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Performed as explained in manœuvre 44, Fig. 75, and then re-formed into columns abreast, heading S. W., upon signal from the commanderin-chief of, Heads of divisions S. W., as shown by A.*

The column may be formed on the rear di-. vision to the N.W.; but the fleet will be in order reversed, as shown by B.

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In this diagram we see that the commander-in-chief waited before signalling, Heads of divisions S. W., until the

The commander-in-chief signals:

On the left division, form column of vessels-rear in front-heads of centre and van divisions W.head of rear division S.E.

Flag-ships of van and centre divisions signal: Head of division W.

Flag-ship of rear division signals: Head of division S.E.

Performed as explained in the 1st Method and shown by Fig. 93, and then re-formed into columns abreast, heading S.W., upon signal from the commander-in-chief of, Heads of divisions S. W., as shown by C.*

The column may be formed to the S.E., on the van division; but the fleet upon being reformed into columns of vessels abreast, heading S.W., will be in order reversed, as shown by D.

first five or six vessels of the rear division were in column after the van and centre divisions, steering N. W.

* In this diagram the commander-in-chief has formed the whole fleet into column of vessels to the S. E., before signalling, Heads of divisions S. W.


60. The fleet being in columns of vessels abreast, by divisions, heading N, to change direction to the rear, on any course from S. to E.

Suppose it be required to steer S.E.

1st Method.

FIG. 94.



The commander-in-chief signals:

On the left division, form column of vessels-rear in front-heads of centre and rear divisions W.— head of rear division N.E.

Flag-ships of van and centre divisions signal : Head of division W.

Flag-ship of rear division signals: Head of division N.E.

Performed as explained in 57, and then re

formed into columns of vessels abreast, heading S.E., upon the signal, Heads of divisions S.E., as shown by A.

The column may be formed to the N.E., on the van division; but then the fleet upon being reformed into columns of vessels abreast, heading S.E., will be in order reversed, as shown by B.

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The commander-in-chief signals:

On the right division, form column of vesselsvan in front—heads of centre and rear divisions E.head of van division S. W.

Flag-ship of van division signals: Head of division S. W.

Flag-ships of centre and rear divisions signal: Head of division E.

Performed as explained in manœuvres 58 and 59; and so soon as the commander-in-chief observes that the leader of the rear division is approaching the wake of the van and centre divisions, steering S.W., he makes the signal: Heads of divisions S. E., and the manoeuvre is completed, as shown by C.

The column may be formed to the S.W., with the rear division leading; but then the fleet, upon being formed into columns abreast, by divisions, will be in order reversed, as shown by D.

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