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tizes, principals (496), specialliche, graunti, paiden, defendi, sosteini (498), forester (499), demande, relesi, entredit, commune (500), apert, chasti (501), avauncieth (503), sentence (504), gywel (508), unstable (510), destance (511), delaied (513), legat (514), sinkpors, scarseliche (515), meschaunce (516), priueliche (518), sacri (522), acused, prise, faile (523), prechors, concentede (528), freres (530), pleinede, porveance (533), hauntede, tornemiens (534), borgeis, portreven (541), viniterie, dosils (542), unarmed, attired, conteini (547), defensables, mangenel (549), procurede, banerets (551), solaci (552), reverence (553), remuede (555), demembred (559), sodeinliche (560), diner, grevede, suspendede (563), saut, gout (564), constable (565), closi, cope, cirurgian (566), deserited (567), somenie, despepled, feblede (568), assumption (570).

XII. Harl. MS. 2253.

(1) Proverbs of Hendyng, 1272-1307 (in "Specimens of Early English").-Servys, warysoun, fule, tempred, sot, male, gyleth.

(2) Lyric Poetry (ed. Wright, for Percy Society).—Soteleth, sotel, poure (23), siwith (24), flour, feynt, beryl, saphyr, jasper, gernet, ruby, onycle, diamaunde, coral (25), emeraude, margarite, charbocle, chere, rose, lilye-white, primerols, passeth, parvenke, pris, Alisaundre, ache, anys, coynte, columbine, bis, celydoyne, sauge, solsicle, papejai, tortle, tour, faucoun, mondrake, treacle, trone, licoris, sucre, saveth (26), gromyl, quibibe, comyn, crone, court, canel, cofre, gyngyvre, sedewale, gylofre, merci, resoun, gentel, joyeth, baundoun (27), bounte (29), richesse, reynes (31), croune, serven (32) noon, spices, romaunz (34), parays, broche (35), gyle, grein (38), chaunge (40), non, pees (42), doute, bref, notes (43), mandeth [mendeth] (44), tricherie, trichour (46), asoyle, folies, wayte glede' (watch-ember), goute (48), glotonie, lecherie, lavendere, coveytise, latymer (49), frount, face, launterne, fyn, graciouse, gay, gentil, jolyf, jay (52), fi(th)ele, rubie, baner, bealte, largesse, lilie, lealté, poer, pleyntes, siwed, maistry (53), engyn, preye, fourme (59), fyne, joie (60), peyne (62), duel (dole), lykerusere, alumere (68), servyng, preie (69), grace (72), graunte (73), soffrede (83), compagnie, scourges (84), blame, virgyne, medicyn, tresor, piete, jolyfte, floures, honoures (89), par-amours (91), flur, crie, soffre, cler, false (93), solas, counseileth, presente, encenz, sontes (96), ycrouned (98), vilore, dempned (100), feble, porest, eyse (102), maister, precious (103), counsail (104), palefrey, par, charité, tressour (105), champioun (106), trous, forke, frere, caynard (110), maystry, bayly (111), preide

For the list of words from the "Saxon Chronicle" and La3amon's "Brut" I am indebted to Mr. Joseph Payne. See his list of Norman-French words used by Lagamon, in Notes and Queries, No. 80, Fourth Series, July 10. 1869.

For Norman-French loans after 1300, see Marsh's "The Origin and History of the English Language," and Dr. Latham's “English Language.


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