaining nephridium of most prosobranchs,
and the relations to the gonad and genital duct.
'Quart. Journ. Micr. Science,' vol. 33, 1892.
Mittheilungen über Bau u. Entwickelung einiger marinen
Prosobranchier. Zool. Anz.,' 1892.

Prof. M. von Lenhossék. Beobachtungen an den Spinalganglien u. dem Rücken

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

mark von Pristiurusembryonen.

[ocr errors]

Physiologische Untersuchungen an Eledone moschata.

Anat. Anz.,' 1892.

Zeitschr. f. Biologie,' 1892.

'Proc. Royal Society,' v.

Note on Excretion in Sponges.

51, 1892.


on the postembryonic development of

Ciona intestinalis and Clavellina lepadiformis. Ibid.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

On the development of the hypophysis in the Ascidians.
'Zool. Anz.,' 1892.
Entwickelungsmechanismus. 'Anat. Anz.,' 1892.
Entwickelungsmechanische Studien, III.-VI. 'Zeitschr.
f. wiss. Zoologie,' B. 55, 1892.

[ocr errors]

Ueber die allgemeine Entwickelung der Rumpf- u.
Schwanzmuskulatur bei Wirbelthieren, &c. Arch. f.
Anat. u. Physiol.,' Anat. Abth., 1892.

Der Mantelrand der Acephalen, 3. Theil. Jen. Zeitschr.
f. Naturw.,' 1892.

Zum Entwickelungscyclus der zusammengesetzten Ascidien. Zool. Anz.,' 1892.


Der Geschmackssinn der Actinien.
Fortgesetzte Beobachtungen über galvanische Reizung
bei Wasserthieren. Archiv f. Physiol. Pflüger,' 1892.
Bemerkungen über auffallend starke Einwirkung gewisser
Substanzen auf die Empfindungsorgane einiger Thiere.
'Biol. Centralblatt,' 1892.

Ueber Organisationsverhältnisse des Plasmaleibes der
Peridineen. Sitz.-Ber. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss.,' Berlin,

Intorno al preseso occhio anale delle larve degli Opistobranchi. Rendic. K. Acc. Lincei,' 1892.

Sullo sviluppo postlarvale della conchiglia dei Tectibranchi. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli,' 1892.

Note anatomiche sulle Aplysiidæ. Ibid.

Ricerche anatomiche sul Lobiger Serradifalii. Ibid.
On the early development of Cirripedia.

Soc.,' vol. 52, 1892.

'Proc. Royal

Ueber die Beziehungen der Thymus zu den sog. Kiemen-
spaltenorganen bei Selachiern. 'Anat. Anz.,' 1892.

The Cell Lineage of Nereis, a contribution to the cytogeny
of the Annelid body. Journ. of Morphol.,' 1892.
Ueber einige wichtige Puncte in der Entwickelung des
Amphioxus. Biol. Centralbl.,' 1892.

• Monitore

Notizia preliminare intorno ad alcuni inquilini degli
Holothurioidea del Golfo di Napoli.
Zoologico,' 1892.

Di alcuni organi di tatto nei Tristomidi, &c.
Nat. Napoli,' 1892.

Della spermatogeneri nei Trematodi. Ibid.
Notizie di alcune specie di Taenia. Ibid.

'Boll. Soc.

Sul nucleo vitellino delle uova dei Trematodi. Ibid.
Studii sui Trematodi endoparassiti. Sul genere Notocotyle.

Weitere Beiträge zur Physiologie des Ohrlabyrinthes,
Sitz.-Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien.,' M.N.W. Classe, 1892.
Ueber die Thätigkeit der Kalymmocyten (Testazellen).
'Festschrift,' R. Leuckart, Leipzig, 1892.
Experimentelle Untersuchungen über den Einfluss der
veränderten chemischen Zusammensetzung des umge-
benden Mediums auf die Entwickelung der Thiere. I.
Theil, Versuche an Seeigeln. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zoologie,'
Bd. 55, 1892.

Anemonia sulcata Pennant, Estudio Anatómico-histológico de una Actinia. Anal. de la Soc. Esp. de Hist. Nat.,' T. 21, 1892.



Investigations made at the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association at Plymouth.—Report of the Committee, consisting of Professor E. RAY LANKESTER (Chairman), Professor M. FOSTER, Professor S. H. VINES, and Mr. S. F. HARMER (Secretary).

I. The Turbellaria of Plymouth Sound. By F. W. GAMBLE, B.Sc. II. The Larvæ of Decapod Crustacea. By EDGAR J. ALLEN, B.Sc. III. Notes on How Fish find Food. By GREGG WILSON, M.A., B.Sc. THE object specially mentioned by the terms of the grant of 301. placed at the disposal of the Committee for the present year has been attained by reappointing Mr. Gamble to the use of a table to enable him to extend his observations on British Turbellaria. Mr. Allen has been reappointed to allow him to continue his researches on the development of Decapod Crustacea; and Miss F. Buchanan, whose observations made in 1891 as the result of a previous appointment by the Committee are recorded in the Report for 1892 (p. 356), has been reappointed with the intention of studying the development of Magelona.

The Committee have thus appointed

Mr. F. W. Gamble B.Sc., Owens College, Manchester, for one month, from August 8, 1893.

Mr. Edgar J. Allen, B.Sc., University College, London, for two months, from June 1, 1893.

Miss F. Buchanan, B.Sc., University College, London, for one month, from September 1, 1893.

The Committee have thus expended 157. (taking into account the month which belongs to the Association free of charge), leaving an unexpended balance of 157., which they trust will be placed at their disposal to allow them to carry on their work next year.


They are naturally unable to furnish any account of results arrived at during the present year, but they are happy to be in a position to present the following reports on the work of the preceding year. reports, taken in conjunction with the others which have been published in previous years, will serve to show that important results have been arrived at with the assistance of the grants made to this Committee.

I. Report on the Occupation of the Table.

The Turbellaria of Plymouth Sound. By Mr. F. W. GAMBLE, B.Sc.

During August and September of 1892 I occupied the Association's table, and was thus enabled to investigate the Turbellaria of Plymouth Sound and of its neighbourhood. Since, in contrast to the amount of research devoted to many of the other groups of animals composing our fauna, little attention has been hitherto bestowed on the Turbellaria, the results of my work show a marked increase in the number of species of this group occurring at Plymouth as compared with former records. More interesting than the numerical increase of the fauna are the relations of these newly-added forms to those inhabiting the Mediterranean end Adriatic seas on the one hand and the Scandinavian on the other.

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