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MADAM.-Agreeably to the rules of the late Bengal Military Widows' Fund, to which your former husband Captain John Graham, of the cavalry, was a subscriber, your claim to re-admission to the pension you enjoyed in right of his subscription, is totally inadmissible. Pensions by the rules of the institution continuing only during widowhood and not claimable on subsequent widowhood.

(No. 4)


Secretary Bengal Military Fund.

since the death of her aforesaid husband. The meaning here is well defined and cannot be mistaken; what is intended is declared, that a marriage would involve the forfeiture of the pension.

The practice of the British army is very different from that which the judgment of the Military Fund directors has for the first time made known to Mrs. Kelly. The compassionate allowance or Royal Bounty to the widow of an officer is not (See His Majesty's Warrant, 13th June 1836,) forfeited on her re-marriage, but continues during every subsequent coverture and widowhood, nor is it like the pension of the widow, of the Indian Officer, purchased by high subscriptions during his life, but it is a free and gratis grant.

The late Captain Graham subscribed to the widows' fund from its commencement to his death in February 1816, a period of nearly 11 years-all the return for this long subscription which his widow has hitherto received is her pension for barely two years. If the directors would but recollect the large amount of capital, nearly 13 lacs of sicca rupees transferred in 1824 from the Old Widows' to the New Military Fund, the claim to some share in the benefit thereof of the widow of an offi cer, who so contributed to it, would, I believe, be found deserving of further and favorable consideration. This principle, that the benefit of the continued support and increased rate of interest then promised by the Court of Directors should not be limited to the parties connected SIR,-Your letter to Mrs. Kelly, under date the with the new institution has already been largely acted was duly received by that lady; she is much concerned upon when they increased by one-third, the pensions of to learn from it, that her re-admission to a pension from the old fund incumbents; by that increase a majority the Widows' Fund, had not been sanctioned by the di- of those widows now receive larger pensions from the new rectors. Upon the reasons which are assigned for this fund than it grants to its own subscribers,-when there. judgment, is." that such pensions continue only du- fore what is asked is not preference but equality, involves ring widowhood and are not claimable upon subsequent an innovation but proceeds on existing usage, and incurs widowhood," at the request of Mrs. Kelly, I crave per- but a paltry expense for a praiseworthy end. I cannot mission to remark on her part, that although the original but think that a respectful appeal to the long well-known rule 17 of the Widows' Fund decreed a suspension of liberality of the Bengal army will not be made in vain the stipend upon re-marriage, it contained no prohibition when the very dependent state of their petitioner is thus against its renewal upon second widowhood. Its terms brought under their notice. I beg, therefore, that the dion the contrary are general, that the pension shall con-rectors will permit the reference of this distressing case to tinue" during widowhood," and apply to any and every the compassionate consideration of the army, should the occasion during which the claimant may be so left. To present communication not suffice to establish in their limit its duration to first widowhood is an extension of the opinion the claim of Mrs, Kelly to restoration of her penrule unwarranted by its letter, and quite against the spirit of the institution, which intends not only the (partial and temporary) relief, but the continuing support, while necessary, of the "Widows of Officers." On the revision of the fund rules, which took place in 1821, the wording of the relative articles 25 and 29 continued equally strong and general, the phrases then used are "during continuance in widowhood," and "in a state of widowhood."

The general practice in such societies, and indeed in law, is, that where a deprivation or penalty is intended it shall be expressed, and in such cases, the affidavit on which depends the continuance of the indulgence to the widow, declares that ever since the husband's decease she has continued and then is a widow.


DUMFRIES, 20th April 1837.

I have, &c.

Major H. P. late of 24th regiment.

(No. 5.)

ARTICLE 24TH.--If a widow pensioner on the fund marries, her pension is to cease during her coverture, but be re-admitted to all the benefits she may have enjoyed in the event of her again becoming a widow, she shall from the fund during her first widowhood, in like manner as if she had not re-married, but subject, of course, to all the limitations and conditions prescribed by the regula tions in the first instance. If the second husband shall also have been a subscriber to the fund the widow will In what may be called the sister fund, of the Indian receive however only one annuity, taking that which may army, viz. Lord Clive's Bounty, the declaration required be the greatest, that is to say, according to the rank of is equally direct and explicit ; oath is made by the claimant the first or second husband, whichever may be the highthat she has not contracted marriage with any other person | er.—Hurkaru, March 20.



In pursuance of a requisition which had been circuated sometime previously, upwards of two hundred of the most respectable zemindars assembled last Monday at 4 P. M. at the Town-hall. Among these we perceived

caunth Roy, Raj Narain, Radacaunth Bahadoor, Kaly Kishen Bahadoor, Baboos Prosonnocomar Tagore, Ramcomul Sen, Ramanath Tagore, and other members of the Tagore Family, Baboos Lukhinarain Mookerjee,

Rutton Roy, Oodychund Bysak, Raj Kishen Chow- Bhobanichurn Mitter and himself, a provisional commitdhery, Sottychurn Ghosal, Mothooranath Mullik, tee, for the purpose of preparing the rules of the projected Moonshy Ameer, Mahommed Ameer, and the Mook tears society, which he would now read for the benefit of of several opulent rajahs and zemindars, who could not those who had not understood the English version of it, attend the meeting. We likewise observed several Eu- which had just been read by Mr. Dickens. ropean gentlemen, among whom were Mr. T. Dickens,

Moved by Rajah Rajnarain Roy, seconded by Rajah Kaly Kishen Bahadoor:

Mr. Geo. Prinsep, Mr. David Hare, and several other the attention of the meeting to those parts of the rules He then read the prospectus in Bengally, calling distinguished members of the community. The whole which required their immediate attention. of the proceedings, with the exception of what fell from Mr. Dickens, was in Bengally, and, although considerable difficulty was experienced by us in preparing this our first report of proceedings conducted in that language, yet by the obliging assistance of a kind and talented friend, we can assure the reader that the substance of the speeches will be found fully given and as accurately reported as under circumstances it was possible.

That the rules now read be adopted as the rules of the society.

came forward and spoke :
After the 2d resolution was moved, Mr. Dickens

Rajah Radhacaunth Bahadoor being called to the our meeting, and upon the carrying of the resolutions Gentlemen I congratulate you upon the occasion of chair, stated that the honor which had been conferred already moved, which give existence and consistency to on him was due in the first instance to the Rajah of our society. As already an incipient jealousy of it has Nuddeah, whose family was the most ancient among the been displayed, I think it necessary to speak of my own zemindars of Bengal; but this Rajah, although he had reasons for coming forward, which otherwise, I should been expected, was not present at the meeting. In his not have touched upon; I do not appear here in the absence he thought the chair was due to Rajah Barada- character of a political agitator; still less in that of an caunth Roy, whose family stood next in point of anti- advocate of any opinions, except my own, and those quity; but as the meeting had done him the honor of which I trust we have all in common. calling him to the chair, he would thankfully accept it. tor of indigo factories of considerable value; I am besides I am a proprieUnder the British rule, he observed, the people had by the grant of Government, a proprietor of lands in continued to live happily, until certain regulations, con- the zillah of Goruckpore, which, I trust, I shall be ena nected with the resumption operations, had been promul- bled by care and the assistance which I have secured gated, which made all very anxious, and a gloom has to render productive, and bequeath as a valuable inbeen cast on the landholders. On the other hand, what heritance to my children. Thus should I chance to good had the Government done for the people? When, leave this country, my connexion with it will remain, some years ago, inundation laid waste the southern parts and I am sure you will rejoice with me, when you reof the country the Government suspended its demand, flect that from the change of policy which enables Engfor some time, but afterwards recovered it with interest, lishmen to acquire property here, this is not likely to which measure ruined many estates and gave considera-be a solitary example; but the connexion between ble trouble to the people. The resumption of rent-free- both countries must needs become daily closing in all lands was, however, the greatest grievance they had to things, to the increase of knowledge, of kindliness of complain of, and circumstances pointed out the expedi- feeling, and, I trust, to the improvement of both classes. ence of forming a society. The benefits of such a society would be felt not only by those who resided in Calcutta, friendly feeling and a common interest, and disposed I join you, therefore, as one having an earnest and but all over the country, by forming communications with all my power, with heart and head and hand to aid with the different districts and this society. Representa in the one common object, which we have all in view. tions were always necessary to be made to Government, in these proceedings; if any one adopted an erroneous course, the society afforded a ready means of correction, and through it grievances could be easily brought to the notice of the proper authorities. It was a common saying among the people that straw could be easily broken by the finger when in separate blades: but if several blades be united together and formed into a rope, it was capable of confining even a wild elephant and reducing it into subjection.' Union among the people was, therefore, highly necessary, and the establishment of such a society was much called for, in order to keep a watch over the measures of Government and its functionaries, and for the purpose of making representations to it.

I congratulate you, gentlemen, on the formation of the first society for political objects which has ever been organized by the natives of India with large and liberal views, without exclusiveness, and with ends and aims of extensive utility. I see in it the gem of great things, and I am satisfied that the care and prudence which will be required to conduct these beginnings to fitting ends, will not be wanting.

objects has been already displayed, I but guard myself care. I have said, gentlemen, that a jealousy respecting our fully from attributing such a sentiment to the governing power: I am satisfied that there no such feeling exists. But though the last charter has been called a " Charter Rajah Kaly Kishen Bahadoor expressed his full of Freedom" for India, I cannot, I own, perceive that concurrence in the opinions of the chairman, and moved much extension of political liberty has been granted by that a society be formed to be called the Landholders' it to any class, or that any thing like what we ought to Society. This resolution was seconded by Rajah Raj-call a guarantee for civil rights has been conceded to the Narain Roy, who also expressed his full concurrence in natives of India, or to any class of its inhabitants. I do the views of the chairman. Carried unanimously.

not profess to be an admirer of that charter,-I am no Mr. Dickens stated, that he had been requested by I may not deem them possessed of deep sagacity, nor of admirer of it, nor of the men who framed it; but though the chairman to read the prospectus of the Society in that fore-knowledge which could embrace all the conse、 English, for the information of those who understood that language, and that a Bengally version of it would quences of their own acts, yet I am bound in candour to afterwards be read and explained by some one who suppose that they must have foreseen some of those contions verified by the event. sequences, and must be pleased at seeing their anticipacertainly did not) provide any guarantees for the rights If they did not (and they of equality. They have pronounced, gentlemen, that of the governed, they at least promulgated the principle all men should be equal before the law, and equal in the eye of the state; and they gave utterance to an abstract principle, which first, for any practical purposes

better understood that language than he did. He then read the prospectus which will be found in the Hurkaru of the 17th instant.

The chairman then stated, that previous to this, a meeting of several respectable zemindars and others had been held at the Hindoo College, which had appointed Babbos Prosonnocomar Tagore, Ram Comul Sen,

or extensive application, had its birth in the National to prove his title to exemption from all claim, and that Convention of France, and they were doubtless sincere in the government had no right to call him there on peril of what they were about, if they did not fully foresee the forfeiture or assessment. Let us further suppose that consequences of their own acts. This meeting, gentle-a prescriptive right of sixty or seventy years was held men, is one of those consequences which they might to be no title to exemption, and that the government in have foreseen, for one good tendency of their legislation, ordinary cases paid no costs, and the defendant must at all events, was to amalgamate all classes of the govern- pay his own and stamp taxes besides on the litigation ed in the pursuit of their common interests, and we thus forced upon him, what would an Englishman fresh accept the professions of the charter in the full confidence from Europe say to all this? would he not say that all that the practice will be agreeable to the professions if ordinary judicial maxims were bere reversed, and that we are watchful enough to take care of ourselves. if these were rules of right, or of legal philosophy, he must unlearn all that he had been taught to hold as reasonable or regard as just?

We meet, gentlemen, because you conceive that you may have petitions to prefer to the Government which ought to be listened to, and grievances that may be re dress. I cannot too frequently repeat in this place, that in ed, and nothing can be more reasonable than to unite for what I have said and am about to say respecting the such purposes when the end and aims are common to causes of our fears, we do not impute blame to Governall. It is not my intention here to enter into a detailed ment in either its legislative or executive capacity. examination of the various questions connected with the We must divide and distinguish between Government regulations for the resumption of rent-free tenures. I in such capacities, and Government in its capacity of shall content myself with asking a few questions and owner of the soil and landlord claiming its yearly rent; making a few observations concerning them of a very from Government in this its quality of landlord you general nature, but by the necessary answer to these have doubtless grievances to endure, but, after all, questions it will be apparent we do not meet without a though heavy enough, such grievances are light comsufficient reason. I shall assume, in addressing you, that pared with those that you might apprehend, if you the special deputy collectors, the Collectors and the could suppose a portion of the press which treats of Special Commissioners of Government, are such a body such subjects and any authority for the principles to of judges as this world never saw before: that they pos- which it gives currency, or that they received countesess an absolute abdegation of all self-interest, a perfect nance from authority. A portion of the press of this preindependence of all considerations of advancement, a sidency and of the Mofussil from time to time, the stern judicial impartiality unequalled in any country or question of the best means of raising a land revenue age; but, no, all this might, perhaps, be supposed to in India has been argued, as if it were still in Bengal savour of sarcasm, as being exaggerated praise; I will an abstract and open question, and on grounds destrucsuppose then, merely that, they are equal to any tive of all public faith,-of all confidence between man judges in any country, that they are equal to English and man, and of all the ties which bind men together judges in the best times of our history, that they are in civilized communities. We are perpetually referred equal to French judges in modern France, to the judges to the necessity which has no law, to the injustice which in the United States of America. Let us then suppose is done to any portion of a state, more heavily taxed than that in England, or France, or America, a general war- another, to the inconvenience of the exemptions of Bengal, rant was issued by the executive power calling upon Bahar and Orissa. If ever there was a solemn public commen to shew the titles of their estates or their title to pact entered into between the governor, and the governed, exemptions from any impost, and then let us suppose the latter ignorant, the former civilized and incompara. that such questions were judged, as between the go-bly the best informed of the couditions, and acting with vornors and the governed, by a body of men removable a forethought and deliberation commonly but Ititle used at pleasure, promoted at pleasure, many of them appoint- even in such though the weightiest public affairs, it was ed for the specific purpose and for a short and uncertain the permanent settlement of the land revenue of Bengal, period, and none of them having the smallest responsi- Bahar and Orissa by Lord Cornwallis if ever there bility to the governed: what, I ask, would the Eng was an act which did honor to an individual governor, lishman, the Frenchman, or the American of the United or made a conquering government worthy of esteem to States say to this? Why, among many other things we all posterity, it was the permanent settlement, but now may conceive that they would say, and to cut matters it is openly and covertly assailed by maxims which I short, they would say in plain words, gentlemen; that think it better not to characterize by any epithets. Acthis was not fair trial. And so say we, gentlemen; and cording to the logic of the writers to which I allude, therefore, as well as for other reasons, we are met to- it was unjust in Lord Cornwallis, in 1793, to make a comgether this day; for if Englishmen would not be satis-pact to limit the land rents of Bengal, because the north-west fied with such a trial neither ought you, for by the last provinces which were acquired in 1803, or 1805, some charter you will not forget that we are all equal before eight or ten years after, do, in 1838, require a large exthe law, and the law itself onght to be, and we presume penditure, or because Madras or Bombay may exhibit as we hope, it will be, equal to the best. You will bear an increasing deficit, why, after all, gentlemen, Bengal in mind, gentlemen, as we go along, that I do not im- pays for all, and surely pays enough if it pays yearly pute blame or evil motives to any class and still less much more than it costs. According to the reasoning to Government. I assume always that the intentions of this portion of the press you are bound in justice to of all are right, and most especially the intentions of the pay for each new conquest in the precise into of its inu governing class; but still, it is reasonable we may be tility and costliness. Such calculations lead further permitted to think that a better safe-guard should be than the writers think. Satisfied as I am that there was provided, and, therefore, feeling that in the union of many, good reason for your meeting, I rejoice, gentlemen, that for a common and reasonable object there is strength. you have met. The framers of the charter, I have said, we meet together. I had almost forgotten to notice must, if gifted with the forethought and wisdom for which one peculiarity of the revenue proceedings now in pro-I am content here to give them credit, have been pregress very worthy of note. I need not enlarge upon pared for such results, and prepared too to rejoice at what such a people as the English or any civilized people them. You have learned, gentlemen, from the charter would think of a general inquisition into the titles to that the native subjects of the Crown in India are and all men's estates on which government had claims; but ought to be the equals of Englishmen, and you have this let us suppose that it had issued and then let us suppose day been taught the secret that union is power. That that when the government as plaintiff and the individual is a lesson not to be unlearned, and the power you will as defendant were once in court, the defendant should thus acquire I doubt not you will keep and wisely use.

The resolution proposed by Rajah Rajnarain Roy was then put and carried unanimously.

intention. The Union for purposes that are avowed is Maha Rajah Raj Bullub Raeen Roy, Jugutseth safe, that which is secret is dangerous, and this, too, Go- Khoshal Chund, and Maha Rajah Nobokishen Bahavernment will not fail to perceive; you have made a door. These favors were conferred on them, on account step in advance in the career of political improvement, of their consciencious support of the great political cause and I doubt not you will persevere in the good work in which his Lordship was engaged. Nay, on the occayou have begun. I offer you my humble but yet sion of the war they were prepared to sacrifice their body zealous aid, both here and elsewhere, if I should chance and soul. All these facts are noted in the Government to leave India. In England, I believe, I shall have records. The people of this country, who are naturally the means to offer you assistance more able and powerful loyal subjects, and patiently suffer the oppressions of Government, should receive some consideration from that than my own. Government, as the saying is, the strong is the support of the weak.' Thirdly, owing to the differences of opinion Baboo Ramcomul Sen observed, that those who had among our countrymen, it was difficult to unite them in a common cause: but in the present instance, union understood the last speaker, had, no doubt, been much without reference to the distinctions of caste, evidently in informed and benefitted; but, as it was intended to pub-dicated future welfare to the country, and would prove as lish the whole of the proceedings of this meeting in Ben-powerful as a rope formed of weak blades of grass, which gally, it was needless for him now to enter into the sub- when united could confine even a wild elephant, and ject. He then moved, seconded by Roy Kalynauth keep him in order. For this great union thanks were due Chowdhry, that the following gentlemen be elected as to Baboo Prosonno Comar Tagore and Baboo Ramcoa committee for the present year, viz. Messrs. T. Dick-mul Sen. It was, therefore, the ardent desire of the ens and G. Prinsep, Baboos Prosonocomar Tagore, Rajah, that this society exist permanently; and conDwarkanauth Tagore, Rajah Rajnarain Roy, Rajah tinue, without partiality to confer its benefits on the Kaly Kishun Bahadoor, Baboos Ashotos Deb, Rain- country. rotton Roy, Ramcomal Sen, Moonshee Ameer, Cowar Suttichurn Ghosal, and Rajah Radhacanth Deb, carried

nem. con.

Baboo Suttichurn Ghosal stated, that all here present: being sensible of the benefits of the projected association, were unanimously desirous that it should be established; but as such an association could not be carried on with out pecuniary aid, he would propose that a book be opened in which all persons wishing to become members subscribe their names.

After this several slips of paper were sent round for the names of those who intended to become members, and the following individuals were enrolled on the list :

Rajah Bhoirubindra Narain Roy, of Pooteah; Sree. mutty Moharanny Kistomoney, by Kassinath Sendal. Rajshahee; Rajah Burrodakant Roy, of Jessore; Sreemutty Ranny Katauny, by Dewan Dabeeprasaud Roy; Rajabs Radhakaunt Deb Bahadoor; Sibkrishno Bahadoor; Kallykissen Bahadoor, and Rajnarain Roy; Baboos Dwarkanauth Tagore; Prossonno Comar Tagore; This was seconded by Roy Calynath Chowdry, who Hurro Comar Tagore; Shamlall Tagore; Hurrolall observed that many had subscribed for the construction Tagore; Konoylall Tagore; Gopaullall Tagore; Wopen of roads for the convenience of travellers, others for the dermobun Tagore; Omachurn Banerjee; Bhugobutty-support of schools to educate people, and, again, others churn Gungopadaya; Aushootosh Day; Ramruttun Roy; for charitable purposes in order to relieve the poor but Roy Callynauth Chowdry; Roy Rambullub; Tara none had subscribed his name in support of an institu prasaud Roy Chowdry; Sreekishu Roy Chowdry; tion whose object was to protect our political rights and Rajkishu Roy Chowdry; Suttochurn Ghosaul; Nilcoprivileges? The effects of such an institution would be mul Paul Chowdry; Joychunder Paul Chowdry; felt not only by ourselves but our posterity. Let charity Unnodaprasaud Roy; Uboychurn Bunda padaya; begin at home. He concluded by seconding the resolu- Surroop Chunder Sircar Chowdry; Kallyprossono tion, which had been proposed. Carried unanimously Mookerjee; Ramgutty Nag Chowdry; Praunauth ChowThe chairman here observed, that the present meeting | dry; Odoynarain Mundul; Ramcomul Sen; Ramanauth ought on no account to be considered as in any way opposed to the Government; on the contrary, if the object of Government be the good of the people, and this society subserved that end, it was evident that Government could not but consider it as beneficial both to itself and to the country at large.

Rajah Kaly Kishen Bahadoor then came forward and read a document which contained his speech, and of which the following is the substance:

Lagore; Unnoda prasaud Bonerjee; Omeschunder Roy; Mothoramohun Biswas; Aunundomony Biswas; Bis sumber Chowdry; Mothoranauth Mullick; Baumun Doss Mookerjee; Sumboonauth Mookerjee; Joygopaul Roy Chowdry; Jugutdollub Sing; Essur Chunder Mustopee; Hurrypraun Mustopee; Gunganarain Paul Chowdry, Bissonauth Mutteelall; Eesenchunder Roy; Mudoosuden Sandel; Sumbhoochunde Mittree? Setanauth Mittree; Bissumber Sen; Muddoosuden Nundy; Kassioauth Bose by Ramanauth Banerjee: Kallachund Although he was unaccustomed to address public Bose; Rogooram Gosain; Bhugobaun Chunder Ghose; meetings; yet, considering this as a great assembly, con- Roopnarain Ghosaul; Gubindkrishu Moojoomdar; Govened for the purpose of carrying on a great object, it coolkrishu Ghose; Luckenarain Mookerjee; Gobind afforded him so much satisfaction that he was induced to Chunder Bundapadya; Kassenauth Bose; Kassipraoffer a few remarks. The produce of the soil being the saud Ghose; Joynarain Bonerjee; Wodoychand chief support of man, and his most permanent source of Bysauck; Radhanauth Chatterjee; Ramcomul Moowealth, its ruin was the destruction, not only of our kerjee ; Bongseebuddun Saha; Ramdhon Ghose; temporal comforts, but also of the means wherewith Doorgaprasaud Mookerjee; Takoordoos Mookerfuture bliss can be secured. It was to secure such pro-jee; Khet:romohun Mookerjee : Ramcomar Chuckperty that this society was about to be established. Iterbutty; Srinauth Mullick; Sitanauth Mullick; was, therefore, an object which every one could pursue Ramdhon Mittre, and Bussuntolall Baboo; A.C. with a satisfaction of consequence. Form the first place if the root be cherished, the enjoyment of the fruit must necessarily follow, or in other words, when any difficulty will arise to the interest of the landholders, they will be able to petition the Supreme Council for a remedy against the pending evil: Secondly, the Right Hon'ble Lord Clive, on the occasion of his proceeding to the Upper Provinces, among other nobles of India, conferred considerable rank, honor, and fortune, or

Dunlop, Esq.; Owen John Ellias, Esq.; Messrs.
Dawson and Co.; Moonshees Golaum Nuby; Mahomed
Aumer; D. Hare, Esq.; George Prinsep, Esq.; Messrs.
Carr, Tagore and Co.; Mackillop Stewart and Co.; T.
Dickens, Esq.; Alexander Binny, Esq.; Moonshee
Habebul Hossen; R. J. Bagshaw, Esq. and Aumunud-
leen, Vukeel of the Sudder Dewanny Adawlut.

When the subscriptions were ended, the usual vote of thanks was given to the chairman, and the meeting


Sir Edward Ryan, Mr. R. D. Mangles, Mr. Walters, the progress of the pupils afforded great satisfaction. Mr. Millet, Dr. Grant, Col. Young, Captain Birch, There were also several maps of India, drawn by the Baboo Prosonno Comar Tagore, and Baboo Ram Comul boys, exhibited, which appeared very creditably executed. Sen, composing the committee of public instructions, The prizes, consisting entirely of money, were delivered and their secretary, Mr. J. C. Sutherland, accompanied to the most meritorious students of the Oriental departby Mr. David Hare, and some other gentlemen, em- ment, the Mahomedan youths. After which prizes conbarked early on Saturday morning at Chandpaul-ghat, sisting of appropriate books were distributed to the suc on a steamer, and proceeded to Hooghly; where they cessful candidates in the English department. arrived at about 11 A. M., and were received by Dr. Wise, Mr. Jas. Sutherland of the College, Mr. Samuels, the magistrate, Mr. Belli the collector, and several military gentlemen of the station.

The members of the committee then retired to an

adjoining room and passed several resolutions for the management of the institution. Here they received an application from the pupils of the first class, soliciting permission to be allowed to open the College library in The Junior classes occupying the first floor of the the evenings, three times a week, and offering to bear the school were first visited and examined in reading, with expense of light for themselves. Considering the laudaexplanations of the passages they read, and in Geography. ble zeal displayed by the youthful students, in this reThe visitors then proceeded to visit the senior classes on quest the committee were pleased, not only to grant their the upper floor, of which the first underwent a strict prayer, but also to direct that the expense consequent examination, conducted chiefly by Sir E. Ryan, Mr. on the measure be borne by the funds of the institution. Mangles, Mr. J. C. C. Sutherland, and Dr. Grant. Very few of the inhabitants of Hooghly were present on The branches in which they were examined were, Histo- the occasion, and the visitors from Calcutta returnedin ry of England, Geography, and Arithmetic. Consider the afternoon, much pleased with the day's occupation. ing the short period the institution has been established, -Hurk. March 21.


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unforeseen accident must have prevented his being among those who were much gratified with the exhibi The annual examination of the pupils of this institution of the progress of Hindoos in the English language tion took place at 11 A. M., on Monday, 12th March. and the sciences. Among the visitors we recognized Capt. D. L. Richardson. Mr. D. Hare, and a few more gentlemen; but were surprised to observe the absence of the popular native gentlemen of wealth. We heard that Prosoono

This institution was founded in June 1831, by Baboos Bhobun Mohun Mittre and Radanath Paul, ex-students of the Hindoo College, and residents of Simlah in Calcutta. In its infancy, it had the exclusive support of

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