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Lucius Anæus FLORUS, flourished under Trajan.

The Roman History, written by L. A. Florus, and translated into English by E. M. B. 12mo. Oxford, 1636.

translated into English with Notes,

by Meric Casaubon, 8vo. Lond. 1658, 1659.

translated into English, by John Da

vies, 8vo. Lond. 1667. Reprinted often.

translated into English, with Cuts,

12mo. Lond. 1725.

Latin and English, translated by John Clarke, 8vo. York, 1727. London reprinted 1739-46-49, &c.

with English Notes, &c. by John

Stirling, M. A. 8vo. Lond. 1738.

Sextus Julius FRONTINUS, died A. C. 106.

The Stratagems, Sleyghtes and Policies of Warre, gathered together by S. Julius Frontinus, and translated into English, by Rycharde Morysine, 8vo. Lond. 1539. Dedicated to Henry VIII. kynge of Englande.

The Stratagems of War, or a Collection of the most celebrated Practices and wise Sayings of the great Generals in former Ages, written by S. J. Frontinus, one of the Roman Consuls: now englished and enlarged, with a new Collection of the most noted Stratagems and brave Exploits of modern Generals: with a short Ac

count of the Weapons offensive and defensive, and Engines commonly used in War; by M. D. A. B. D. 12mo. Lond. 1686.


Claudius GALEN, A. C. 180.

The Treasuri of Helth, contaynynge many profitable Medicines, gathered out of Hippo. crats, Galen, Avicenley, and one Petrus Hyspanus, and translated into Englysh by Humfre Lloyd, 12mo. Lond. Wm. Copeland. No date.

The Questionary of Cyrurgens, with the Formulary of lytel Guydo in Cyrurgie, with the Spectacles of Cyrurgyens newly added, with the fourth Boke of the Terapeutike, or methode curatyfe of Claude Galyen prince of Physiciens, &c. Newly translated out of the frensshe, by Rob. Copeland, 4to. Lond. in the 33d yeare of the raygne of-Henry VIII. (1542.)

The Booke of the Natures and vertues of Triacles-gathered out of Galen, &c. in Wm. Turner's Book of the Natures and Properties of all Wines, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1568.

The 3d Book of Galen of curing of pricks and wounds of Sinowes, translated into English, by Geo. Baker, Chirurgian; in his book entitled, The Composition-of the moste excellent pretious Oil called Oleum magistrale; 8vo. Lond. 1574.

A right learned and profitable Work, entitled Galen's Book of Elements, by John Jones, Phisicion, annexed to his book entitled, A Briefe, excellent and profitable discourse of the natural beginning of all growing and living things, &c. 4to. Lond. 1574.

Galen's Book of Elements, by John Jones, Phisition, 4to. Lond. 1574.

Guydo's Questions, newly corrected: whereunto is added, the thirde and fourth booke of Galen, &c. A worke both learned and profitable-the lyke whereoff before this tyme hath not bene printed; by Geo. Baker, 4to. Lond. 1579.

Certaine workes of Galen's, called Methodus Medendi, &c. translated into English by Thos. Gale, 4to. Lond. 1586.

Galen's Art of Physick, translated by N. Culpepper, 8vo. Lond. for John Wright. See


Cornelius GALLUS, died A. С. 26. The Impotent Lover, accurately described in six elegies on old age; with the old doting Letcher's Resentments on the past pleasures, and vigourous performances of Youth: made English from the Latin of Cn. Cornelius Gallus, by


Hovenden Walker, 8vo. Lond. 1689. Reprinted 8vo. ibid. 1693.

Aulus GELLIUS. See AULUS Gellius.

GILDAS, born A. C. 520.

A Prophecy under the Name of Gildas, wherein among other things he prophesies the utter ruine of Edinburgh; in an edition of some old Scots Prophecies; published by Mr. Andrew Hart, Edinb. 1615.

The Epistle of Gildas, a Britain, entitled De excidio et conquestu Britannia, translated into English by Thos. Habington, 8vo. Lond. 1638.

GRATIUS Faliscus, flourished under Augustus.

The Poem of Hunting, written by GRATIUS Faliscus, translated into English Verse, with Notes (with the Latin Text) by Christopher Ware, 12mo. Lond. 1654.

GREGORY the Great, flourished A. C. 590.

St. Gregory on the Lives and Miracles of the Saints, translated into English, 8vo. Lond. 1608.

Ælfred's Preface to his Translation of Gregory's Pastoral, with an English Version interlined, and afterwards the same in Latin; in Ælfredi Regis Res Gesta; fol. Lond. 1574.

Collectanea, out of Gregory the Great, and

St. Bernard, the Devout, against the Papists,
&c. 8vo. Oxford, 1618.

GREGORY Nazianzen, flourished A. C. 370.
Gregory Nazianzen his Epigrams, and Spiri-
tual Sentences, translated by Thos. Drant, 8vo.
Lond. 1568.

Panegyrick upon the Maccabees, translated into English by Jeremy Collier, 8vo. Lond. 1716.

For other translations from this writer, see Mr. Jabez Hughes's Miscellanies, 8vo. Lond. 1737.


Valerius HARPOCRATION, flourished A. С. 360.

The Magick of Kirani King of Persia and of Harpocration, containing the magical and medicinal Virtues of Stones, Herbs, Fishes, Beasts and Birds; now translated into English, from a Copy, found in a private Hand, 8vo. Lond. 1687, which the reader may believe if he please.


An Æthiopian historie, written in Greeke by Heliodorus, no lesse wittie then pleasaunt. En


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