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This tabular history has been drawn up to supply a want felt by many teachers of some means of making their pupils realize what events in the two neighbour countries were contemporary Probably this never was so well done as in Stork's “Stream of Time," a new edition of which I hope, with able assistance, in time to prepare and correct up to the present state of modern discovery. This, however, can consist of nothing but the briefest tabulated catalogue of names and dates; and the nations who. have always been so closely intermingled, for mutual evil or good, require something more detailed. I have, therefore, tried to construct a skeleton narrative of the chief transactions in either country, placing a column between for what affected both alike, and trying to keep clear of what did not greatly concern either nation.

The desire of brevity has necessarily produced great dryness and some dogmatism, but I trust that this may be excused in what is necessarily more a book of reference than of study; and that at any rate young people may be assisted in grasping the mutual relation of events. Tables of succession have not been given, as these are everywhere easily to be met with, nowhere better than in the “Synoptical History of England” published by Messrs. Walton, which for England alone is excellent, and which has greatly assisted me in drawing up these Parallels.


January, 1871.




ENGLAND (BRITAIN). When the history of Britain begins to become known, the island was occupied by Kelts. These seem to have consisted of two principal nations--the Gael, taller, ruder, wilder, inhabiting the north and far west ; the Cymry, more cultivated, living under the Druid system of religion, and apparently trading for tin with the Phoenicians.

The Belge, probably a mixed nation of Kelts and Teutons, were beginning to make settlements on the eastern coast. In all these the nation was divided into clans, with the chieftainship of each inherent in one family. They sometimes coalesced under some chief of superior influence or talant.

FRANCE (GAUL). In the earliest times of the history of the country then called Gaul, the inhabitants were Kelts. The Gael evidently were there first, and left their name to the country, but the Cymry were the staple of the inhabitants when they became known to civilized nations. Their religion was druidical, their government merely the clan system, but they were more civilized than the insular Cymry from contact with the Greek colonies of Massilia and its dependencies on the Mediterranean coast.

The Belgæ had effected a settlement in the marshy lands about the mouths of the Rhine and Scheldt.

B.C. 154.-The Greek colonies of Massilia called on Rome for assistance against the Gauls. The Romans, responding to the call, founded the colonies now called 'Aix and Narbonne, and gradually extended their territory so far as to own a region there called Provincia, now Provence.

B.C. 113.-The Cimbri and Teutones, a mixed mass of Kelts and Teutons, poured into Gaul from the west, and were eagerly welcomed by all the Gauls, who dreaded the advance of Roman aggression. They routed two consuls and overspread Provincia.

B.C. 103.-They were defeated at Aqua Sextiæ (Aix) by Caius Marius, pursued into Italy, and annihilated at Vercelli.

Provincia became thoroughly Romanized.

B.C. 61.—The Teuton tribe of Schwaben (Suevi, Swabians), under a prince or Heerfürst (Ariovistus), made their way across the Rhine. The Æduan chief Divitiacus came to implore the aid of Rome.

E.C. 58.-Julius Cæsar drove back a Keltic immigration from Helvetia, demolished the Schwaben invaders, and gradually extended the Roman dominion over the whole of Gaul, overcoming the gallant resist

Jiirius Cæsar (B.C. 55) made his first landing in Britain, and the next year (B.C. 54) defeated the chief Castvallon, penetrated into the interior beyond


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