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The fleet is first formed into columns of vessels from the left of divisions, as prescribed in manœuvre 2, after which the commander-in-chief makes general signal E., which is repeated by the divisional commanders, and the column is formed. Should the fleet be formed into column of vessels from the right of divisions, in this case, and then into columns of divisions to the right, it would be steaming in natural order, that is with the van division leading, while its divisions would be in order reversed, with their right squadrons on the left.

3d Method.

The fleet is formed into column of vessels, as in manœuvre 10, Fig. 35, and afterward into column of divisions as in manoeuvre 29, Fig. 58.

It is evident that the fleet can be formed into column of divisions from the left, at right angles to the original direction, according to the same principles.

13. The fleet being in line, heading N., to form it into column of vessels from the right, on any course from N. to E.

Suppose, for example, it be required to form the column to the N.N.E.

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The commander-in-chief signals:

From the right of fleet, form column of vesselsfleet E.N.E.-right vessel N.N.E.

Flag-ship of van division: Division E.N.E.— right vessel N.N.E.

Flag-ships of centre and rear divisions signal : Division E.N.E.

The vessel on the right of the fleet keeps N.N.E.; the other vessels steer E.N.E.; two coming N.N.E. when in the wake of one, three in the wake of two, and so on to the last vessel.



2d Method.

FIG. 40.


The commander-in-chief signals:

From the right of fleet, form column of vesselsfleet E-right vessel N.N.E.

Flag-ship of van division: Division E.-right vessel N.N.E.

Flag-ships of centre and rear divisions signal: Division E.

The vessel on the right of the fleet steers N.N.E.; the other vessels keep E.; two coming N.N.E. in the wake of one, three in the wake of two, and so on to the last vessel.

It is evident that the fleet can be formed into column from the left, on any course from N. to W., according to the same principles.

NOTE. The following tables show the rate of speed of the vessels, calculated for each half-point of obliquity from the course signalled by the commander-in-chief for the leading or guide vessel or vessels:

[blocks in formation]


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point N. by E. E..

[blocks in formation]

11 15 001 point N. N. E..

16 52 30 1 points N. N. E. E.. (b) 22 30 002 points N. E. by N. 28 07 302 points N. E.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

33 45 00

3 points N. E.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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