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Proceedings of a meeting of the committee held at the Society's office, No. 3, Clive-street ghaut, on Monday, the 14th instant.


Rajah Radhacaunt Bahadoor; Rajah Kally Kissen Bahadoor; Baboo Prosonnocoomar Tagore; Captain G. Vint; W. C. Hurry, Esq.; W. Fergusson, Esq. and Moonshee Mahomed Ameer, committee.

J. Humfrays, Esq., member.

The following gentlemen proposed at the last meeting were unanimously elected:

Mr. John Russel, of Pubna; Robert Watson, Esq., of Calcutta; Baboo Issurchunder Banerjee, of Cal


Proposed by the secretary, Mr. Hurry, and seconded by Rajah Radhacaunt Babadoor,

James Colquhoun, Esq., of Calcutta, as a member of the society.

Read a letter from W. Adam, Esq., presenting a copy of his third report on education in Bengal and Behar.

Resolved, that a letter be addressed to Mr. Adam, asking a copy of his 1st and 2d reports on that subject, and thanking him, in the mean time, for the third, which he has been pleased to send.

The following gentlemen were appointed a sub-committee to examine and report on Mr. Adam's papers.

Rajah Radhacaunt Bahadoor; Rajah Kally Kissen Bahadoor; and Baboo Ramcomul Sen.

Read a letter from Mr. Marshman, stating his consent to publish the proceedings of the committee in his paper gratuitously.

Ordered, that a letter of thanks be addressed to that gentleman.

Read a letter from Cooar Suttchura Ghosaul proposing to establish a branch society at Backergunge, and other suggestions.

Resolved, that it be taken into consideration at a future meeting.

A letter from Baboo Mothooranauth Mullick, with a list of subjects requiring consideration, was also read. Resolved, that it be laid before the society, with a translation at the next meeting.

Proposed by Rajah Kally Kissen Bahadoor, and seconded by Rajah Radbacaunt Babadoor,

That a seal be engraved, bearing the name of the society in English, Persian, Bengally, and Debnagur characters, in order to seal the letters and other papers relating to the society, and that the copies of all letters that shall be written by the corresponding members I addressed to, and received from, be kept in the records of the society for references.

The revised list of the corresponding committees pass. ed as follows:

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A meeting of the above Society, established by a respectable body of educated Hindoos, was held in the Sanscrit College Hall, on Wednesday evening last. The rules of the Society requiring some member to deliver a discourse on the subject chosen for discussion at each meeting, the Rev. Baboo Kisna Mohana Banerjee delivered one, on the advantages resulting from the study of history. The discourse was good and well calculated to rouse a desire in young minds for the acquisition of a historical knowledge, as also to teach how to select the kind of histories fit for study. The speech was a lengthy one, and it is impossible to do justice to its

cluded, certain resolutions were passed for the guidance of the Society. The meeting broke up about half-past nine o'clock.

There were about a hundred Hindoo youths present on the occasion ; but, we believe, the attendance would have been much greater, had not the weather worn a threatening appearance that evening. Two European gentlemen honored the meeting with their presence, namely, that zealous and unwearied friend, and origina tor of native education, Mr. David Hare, and another, whose name we had not an opportunity to learn.-Hur


GENTLEMEN,-Having, at your request, undertaken the investigation of the complaints of the passengers of the Emerald Isle, we beg to report to you the result of our enquiries, which have been as full as circumstances would admit.

Every article supplied to the ship was by Messrs. Carr, Tagore and Co. or under their orders. We have had before us, lists of the whole with Messrs. Binny and Co.'s letters, and Captain Driver's letter to Messrs. Carr, Tagore and Co., and have tasted two bottles of the condemned port and claret, sent up from Madras per Malcolm, and compared them with two bottles of the same wines from the godowns of Messrs. Carr, Tagore and Co. We have also tasted samples of the biscuits and flour. It was not possible to obtain samples of every article, and some we did not deem it necessary to require.

Referring to the passengers' letter to Captain Driver, of the 16th March, 1838, we shall notice separately the various supplies complained of, viz.

it is a very common description of wine. A fresh supply of 30 dozens was put on board at Madras.

that they put on board an ample supply of French brandy BRANDY.-Messrs. Carr, Tagore and Co. assure us, from their own godowns. We find by the lists, 12 dozens, and as no part of it was condemned at Madras, we consider it to have been good.

of Bass' pale ale, 24 dozens of golden ale, and 171 BEER. Of this we find supplied to the ship 112 dozens dozens of other beer; no part of this was condemned at Madras, though stated by the passengers to be inferior. Capt. Driver states the consumption was "four dozens per day, so it could not have been very bad; on the contrary must have been very good, and in the published letter of the passenger to Madras, the beer was pronounced to be good; an additional quantity of 100 dozens was taken in at Madras.

Madras, though pronounced by the passengers to be SHERRY.-No part of the sherry was condemned at inferior, and no additional quantity was thought necessaTABLE RICE. Of this we find 20 maunds was laidry to be supplied to the ship. The original stock was in: we have no musters, but are disposed to think that 32 dozens of one sort, and 24 dozens of another. it was not properly prepared for the table by the EuTEA. The tea was from the godowns of Messrs. Rusropean cooks on board: the sickness of the children may be attributed to another cause instead of the in-of green tea and five ten-catty boxes of souching. It is tumjee Cowasjee and Co.; there were three half chests feriority of the rice.

OVEN.-The want of a proper oven is next complained of. At the time the Emerald Isle sailed, every exertion was used to procure a new and proper apparatus; but none new was to be had, and a second-hand article was purchased from the Moira, which ship brought out troops and a number of passengers. if it suited so Jarge a ship, the inference is, that it was a proper article, and Captain Driver is to blame if he did not cause a proper use to be made of it.

FLOUR.-Bread and biscuits. Samples of the flour and biscuits were on the table at the last general meeting and tasted by every body present: they were pro nounced good, especially the biscuits, and in this opin ion we concur and believe them to have been as good as ever was put on boardship. We have, besides, in justice to Messrs. Haworth, Hardman and Co., published a letter from a passenger of the ship to Madras, stating that, instead of the biscuits being weovilly and uneatable, they were much liked, and thought very superior. We have already stated that Captain Driver is to blame, if no fresh bread was baked on board, for he had a sufficiency of good flour.

notorious that the teas from Messrs. Rustum jee and Co. are equal to any procurable, and Capt. Driver is to blame for not having had it properly prepared.

DEFICIENCIES OF MATERIAL AND ATTENDANCE.-We cannot, of course, pronounce an opinion in a charge stated in such general terms; but it must be evident to


taking passengers upon the moderate rates charged, persons, that a ship of the size of the Emerald Isie cannot be expected to have all the advantages of superior accommodations and attendance of large London ships. We are led by the passengers, also in general terms, to infer that there were not wholesome provisions on board; from the lists before us it is clear, that a very large supply, in our opinion, an unnecessarily large sup ply of cuddy stores of every description, pickles, sauces, jams, jellies, preserves, cheese, spices, preserved meats, &c., was laid in for the voyage, and we have a certificate from Messrs. T. Payne and Co. who supplied the greatest portion, and whose respectability is a guarantee of the goodness of their supplies, that every article were good. They challenge proof of any inferiority; besides, no part of these provisions were condemned at


CLARET.-Was St. Julien, and, in our opinion, a very WATER.. -An extraordinary supply was provided, but inferior wine, and that sent up by the Malcolm is abso-in a ship containing so many persons and animals, we lutely sour, though the same wine, and, we presume, ex- concur in the propriety of Captain Driver serving it out posure on deck when sent on board caused this deteri- upon allowance. oration. We do not consider the committee of the

Association to blame in respect to this wine; and are even disposed to exonerate Messrs. Carr, Tagore and Co., for the wine was produced at the public tiffin. Mr. Cracroft then pronounced it inferior; but his opinion was overruled by all the other gentlemen, and among them several who have signed the letter to Capt. Driver; so the unfortunate choice of the wine is in a measure attributable to the passengers themselves-or, at any rate, those who attended the tiffin and approved of it, fifty dozens were put on board, and at Madras a fresh supply of 50 dozens of Chateau Margeaux was taken in. PORT WINE.-The sample of this wine produced at the tiffin was considered very superior, and the muster received by the Malcolm shews that it is the same wine; and though we think it sound and not disposed to con

It unfortunately appears by all accounts, that the ship was greatly crowded and lumbered, and, we fear, that in every ship proceeding to these colonies, this will prove a source of discontent to this discontent the discomforts of the commencement of a sea voyage, and the ill-health of some of the passengers, we attribute these complaints, though the crowding of the ship was entirely their owu act, in bringing an enormous quantity of baggage in excess of their engagements, without notice, and for which, consequently, there was no space reserved: had this extra baggage been refused, greater dissatisfaction would have been created. In fact, the committee offered to re-land the excess, but no notice was taken of this proposition, and, we understood, that when the ship was unmooring, a passenger brought a quantity of personal baggage in addition to what he had

no room the officer refused to take it on board. A very unpleasant scene ensued, and the consequence was, that the baggage was taken on board to the still greater inconvenience of the passengers. On this point, Captain Driver writes to his owners," the crowded state of the ship has arisen from the quantity of baggage brought by the passengers, and, in fairness, Mr. Gardiner ought not to have been blamed." A quantity of freight was for the Swan, and, when landed, no doubt the ship would prove comfortable.

the greater part of the complaints of the passengers are either unfounded, exaggerated, or referable to their own acts; and that they were not advanced in a fair and candid spirit, for no allusion is made to the public tiffin at which the only two wines we consider inferior (claret and port) were submitted to them, and it is unfortunate that THEY made so bad a situation for themselves. Capt. Driver states, "the passengers find fault with every thing, still I am determined to keep my temper." Besides keeping his temper, we think he might have made greater exertions, as the provisions and water were consumed, to remove and stow away such articles as occasioned inconvenience, and, certainly, he ought not to have left Madras without writing to the Association more particularly with a knowledge of these complaints; besides, he is clearly to blame, having good FITTINGS OF THE SHIP.P.-Doubtless some inconvenience flour and good tea, that the passengers were not supwas occasioned by the hurry in which things were oblig-plied with fresh bread and good tea, as they state. ed to be done; and, considering the great exertions of all concerned in despatching the ship, we should have been disposed to overlook all trifling inconveniences. Upon the whole, therefore, we are of opinion, that

CATTLE AND DOGS.-The dogs belonged to a passenger who signed the letter to Captain Driver, and he might have abated the nuisance had he been so disposed. The horses were also the property of the passengers with two exceptions.

Hurkaru, May 21.]



MAY 22, 1838.

At a meeting of the subscribers to the proposed Bank of India, Mr. J. Aflan in the chair. Mr. Bracken, in behalf of the present committee, made the following report:

I beg to state, on behalf of the provisional committee of the proposed Bank of India, that one of their object in requesting the attendance of the subscribers, is to tender the resignation of their functions in that capacity.

In the infancy of undertakings of this character, it is absolutely necessary that somebody or other should put themselves forward; and, so far they subject themselves to the charge of self-appointment. We are fully sensible of the inconveniences of any such mode of election; and, as the number of shareholders is now sufficiently large, in our opinion, to enable them to undertake the selection of their representatives, we now propose to place our temporary honours at their disposal. I am authorised, however, to state, that we shall not have any objection to continue our services, in co-operation with other gentlemen, to be named by the meeting, if it should be pleased to consider them at all useful.

The progress made in establishing the Bank, in the face of an exceedingly powerful opposition, may be held as favourable. There are already 189 applicants for shares, amounting in the aggregate to 1,476. These are entered in the list on the table; but I understand that, in addition, there are conditional orders in Calcutta for 3 or 400 shares, which, I presume, will now be executed. The prospectus provides for the commencement of business on 4,000 shares being taken; and I am individually disposed to adhere to that provision; but it is proper to mention that some opinions are favourable to the opening of the Bank, so soon as 3,000 shares are regis

advisable to instruct the committee now to be appointed to furnish a report thereon, is the limitation of time, which applicants in Great Britain should be restricted to, in taking up shares at par. Perhaps six months from a given date, say the 1st of August next, would not be an would come into the Bank relatively on better terms unreasonable period. It is obvious, that such applicants than India subscribers, the working of whose capital had brought the value of its stock to a premium, unless some rule of this kind be made.

I may add that our subscription list embraces all classes in this country. Gentlemen in the civil, military, and medical service; merchants, planters, barristers, solicitors, independent capitalists, who have retired from business, and gentlemen employed in the treasury and other public offices in Calcutta.

1.-Proposed by Mr. Boyle, seconded by Mr. Stocqueler, that the late provisional committee be requested to continue their services.

2.-Proposed by Mr. Syers, seconded by Mr. D. Ross, that the following be added to the committee:

Messrs. J. Boyle, W. Gibbon, Robert Paton, Hurryhur Dutt, W. Oxborough, Anthony DeSouza, I. F. Leith, and W. Patrick.

3.-Proposed by Mr. Bracken, seconded by Mr. D.


That Mr. Boyle be honorary secretary, with instructions to arrange the preparation of a deed on a sufficient number of shares being subscribed; and to call a meeting of the subscribers for the purpose, fixing a day for opening the Bank, electing officers, &c. Calcutta, 22d May, 1838. J. ALLAN,



Proceedings of a meeting of the committee, held at the Society's office, No.3, Clive-street ghaut, on Monday, the 21st instant.


Baboos Prosonnocoomar Tagore, Ramcomul Sen, and Sumbho Chunder Mittre; Moonshee Mahomed Aumeer; W. C. Hurry, Esq; Captain G. Vint, and W. Storm, Esq.; committee.

Baboo Chudder Caunt Chowdhry, of Burshay,member. James Colquhoun, Esq., proposed at the last meetng, to be a member of the Society, was unanimously elected. The following gentlemen were proposed as members of the Society:

Proposed by Baboo Ramcomul Sen, and seconded by
Baboo Prosonnocoomar Tagore ; G. T. F. Speed, Esq.
Proposed by W. C. Hurry, Esq., and seconded by
Baboo Ramcomul Sen; W. Carr, Esq.
Proposed by Baboo Prosonnocoomar Tagore, and
seconded by Baboo Ramcomul Sen; Henry Roe,
Esq., of Tipperah.

Proposed by Captain G. Vint, and seconded by Baboo
Ramcomul Sen; Henry John Leighton, Esq., and
Colvin Campbell, Esq.

Read a letter from the Government of Bengal, reply. ing to the Society's application, dated 26th ultimo, asking a copy of the proposed resumption regulation, which is, that the printed draft above alluded, has been for-1

warded by this Government to the Government of India, and is understood to be now before the Legislative Council. As the letter does not mention whether the Government means to furnish the Society with a copy of the proposed regulation required, it is resolved, therefore, that another application be made to Mr. F. J. Halliday, the secretary, to that effect.

Read a letter from Mr. J. S. Judge, offering his services to take charge of the memorials of the Society to

the home authorities.

his offer of services, and that he be informed at the It is resolved, that thanks be given to Mr. Judge, for same time, that the Society has no memorials in preparation at present.

Read a paper of grievances from Baboo Mothooranauth Mullick. Ordered it to be sent to a sub-committee for consideration, of which the following gentlemen were appointed members, and requested to furnish a report as early as possible: Captain G. Vint, W. Storm, Esq., and Baboo Ramcomul Sen-.

Messrs. George Prinsep, Moonshee Mahomed Aumeer, and Suttchurn Ghosal were appointed a committee, to prepare a draft letter to Government, to accompany the resumption petition. WM. COBB HURRY, P. TAGORE,

Hurkaru, May 24.]


Report by the Directors of the Bengal Bonded Warehouse Association, submitted to a general meeting of the proprietors, held on the 21st May, 1838.

We have now to lay before you the accounts, and to state the operations, since last general meeting, that is, for an interval of four months.

The receipts and disbursements from 31st December, (the date to which the last examination of accounts extended) to 30th April; an inspection of the books before you, will shew to be as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Balance from December

Second instalment of the price of the premises?

paid to Government .......... Building of the warehouse

[ocr errors]

Building offices

Warehouse rent

Charges general


Balance to debit of May



[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Honorary Secretaries.

in the estimate, which was placed before you in January. As to the masonry, you were then informed, that Messrs. Burn and Co. had undertaken to execute the whole of it at the Honorable Company's rate of remuneration, Co.'s Rs 16 per 1,000 cubic feet. With advice which we deem to be the very best within our reach, we have sanc. tioned the use of iron tie-bars and plates longitudinally, for strengthening the arches of the two rows of pillars, and of transverse iron tie-bars, with-cast iron boxes and plates, for every alternate pier, to maintain the position and solidity of the walls. We could indeed wish that o the erection of these godowns were more forward. The oppressive heat of the weather lately, and the prevalence oof sickness have been adverse to celebrity of work; but as the rainy season is at hand, it will behove us to urge the contractor to the employment of adequate means to insure as rapid progress as may be consistent with safety; for, not only is that the most favourable season for masonry, but we are given to understand that, with even extraordinary exertion, the range cannot be finished before March; and we are sensible that every month's delay 7 in its completion, may make a difference to you of many thousand rupees.




5 10

[blocks in formation]

Co.'s Rs 103,502 5 10

Of the iron work originally intended for this range, but which it was judged advisable to set apart for the 3 second range, we are now enabled to place before you 3 full, and we trust satisfactory information. Mr. T. 11 Anderson, one of the three gentlemen whom we addressed, transmits, under date 14th February, copy of a correspondence, which you will find exhibits a narrative The general meeting of January, having recognised of the progress of the iron indent; and he communithe expediency of using pillars of masonry, and wooden cates its position then, furnishing a copy of the plan and beams, for the first range of godowns, as it was of para- specification, by Mr. George Stephenson, a distinguishmount importance to lose no more time in its construc- ed engineer in England. For details, we refer you to tion, we sought competition, by publicly inviting tenders for the supply of saul beams and rafters, and of teak planks; and we succeeded in arranging for the former at Co.'s Rs 48,218, including expense of painting and putting up; and for the latter at Co.'s Rs 61,961 and allowing further Co.'s Rs 21,039 for placing and fixing the floors, the result, more especially as regards the latter,

the correspondence. Let it suffice here to state, that your agents, deferring to the opinion of high authorities, whose science and experience were entitled to every respect, judged it proper to depart from the plans transmitted hence. A different pillar and beam have been adopted, although they confined their deviation from the original plan within the necessity of the case.

composition to be indispensable, to use a mixture of over no inconsiderable withdrawal of merchandize for Scotch, Welsh, and Shropshire iron, the cost will be despatch into the interior, and for re-exportation, thereby enhanced from £2 to £3 per ton, more than of Scotch or shewing that the augmentation of your warehousing bu Welsh iron alone, run from the ore, had been employed.siness, is by no means to be ascribed to any peculiar and Mr. Stephenson proposed that 200 tons were to be temporary predicament of the market. The exigencies delivered in March, and the whole to be delivered in of the bonding trade even now compel us immediately Liverpool by the 30th June. He, or his assistant, was to look out for more room. to be at liberty to inspect the work at all times; and godowns on the north portion of these premises, may, it The range of dilapidated every test was to be in the presence of one or other. As is expected, for a moderate sum, be put into such repair, Mr. Anderson had, by the middle of February, received as will serve, at least part of it, for the temporary receponly some of the tenders, expecting the remainder in tion of merchandize. We lately requested the Marine the course of a few days, it is to be assumed that the Board to allow us to occupy those godowns, for whatever completion of the work will be later than the date in- rent may be proper in reference to their present condidicated by Mr. Stephenson. to the remaining part of the purchase-money and the tion, until the period arrives for paying to Government Board has in the most handsome and friendly manner accorded to our request. Additional and good accommodation being instantly required, we are in treaty for a fine and spacious godown in the immediate vicinage. We may shortly observe, that business seems now to be in the periodical communication are opened with the interior, course of rapid extension; that, when the channels of we reckon on an extensive removal of wares; but, on the other hand, we know that, with the arrival af the cold weather, there will be a considerable influx of trade into the warehouse. The issue, we anticipate, will permit a dividend to be paid early in the ensuing year, even before circumscribed, in the temporary, insufficient, and inferior your warehouse is erected, from operations, necessarily godowns now occupied.

It was computed that the whole iron-work would weigh 900 tons. Mr. Anderson, in letter of 18th January, says, the price would be from £8 to £10; and, in that of 14th February, that the mixture of the three qualities of iron would cost from £2 to £3 extra: so that we may assume the cost, on delivery at Liverpool, will be £11,000. On this account a remittance of £6.000 had been placed in the Liverpool Bank, bearing 3 per cent. interest. We recently wrote to Mr. Anderson, that, an instalment of subscription being required to be paid upon 21st proximo, we would, by the first overland mail after that date, make a further remittance to him of £2,000 or £3,000.

incipient thriving of the undertaking, with the very limited It is perhaps superfluous to state to you, that such and discouraging means at our command, although beyond all question it augurs well, yet can be received as no just criterion, whereby to measure the magnitude of the trade that will flow into the warehouse when condevelopment and prosperity of the whole scheme. structed or to appreciate the probabilities of the ultimate

We may dismiss this part of our report by observing, (and we do so advisedly) that we deem your agents (for, although Mr. Anderson writes in his single name, he has been acting in constant communication with his associates, Mr. Arbuthnot and Speir) have throughout proceeded very judiciously, interrogating in the outset vari. ous practical and scientific authorities; appealing to experience in different fields; adopting the alterations which such circumspect examination demanded; and, in the sequel, yielding to no private influence, acknow. ledging no partiality, but securing to you the cheapest terms, by throwing the contract open to public competition and we cannot doubt that you will feel every saIt is not for us, in making our report to indulge in the tisfaction that those agents have thought proper, in the expression of sanguine anticipations, which might unexecution of their task, to resort to the guidance of a dis- consciously be charged with some exaggeration; but tinguished engineer. "Mr. George Stephenson" remarks, this we are free to affirm, that, when the warehouse is one eminent in science and practice in India, "is a first completed, if it be so well occupied with trade, and the rate engineer in his hands you are perfectly safe." whole of such experience as we have yet been permitted In the course of our statement, we come now to direct to have, testifies emphatically that it will be so occupied, your attention to the progress of warehousing operations, then it follows incontrovertibly, that the undertaking in the temporary and inferior accommodation it has been will yield you regular and ample returns. in our power to provide. The rent (we speak of its monthly product) at the period of the last meeting, had reached about 1,400 rupees; afterwards it quickly increased to about 2,000 rupees: it then fell back to 1,400 rupees; but soon began to rise, reaching now not less than 2,500 rupees, and likely to be 3,000 rupees by the end of the present month, altogether manifesting a progressive increase, the more satisfactory, as it has prevail




Calcutta, May 19, 1838. G. Dougal and J. Cullen were elected Directors. instead of Captain Ouseley and A. Colvin, who went out by rotation.-Hurkaru, May 25.


the required number," eight." The committes, are at the close of the investigation of the charges, to lay their report, before a general meeting to be called for that purpose.

Several gentlemen spoke on the occasion, to the same effect as the chairman, to whom a vote of thanks was given for his able conduct in the chair.

The meeting broke up at a rather late hour.

A meeting of subscribers, called by the managers of the above charitable institution, was held at the Town-hall, on Thursday evening last. Baboo Joychunder Bose was called to the chair; he addressed the meeting in a very eloquent speech, stating the object they had assembled for, namely, an inquiry into the conduct of their secretary, against whom the managers had cause to entertain suspicion of improper practices, such as would prove ruinous to the institution. Several charges were laid against him, but, as none of them were backed by sufficient proof to satisfy the meeting of their existence, it is but justice to the accused to withhold them from the public for the present, It was then resolved, that eight gentlemen be elected from amongst the subscribers to make a strict and impartial inquiry into the affair. Nineteen gentlemen were then named, out of whom, it was resolved, that David Hare, Esq., be requested to selected-Hurkaru, May 26.

We, as impartial reporters, cannot conclude this without remarking, that some young Hindoo gentlemen who spoke, were a little too free in their use of calumnious expressions to the accused, which could not be decorous under any circumstances, much less at a public meeting. Nor can we pass over unnoticed, the want of order which now and then prevailed. Our object is not to discourage these youths, but to give them salutary advice, that they may behave with more propriety in future,

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