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"known,they are detested by all men, and it " is only when they can delude the people "to their side, that there is any strength in "their arm. Their art is to hide the cloven "foot, and, under an assumed form, take "the advantage of a popular feeling, ex"cited and fomented by their vile stratagems, " and, by working on this fertile soil, turn "to their own horrible purposes, passions "which are perhaps founded in virtue, " and directed to the reform of abuse, not "to the overthrow of Government. It is "to guard against this specious delusion; "it is to warn our countrymen against "lending themselves, under the idea of "correcting errors, to the views of those "mercenary and villainous men who plot the "destruction of all that is dear to us; it is to "open their eyes to the dangers which "surround them, that we dare, even con"trary to their now ruling persuasion, to " call on them for reflection and a short 66 pause, before they plunge into the stream "from which in its course there is little hope they will at any future period be "able to extricate themselves. It is with "grief and concern we daily witness "what twenty or thirty intriguing and "Jacobinical spirits can compass with the "British public. It is with deep shame and "sorrow, that we see the noblest feelings " of human nature made subservient to the "basest purposes of a detested Faction. It

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by these means? What is Mr. WARDLE, "or Miss TAYLOR, or Mrs. CLARKE, or the "Duke of YORK, to these designing men, but "as so many. objects by which they can "promote their grand design against the "Government of the Country?-Is their duty "now so rarely performed by our public "Men-by our Opposition Virtue-mongers, "as seldom as by our Ministerial Optimists, that Mr. Wardle must be demi-de"ified for having done his? That is, for having, from a suspicious connection Iwith an infamous prostitute, been in"duced to bring forward charges against "a Member of the Illustrious HOUSE of "BRUNSWICK, which, by a signal and tri

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umphant majority of 241, have been de"clared to be unfounded.—Oh, fortune-fa"youred NAPOLEON! even the patriotism "of Britain aids thee in the attainment of thy ambitious hopes. Every thing conspires to render thee invincible. The "Chronicle of London fights thy battles a66 gainst Austria. The Patriots in the British "Senate fight thy battles against established "crowns and legal constitutions."—After this the writer goes on to repeat what Mr.WINDHAM said: "that there was no act of which "the Duke of York was accused, of which "he would not rather be found guilty than "of having taken away, without her con"sent, and against her will, the letters "taken from Mrs. Clarke by Mr. War"dle."- -Of all that was said, during the whole of the debates, nothing gave me any pain but this; and, I cannot help hoping, that, in spite of this repetition, there must have been some misrepresen tation. To be sure, if Mr. Wardle had so acted from any view of advancing his own interest; if the affair, to which the letters had related, had been a private one; if it had been between man and man, and had been unconnected with the duty of Mr. Wardle as a member of parliament; if this had been the case, there might have been some doubt as to the propriety of his conduct, though, even then, the question must have turned wholly upon the circumstances of the case. For, suppose you to see, in the hands of any one, papers proving the commission of a murder, are you to let such papers escape you? No, per

is with heartfelt anguish that we behold "the real, patriot, and in-born love of liberty of the British people, turned by "the cunning of those whose idea of liberty "is licentiousness, and whose minds are "intent on nothing but revelling on the plun"der of a Nation, overthrown to aid their "projects and consummate their plans."Such do we consider the addresses to Mr. « Wardle, whose accusations the represen"tatives of the people have pronounced to "be unfounded; such do we consider the "subscriptions to Miss Taylor, the associate "of the most infamous prostitute of the age: "such do we consider the instigations to hold "public meetings; and such do we consider "every act connected with or promoting "these objects.-Let the Public reflect "for a moment who the wretches are that "set these matters on foot. Can they imagine for a moment that a base noto-haps, it will be said; but go and lay the "rious libeller, his associates, or his miserable "satellites, are inspired by a love of their "country or of virtue to engage so ar"dently in these schemes; or must they "not rather instantly acknowledge that "there is something ulterior in view yet hid "from their sight, which is to be attained

information, leaving it to others to seize the papers. But, where is the difference between giving this information and seizing the papers yourself? So, then, for any thing that you care, the murderer is to escape; he is to be left with his sharpened knife in his hand, rather than you will

is still better worthy of being remembered, they found a parliament to pass such law.

I will not cram up my space and occupy the time of the reader with any commentary upon what I have extracted from the Morning-Post. It is the mere echo of what we have heard else-where, and what already stands admirably exposed to public contempt. Yes, it is too late to tell us, that to bring to light, and to execrate corruption and public robbery, it is too late to tell the people, that this indicates a desire to overturn the House of Brunswick and the constitution of England; that this indicates a plot for the effecting of a bloody jacobinical revolution, and that those, who voted with Mr. Wardle, fight the battles of Buonaparté against established crowns and legal constitutions. The people of England, as MR. LYTTLETON (who is one of the jacobins) said, are no longer to be duped; and, what is still more satisfactory to observe, a very great part of the nobility and gentlemen of England, and that part, too, who are to live for an age to come, seem to have now imbibed the same contempt for the means that have been used for the purpose of deceiving them into a belief, that it was their interest to side against the great mass of the nation. Completely to eradicate this belief, the folly of which yields to that of no creed that imposture ever invented for the purposes of subjection and of plunder, is all that is wanted to bring about that general reform, of which Mr. Whitbread spoke the other day, and without which all but those, who fatten or wish to fatten, upon public plunder, are so anxious to see brought about.

be "guilty" of seizing the proofs of his guilt. So much for this doctrine when applied to a private case; but, suppose you to see, in the possession of a friend; of a brother; nay, of that nearest and dearest of all connections, a parent or a child, papers containing proofs of treason, committed, or to be committed? Would you not seize these papers, or give information (which is precisely the same thing, of their existence? I put this question home to you; and beg you to remember, that if you failed to do it, you would be liable to be hanged for the failure. And, shall the law tell us this; shall it thus act, in behalf of the king, and be applauded for so acting, while one of the makers of that law tells us, that it is an offence to act in behalf of the public, upon the principles of that law? We may differ in our estimate of the relative magnitude of robbery of the public and of conspiracy against the king; but, without entering into any argument upon that point, I think that few persons will be found to deny, that it is impossible to justify the law of misprision of treason, unless you allow, that it would have been a crime in Mr. Wardle not to have availed himself of the best means within his power, of securing the proof of public robbery, of the existence of which he had obtained the knowledge. The system of spies and informers is interwoven with our system of finance, and I do not recollect that Mr. Windham ever made opposition to any of those laws. No, all is good; all advantages are fair which operate in favour of those who rule; but if you take advantage of any circumstance in favour of the public, you It is not the "rabble," who call for are accused of acting a mean and dastardly such a reform. The rabble, properly so part; as if the government was a thing called (and more or less of rabble there so weak and so very defenceless!- always will be,) profit from abuses and This is like many of the clergy, who were corruptions. They are peculators and amongst the first; who were, indeed, the plunderers of another sort, and different very first, to encourage spies and informers look, to be sure; but still they are pecuagainst the Jacobins and Levellers, and to lators and plunderers. No: it is not the justify all the means, of whatever descrip-rabble; it is those who suffer from the tion, to come at proofs of their machina- rabble, who know them well, and who are tions. But, behold, when the bitter cha- so anxious about nothing as to keep power lice was put to their own lips; when, in out of their hands.I cannot refrain 1800, or thereabouts, qui tam informations from a remark or two upon the passage, were laid against them for having neg- relating to MISS TAYLOR, the only accusalected their bounden and sacred duties, tion that this base writer prefers against they could then set up a loud and general whom, is, that she was the associate of Mrs. cry against informers, whom they repre- Clarke, whom he denominates the “most sented as the most infamous of mankind;" infamous prostitute of the age" forgetting, they could come to the parliament for a apparently, that she was so long the great law to suspend the operation of these in-patroness of the army; the Venus of our formations; aye, for an ex post facto law to great and mighty Mars; the " protect them against informers; and, what of his affections, the "Angel" of his de


votions, and his connection with whom this very writer has apologized for, not to say justified, in nurieicus essays. Oh! pander of incomparable impudence; to vilify the goddess while he extors the votary, and justifies the devotion!

Thanks to Mr. Warde have, as will be seen be o been voted by the City of Westminster.— -1 perceive, that the Mayor of London was, at a, af er much boggling, and many difficulties, called a Common Hail, at which his dificulties ought not to be forgotten.- The people of Glasgow have shown an admirable spirit, and set an example worthy of general imitation. They have sent, high Lord Folkestone, an address to Mr. Wardle (a copy or which was inserted in my last, at page 451) win upwards of four thousand NAMES at the bottom of it. This is what I like. That man can never be depended upon; he is not worth a straw, if he is not ready to put his name to the expression of his sentiments. In some cases it is inconvenient; in others nearly impossible; but, where practicable, it is always the best way.- This very great inconvenience the people of Glasgow have, I am informed, had forced upon them. Their intention, at first, was to call a public meeting; but, their requisition was refused by the Provost. The next step determined on was to advertise in the news-papers; but all their news-papers refused to publish their advertisements. They then posted bills, and distributed printed papers; and, in six days, these four thousand names were signed.These are the sort of men; men, who see no difficulties too great to be overcome. These 4000 men would, in the defence of their country, be worth ten millions of those balancing, timid, sheep-like creatures, who wait for a bellwether to lead the way. Scotland, I shall honour thee, as long as I live, for the sake of Glasgow! Where there are such men for a population, there is no danger to be apprehended from the undue influence of persons in authority, nor even from that base and servile press, which appears to exist in Scotland.- -In this work of stifling in the birth, or rather, of preventing the existence, of thanks to Mr. Wardle, the Whigs (always excepting those who voted in the 125) are not at all inferior to their political opponents. They plainly see, that their doom is sealed; that the people, care about their regular' shamfights no more than they do about the great fights upon Black-Heath or Wimble

don Common; that they are fast sinking under the waves; and, seeing this, they are bursting with slpeen and envy. Hence they are sulky; they preserve a sullen silence; or unlock their lips only for the purpose of emitting their drivel for the exunguishment of real public spirit. If this worn-out, this decrepit, this dotard, this dying party, had not seen enough before, to convince it, that the days of political quackery were past, it would, surely, see it now, if total loss of sight had not preceded its dissolution. This party, which had raised the greatest of expectations, deceived the people more than they ever were deceived before. They had got into favour by professions about reform and retrenchment: they obtained power the first act of that power was to pass a law to make a great sinecure office tenable along with a place of 6,000l. a year, though the two offices were incompatible in their natures; their second act was to pass a law making an addition to the number of foreign troops in the country; and, their last aet was, the withdrawing of a bill from before the House of Commons, in consequence of the king's dis◄ approbation of that bill; and this, too, for the evident and sole purpose of keeping their places. Can they be so infatuated as to suppose, that there is a single man in the country, out of a madhouse, who will ever confide in them again? They have dug a pit for themselves; their recent conduct has plunged them into it; the nation is now kicking the dirt in upon them; Dr. O'Meara may daub them over with his celestial unction; but, not a tear will be shed for their loss, except by the ministers, to whom the loss will, in time, be fatal.- -Here follow the RESOLUTIONS passed by a Meeting of ten thousand people in Westminster, on Wednesday, the 29th of March.

Resolved Unanimously—

"Ist. That the inhabitants of this City, from the means of information which their local situation affords them, have long been aware of the existence of scandalous and corrupt practices in various departments of the State, and by the late investigation in the hon, the House of Commons, the fact has been made manifest to every part of the United Kingdom.

"2nd. That Gwyllim Lloyd Wardle, esq. by his singular intrepidity and integrity in instituting an Inquiry into the conduct of his royal highness the Duke of York, and by persevering in that Inquiry, in

spite of the greatest difficulties and the most formidable discouragements, has rendered an important service to his country, and merits the grateful thanks and warmest approbation of this Meeting.

been paid in the House of Commons to the investigation of the Charges brought in this particular instance, ought to animate the people to prosecute Inquiry and Reform in all the departments of the State; and they recommend to every county, city, and borough of the United Kingdom, in which the present state of the Elective Franchise will admit it, to follow the example which it has been the duty and pride of the City of Westminster to set them, of returning, free of expense, honest and independent Representatives; who shall have no interest but that of restoring what is obviously wanted-integ

"3d. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to our worthy Representative, sir F. Burdett, bart. for the independent manner in which, at a very important moment, and under very critical circumstances, he seconded the Motion for Inquiry; for the assistance which, as far as his health permitted, he afforded during its progress, and for the able and patriotic Speech which under the pressure of great bodily pain, he delivered on the result of the In-rity and œconomy, in the receipt and exrestigation thus adding one more to the penditure of the public money, and of many proofs he has already given, that he preserving inviolate the rights and priviis the faithful steward of that body, by leges of the people. whose free and spontaneous voice he was so honourably elected.

"4th. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to lord viscount Folkestone, for the active, judicious, and firm support he afforded to col. Wardle during the Investigation; and for his manly, able, and perspicuous Speech on the Conduct of the Commander-in-Chief.

5th. That the Thanks of this Meeting are particularly due to Samuel Whitbread, esq., sir Samuel Romilly, knt., major-gen. Ferguson, Henry Martin, esq., sir Thomas Turton, bart., Thomas William Coke, esq., John Christian Curwen, esq., the hon. Thomas Brand, the hon. H. W. Lyttleton, lord viscount Milton, lord viscount Althorp, Chas. Watkin Williams Wynne, esq., lord Stanley, and the Minority of 125, who divided in favour of colonel Wardle's Motion for an Address to the King, on the Conduct of the Duke of York, and the Minority of 137, who supported the Amendment proposed by sir Thomas Turton, bart.

"6th. That the Thanks of this Meeting be also given to the Minority, on the motion of Henry Bankes, esq.; and also to the Minority who opposed the Motion of the right hon. the Chancellor of the Exchequer; and it is their unanimous opinion, that, after the concurring declaration of so many Independent Representatives of the People, whoever shall, at any future time, advise His Majesty to reinstate his royal highness the Duke of York in the situation of Commander-in-Chief, will, by such advice, prove himself an enemy to the country.

"7th. That it is the opinion of this Meeting, that the discoveries made by this Inquiry, as well as the attention which has

"ARTHUR MORRIS, High Bailiff. "It was then also unanimously Re


"That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to Arthur Morris, esq., high bailiff, for the promptness with which he called this Meeting, and for his able and impar tial Conduct in the Chair."

-There is but one word, that I dislike in these Resolutions, and that is the word Colonel. Not Colonel, but Mister. After what we have recently seen, let us, I pray you, have it plain Mr. Wardle.These are good sentiments. It is useless to talk : they must prevail. There must be a salutary, constitutional, legal, loyal refor mation; a radical reform, from Christs' Hospital to St. Stephen's Chapel, or this nation sinks into everlasting ruin.—Mr. Whitbread was, I hear, at this meeting, and took an active part. That is good. It shews. that he has broken through the cursed trammels of faction; that he is, at last, weary of an association with the Sheridans and Fitzpatricks. Foh! Oh! it was truly lamentable to see him so yoked.- Well, now, were these ten thousand jacobins ? Tremble, then, Mr. Yorke, for the



spiracy" is formidable indeed, though you can, I think, no longer complain, that it does not appear in a “ tangible shape." Is it not the best, and wisest, and safest way, for the government to set about a radical reform at once, to anticipate all these jacobins, and so spite the rogues? Perhaps you will tell me, that there are millions upon millions of good and solid reasons. why this will not be. But, there are 126 men, even in the House of Commons, who demand a statement of these weighty rea sons. They, who are almost all of them,


The Electors of Westminster have published the Speech of Sir Francis Burdett, upon the Conduct of the Duke of York.

men of great property, do not seem to fear | taken the command of other regiments as the consequences of a reform. Poor fools! well as of his own company; for, how what, I warrant, they do not understand often does it happen, that the command what is good for them half so well as Mr. of a regiment is left to a Captain LieuteHuskisson and Mr. Canning and Mr.Ward nant?—An account, which I will give, and General Fitzpatrick and Lord Castle- one of these days, of the way in which it reagh do? Poor silly young fellows! they was managed to get this young man on, are, as the Morning Post says, misled by with a positive and direct violation of the designing men;" or, as Mr. Perceval rule not to promote one man over the has it, by "cooler heads." And so, they, head of another, in the same corps, will however plain the thing may be, cannot be highly amusing. see, that it does them good to take out of their estates immense salaries for Mr. Huskisson and Mr. Ward, and pretty decent pensions for their wives. They cannot see, country cubs that they are, how it is that they and their children are to be benefited by paying £.300 to Lady Louisa Puget, upon the English pension list, and another £.300 a year to the same identi cal person, under the name of Lady Louisa Erskine, upon the Scotch pension list. It is useless to enumerate any more cases; for if they are blind to the benefit here, so they would continue to the end of the chapter, which, by-the-bye, is a pretty long one.To be serious, these 126 men shew that a Reform must take place. Truth has triumphed, and the vile writers, the vile traders, the reptile and venomous traders in Anti-Jacobinism must be trodden under foot; a triumph, for which amongst other things, we have to thank

Mr. Wardle.

Botley, Thursday, 30th March, 1809.

In speaking of the List of the Minority upon Mr. Wardle's Motion, I observed, that there were only two lawyers in it. I did not know that MR. HENRY MARTIN was a lawyer, and I overlooked the name of MR. FRANCIS HORNER. I beg these gentlemen to be assured, that the omission to mention them as gentlemen of the law was not intentional.

A correspondent points out an error in my statement respecting Mr. Adam's son's

promotion. Any one must see that, sup

posing the thing to stand as my correspondent supposes, it was a mere error; because it is possible, that it should have been intentional, as I myself furnished the means of detection.- Nor does it at all alter the merits of the case. But, the thing is even worse than I represented it ; for, a Captain in the Guards ranks with a Major of other foot regiments, and a Lieutenant with Captains of other foot regiments; so that, in any Garrison, or Camp, Lieut. Adam, just warm from school, in 1799, at the age of sixteen, might have

It is my intention to have published a List of the 125 members, who voted with Mr. Wardle. To have it printed upon fine and stout paper, capable of being framed, and preceded by the motion, and a succinct history thereof; so that it may be hung up, and read as one sits before the fire.. It would be very desirable to have the List of those who voted against him. Can no one assist me in this? It would be a most valuable thing for the nation to possess. Much more valuable than " Our Empire in the East."



State Trials:

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Parliamentary Debates:

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OFFICIAL PAPERS. TREATY BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND SPAIN. Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Alliance between his Britannic Majesty and his Catholic Majesty Ferdinand VII. Signed at London, the 14th of Jan. 1809. In the name of the Most Holy and

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