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logists, with Morals and Reflections, by Sir Roger L'Estrange, fol. Lond. 1692, 1694. and without date.

Fables and Stories moralized, being a second Part of the Fables of Esope, &c. by Sir Roger L'Estrange, fol. 1699, 1704.-and 8vo. 1703. 1708, 1714, 1715, 1724, 1738. 2 vols.

Fables of Æsop, in English and Latin interlineary, with cuts, 8vo. Lond. 1703.

with the Moral Reflections of Mons. Baudoin, translated from the French, with the Life of Æsop, by John Toland, 8vo. Lond. 1704. - by Joseph Jackson, 8vo. Lond.

1708.-With cuts, 12mo. Lond. 1775.

with an Application to each Fable, by Sam. Croxall, D. D. 8vo. Lond. 1722, 1724, 1728, 1737, 1778, 1786, 1788, 1789, often re printed at different places.

in English and Latin, by John

Locke, 8vo. Lond. 1723.

with Morals and Reflections, with

240 Cuts, and the Life of Æsop, by Mr. Richard

son, 12mo. Lond. 1740, 1757, 1787.

with Morals, in Prose and Verse,

grammatically translated, with Pictures and Emblems, &c. 8vo. Lond.


by Chas. Draper, Esq. 12mo. Lond.

Select Fables of Esop and other Fabulists, by Mr. Dodsley, 8vo. Lond. 1761.-and with Cuts 1762, 1784, 1786, 1787. The same reprinted by Mr. Baskerville, 8vo. Birmingham, 1764. Dodsley's Æsop is a very valuable work, and far exceeding every thing of the kind done before. Select Fables of Æsop, by Mr. Clarke, 12mo. Lond. 1774.

new versified from the last English Editions, in three parts, by H. Steers, Gent. 8vo. Lond. 1804.

AGAPETUS, A. C. 535.

The Precepts teaching a Prynce or a Noble Estate her Dutie, written by Agapetus in Greke, to the Emperor Justinian, translated into English by Tho. Paynell, 12mo. Loud. No date.

with the Introduction to Wisedome and Banket of Sapience, 16mo. Lond. No date. And 12mo. Lond. 1550.

[blocks in formation]

A Hymn in praise of Harmodius and Aristogiton, in Greek, with an English translation. See Monthly Review for Oct. 1762, p. 248, 249.


The Introduction of Alcinous to the Platonic Philosophy, translated by Tho. Stanley, and annexed to the Life of Plato. See Stanley's History of Philosophy, fol. Lond. 1655, 1687, and the same work 4to. Lond. 1743, p. 188,-205. ALCIPHRON, A. C. 290, very uncertain.

Alciphron's Epistles, in which are described the Domestic Manners, the Courtesans and Parasites of Greece, 8vo. Lond. 1791. Translated by different hands. The work is in general well done; and is accompanied with very useful notes. by Beloe, 8vo. Lond. 1791.

St. AMBROSE, born A. C. 340. St. Ambrose of Orppession, translated by John Owen, 16mo. No place, (but probably printed at Worcester) 1550.

St. Ambrose his devout Praier, expedient for those that prepare themselves to say Masse, translated by Tho. Paynell, 8vo. Lond. 1555.

Two Bookes of Saint Ambrose, Bysshoppe of Myllene, entitled; Of the Vocation and Calling of all Nations, newly translated out of Latin into Englyshe, for the edifying and comfort of the single mynded and godly unlearned in Christes Church; against the late strong secte of the Pelagians, the maynteyners of the free wyll of men, and denyers of the grace of God. By Henry Becher, 8vo Lond. 1561.

Chistian Offices Cristal Glass, written by St. Ambrose, in three books, translated into English by R. Humphrey, 4to. Lond. 1637.

AMMIANUS Marcellinus, born A. C. 390.
The Roman Historie of Ammianus Marcel-

linus, translated into English by Philemon Holland, fol. Lond. 1609. See MARCELLINUS.

ANACREON, B. C. 532.

The Works of Anacreon, translated into English Verse; with Notes explanatory and poetical. To which are added, the Odes, Fragments, and Epigrams of Sappho, with the ori ginal Greek placed opposite to he Translation. by John Addison, 12mo. Lond. 1735. A good translation with useful notes.

Anacreon, with Bion, Moschus, Secundus, &c. with Notes, by T. Stanley, Esq. 8vo. Lond. 1683. The author of this translation, Mr. Stanley, was an excellent scholar and critic, and an ornament to his country.

Anacreon done into English out of the original Greek, by Francis Willis, 8vo. Oxford, 1683.-This is properly the work of four translators, Mr. T. Wood, who translated Odes 5, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 35, 38, 49, and 50. Mr. Cowley, Mr. Oldham, and Mr. Willis. Those parts which had been translated by Cowley and Oldham, Mr. Willis adopted; the rest, except those above-mentioned, done by Mr. Wood, were the fruits of his own labours.

Addison's Anacreon, with Notes, to which are added, the Fragments of Sappho, Greek and English, 12mo. Lond. 1735.

The Works of Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus, and Musæus, translated from the original Greek, by Francis Fawkes, M. A. 12mo. Lond. 1760. Reprinted, 12mo. 1789. And in Dr. Anderson's collection of the British Poets, 8vo. Lond. 1795. The best translation of these Poets. Works of Anacreon and Sappho by Mr. Green, 12mo. Lond. 1768.

The Odes of Anacreon, translated from the Greek, by the Rev. D. H. Urquhart, M. A. 8vo. Lond. 1787. A literal version, often destitute both of spirit and dignity.

Select Odes of Anacreon, have been translated by several, and published in a variety of forms.

The Odes of Anacreon, translated into English Verse, with Notes, by Tho. Moore, Esq. 4to. Lond. 1800. This is an elegant, spirited version, with useful notes; at least, equal to any of its predecessors.

The Odes of Anacreon, translated from the Greek, into English Verse, by Tho. Girdlestone, M. D. 8vo. Lond. 1803. A version which does not often convey the sprightliness of the original,

Marcus Aurelius ANTONINUS,
Died A. C. 180.

The Golden Boke of Marcus Aurelius, Emperor and elegant Orator, translated out of Frenche into Englishe, by John Bouchier, Knight, 8vo. Lond. Berthellet, 1534, 4to. 1536, 1542.-8vQ

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