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measure, of the public gratitude: but punishment shall also, with inflexible rigour, fall on every breach of duty: merit shall meet with reward, and offence with animadversion, without distinction of person, or rank; branded with disgrace shall the worthless person be cast out to whom life is dearer than his and our honour. Adorned with the marks of public esteem, will I present to our sovereign, to the world, those brave men who have deserved well of their country, and whose names I will ever carry in my heart.-There remains one consideration, which I must put you in mind of: the soldier is only formidable to the enemy in arms; civil virtues must not be strangers to him: out of the field of battle, towards the unarmed citizens and peasants, he is moderate, compassionate, and humne: he knows the evils of war, and strives to lighten them; I will punish every wanton excess with so much greater severity, as it is not the intention of our monarch to oppress neighbouring countries, but to deliver them from their oppressors, and to form with their princes a powerful bond in order to bring about a lasting peace, and to maintain the general welfare and security. Soon will foreign troops, in strict union with us, attack the common enemy. Then, brave companions in arms! honour and support them as your brothers; not vain glorious high words but manly deeds do honour to the warrior; by intrepidity before the enemy you must shew yourselves to be the first soldiers.-Thus then shall I one day lead you back to your own country, followed by the respect of the enemy, and by the gratitude of foreign nations, after having secured by your arms an honourable peace, when the satisfaction of our monarch, the approbation of the world, the rewards of valour, the blessings of your fellow citizens, and the consciousness of deserved repose await you.

CHARLES, Archduke, Generalissimo.

FRENCH ARMY.-First Bulletin, dated Ratisbon, Apr. 24, 1809.

sions of Bavarians under the duke of Dant-
zic, were placed as follows: The first di-
vision, commanded by the Prince Royal,
at Munich; the second, by gen. Deroi,
at Landshut; and the third, by gen. de
Wrede, ai Strauburgh. The Wurtemburgh
division at Heydenheim. The Saxon
troops encamped under the walls of Dres-
den. The corps of the duchy of Warsaw,
commanded by prince Poniatowsky, in
the environs of Warsaw. On the 10th
the Austrian troops invested Passan, where
they surrounded a battalion of Bavarians,
and at the same time invested Kufitein,
where there was another battalion of Ba-
varians; these movements took place with-
out even a shot being fired. The Austrians
published the subjoined Proclamation in
the Tyrol. The Bavarian court quitted
Munich for Dillingen. The Bavarian di-
vision which had been at Landshut went
to Altorff, on the left bank of the Iser. The
division under the command of general de
Wrede marched
Neustadt. The
duke of Rivoli left Ulm for the environs of
From the 10th to the 16th
the enemy's army advanced from the Inn
to the Iser; there were several skirmishes
between parties of the cavalry, in which
the Bavarians were successful.-On the
16th, at Pfaffenhoffen, the 2d and 3d regi-
ments of Bavarian light horse completely
routed the hussars of Stipschitz and the
Rosenberg dragoons. At the same time
the enemy appeared in large bodies for
the purpose of forming at Landshut, the
bridge was broken down, and the Bava-
rian division commanded by general Du-
roy vigorously opposed this movement of
the enemy, but being threatened by the
columns which had passed the Iser at
Moorberg and Freysing, this divison re-
tired in good order upon that of general
Wrede, and the Bavarian army took a cen-
tral position upon Neustadt.
Departure of the Emperor from Paris on
the 13th.


The Emperor learnt by the telegraph. in the evening of the 12th, that the Austrians had passed the Inn, and he set out from Paris almost immediately. He ar

THE Austrian army passed the Inn on the 9th April; that was the signal for hos-rived at three o'clock on the morning of tilities, and Austria declared an implacable the 16th at Louisburg, and in the evening war against France and her Allies, and the of the same day at Dillingen, where he Confederation of the Rhine.-The follow- saw the king of Lavaria, and passed half ing were the positions of the French army an hour with that prince, and promised in and her Allies:-The corps of the duke 15 days to restore him to his capital, to D'Auerstadt at Ratisbon. The corps of revenge the insults which had been offered the duke of Rivoli at Ulm. The corps of to his house, and to make him greater gen. Oudinot at Augsburgh. The head- than any of his ancestors had ever been. quarters at Strauburgh. The three divi- On the 17th, at two o'clock in the morn

ing, his Majesty arrived at Donauworth, where he immediately established his head-quarters, and gave the necessary orders. On the 18th the head-quarters were removed to. Ingolstadt.

Battle of Pfaffenhoffen on the 19th.

On the 19th general Oudinot quitted Augsburg and arrived by break of day at Pfa fenhoffen, where he met three or four thousand Austrians, which he attacked, and took three hundred prisoners. The duke de Rivoli arrived the next day at Pfaffenhoffen. The same day the duke of Auerstadt left Ratisbon to advance to Neustadt, and to draw near to Ingolstadt. It was then evident that the plan of the Emperor was to out-manoeuvre the enemy, who had formed near Landshut, and to attack them at the very moment when they, thinking they were commencing the attack, were marching to Ratisbon.

Battle of Tann, on the 19th.

On the 19th, by break of day, the duke D'Auerstadt began his march in two COlumns. The divisions of Moraud and Gudin formed his right, the divisions of St. Hillaire and Friant formed his left. The division of St. Hillaire arrived at the village of Pressing, and there met the enemy, superior in number, but inferior in bravery, and there the campaign was opened by a battle, which was most glorious to our arms. General St. Hilaire, supported by general Friant, overturned every thing that was opposed to him, and took all the positions of the enemy, killed a great number of them, and made between 6 and 700 prisoners. The 72d regiment distinguished itself on that day, the 57th maintained its ancient reputation. Sixteen years ago this regiment obtained in Italy the name of the Terrible. In this action they maintained their pretensions to that title; they attacked singly six Austrian regiments in succession, and routed them. On the left, at two o'clock in the afternoon, gen. Moraud also fell in with an Austrian division, which he attacked in front, while the duke of Bantzic, with a corps of Bavarians, which had marched from Abensberg, attacked them in the rear. This division was soon driven from all its positions, and left several hundreds in killed and prisoners. The whole regiment of the dragoons of Levenher was destroyed, and its colonel killed by the Bavarian light-horse. At sun-set the division of the duke of Dantzic formed its junction with that of the duke of Auerstadt. In all these affairs generals St. Hillaire and Friant particularly distinguished themselves. Those unfortunate

Austrian troops who had been led from Vienna with music and with songs, and under a persuasion that there was no longer any French army in Germany, and that they would only have to deal with Wirtemburghers and Bavarians, displayed in the strongest manner, the resentment they felt against their chiefs, for the error into which they had been led; and their terror was the greater when they saw those old bands which they had been accustomed to consider as their master.-In all these battles our loss was inconsiderable, compared with that of the enemy, who lost a number of general officers and others, who were obliged to put themselves forward to give courage to their. troops. The prince of Lichtenstein, general Lusignan, and others were wounded. The loss of the Austrians in colonels and officers of lower rank was considerable.

Battle of Abensberg on the 20th. The Emperor resolved to beat and destroy the corps of the archduke Louis and gen. Keller, which amounted to 60,000 men. On the 20th, his majesty took post at Abensberg; he gave orders to the duke of Auerstadt to keep the corps of Hohenzollern, of Rosenberg, and Lichtenstein, in check, while with the two divisions of Moraud and Guden, the Bavarians and the Wirtemburghers, he attacked the army of the archduke Louis and general Keller in front, and caused the communications of the enemy to be cut off by the duke of Rivoli, who passed by Freyberg, and from thence proceeded to the rear of the Austrian army. The divisions of Moraud and Guden formed the left, and manœuvred under the orders of the duke of Montebello. The Emperor determined to fight that day at the head of the Bavarians and Wirtemburghers. He ordered the of ficers of these two armies to form a circle, and addressed them in a long speech. The Prince Royal of Bavaria translated into German what he said in French. The Emperor made them sensible of the confidence which he reposed in them. He told the Bavarian officers that the Austrians had always been their enemies, that they now wished to destroy their, independence; that for more than 200 years, the Bavarian standard had been displayed against the Austrians. But at this time he would render them so powerful that they alone should be able to contend with the house of Austria. He spoke to the Wirtemburghers of the victories they had obtained over the house of Austria, when they served in the Prussian army, and of


Battle of Eckmuhl, on the 22d.

the advantages which they had recently | magazines which the Austrians had began obtained from the campaign in Silesia. to form. Some couriers and aides-de-camp He told them all, that the moment was of the commander in chief, prince Charles, come for carrying the war into the Aus- and some convoys of wounded men, trian territory. This speech was repeated coming from Landshut, also fell into our to the different companies by the captains, which produced an effect which may easily be conceived. The Emperor then gave the signal for battle, and planned his manœuvres according to the particular character of the troops. General Wrede, ■ Bavarian officer of great merit, was stationed at Siegenburgh, and attacked an Austrian division, which was opposed to him. General Vandamme, who commanded the Wirtemburghers, attacked the enemy on their right flank. The duke of Dantzic, with the division of the Prince Royal, and that of general Deroy, marched toward the village of Renhausen, in order to reach the grand road from Abensberg to Landshut. The duke of Montebello, with his two French divisions, forced the extremity of the enemy's left, and overthrew every thing that was opposed to him, and advanced to Rohr and Rosemburgh. Our cannonade was successful on all points. The enemy, disconcerted by our movements, did not fight for more than an hour, and then beat a retreat. Eight standards, 12 pieces of cannon, and 18,000 prisoners, were the result of this affair, which cost us but a few men.

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The battle of Landshut having laid open the flank of the Austrian army, and all their magazines, the Emperor, by break of day, on the 21st, marched upon Landshut. The duke of Istria defeated the enemy's cavalry in the plain before that city. The general of division Mouten, made the grenadiers of the 17th advance to the charge on the bridge, forming the head of a column. This bridge, which was of wood, was set on fire, but that was not an obstacle to our infantry, who forced it, and penetrated into the city. The enemy, driven from their position, were then attacked by the duke of Rivoli, who had advanced by the right bank. Landshut fell into our power, and with Landshut we took 30 pieces of cannon, 9,000 prisoners, 600 ammunition waggons, 3,000 | baggage waggons, and the hospitals and

While the battle of Abensberg and that of Landshut produced such important consequences, the archduke Charles had formed a junction with the Bohemian army under Kollowrath, and obtained some partial success at Ratisbon. One thousand of the 65th, who were left to guard the bridge of Ratisbon, and who had not received orders to retreat, having expended their cartridges, and being surrounded by the Austrians, were obliged to surrender. This event made an impression upon the Emperor, and he swore that in 24 hours Austrian blood should flow in Ratisbon to resent the insult which had been offered to his arms. During this time the dukes of Auerstadt and Dantzic held in check the corps of Rosenberg, Hohenzollern, and Lichtenstein. There was no time to be lost. The Emperor began his march from Landshut, with the two divisions of the duke of Montebello, the corps of the duke of Rivoli, the cuirassiers of Nansoutz and St. Sulpice, and the Wirtemburgh division. At two o'clock in the afternoon they arrived opposite Echmuhl, where the four corps of the Austrian army, consisting of 110,000 men, had taken a position under the command of the archduke Charles. The duke of Montebello attacked the enemy on the left, with the division of Gudin. On the first signal the divisions of the dukes of Auerstadt and Dantzic, and the division of light cavalry of general Montbrun, took their position. One of the most beautiful sights which war can present then presented itself, 110,000 men attacked on all points, turned on their left, and successively driven from all their positions, the detail of the events would be too long; it is sufficient to say, that the enemy were completely routed; that they lost the greater part of their cannon, and a great number of prisoners; and that the Austrians, driven from the woods which cover Ratisbon, were forced into the plain, and cut off by cavalry.

(To be continued.)

LONDON:-Printed by T. C. HANSARD, Peterborough Court, Fleet Street; Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Coveut - Garden :-Sold also by J. BUDD, Pall-Mall.

VOL. XV. No. 22.] LONDON, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1809.


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"As it is essential to the very being of Parliament that Elections should be free, "therefore, all undue influences upon the electors are illegal, and strongly prohi"bited; for Mr. Locke ranks it amongst those breaches of trust in the executive "magistrate, which, according to his notions, amounts to a dissolution of government,' "if he employ the force, treasure, and offices of the society to corrupt the represen"tatives, or openly to pre-engage the electors, and prescribe what manner of persons "shall be chosen; for, thus to regulate candidates and electors, and new-model the "ways of election, what is it but to cut up the government by the roots, and poison "the very fountain of public security."-BLACKSTONE'S COMMENTARIES ON THE LAWS OF ENGLAND: Book I. Chap. 2.

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"BUT, my lords, there is another kind of incapacity worse than this, I mean that " of parliament men's having such places in the exchequer, as the very profit of "them depends on the money given to the King in parliament. Would any of your lordships entrust a man to make a bargain for you, whose very interest is to make you give as much as he possibly can? It puts me in mind of a farce where an "actor holds a dialogue with himself, first speaking in one tone, and then answering "himself in another."-EARL MULGRAVE'S SPEECH, in the House of Lords, Dec. 22, 1692. Cobbett's Parl. Hist. vol. 5. p. 749.

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MR. PITT, when contending for a Reform in Parliament, in 1802, told the House, that he personally knew, that it was the opinion of his father, that, "without recurring to first principles in this respect, and establishing a more solid and equal representation of the people, by which the proper constitutional connection should "be revived, this nation, with the best capacities for grandeur and happiness of any "on the face of the earth, must be confounded with the mass of those whose liberties "were lost in the corruption of the people."


"THE defect of representation is the national disease; and unless you apply a "remedy directly to that disease, you must inevitably take the consequences with "which it is pregnant. Without a parliamentary Reform the nation will be plunged into new wars; without a parliamentary Reform you cannot be safe against "bad ministers, nor can even good ministers be of use to you,-No honest man can, "according to the present system, continue minister."MR. PITT'S SPEECH, 1802.

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"THE whole of this system as it is now carried on, is as outrageous to morality as it "is pernicious to just government; it gives a scandal to our character, which not merely degrades the House of Commons in the eyes of the people, but it does more; "it undermines the very principles of integrity in their hearts, and gives a fashion to dishonesty and imposture. They hear of a person giving or receiving four or five "thousand pounds as the purchase-money of a seat for a close borough; and they "hear the very man who received and put into his pocket the money, make a loud "and vehement speech in this House against Bribery; and they see him, perhaps, "move for the commitment to prison of a poor unfortunate wretch at your bar, who "has been convicted of taking a single guinea for his vote in the very borough, per"haps, where he had publicly and unblushingly sold his influence, though that

"miserable guinea was necessary to save a family from starving under the horrors of a war which he had contributed to bring upon the country.

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"are the things that paralise you to the heart: these are the things that vitiate the "whole system, that spread degeneracy, hypocrisy, and sordid fraud over the country, " and take from us the energies of virtue, and sap the foundations of patriotism and "spirit."-MR. Fox's SPEECH, 1797.

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"HAs the House of Commons shown either vigilance of inquiry, or independence "of spirit? Have they investigated the origin of their misfortunes, or checked "ministers in their ruinous career? Nay, the very reverse. In a war remarkable only for misfortune, and distinguished on our part solely by disgrace, they have "suffered ministers to go on from failure to failure, adding misfortune to misfortune, "and madness to folly, without either investigation or inquiry.-As a remedy for "these evils, Mr. Grey recommended a Reform of Parliament; and to obviate the "charge of making complaints without prescribing some specific mode of relief, he

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proposed, that instead of 92 county members there should be 113, and that the right of voting should be extended to copyholders and leaseholders who are bound "to pay rent for a certain number of years. To prevent compromises he proposed "that every county should be divided into grand divisions, each of which should return a representative. He also proposed that the remaining 400 members *should be returned by householders.' -Mr. GREY'S SPEECH in 1797.

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"MANY join in the cry of Reform from ignorance, many from folly, many from fanaticism. Some are incited by the vilest passions, and some from more pure, but "not less dangerous principles. Numerous are the knaves and numerous the dupes desirous of change.". MR. WINDHAM'S Speech, in the House of Commons, 26 May,



ON Friday, the 26th of May, there was a debate, in the House of Commons, upon the motion of MR. CURWEN for passing a Jaw, imposing an oath upon members of that House, as to their not having paid, or bargained, for their seats.- -This debate, which, as reported in the news-papers, contained much interesting matter, is well worthy of general attention. MR. WINDHAM is reported to have used the words, contained in the last of the passages above-quoted, by way of mottos to this sheet. If the report be correct, and, I believe it to be so, pray, Sir, let me ask you, since you set down for knaves, or Jupes, all those, who wish for a reform of the House of Commons; let me ask you, whether you regard as knaves, or as dupes, Locke, Blackstone, the old Earl Mulgrave, Lord Chatham, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Fox, and the present Lord Grey? Now, do, with your usual frankness, and contempt of disguise and reserve, pray say, whether they belong to the knavish or the foolish tribe; for, to one or the other, if your assertion be true, they must belong; and, then, it will follow, that you have been voluntarily very closely connected with knaves, or fools;



have sitten in the same cabinet with the three latter of the persons named.

-As there was nothing but bare assertion in this part of Mr. Windham's speech, it will require no further comment; for, though the authority of names is not sufficient in answer to argument, it is quite so in answer to bare assertion, and is, indeed, more than bare assertion is entitled to. It appears to be a favourite plan with Mr. Windham to represent the electors as the source of corruption; as if the elector would bargain for a price for his vote, if there were no one ready to give him that price. But, be it so; let it be admitted, that it is from the vile miscreants, who sell their votes, that political corruption springs; for, what better argument need we in support of such a reform as shail render it impossible for any wretch to find a market for his vote? -Mr. Windham says, that some Attorney, or Brewer, being refused a place for his son, feels himself instantly glowing with patriotism: his honesty is roused: he takes the independent side, and runs to the hustings bawling full-mouthed against corruption.-Well; this may be very true of the Attorney and the Brewer, and of thousands besides; but, is not this ano

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