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Jamblichus's Explanation of the Symbols of Pithagoras, translated into English, by Thos. Stanley, Esq. in his History of Philosophy, 4to. edition, Lond. 1743, p. 467.

The Pythagoric Symbols, with the Explanations of Jamblicus; in a Work entitled, Translations from the Greek, by W. Bridgeman, F. L. S. 8vo. Lond. 1804.

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The Prymer-with St. HEROM'S PSALTER, latin and english, 4to. Imprinted in Rowen, the yere of our Lorde, 1536.

The select Epistles of St. JEROME-translated into English, 4to. Lond. 1630.

Directions for Studying-To which is added, the Epistle of St. JEROM to NEPOTIANUS, by Thos. Bennet, D. D. 8vo. Lond. 1715..

The NEW TESTAMENT, with the Lessons, taken out of the OLD LAW read in Churches according to the Use of SARUM; translated into English, from the VULGAT Latin, by John Wiclif, D. D. begun in 1378, and finished in


1380. Edited and published by John Lewis, A. M. fol. Lond. 1731. Every one knows, that the translation of the Scriptures called the Vulgate, was the work of St. Jerom. This is the first edition of the New Testament of that version in English, of which only about 150 copies were printed.

The Holy Bible, translated out of the Latin Vulgat, diligently compared with the Hebrew and Greek, and other Editions in divers Languages, by the English College in Doway, 4to. Duaci. Laur. Kellam, 1609-10, 2 vols.

12mo. printed in the Year 1750, 4 Vols. No place; and contains only the Old Testament and the Apocrypha.

The New Testament of Jesus Christ, faithfully translated into English, out of the authenticall Latin, dilligently conferred with the Greek, and other Editions in divers languages, by the English College, resident in Rheims.

Rheims, Foigni, 1582.


fourth Edition, enriched with Pic

tures, 4to. (Paris,) by John Cousturier, 1633. with the Version of the Church of England, in a parallel Column with Notes, by Dr. Fulke, fol. Lond. 1602. In this work Dr. Fulke has sufficiently exposed the infidelity of the Rhemish doctors.

IGNATIUS, flourished A. С. 67. The Epistles of Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch; both larger and smaller, in Greek and English, with the various Readings from all the Greek MSS.-by Wm. Whiston, M. A. in his Primi tive Christianity Revived, 8vo. Lond. 1711. The translation of the smaller Epistles, is that of Bishop Wake, already mentioned under BARNABAS CLEMENT, &c. The translation of the larger was done by Mr. Whiston himself. See BARNABAS and CLEMENT.


Josephus's History, or Antiquities of the Jews, translated into English, by Thomas Lodge, fol. Lond. 1602-09-20-32-40 55-70.

The Works of Josephus, with great Diligence revised and amended, according to the excellent French Translation of Mons. Arnauld d' Andilly, Also the Embassy of the Jews to the Emperor Caius Caligula-with Scripture References, and a Map of the Holy Land, and divers CopperPlates; fol. Lond. 1683, Cambridge, 1693.

by Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knight, fol. Lond. 1702-25-33.-8vo. Lond. 1709, 1716, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1762, 4 vols.

epitomized from the Greek original -the two Books against Appion, the Martyrdom of the Maccabees, and the Embassy of Philo to the Emperor Caius Caligula, 8vo. Lond. 1701. Second edition, revised, 8vo. Lond. 1702.

abridged from the Translation of

Sir Roger L'Estrange, with a Continuation b John Crull, 8vo. Lond. 1708, 2 vols.

The Works of Josephus, translated from the original Greek, according to Havercamp's accurate Edition. - Illustrated with new Plans and Descriptions of the Tabernacle of Moses, and of the Temples of Solomon, Zorobabel, Herod, and Ezekiel, and with correct Maps of Judea and Jerusalem. With Notes, Observations, Contents, parallel Texts of Scripture, five Indexes, and eight Dissertations. With an Account of the Jewish Coins, Weights and Measures; by Wm. Whiston, M. A. fol. Lond. 1737, on large and small paper. Reprinted at Dublin, 8vo.1741, 5 vols. At Edinb. 12mo. 1751, 1777, &c. 6 vols. and at Lond. 8vo. 1755, 4 vols. And ibid. 4to. 1784, 2 vols. Mr. Whiston's translation far exceeds all preceding ones, and has never been equalled by any subsequent attempts of this kind.

_ newly translated from the original Greek, by Ebenezer Thompson, D. D. and Wm. Charles Price, LL. D. with Plates and Maps, 4to. Lond. 1777. Reprinted ibid. 1781; both editions in 2 vols.

translated from the original Greek, by Charles Clarke, D. D. with Plates, fol. Lond. 1785.

with a Continuation of the History of the Jews from Josephus, down to the present Time, by Geo. Henry Maynard, LL. D. with

Notes, &c. by the Rev. Edw. Kimpton, fol. Lond.-published in Numbers.

Several vile catch-penny editions of Josephus have been published in different parts of Great Britain, with the fictitious names of LL. D's, D. D's, and Reverends, which should never be recorded, except in the literary history of Grubstreet. Nor can the reader take up any real or pretended translation of this author, with any confidence, except that by Mr. Whiston, which for general accuracy and fidelity, may be safely depended on. This version, recollated with the original, and modernized a little in the language, would no doubt, be favourably received by the public.

JOSEPH BEN GORION, or JOSIPPON, about A. C. 900 or 1000.

A compendious and mosté marveylous history of the latter times of the Jewes commonweale, beginnying where the Bybel or Scriptures leave. Wrytten in hebrew, by Joseph ben Gorion, a noble man of the same countrey-Translated into Englyshe, by Péter Morovyng, of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford, 8vo. Lond. Rich. Jugge, 1561. Reprinted ib. 1567, and 1576. 12mo. 1706, This is a work of no credit, a mean fabrication of an unprincipled Jew, chiefly extracted from the genuine Josephus, but with the intention to discredit his work, and support the desperate cause of a sinful people. The work was nevet

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