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Sine Libris, Deus jam silet, Justicia quiescit, torpet Medicina, Philosophia mancà est, Litteræ mutæ, omnia tenebris involuta Cimmeriis.

Barthol. de libris legend. Dissert.



R. Edwards, Printer Crane Court, Fleet Street.



N the formation of the following Alphabetical List of the English Translations of the Greek and Roman Classics and ancient ecclesiastical Writers, the editor did not foresee the difficulties of the work in which he engaged. Had these appeared at first, this volume had certainly never been promised. But his word being pledged to the public, he was obliged to undertake a task which promised little but labour and vexation, as his materials were scanty, and his information often uncertain and precarious. If he have failed in the execution of his plan, it was not for lack of assiduous labour and attention. These have not only been freely bestowed, but lavished on this meagre performance. As it is properly the first work of the kind on this plan, it cannot be expected to be immaculate, though so much care has been taken to make it so. Dates and Sizes have sometimes been mistaken, and the table of errata will shew how many have been detected and amended. It is hoped that few of importance remain unnoticed, and that the candid reader, considering the difficulty of the work, will be as ready to excuse as to correct them.


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