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to their own rights? I should then perhaps have carried to France and called at court during the reign of Louis you to Imperial Rome-and treated you to sundry school the XIV., Louis the XV. and the Regency of Orleans. boy reminiscenes and historical clap-traps. I should Oh! times of shame and overwhelming iniquity, when it have demonstrated to you that where there is no Free was considered distinction by families calling themselves Press, public opinion must be a nonentity; for that which noble, a brilliant distinction, to have a lovely female of is tongueless, bound, and fettered, despotism sees not, their house a king's harlot; when high ecclesiastics and hears not, fears not, feels not, until some enthusiast's ministers of religion, professing to be servants of the God dagger or the drugged cup of death gives the first dread-of purity and holiness, cringed at the levees of unblushful hint to that tyrant, that he has gone too far! I shoulding courtezans; and when foul dishonour, and festering have edified you with strictures on the dire cruelties, the corruption polluted the depths of the fountains of social measureless flagitiousness, the monstrous crimes, the intercourse, bringing disgrace to every hearth; a mon. gigantic vices, of the masters of the great Babylon and strous perversion of manners big with lurid horrors to their creatures; I should have rung the changes on come, but which would have been checked or neutralizsundry Gibboniasms, and endeavour to follow them with ed by the energy and corrective vigor of a Free Press. illustrations of my own, proving as I went along that these horrors mainly emanated from the want of a Free Press. I should have refreshed your recollection with the sayings and doings of the dark unrelenting Tiberius the mad Caligula-the stupid Claudibus-the cruel Nero, the beastly Vitellius-the timid, inhuman Domitian and other sons of Belial, whose names have come down through the lapse of ages giving to the moral sense the perception of an oppressive sickening taint of foulest corruption, as hideous as the pestilential vapour of the burning lake of Sodom and Gomorrha!


But let us pause! Many of us view war and pestilence, tempest and earthquake, as special effects, and resulting from an over-ruling first cause. we recognize the Eternal, who though he be the just, is also the merciful. Shall we recognize the om. nipotent only in movements of chastisement and



Oh, be sure that whatever of the blessings peace and freedom we enjoy, we derive from that everlasting first cause whose essence is love,

and who works all second causes to fulfil the councils of his holy will! So believing, am I extravagant in I should then have taken a bound and alighted in viewing the freedom of the Press bestowed on us by our merry England. Do you wish to know how she fared late beloved ruler (God bless him for the act !) as the when she had no letters, no liberty of the Press? I con- gift of Providence? And do I not exceedingly value tent myself with a simple fact recorded by a writer of it, so considering it and do you not all? To be sure I those times of one of the not worst of her Kings, (albeit have heard some sinister reports respecting its abroga he was rather stingy) Henry VII., in whose reign, the tion; but I do not believe them. While a reform gallows was emphatically said to have devoured one hun-ministry is in power-while a reformer, aye, an ultra dred thousand souls! Think of that; there was no Free reformer, as I remember, presides at the India Board Press to suggest turning these poor wretches to better ac-while a liberal statesman sits in the chair of India count than hanging. Bear in mind that they fell not direction, and while a reformer, and a reforming mem fighting in battle for their country,-that they were not swallowed up in tempests by the roaring ocean, or swept off even by famine or pestilence. No; they were devoured by the gibbet!

ber of the council of India is on his way to watch over the cradle of our young freedom in England-while, I say, Mr. Macaulay, a staunch and declared friend of the liberty of the Press, lives to speak and write for usHad time further permitted, I should have asked you and above all, while we have the liberator of the India if many a deed of blood and violence of which England Press to be an advocate for us in our dear and common was the scene, would have taken place had there been a country to which he is about to return, and where I hope Free Press? Whether the executions and the massacre he will turn the powers of his masculine understanding that throughout Europe gave a red glare to the dawning and great experience to public account- I for one have of the reformation would have occurred with even a no fear respecting the freedom of the Prees. We have limitedly Free Press, or at least whether they would not now substantially enjoyed this blessing for several years have been greatly modified by that controlling power? - under one ruler by sufferance, under another (our disI should have applied the same reasoning to the frightful tinguished guest) by a free will grant? The large, respecmassacre of St. Bartholomew and the base revocation of table, and brilliant meeting of this night, I hail of itself the edict of Nantz. But these things some objector will a proof that the benefit is properly appreciated, where tell me were done by Catholics! I say that they were is there any good reason why it should be cancelled. done by ignorant and furious men and not by Catholics, While I can legally and without impropriety do so, I because they were Catholics. That they were the doings avail myself of the opportunity to declare, that I feel of a dark and sternage when men were grossly ignorant, convinced it has done, and is effecting a great deal of tremblingly fearful, and erassidly superstitious, for no- good. The cause of education and the general enthing is so cruel as bigotry and suspicion in their hour of lightenment, no less than of good and neighbourly feelpower. He who with impartial eye scans history will ing between native and Europeans, has made a more not bandy recriminations with his erring brother Chris- rapid progress within the short period that the Press has tian, for be it borne in mind, that Protestants too, in been free, than for many years before. I firmly believe their hour of ascendancy, could be suspicious, oppres- that the repeal of this liberty would be a serious evil, for sive and cruel in their turn, as witness certain acts in the independent of the side lights that may be derived by time of Elizabeth, and certain doings in England and Ire-authority from the working of the Press, I am convinced land that followed in the times of succeeding sovereigns, that it possesses in itself a latent power-a sovereign of the tyrant Stuart dynasty. Oh! no. Both parties, virtue of great force, from protecting the lieges in a as respected these unhappy proceeding of days past away, variety of indefinite ways, for assuaging" the insolence should forget and forgive, and like Lockitt and Peachum of office, the law's delay and the spurns that patient in the play, shake hands saying "Brother, brother! we merit of the unworthy takes," and curbing household are both in the wrong." What I would have asked and neighbour tyranny, and for ameliorating general brought Charles I to the block but the want of a Frce demeanor and conduct. Depend upon it, that many a press? I should have also given the usual touch in the choleric man in his ire, and many a quarrelsome one in bye-going to the cause for which Hampden bled in the the effervesence of his ill humour, holds back his hand, field, and Sydney and Russell on the scaffold, and have when he recollects that there is Mr. Stocqueler over the summed up with the glorious revolution of 1588. Link-way or Mr. Smith and bethinks him twice how he ing the whole as I went along with the liberty of the indulges in undue violence or wrong. But let not our Press, or rather its enslavement! And be assured, (for appreciation of the blessings of a Free Press evaporate



by holding a public meeting to that effect, and putting and noble minded men have unloosened, and are your sentiments solemnly on record. But I have detain loosening its bands-and it will be free! ed you too long for which I beg your pardon; I returnI will only mention in conclusion, that no one you my best thanks for the kind attention with which you have regarded the state of this country-no one can have heard me out; I need not request you to fill a have listened to the appeal we have just heard on the bumper to my toast, since you have already done so ; enlightenment of its inhabitants, without wishing prospelet us drink then with all the honors Constitutional free-rity to steam navigation, and to every means of commudom and civil and religious liberty all over the world.nicating knowledge and improvement to India. (Cheers.) (Much applause.)

THE CHAIRMAN.-Gentlemen; I call upon you to drink to a body, second in importance to none in this country-The Merchants of Calcutta. (Cheers.) To them India is is much indebted, for they have greatly aided in effecting all the improvements which have been made here. In fact, the freedom of commerce and the spirit of improvement go hand in hand. You all will join me in drinking to the Freedom of Commerce and the Prosperity of the Merchants of Calcutta. (Cheers.)

Mr. Patrick returned thanks.

W. P. GRANT Esq.-Gentlemen; I am about to propose to you a toast that I have great satisfaction in giving, and it is one I have no doubt will be drank with great enthusiasm! The Trades of Calcutta, I am sure they are a very useful body, and the country should be greatly indebted to them. I confess, I conceive that any man who induces a Hindoo to stoop to put his foot into a neat's leather, does service to society; and I am sure that he who prevails upon a Mahomedan to bestride a saddle made of the skin of the unclean beast, deserves the thanks of the community. Gentlemen; I give you the trades ofCalcutta and success to those trades. Air—" Money in both pockets.”


Air" When Vulcan forged the bolts of Jove." VICE CHAIRMAN.-Gentlemen ;" Justice for Ireland!" will not be confined afar of behind my very remote Vice Presidential table. No; I will come forward, as hope the subject of my toast will come forward, into "Justice for Ireland!" (Much the midst of you and cry cheering.) Ireland one might have thonght, had already suffered under every variety of injustice which a nation could endure; but no the poisoned chalice is not yet exhausted, and another act of injustice has recently been hit upon of so strange a nature that I wonder it has not excited more univeral attention. Whenever any liberal measure has been carried under any administration since the passing of the Reform Bill the cry enemy, nay of inany from whom one would expect better Oh, that was carried by the Irish sense, has been, Members!" In the name of Heaven what insanity, what tom-foolery is this! What do people mean by Irish members! I know of no Irish members, no Scotch members, no English members; I know only of the British members of the Imperial Parliament, the great council of the British people. (Cheers.) But the cry "Irish members" of "O' Connell and his tail," of and a thousand such absurdities, have gone through England and the same buffaloish, gullable peoWILLIAM SPIER, Esq. - Gentlemen; in addressing you ple, my own countrymen, though they be, whom on the subject of steam navigation, I shall at this late 1 found trembling in 1827 lest some half million hour make but few observations, being satisfied that it of quiet English Catholics should rise up and massarce, has your best wishes. Already we experience its and burn, put into thumb screws the entire English and advantages in the regularity and rapidity with which Scottish nations, I now find crying out against every the late mails have been received from and transmitted liberal measure that it is carried by " the Irish memto England; but we regard steam savigation in a bers." Shame on this folly. Hither the union with broader light, we look upon it as in America, peopling Ireland is an union in substance as well as form, or it her rivers with life and energy, and bringing into conIf it is, then are there no Irish members, nexon the distant points of her immense territory. We all are British members of the Imperial Parlia anticipate the same results for India; nay, more, we ment. If it is not, for God's sake dissolve the anticipate steam navigation as traversing the globe, union and let the Irish people legislate for themselves. connecting together distant nations, facilitating the inter-Cheers.) For own my part I shall never think justice communication of thought, and giving a new impetus done to Ireland until every tittle of right, every privito the growing improvement of mankind. (Cheers.) lege, every atom of freedom, every form of municipal When we look back upon the history of our race, we and local and general Government, is as fully establishcannot but be struck with the vast strides which haveed and as fairly administered in Ireland as in the Irish been made during the two preceding centuries, by which the earlier world has been left at an immeasurable distance. On adverting to the causes of such rapid progress we find the Press in conspicuous operation, Cheers.) the science of chemistry also, giving new powers to man, -powers so amazing, as to be almost apalling. Commerce has done much in promoting proposed to you the toast of "Justice to Ireland," and THE CHAIRMAN.-Gentlemen; Mr. Parker has just civilization, and last of all, in steam navigation, a new principle is coming into play, and giving a fresh impulse and capabilties of that fine nation which lies on the admirably and energetically has be depicted the qualities to the world by it nations, the most dissimilar in cha-western shores of Britain. But there is another nation racter are being brought into approximation; the ignorant with the enlightened, the barbarous with the civilized, the cowardly and enslaved with the bold and the free. Individual efforts may fail; the plans of public bodies may be paralyzed; but these mighty agencies bear irresistibly onward, and carry with them the advancement of the human race. (Cheers.)

is not.

kingdom. This is the last toast on record for the evening; were the words the last I should ever utter in this hall they should be "Justice for Ireland." (Much and long continued cheering.)

Air-" Erin go Bragh, and Patrick's day."

on our western shore more distant in situation, but not

less nearly allied, which may be well called the child of England. They themselves term us the old or parent country, and well may we be proud of having such descendants. From us they have sprung, with us they inherit the love of liberty, the attachment to enterprize; while in the pursuit of all of what a nation should be To those reflecting on this advancement, it is cheering proud, England has met with a forward rival in America. to remark, that these great general causes of improve- (Cheering.) She alone of all other states has rivalled us ment are yet in their infancy: commerce, chemistry, in arts, in literature, in commerce, in wealth, in indepenand steam navigation are but commencing ;-the Press,dence, in gigantic strides towards national power, and if we observe its condition in most countries, is not yet fiercely and bravely has she battled with us on the ocean Free; some unaccountable influence pervading the ilretour own peculiar element.(Mr. Clarke stopped here still wraps it in swaddling bands,some demon of hvae for a short time, and then added.) I wished and ought to

to their own rights? I should then perhaps have carried to France and called at court during the reign of Louis you to Imperial Rome-and treated you to sundry school the XIV., Louis the XV. and the Regency of Orleans. boy reminiscenes and historical clap-traps. I should Oh! times of shame and overwhelming iniquity, when it have demonstrated to you that where there is no Free was considered distinction by families calling themselves Press, public opinion must be a nonentity; for that which noble, a brilliant distinction, to have a lovely female of is tongueless, bound, and fettered, despotism sees not, their house a king's harlot; when high ecclesiastics and hears not, fears not, feels not, until some enthusiast's ministers of religion, professing to be servants of the God dagger or the drugged cup of death gives the first dread-of purity and holiness, cringed at the levees of unblushful hint to that tyrant, that he has gone too far! I should ing courtezans; and when foul dishonour, and festering have edified you with strictures on the dire cruelties, the corruption polluted the depths of the fountains of social measureless flagitiousness, the monstrous crimes, the intercourse, bringing disgrace to every hearth; a mon. gigantic vices, of the masters of the great Babylon and strous perversion of manners big with lurid horrors to their creatures; I should have rung the changes on come, but which would have been checked or neutralizsundry Gibboniasms, and endeavour to follow them with ed by the energy and corrective vigor of a Free Press. illustrations of my own, proving as I went along that these horrors mainly emanated from the want of a Free But let us pause! Many of us view war and Press. I should have refreshed your recollection with pestilence, tempest and earthquake, as special effects, the sayings and doings of the dark unrelenting Tiberius and resulting from an over-ruling first cause. the mad Caligula-the stupid Claudibus-the cruel Nero, we recognize the Eternal, who though he be the just, the beastly Vitellius-the timid, inhuman Domitian and is also the merciful, Shall we recognize the omother sons of Belial, whose names have come down nipotent only in movements of chastisement and through the lapse of ages giving to the moral sense the terror? Oh, be sure that whatever of the blessings perception of an oppressive sickening taint of foulest peace and freedom we enjoy, we derive from corruption, as hideous as the pestilential vapour of the that everlasting first cause whose essence is love, burning lake of Sodom and Gomorrha!



and who works all second causes to fulfil the councils of his holy will! So believing, am I extravagant in I should then have taken a bound and alighted in viewing the freedom of the Press bestowed on us by our merry England. Do you wish to know how she fared late beloved ruler (God bless him for the act !) as the when she had no letters, no liberty of the Press? I con- gift of Providence? And do I not exceedingly value tent myself with a simple fact recorded by a writer of it, so considering it and do you not all? To be sure I those times of one of the not worst of her Kings, (albeit have heard some sinister reports respecting its abrogahe was rather stingy) Henry VII., in whose reign, the tion; but I do not believe them. While a reform gallows was emphatically said to have devoured one hun- ministry is in power-while a reformer, aye, an ultra dred thousand souls! Think of that; there was no Free reformer, as I remember, presides at the India Board Press to suggest turning these poor wretches to better ac-while a liberal statesman sits in the chair of India count than hanging. Bear in mind that they fell not direction, and while a reformer, and a reforming memfighting in battle for their country,-that they were not ber of the council of India is on his way to watch over swallowed up in tempests by the roaring ocean, or swept the cradle of our young freedom in England-while, I off even by famine or pestilence. No; they were de-say, Mr. Macaulay, a staunch and declared friend of voured by the gibbet!

the liberty of the Press, lives to speak and write for usHad time further permitted, I should have asked you and above all, while we have the liberator of the India if many a deed of blood and violence of which England Press to be an advocate for us in our dear and common was the scene, would have taken place had there been a country to which he is about to return, and where I hope Free Press? Whether the executions and the massacre he will turn the powers of his masculine understanding that throughout Europe gave a red glare to the dawning and great experience to public account- I for one have of the reformation would have occurred with even a no fear respecting the freedom of the Prees. We have limitedly Free Press, or at least whether they would not now substantially enjoyed this blessing for several years have been greatly modified by that controlling power? - under one ruler by sufferance, under another (our disI should have applied the same reasoning to the frightful tinguished guest) by a free will grant? The large, respecmassacre of St. Bartholomew and the base revocation of table, and brilliant meeting of this night, I hail of itself the edict of Nantz. But these things some objector will a proof that the benefit is properly appreciated, where tell me were done by Catholics! I say that they were is there any good reason why it should be cancelled. done by ignorant and furious men and not by Catholics, While I can legally and without impropriety do so, I because they were Catholics. That they were the doings avail myself of the opportunity to declare, that I feel of a dark and sternage when men were grossly ignorant, convinced it has done, and is effecting a great deal of tremblingly fearful, and erassidly superstitious, for no- good. The cause of education and the general enthing is so cruel as bigotry and suspicion in their hour of lightenment, no less than of good and neighbourly feelpower. He who with impartial eye scans history will ing between native and Europeans, has made a more not bandy recriminations with his erring brother Chris- rapid progress within the short period that the Press has tian, for be it borne in mind, that Protestants too, in been free, than for many years before. I firmly believe their hour of ascendancy, could be suspicious, oppres- that the repeal of this liberty would be a serious evil, for sive and cruel in their turn, as witness certain acts in the independent of the side lights that may be derived by time of Elizabeth, and certain doings in England and Ire-authority from the working of the Press, I am convinced land that followed in the times of succeeding sovereigns, that it possesses in itself a latent power-a sovereign of the tyrant Stuart dynasty. Oh! no. Both parties, virtue of great force, from protecting the lieges in a as respected these unhappy proceeding of days past away, variety of indefinite ways, for assuaging" the insolence should forget and forgive, and like Lockitt and Peachum of office, the law's delay and the spurns that patient in the play, shake hands saying "Brother, brother! we merit of the unworthy takes," and curbing household are both in the wrong." What I would have asked and neighbour tyranny, and for ameliorating general brought Charles I to the block but the want of a Frce demeanor and conduct. Depend upon it, that many a press? I should have also given the usual touch in the choleric man in his ire, and many a quarrelsome one in bye-going to the cause for which Hampden bled in the the effervesence of his ill humour, holds back his hand, field, and Sydney and Russell on the scaffold, and have when he recollects that there is Mr. Stocqueler over the summed up with the glorious revolution of 1588. Link-way or Mr. Smith and bethinks him twice how he ing the whole as I went along with the liberty of the indulges in undue violence or wrong. But let not our Press, or rather its enslavement! And be assured, (for appreciation of the blessings of a Free Press evaporate

by holding a public meeting to that effect, and putting and noble minded men have unloosened, and are unyour sentiments solemnly on record. But I have detain loosening its bands-and it will be free!

ed you too long for which I beg your pardon; return- I will only mention in conclusion, that no one can you my best thanks for the kind attention with which you have regarded the state of this country-no one can have heard me out; I need not request you to fill a have listened to the appeal we have just heard on the bumper to my toast, since you have already done so ; enlightenment of its inhabitants, without wishing prospe let us drink then with all the honors Constitutional free-rity to steam navigation, and to every means of commudom and civil and religious liberty all over the world.nicating knowledge and improvement to India. (Cheers.) (Much applause.)

THE CHAIRMAN.-Gentlemen; I call upon you to drink to a body, second in importance to none in this country-The Merchants of Calcutta. (Cheers.) To them India is is much indebted, for they have greatly aided in effecting all the improvements which have been made here. In fact, the freedom of commerce and the spirit of improvement go hand in hand. You all will join me in drinking to the Freedom of Commerce and the Prosperity of the Merchants of Calcutta. (Cheers.)

Mr. Patrick returned thanks.

W. P. GRANT Esq.-Gentlemen; I am about to propose to you a toast that I have great satisfaction in giving, and it is one I have no doubt will be drank with great enthusiasm! The Trades of Calcutta, I am sure they are a very useful body, and the country should be greatly indebted to them. I confess, I conceive that any man who induces a Hindoo to stoop to put his foot into a neat's leather, does service to society; and I am sure that he who prevails upon a Mahomedan to bestride a saddle made of the skin of the unclean beast, deserves the thanks of the community. Gentlemen; I give you the trades ofCalcutta and success to those trades. Air-" Money in both pockets."


Air" When Vulcan forged the bolts of Jove." VICE CHAIRMAN.-Gentlemen ;" Justice for Ireland!" will not be confined afar of behind my very remote Vice Presidential table. No; I will come forward, as hope the subject of my toast will come forward, into "Justice for Ireland!" (Much the midst of you and ery cheering.) Ireland one might have thonght, had already suffered under every variety of injustice which a nation could endure; but no the poisoned chalice is not yet exhausted, and another act of injustice has recently been hit upon of so strange a nature that I wonder it has not excited more univeral attention. Whenever any liberal measure has been carried under any administration since the passing of the Reform Bill the cry enemy, nay of inany from whom one would expect better sense, has been, "Oh, that was carried by the Irish Members !" In the name of Heaven what insanity, what tom-foolery is this! What do people mean by Irish members! I know of no Irish members, no Scotch members, no English members; I know only of the British members of the Imperial Parliament, the great council of the British people. (Cheers.) But the cry "Irish members" of "O'Connell and his tail," of and a thousand such absurdities, have gone through England and the same buffaloish, gullable peoWILLIAM SPIER, Esq. - Gentlemen; in addressing you ple, my own countrymen, though they be, whom on the subject of steam navigation, I shall at this late1 found trembling in 1827 lest some half million hour make but few observations, being satisfied that it of quiet English Catholics should rise up and massarce, has your best wishes. Already we experience its and burn, put into thumb screws the entire English and advantages in the regularity and rapidity with which Scottish nations, I now find crying out against every the late mails have been received from and transmitted liberal measure that it is carried by " the Irish memto England; but we regard steam savigation in a bers." Shame on this folly. Hither the union with broader light, we look upon it as in America, peopling Ireland is an union in substance as well as form, or it her rivers with life and energy, and bringing into con-is not. If it is, then are there no Irish members, nexon the distant points of her immense territory. We all are British members of the Imperial Parlia anticipate the same results for India; nay, more, we ment. If it is not, for God's sake dissolve the anticipate steam navigation as traversing the globe, union and let the Irish people legislate for themselves. connecting together distant nations, facilitating the inter-(Cheers.) For own my part I shall never think justice communication of thought, and giving a new impetus done to Ireland until every tittle of right, every privito the growing improvement of mankind. (Cheers.)lege, every atom of freedom, every form of municipal When we look back upon the history of our race, we and local and general Government, is as fully establishcannot but be struck with the vast strides which haveed and as fairly administered in Ireland as in the Irish been made during the two preceding centuries, by which kingdom. This is the last toast on record for the eventhe earlier world has been left at an immeasurable ing; were the words the last I should ever utter in distance. On adverting to the causes of such rapid this hall they should be "Justice for Ireland." (Much progress we find the Press in conspicuous operation, and long continued cheering.) (Cheers.) the science of chemistry also, giving new powers to man, -powers so amazing, as to be almost

Air-" Erin go Bragh, and Patrick's day."

apalling. Commerce has done much in promoting proposed to you the toast of "Justice to Ireland," and THE CHAIRMAN.-Gentlemen; Mr. Parker has just civilization, and last of all, in steam navigation, a new principle is coming into play, and giving a fresh impulse admirably and energetically has he depicted the qualities to the world by it nations, the most dissimilar in cha- and capabilties of that fine nation which lies on the western shores of Britain. But there is another nation racter are being brought into approximation; the ignoon our western shore more distant in situation, but not rant with the enlightened, the barbarous with the civili- less nearly allied, which may be well called the child of zed, the cowardly and enslaved with the bold and the England. They themselves term us the old or parent free. Individual efforts may fail; the plans of public bodies may be paralyzed; but these mighty agencies bear country, and well may we be proud of having such descendants. From us they have sprung, with us they irresistibly onward, and carry with them the advance-inherit the love of liberty, the attachment to enterprize; ment of the human race. (Cheers.) while in the pursuit of all of what a nation should be To those reflecting on this advancement, it is cheering proud, England has met with a forward rival in America. to remark, that these great general causes of improve- (Cheering.) She alone of all other states has rivalled us ment are yet in their infancy: commerce, chemistry, in arts, in literature, in commerce, in wealth, in indepenand steam navigation are but commencing ;-the Press,dence, in gigantic strides towards national power, and if we observe its condition in most countries, is not yet fiercely and bravely has she battled with us on the ocean Free; some unaccountable influence pervading the ilretour own-peculiar element.(Mr. Clarke stopped here still wraps it in swaddling bands,-some demon of hvae for a short time, and then added.) I wished and ought to


SIR. CHARLES METCALFF.-Gentlemen, will you do me the favor to fill your glasses to drink to a toast I am about to propose. I give you, gentlemen, with the greatest pleasure, the healths of the talented chairman and stewards. (Cheers.) Before taking my

it in filling this large hall; I must therefore apologize, and conclude with a toast which needs no recommendation to such enthusiastic lovers of freedom, prosperity gentlemen, to the United States of America. (Loud and prolonged cheers.) DR. HUFFNAGLE.-I wish, gentlemen, for your satis-leave of you this evening, I cannot refrain from exfaction, that some one else was present to claim an pressing my full concurrence in the various sentiments American birthright; as the pleasing duty, however, expressed by the several talented speakers; and from the devolves upon me, accept my sincere acknowledge- eloquence, independence and high manly spirit displayments. It is hardly necessary to remark that in cele-ed, I look upon the proceedings of this meeting, as one brating an event of such vital importance as that which of the greatest importance. (Cheers.) As far as these you have met this evening to commemorate, you would proceedings relate to myself, I will ever most fondly have the hearty concurrence of every American. cherish the recollection of them; and consider this evenhas ever been the policy of the United States to fa-ing as one of the proudest moments of my existence; cilitate the distribution of public journals, and Cheers.) and wherever I may pass the rest of my life it their circulation there, is perhaps, much more exshall be my endeavour, in all my future acts and career, tensive than in any other country; every man in America to preserve the good opinion, and to continue to merit the takes direct interest in political affairs, and every act degree of estimation which has been expressed for, and of Goverment must daily pass under the public eye. shown to me by you all, on so memorable an occasion as We depend upon the diffusion of knowledge among our the present. (Much cheering.) Gentlemen, I give you citizens for the security of our institutions, and we regard the healths of our talented Chairman and Stewards. as our protecting "Egis" the Liberty of the Press (Drank with much cheering.) (Cheers.) I will not detain you, gentlemen, but while offering you assurances that your friendly feelings are cordially reciprocated, allow me to observe, that when the line of communication, by means of steam vessels over the western waters shall have been established, our respective nations will be brought comparatively close to each other. The reign of prejudice must then ceasethe bounds of amity and relationship between Great Bri. tain and America which must be strengthened, and the Atlantic which rolls between them must for ever prove a Pacific Ocean. (Loud cheers.)

JOHN GRANT ESQ.-Gentlemen; you have already drank to Sir. Charles Metcalfe as the Liberater of the India Press; I now call upon you to drink to him again not as the liberator of the India Press, but as Sir Charles Metcalfe, one of the brightest ornaments of his age. (Much cheering),

The Chairman returned thanks.

About a quarter to one A. M. Sir Charles retired, and the greater part of the party, shortly afterwards, followed his example.

A knot of the party, comprising Messrs. Clarke, Leith, Stocqueler, Scott Thomson, Captain Forbes, Captain Harrington, Capt. Vint, Dr. Grant, &c. &c. then took to champaigne, spun out another bour-one of the “wee the high table, and with the help of devilled turkies and the health of "Capt. Williams, of the St. George, and a short" ones. During this period, Mr. Thomson proposed prosperous voyage to the ship that bears Sir Charles Messrs. Turton and David Hare, and numerous others Metcalfe." Mr. Stocqueler proposed the healths of were drank until the festival was considered complete.Harkaru, February 12.


About eight the company, which consisted of nearly 200 persons, having assembled, two of the stewards stood before the open door of the dining hall, to prevent any one entering it before Sir Charles, who was conducted to it by Sir J.P. Grant, the president, and the other stewards. After Sir Charles had entered the hall, the rush to obtain admittance was really so great that those who were in the midst of the throng were involuntarily borne forward. Sir Charles appeared to be in perfect health, and not in the least fatigued by having kept up the previous evening at the Press dinner.

The health of the Queen Dowager was next given from the chair, and drank with all the honors.

In giving the health of the Duke of Sussex and Royal Family, the president adverted to the personal feelings of gratitude he entertained towards that branch of the family, arising from early associations.

Drank with the usual honors and much cheering. The Governor-General of India in Council was next toasted with all the honors.

The health of Sir Charles Matcalfe was proposed by After the company had done justice to the dinner, the the president in a most eloquent speech, of which the After some preliminary president, who sat at the head of the table on the left of following is a rough sketch. Sir Charles, rose and proposed the health of Her Majes he had the bonor of occupying a similar position to remarks, he said, that it was now about three years since ty. It was not usual, he observed, to preface the toast the present in this place, except that on that occasion he of the Sovereign with many prefatory observations; on had to wish Sir Charles a safe passage over the waters the present occasion he would deviate from that usual of the Ganges; but that now the same wish must be course, in consideration of the sex and age of the sovereign; and also because that was the first time on which expressed in regard to the boisterous ocean. They had he had the honor of proposing Her Majesty's health. not met to consider the conduct of Sir Charles when he Her Majesty had been called at a tender age to adminis- acted as the vice president, nor as the Governor General, ter the affairs of a great nation, under the advice of able nor as the Lieutenant Governor of the north western proand experienced Ministers: but these Ministers were of vinces. His conduct was well known to every class of her own choosing. Modesty, prudence, and firmness had the community, and each man would express his opinion already marked Her Majesty's early career, and there on it. His conduct would be decided upon by the pubwas every measure to hope that she would always sustain such a character. The toast was drank with enthusias tic cheers.

lic, to whose judgment Sir Charles was too honest a man not to submit. They had assembled in order to bear testimony to his private character; to express their

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