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patent and specifications, except as thereinafter provided, shall apply to any letters-patent granted and to any specification filed under the act. This does not seem to extend to provisional specifications, which are not required to be filed. If that be so, no disclaimer or amendment can be made in respect of a provisional specification after its allowance by the law officer.

The form of the provisional specification given in the schedule to the act is as follows:

"I,—, do hereby declare the nature of the said invention [title as in petition] to be as follows:[Here insert the description.] Dated this - day of

A. D. "


The result is, that the provisional specification should be made as large and general as the law officer will permit it to be made, avoiding details and particulars as far as possible; or if it be found necessary or advisable to enter into particulars, the implied exclusion of other particulars should be prevented by the use of proper saving and general words.


Secondly, the terms of the provisional specification must not describe anything which the inventor is not able to include in his final specification. though it is not necessary to discriminate in the provisional specification between the new and the old parts of the subject-matter, it must not state any result as The 3rd section of the act authorises "the commis- attained or attainable by the inventor which the insioners from time to time to make such rules and regu-ventor cannot carry out and claim. The provisional lations (not inconsistent with the provisions of this act) specification, like the title, is a statement of the nature respecting the business of their office, and all matters of the invention; and the Courts have held, with a and things which, under the provisions herein con- rigour that is perhaps too undiscriminating, that a tained, are to be under their control and direction, as patent is bad if the specification fails to describe everymay appear to them necessary and expedient for the thing that is necessarily implied in the title-because purposes of this act." The tenth of the second set of the title is the statement to the Crown of the applirules issued by the commissioners (15th October, 1852) cant's merits; and if the statement is excessive, the requires that the provisional specification must state grant is bad, as founded on a deceitful representadistinctly and intelligibly the whole nature of the in- tion. (Rex v. Wheeler, 2 B. & Al. 345; Bloxam v. vention, so that the law officer may be apprised of the Elsee, 6 B. & Cr. 169; Cook v. Pearce, 8 Q. B. 1044). improvement, and of the means by which it is to be car. Thus, in Felton v. Graves (3 Car. & P. 611) it was ried into effect. This rule is not very definite, but if it held, that a patent for "a machine for an expeditious means more than describing the nature of the inven- and correct mode of giving a fine edge to knives, razors, tion it is a nullity, for the substance of the provisional scissors, and other cutting instruments," was void bespecification is not placed under the control and direction cause no machine capable of sharpening scissors was of the commissioners. described in the specification. So, in Turner v. Winter, (1 T. R. 602), a patent for producing a yellow colour for printing, for making whitelead, and for separating the mineral alkali from common salt, all in one process, was held bad because the white substance produced by the specified process was not whitelead. The principle of these decisions is obviously as applicable to excess in the provisional specification as to excess in the title. By claiming too much when he is applying for the patent the inventor deceives the Crown-by claiming too much in his final specification he misleads the public.

The most important questions with respect to the provisional specification are, first, whether anything can be claimed by the subsequent or final specification which is not fairly covered by the terms of the provisional specification; and, secondly, whether the complete specification may omit anything which is clearly claimed by the provisional specification.

First, generality or looseness in the terms of provisional specifications seems to be immaterial-as it is in the title of the patent, (see Cook v. Pearce, 8 Q. B. 1044)-if the specification is allowed by the law officer. But if the provisional specification assumes to enter into particulars, or to describe the mode of carrying the invention into effect, without containing sufficient general words to cover other particulars not specified, it seems that such other particulars cannot be afterwards specified and claimed without defeating the letters-patent. And as the provisional specification can only be amended by permission of the law officer "to whom the same is referred," no amendment can be made after the certificate of allowance is granted, when the law officer becomes

functus officio.

If we are right in our conclusion, that the provisional specification cannot be amended, by disclaimer or otherwise, after it has been allowed by the law officer, it seems that there is no remedy after allowance for an excess of statement or claim in the provisional specification; for the only disclaimer that can then be made is a disclaimer of part of the title or of part of the specification. It is possible, however, that a struggle may be made to remedy this great hardship, by allowing an alteration of the title of the patent, so framed as to exclude by express terms the matter The letters-patent are to issue for "the said inven- wrongly claimed in the provisional specification. Such tion"-i. e. the invention described in the provisional an alteration, as it would not extend the exclusive specification; and letters-patent not granted during the right granted by the letters-patent, would be within continuance of the provisional protection are to be of Lord Brougham's Act, and, being allowed by the law no force. It is therefore clear that the provisional spe- officer, might, upon a liberal construction, be held to cification (although it is not referred to in the letters-operate on the provisional specification so as to exclude patent) must always be looked to, to ascertain what is the the objection. invention to which the patent relates; and as nothing could formerly be claimed which was not covered by the title of the patent, so now nothing can be claimed which is not covered by the provisional specification. The most accurate notion of the nature and effect of the provisional specification will be gained by regarding it as the title of the patent-required, indeed, to enter more into detail than was necessary under the old law, but otherwise having the same operation in defining and limiting the subject-matter of claim in the specification. It is to describe the nature of the invention that was the office of the title of the patent-but it is to describe it to the satisfaction of the law officer; and if it is allowed by him, no objection can be taken to it on the ground of its being too large or vague.

If the provisional specification is defective, by not including enough, the defect must be cured by taking out a new patent for the omitted matter, in which it will generally be prudent to refer to the former patent, and expressly to exclude everything that is included in that. But it will be necessary also to prosecute the proceedings on the first provisional specification, because, by the abandonment of those proceedings, the invention described in and published by that specification will have been thrown open to the world. The public, looking at the first specification only, and finding that the proceedings upon it have been abandoned, would be entitled to conclude that the invention described in it had been also abandoned.

From all this, it appears that the framing of the pro

visional specification is a task of extreme difficulty and danger, and the correction of mistakes in it is no less So. The proper remedy seems to be, to allow a patentee to refer his final specification to the law officer, with authority to that officer to direct any alteration which he may think necessary to be made in the title of the invention, and to enact that no letters-patent for an invention, of which the complete specification shall have been allowed by the law officer, (with or without any amendment of the title of the invention), shall be impeached on the ground of any excess or defect of description, statement, or claim in the provisional specification. G.S.


To be delivered during the ensuing Educational Term by the several Readers appointed by the Inns of Court.


The Public Lectures to be delivered by the Reader on Constitutional Law and Legal History will comprise the following subjects:

Rise and Progress of Written Law-Character of the Early Writers on English Law-Glanville and Bracton -Progress of Law during the Reign of Henry IICauses of Magna Charta-Motives of the Tumults and Disturbances which took place during the Reigns of Henry II, John, and Henry III-Value of Matthew Paris-Contrast between French and English History; between the Resistance of the French and English Vassal-Rights of the People and of Foreign Merchants incorporated with Magna Charta-Lord Coke's Commentary upon "Omnis Liber Homo"-Gradual Progress of the English Constitution-Character of the Times of Charles I and Charles II.

In his Private Lectures the Reader will pursue the History of England from the Time of Charles I to the Revolution. He will endeavour to illustrate the subject by reference to the Law of other Countries, and the Writers on the Law of Nations.

Books:-Millar's Const. Hist.-Creasy on the English Constitution - Sullivan's Lectures-Brodie's Const. Hist. Hallam's Const. Hist., and chapter in Middle Ages-State Trials-Statute Book-Parliamentary History-Rapin-May-Clarendon.

The Reader on Constitutional Law and Legal History will deliver his Public Lectures at Lincoln's Inn Hall on Wednesday in each week, (the first Lecture to be delivered on the 19th April), commencing at two P. M. The Reader will receive his Private Classes on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings, from halfpast nine to half-past eleven o'clock, in the Benchers' Reading Room at Lincoln's Inn Hall.


The Reader on Equity proposes to deliver a course of Twelve Lectures on the Jurisdiction exercised by the Court of Chancery, in consequence of the Rules of Procedure adopted by the Courts of Common Law not permitting them to administer Justice efficiently in certain cases; on the Advantages and Disadvantages attending the Systems of Procedure in Common Law and Equity; on the Proposal to amalgamate the Equitable with the Legal Jurisdiction; and on the present Course of Practice in the Court of Chancery.

In addition to the Public Lectures, it is proposed that two Classes shall be formed, as during the preceding Terms, for the study of the Principles and Practice adopted by Courts of Equity, each Class to meet for one hour three times a week.

The Junior Class will read Smith's Manual of Equity Jurisprudence, commencing with the chapter on Mortgages, Pledges, and Liens; and portions of Spence on

the Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, vol. 1.

The Senior Class will read Story's Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence, vol. 2, commencing with the chapter on Election and Satisfaction; White & Tudor's Leading Cases, vol. 2, commencing with Stapilton v. Stapilton; and Mitford's Pleadings in Chancery, commencing with the chapter on Pleas. Each student will be expected, in the intervals between the meetings of the Class, to peruse portions of these and other works pointed out by the Reader, and to be prepared, at the ensuing meeting of the Class, to answer and discuss questions arising out of the subjects of their reading.

The Reader on Equity will deliver his Public Lectures at Lincoln's Inn Hall on Thursday in each week during the Educational Term, commencing at two o'clock P.M., (the first Lecture to be delivered on the 20th April). The Reader will receive his Private Classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, from seven to nine o'clock, in the Benchers' Reading Room at Lincoln's Inn Hall.


The Reader on the Law of Real Property, &c. proposes to deliver, in the ensuing Educational Term, a course of Twelve Public Lectures on the following subjects:

I. The General Rules of Construction applicable to Deeds and Wills, with reference to-Mistake; Falsa Demonstratio non Nocet; Verbal Alterations and Transpositions; Admission of Extrinsic Evidence.

II. Voluntary Settlements-13 Eliz. c. 5; 27 Eliz. c. 4.

III. The Creation and Delegation of Powers of Sale given to Fiduciary Vendors.

IV. The Liability of Purchasers to see to the Application of their Purchase Money.

V. The Law of Judgments, so far as they affect Real Estate-1 & 2 Vict. c. 110; 2 & 3 Vict. c. 11.

VI. The Law of Covenants, with reference to the Law of Vendor and Purchaser.

The Lectures to be delivered to the Private Classes

will comprise the following subjects:-With the Senior Class, the text of Sugden on Powers, commencing at vol. 1, p. 439, will form the basis of the Lectures; and the latest decisions, illustrating the principles there laid down, will be examined and commented upon. With the Junior Class, the subject of the Lectures will be the Real Property Statutes, and the Rule in Shelly's i Case.

The Public Lectures will be delivered at Gray's Inn Hall on Friday in each week, at two P. M., (the first Lecture to be delivered on the 21st April). The Private Classes will be held in the North Library of Gray's Inn on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, from a quarter to twelve to a quarter to two o'clock. JURISPRUDENCE AND THE CIVIL LAW.

The Reader on Jurisprudence and the Civil Law will, in the course of the ensuing Educational Term, deliver Twelve Public Lectures on the following subjects:

I. On Obligation and Contract-On the Nature of Obligations, and their place in General JurisprudenceOn the Roman Theory of Obligation, and the mode in which it has been interpreted by Pothier and othersOn the Necessary Elements of Contract, and on the manner in which they are discriminated by the Roman Jurists and by English Law-On Pollicitations, Conventions, and Pacts, and on some disputed Questions connected with the Pactum Nudum-On the Classi fication of Contracts-On some particular Forms of Contract, and more especially on the Contract of Sale.

II. On Prescriptions-On Usucapion, and on some Peculiarities in the Ancient Views of Proprietary Right

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With his Private Class the Reader on Common Law will traverse the ground indicated in the above Prospectus, calling attention more especially to such matters, falling within the scope of his inquiries, as are of real practical importance. The books to be used with the Private Class will be-Smith's Mercantile Law, 4th ed.; Story on Agency, 4th ed.; Byles on Bills; Sedgwick on the Measure of Damages; Archbold's Criminal Pleading, ed. by Welsby; Lord Campbell's Acts, ed. by Greaves; and Blackstone's Commentaries, vol. 4.

-On the Connexion between Possession and Prescription, and Savigny's Theory of Possession-On the Nature and Criteria of a True Prescription, and on the Extent to which Prescriptions are admitted in English and Roman Jurisprudence, and in certain Continental Systems of Law. III. On Testamentary Jurisprudence-On some current Theories respecting the Origin of the Testamentary Power-On Universal Successions; on the manner in which the Conception of a Universal Succession appears to have been originally formed, and on its importance as a Key to Testamentary Jurisprudence The Public Lectures on Common Law during the -On the Principal Rules of the Roman Law of Testa- ensuing Term will be delivered, and the Private Classes ments, and on the Modifications and Distortions which will meet, in the Hall of the Inner Temple, as under:those Rules have undergone in Modern Law-On the The Public Lecture on Monday in each week at two Jus Accrescendi; its Ancient and Modern HistoryOn Substitutions, and their Connexion with Entails-P.M.; the first Lecture to be delivered on Monday, the 24th April. On Legacies and Fidei-commissa.

IV. On the Doctrines of Roman Law regarding Conditions, Good Faith, Negligence, and Fraud.

With his Private Classes, the Reader proposes to read the Institutiones Juris Romani Privati of Warnkönig, and afterwards the Commentaries of the same writer, or some other Compendium of Pandect Law.

The following works will also be incidentally referred to at the Public or Private Lectures, and portions of them recommended for perusal:-Dumont's Bentham --Austin's Province of Jurisprudence Determined— The Esprit des Lois-The Droit Civil of ToullierThe Doctrina Juris Philosophica of Warnkönig-The Histoire du Droit of Lerminier-The Innere Geschichte des Romischen Rechts, and the Aeussere Geschichte des R. R. of Tigerstrom-The Explication Historique des Instituts of Ortolan-Wheaton's Elements of International Law-The Droit International Privé of Felix -and Story's Conflict of Laws.

The Public Lectures will be delivered in the Hall of the Middle Temple on Tuesday in each week, at two

day mornings, from a quarter to twelve to a quarter to The Private Class on Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur

two o'clock.

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P. M., (the first Lecture of the course on Tuesday, the COMMISSIONERS TO ADMINISTER OATHS 25th April).

The Private Classes will assemble at the Class-room in Garden-court on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, at half-past nine o'clock.

[blocks in formation]


The Lord Chancellor, under the powers of the 16 & 17 Vict. c. 78, intituled "An Act relating to the Appointment of Persons to administer Oaths in Chancery, and to Affidavits made for Purposes connected with Registration," has appointed the following gentlemen to be Commissioners for administering Oaths in Chancery:

To be London Commissioners.

Francis George Abbott, 22, Southampton-buildings.
John Bennett, 35, Ludgate-hill, City.
Henry Hall, 16, New Boswell-court, St. Clement Danes.
Frederick Solly Gosling, 1, Gray's-inn-square.
Thomas Gregory, 12, Clement's-inn.
Samuel Shaen, Kennington-cross, Surrey.
William Galsworthy, 2, Charlotte-row, Mansion-house,
Joshua Jullian Allen, 20, Bedford-row.

To be Commissioners in England.
Robert Benjamin Wheatly, Staines, Middlesex.
Samuel Harley Kough, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
Edward Wade M'Clure, Nantwich, Cheshire.
John Ryalls, Sheffield, Yorkshire.
Robert Withington Simonds, Winchester.
Isaac Palmer Baker, Ipswich, Suffolk.
Edward Jago, Plymouth, Devonshire.
Thomas Robinson, Eccleshall, Staffordshire.
James Warder, Beaminster, Dorsetshire.
Edward Brown Fiske, Beccles, Suffolk.

London Gazettes.



George W. Walter and Wm. H. Walker, Silverdale, Keele, Staffordshire, silk throwsters, April 25 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy, Birmingham, aud. ac. and div.-J. James, Netherton, Worcestershire, tailor, April 5 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy, Birmingham, aud. ac.-G. G. Charles, Liverpool, importer of French goods, April 6 at 11, District Court PETER LEICESTER, Birchin-lane, Cornhill, London, iron of Bankruptcy, Liverpool, aud. ac.- -Wm. Robarts, Burnham, merchant and bill and metal broker, dealer and chapman, Buckinghamshire, apothecary, April 15 at half-past 12. Court April 4 at half-past 2, and May 2 at 1, Court of Bankof Bankruptcy, London, div.-Thomas Shenton, Bethnal. ruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Edwards; Sol. Brewer, 3, Phil-green-road, Middlesex, grocer, April 20 at 11, Court of Bankpot-lane, Fenchurch-st., London.-Petition filed March 17. ruptcy, London, div.-Wm. Hutchison, Riches-court, LimeSILIOMIA STERNE, Great St. Helen's Chambers, Great street, London, ship broker, April 20 at half-past 11, Court of St. Helen's, London, merchant, dealer and chapman, April Bankruptcy, London, div.-Joseph Robinson Pim, Birkenhead, 5 at 2, and May 2 at 1, Court of Bankruptcy, London: Cheshire, brickmaker, April 13 at 11, District Court of BankOff. Ass. Graham; Sols. Norton & Son, New-st., Bishops- ruptcy, Liverpool, div.-Edmund English and Edmund Frangate.-Petition filed March 21. cis English, Bath, auctioneers, April 20 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol, div.

ROBERT BROWN and JOHN BURNHAM, Potton, Bedfordshire, common brewers, March 29 and May 13 at 12, Court of Bankruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Nicholson; Sols. Smith & Argles, Potton, Bedfordshire; Rhodes & Co., 63, Chancery-lane.-Petition filed March 13. WILLIAM LIVESEY, St. Alban's-terrace, Vauxhall-bridgeroad, Middlesex, smith, bell-hanger, and gas-fitter, dealer and chapman, April 5 and May 13 at 2, Court of Bankruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Nicholson; Sol. Chidley, Gresham-st.,

London.-Petition dated March 24.

ham.-Petition filed March 24.

JAMES ROGERS, Orchard-street, Harrow-road, Paddington, Middlesex, mason and builder, March 31 at 11, and May 5 at half-past 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Cannan; Sols. Dawson & Bryan, 33, Bedford-square. -Petition filed March 18. FRANCIS QUICK, Bristol, jeweller and silversmith, dealer and chapman, April 7 and May 5 at half-past 1, Court of Bankruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Whitmore; Sols. Bevan & Girling, Bristol; Taylor & Collisson, 28, Great Jamesstreet, Bedford-row.- Petition filed March 14. WILLIAM SHUTTLEWORTH, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, out of business, (late of the same place, licensed victualler and innkeeper; and formerly of the same place, grocer, tea dealer, hop dealer, and dealer in provisions, dealer and chapman), April 5 and May 3 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy, Birmingham: Off. Ass. Christie; Sols. Lane, jun., Stratford-upon-Avon; Hodgson, BirmingWILLIAM MORRIS, Ludlow, Shropshire, innkeeper, dealer and chapman, April 3 and May I at 10, District Court of Bankruptcy, Birmingham: Off. Ass. Bittleston; Sols. Backhouse, Bridgenorth; Hodgson, Birmingham.-Petition JOHN SAGAR, Birkenhead, Cheshire, brewer, dealer and chapman, April 6 and May 5 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Liverpool: Off. Ass. Turner; Sols. Fletcher & Hull, Liverpool.-Petition filed March 20. ROBERT ISHERWOOD and STRETHILL FODEN, Liverpool, wool and cotton dealers, April 6 and May 5 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Liverpool: Off. Ass. Turner; Sol. Booker, Liverpool.-Petition filed March 15. WILLIAM BILLINGE, Rainhill, Prescot, Lancashire, stonemason and builder, dealer and chapman, April 4 and 25 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Liverpool: Off. Ass. Morgan; Sols. Evans & Son, Liverpool.-Petition filed March 21.

dated March 18.

HENRY HUSBANDS KING, Bristol, bookseller and stationer, dealer and chapman, April 4 and May 2 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol: Off. Ass. Acraman; Sol. Brittan, Bristol.-Petition filed March 20.


Samuel Barrow, Stockport, Cheshire, corn dealer, April 6 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy, Manchester, ch. ass.James Stephenson, Arbour-terrace, Commercial-road, Middlesex, draper, April 20 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London, last ex.-Francis Salter, York-place and Tredegar-sq., Mileend, Middlesex, doctor of medicine, April 5 at 12, Court of Bankruptcy, London, last ex.-John Perrett and C. Garton, Bristol, maltsters, April 4 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol, pr. d.-Edward Cox, Great Queen-street, Lincoln'sinn-fields, Middlesex, plane manufacturer, April 4 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London, aud. ac.-Thomas Ballinger, Birmingham, confectioner, April 26 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy, Birmingham, aud. ac.; April 27 at 12, div.


To be allowed, unless Cause be shewn to the contrary on or before the Day of Meeting.

Thomas Ballinger, Birmingham, confectioner, April 22 at 10, District Court of Bankruptcy, Birmingham.

To be granted, unless an Appeal be duly entered. licensed victualler.-Wm. Mundy, Palace-row, New-road, St. Richard Anderson, Wright's-lane, Kensington, Middlesex, Pancras, Middlesex, cowkeeper.-John Rothwell, Southport, Lancashire, grocer.


Henry Bladon and Henry Coates, Manchester, stuff merchants. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.

Thomas Braid, Glasgow, builder.-Andrew Oliver & Co., Glasgow, merchants.-Robert Patterson and John Neilson, Linwood, near Paisley, calico printers.


Who have filed their Petitions in the Court of Bankruptcy, and have obtained an Interim Order for Protection from Process.

Charles Jennings, Stapleton, Gloucestershire, licensed victualler, March 29 at 11, County Court of Gloucestershire, at Bristol.-Lawrence Eyre, Banghurst, Hampshire, clerk, April 11 at 10, County Court of Berkshire, at Newbury.Henry Batson, Kingston-upon-Hull, out of business, April 7 at 10, County Court of Yorkshire, at Kingston-upon-Hull.Matthew Tait, Kingston-upon-Hull, shoemaker, April 7 at 10, County Court of Yorkshire, at Kingston-upon-Hull.Joseph Shaw, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, cloth finisher, April 7 at 10, County Court of Yorkshire, at Kingston-upon-Hull.Samuel Boyd, Kingston-upon-Hull, auctioneer, April 7 at 10, County Court of Yorkshire, at Kingston-upon-Hull.-Robert Stowe, Redditch, Worcestershire, baker, April 15 at 11, County Court of Worcestershire, at Redditch.-W. Peachey, Leigh, Worcestershire, builder, April 11 at 10, County Court of Worcestershire, at Worcester.-Thomas Baylis, Worcester, baker, April 11 at 10, County Court of Worcestershire, at Worcester.-Thomas Wood, Burslem, Staffordshire, potter, March 29 at 10, County Court of Staffordshire, at Hanley. The following Persons, who, on their several Petitions filed in the Court, have obtained Interim Orders for Protection from Process, are required to appear in Court as hereinafter mentioned, at the Court-house, in Portugal-street, Lincoln's Inn, as follows, to be examined and dealt with according to the Statute:

April 7 at 10, before the CHIEF COMMISSIONer. Robert Gunner, Marine-street, Neckinger-road, Bermondsey, Surrey, baker.-Wm. Ayerst, Lion-st., New Kent-road, Surrey, wine cooper.

The following Prisoners are ordered to be brought up before the Court, in Portugal-street, to be examined and dealt with according to the Statute:

April 7 at 10, before the CHIEF COMMISSIONER. Lewis Wales, Saxony-cottages, Mare-st., Hackney, Middlesex, out of business.

April 7 at 10, before Mr. Commissioner Murphy. Wm. W. Smith, Church-street, Battersea, Surrey, corn merchant.

April 8 at 11, before Mr. Commissioner PHIllips.

Thomas Richardson, Asylum-terrace, King's-road, Chelsea, Middlesex, staymaker.-John Summers, Acton-street, Gray'sinn-road, Middlesex, carpenter.-John Smith, Brunton-place, Commercial-road East, near the Regent's Canal, Middlesex, druggist.

The following Prisoners are ordered to be brought up before a Judge of the County Court, to be examined and dealt with according to the Statute :

At the County Court of Yorkshire, at SHEFFIELD, April 12 at 12.

Joseph Swinden, Sheffield, out of business.

HENRY MALCOLM RAMSAY, Elgin-crescent, Kensing-
ton-park, Middlesex, builder, April 7 at half-past 12, and
May 12 at 1. Court of Bankruptcy, London: Off. Ass.
Whitmore; Sol. James, 5, Basinghall-street, London.-
Petition filed March 22.
THOMAS RADFORD, Noble-street, London, and Man-
chester, warehouseman and agent, dealer and chapman,
April 5 at 1, and May 13 at half-past 12, Court of Bank-
ruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Nicholson; Sols. Sole & Co.,
68, Aldermanbury, London.-Petition dated March 27.
CHARLES BARNETT GIBBS, Eccleshall, Staffordshire,
grocer, dealer and chapman, April 20 and May 4 at 10,
District Court of Bankruptcy, Birmingham: Off. Ass. Bit-
tleston; Sols. Butterton, Eccleshall; E. & H. Wright,
Birmingham.-Petition dated March 10.

At the County Court of Monmouthshire, at MONMOUTH, WILLIAM TURNER, Crewkerne, Somersetshire, currier, April 21 at 2.

Henry Parratt, Chepstow, coach builder.


April 7 and May 4 at 1, District Court of Bankruptcy,
Exeter: Off. Ass. Hirtzel; Sols. Gidley, Exeter; Ran-
dall, 5, Lawrence Pountney-lane, London.-Petition filed
March 14.
JOHN FREDERICK THYNNE, Tavistock, Devonshire,
dealer in musical instruments, April 7 and May 4 at 1,
District Court of Bankruptcy, Exeter: Off. Ass. Hirtzel;
Sols. Beer & Rundle, Devonport; Hartnoll, Exeter.-Peti-
tion filed March 22.
Lancashire, builder, timber merchant, dealer and chapman,
April 12 and May 1 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy,
Manchester: Off. Ass. Fraser; Sol. Marsland, Bolton,
Lancashire.-Petition filed March 17.


Thomas Alesworth, Liverpool, merchant: 18. 1d. (making 9s. 74d.) in the pound.-John H. Romer, Brewer-street, St. James's, Westminster, Middlesex, licensed victualler: 38. 94d. in the pound.-Morris L. Franklin, Manchester, hat trimming dealer: 38. 2d. in the pound.-John T. Heap, Hulme, Manchester, out of business: 88. 44d. in the pound.-Robert Watson, Durham, chemist: 38. 64d. in the pound.-George Umberstone, East-st., Globe-lane, Stepney, Mile-end, Middlesex, servant to the London Dock Company: 58. 10d. (making 118. 8d.) in the pound.-John Crisp, Danvers-street, Chelsea, Middlesex, lieutenant in her Majesty's Navy on halfpay: 5s. 10d. (making 98. 5d.) in the pound.-John Read the elder, Upper Brook-street, Grosvenor-square, Middlesex, Samuel G. M. Scowen, Wood-street, Cheapside, London, tailor; 58. (making 5s. 4d.) in the pound.-John T. Dickens, warehouseman, April 12 at half-past 1, Court of Bankruptcy, Woolwich, Kent, grocer: 1s. 114d. in the pound.-William London, last ex.- -George Stewart Amsinck, Frederick-street, Chapman, Chingford Hatch, Chingford, Essex, publican: Hampstead-road, Middlesex, common brewer, April 12 at 12, 38. 5d. in the pound.-James Lillicrap, East Stonehouse, Court of Bankruptcy, London, aud. ac.-Thomas Stevenson, Devonshire, captain in her Majesty's Royal Navy: 5s. 54d. Nottingham, printer, April 7 at 10, District Court of Bankin the pound.-David Davies, Tregarron, Cardiganshire, inn- ruptcy, Birmingham, aud. ac.-James Ford, Wolverhampton, keeper: 18. 8d. in the pound.-Joseph Walker, West Auck-Staffordshire, cattle dealer, April 8 at 10, District Court of land, Durham, woollendraper: 18. 24d. in the pound.-James Bankruptcy, Birmingham, aud. ac.-John Roberts, Tividale T. Yates, Greenwich, Kent, lieutenant in her Majesty's Royal Wire-works, near Dudley, Worcestershire, wire drawer, April Navy: 88. 10d. (making 10s. 10 d.) in the pound.-William 8 at 10, District Court of Bankruptcy, Birmingham, aud. Twisden, Upper George-street, Portman-square, Middlesex, ac.-John Towry Burgon, Bucklersbury, London, wholesale gentleman: 4s. 04d. in the pound.-Wm. Lupton, Brighton hardwareman, April 19 at half-past 1, Court of Bankruptcy, Waterloo, near Liverpool, auctioneer: 104d. in the pound. London, div.-Thomas Harris and John Burls, HampsteadMargaret S. Elliot, Greenwich, Kent, out of business: 5s. 1d. road, Middlesex, brewers, April 21 at half-past 12, Court of -James Holmes, (making 8s. 4 d.) in the pound. Bankruptcy, London, fin. div. sep. ests. —, Regent-street, Westminster, Middlesex, shawl warehouseman, April 21 at 1, Court of Bankruptcy, London, div.-Owen Sturgis and Wm. Adams, College-villas, New Finchley-road, St. John's Wood, Middlesex, builders, April 21 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London, div.-Thomas Clubbe, Chester, ale brewer, April 21 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Liverpool, div.-John Malley, Lancaster, silversmith, April 25 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy, Manchester, div.

Apply at the Provisional Assignees' Office, Portugal-street, Lincoln's-inn-fields, London, between the hours of 11 and 3.



HENRY STEEL, Norwich, tea dealer and grocer, April 10 at 2, and May 9 at 12, Court of Bankruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Stansfeld; Sol. Hodgkinson, 17, Little Towerstreet, London. -- Petition filed March 25.


To be allowed, unless Cause be shewn to the contrary on or before the Day of Meeting.

JAMES GREEN, Northampton, carpenter and builder, Jonas Bergtheil, Abchurch-lane, merchant, April 22 at April 5 at 2, and May 9 at 12, Court of Bankruptcy, Lon-half-past 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London.-Joseph Rowe, don: Off. Ass. Graham; Sols. Willan & Stevenson, BedHunter-street, Kent-road, Surrey, baker, April 21 at halfford-row, London. - Petition filed March 9. past 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London.-Wm. M. Duffield, WILLIAM WALLEN the younger, Lawrence Pountney-Heavitree, Devonshire, commission agent, April 19 at 1, Dislane, London, architect, surveyor, builder, dealer and chap-trict Court of Bankruptcy, Exeter.-George K. Kent, Taunman, April 3 and May 11 at 12, Court of Bankruptcy, ton, Somersetshire, plumber, April 20 at 1, District Court of London: Off. Ass. Bell; Sols. Stevens & Satchell, 6, Bankruptcy, Exeter.-Henry P. Goodwin, Solihull, WarQueen-street, Cheapside.-Petition filed March 25. JAMES YOUNG HULBERT, New-court, Bow-lane, Lon- wickshire, tallow chandler, April 22 at 10, District Court of don, and Upper Grange-walk, Bermondsey, Surrey, account- Bankruptcy, Birmingham.-James Gibney, Nottingham, curbook manufacturer and dealer in parchment, dealer and rier, April 28 at 10, District Court of Bankruptcy, Nottingham.-Edmund Smith the younger, Swinton, Lancashire, chapman, April 7 at 1, and May 12 at 12, Court of Bankcoal owner, April 25 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy, ruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Edwards; Sols. Bridger & ColManchester. Petition lins, 37, King William-street, London-bridge. · filed March 24. ROBERT ROBSON and JOHN THOMAS ROBSON, Derby, silk manufacturers and silk throwsters, April 7 and 28 at 10, District Court of Bankruptcy, Nottingham: Off. Ass. Harris; Sols. E. & H. Wright, Birmingham; Hudson & Co., 23, Bucklersbury, London.-Petition dated March 17.

To be granted, unless an Appeal be duly entered. Wm. Quinton, Leather-lane, Middlesex, butcher.-George Wren le Grand, Lambeth-walk, Surrey, grocer.-A. Hardwick, Windsor, Berkshire, linendraper.-James Lewis Lane, Norwood, Surrey, brewer.-John Taylor the younger, Charlton, Kent, builder.-John Delaney, Mark-lane, London, wine merchant.-Caleb Ambrose, Sheerness, Kent, ironmonger.

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