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x Congressional Globe. 32d Congress, 2d Session, vol. 26, 1853. 33d Congress, 1st Session, vol. 28, 1853. Appendix, vol. 29. 34th Congress, 1st Session, 1855-1856, and appendix. 35th Congress, 1st Session.

Clarendon-Dallas Treaty, 1856.

Treaty with Nicaragua, June 21, 1867.

× United States. 34th Congress, 1st Session. Senate Ex. Doc. 35. Messages of the President .

of the Treaty of July 4, 1850. (1856.)

See also next section, and the last.

on the construction

d. CENTRAL AMERICA, 1845-1860.

N[apoléon] Louis] B[onaparte]: Canal of Nicaragua, or a Project to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by means of a Canal. London, 1846. [Not published.]

Louis Napoléon Bonaparte: Le Canal de Nicaragua, ou projet de jonction des océans Atlantique et Pacifique. Revue Britannique, mai, 1849.

[Sir Henry Bulwer]: Great Britain and the United States. Edinburgh Review, vol. 104, pp. 267-298. July, 1856.

× Canal interocéanique par l'isthme de Darien, Nouvelle Granade (Amérique du Sud.) Canalisation par le colonisation. Paris, 1860. 8vo, pp. 203. A.

Correspondence with the United States respecting Central
America. Printed by order of Parliament.

1856-1860. Folio, pp. 344.


Democratic Review, Oct. 1852. Vol. 31, p. 337. Our Foreign
Relations. Central America.

A. Denain Intérêts qui se rattachent à l'isthme de Panama,
et aux différentes isthmes de l'Amérique Centrale. Paris,
1845. 8vo. C.

Question Anglo-Américaine. Documents officiels échangés entre les États-Unis et l'Angleterre au sujet de l'Amérique Centrale et du traité Clayton-Bulwer. Paris, 1856. 8vo. S. Xavier Raymond: Diplomatie Anglo-Américaine; les Américains et les Anglais au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale. Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 avril, 1853.

[ocr errors]

E. G. Squier: Letter to the Hon. H. S. Foote, Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Relations of the United States Senate, on the Nicaragua Treaty, 1850. N.

[E. G. Squier]: The Mosquito Question. Whig Review, Feb-
ruary, March, 1850.

[E. G. Squier]: The Islands of the Gulf of Honduras. Their
Seizure and Organization as a British Colony. Democratic
Review, vol. 31, p. 544. (November, December, 1852.)
E. G. Squier: The States of Central America and the Hondu-
ras Interoceanic Railway. New York, 1858. 8vo, pp. 782.


e. CUBA, ETC., 1850-60.

G. d'Alaux, Cuba et la propagande annexioniste. Revue des
Deux Mondes, 15 juil., 1850.

Buchanan, Mason and Soulé: the "Ostend Manifesto." Dip-
lomatic Correspondence, 1854-1855. Buchanan: Message,
December 3, 1860.

General Cass to Lord Napier, May 12, May 29, 1857, . . . No-
vember, 1858; to Mr. Dodge, October 2, 1858. (Spanish
invasion of Mexico.)

J. Chanut, La Question de Cuba aux États-Unis et en Europe.
Revue Contemporaine, vol. 8, p. 470. (1859.)

Congressional Globe. 33d Congress, 2d Session. (1854–1855.)
(Ostend Manifesto.) 35th Congress, 2d Session. (1859.)

La question

Revue Britannique, août, 1854; pp. 257-290.
de Cuba, jugée au point de vue Américaine.
[E. G. Squier?]: The Cuban Debate. Democratic Review,
vol. 31, pp. 433, 624. (November, December, 1852.)


Congressional Globe. 37th Congress, 3d Session, Appendix,
p. 94.
38th Congress, 1st Session; the House resolution
of April 4, 1864, and debate on it. 39th Congress, 1st Ses-
sion; message on the sending of Austrian troops to Mexico,
and debate thereon. 39th Congress, 2d Session; on Mex-
ican affairs.

Democratic Review, vol. 32, p. 39. Mexico and the Monroe Doctrine.

Fraser's Magazine, vol. 64, p. 717. December, 1861. Mexico. Free Press, Urquhart, vol. 9. November 6, 1861. Collective Intervention in the New World.

Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, vol. 50, p. 415, vol. 51, p. 106. (June, August, 1864.) The Conquest of Mexico by France.

V. W. Kingsley, French Intervention in Mexico, 1863, pph. N. A. Laugel: France and the United States. Nation, vol. 1, p. 302. (September 7, 1865.)

Joshua Leavitt: The Key of the Continent. New Englander, vol. 23, p. 517. (July, 1864.)

E. Lefèvre : Histoire de l'intervention française au Mexique. Vol. 2, ch. 18, etc. Bruxelles et Londres.


H. Mercier de Lacombe: Le Mexique et les États-Unis. 2e éd. Paris, 1863. 8vo. B.

Mexico and the Monroe Doctrine. [n. p. 1862?] 8vo, pp.


Nation, vol. 1, p. 678. November 30, 1865. The Solution of the Mexican Problem.

Revue Britannique, septembre, 1863, pp. 213-224. Le Mexique au point de vue américaine, avant et depuis l'expédition française.

G. Reynolds: Mexico.

July, 1864.

Atlantic Monthly, vol. 14, p. 51.

J. H. Robinson: The Mexican Question. North American Review, vol. 103, pp. 106-142. July, 1866.

United States: Message and Documents, Department of State, 1863-1864.

United States: Messages of the President of the United States to Congress, with accompanying documents relating to the Mexican Question.

Justus Strictus Veritas, pseud.: Nuevas Reflexiones sobre la Cuestion Franco-Mexicana. Folleto publicado en Paris, el 30 de setiembre de 1862, por supplemento al Correo de ultramar. Mexico, 1862. 16mo, pp. 192. C.

Westminster Review, vol. 80, p. 313. October, 1863.

The French Conquest of Mexico. Same art., Eclectic Magazine, vol. 61, p. 36. Same art., Living Age, vol. 79, p. 251.


> Congressional Record, vol. 9, p. 2312.

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Senator Burnside's resolution, June 25, 1879. (46th Congress, 1st Session. S. R. No. 43.) Further discussion in vol. 10. President Hayes: Message, March 8, 1880. In Congressional Record, vol. 10, p. 1399. Since printed with documents. Papers relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States. 1881. Mr. Blaine to Mr. Lowell (circular), June 24, 1881, pp. 537-540. Lord Granville to Mr. Hoppin, November 10, 1881, p. 549. Mr. Blaine to Mr. Lowell, November 19, 1881, pp. 554-559; November 29, 1881, pp. 563-569. Earl Granville to Mr. West, Jan 14, (7?) 1882.

Correspondence respecting the projected Panama Canal. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1882.

Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Lowell, May 8, 1882.

Don Antonio Aguilar, Marquis de la Vega de Armijo, to Don Francisco Barca, Spanish Minister at Washington, March 15, 1882. In "the Red Book," Madrid, 1882.

Congrès International d'Études du Canal Interocéanique. Compte Rendu des Séances. Paris, 1879.

Bulletin du Canal Interocéanique, Nos. 1 to 60+. (September 1, 1879, to February 15, 1882.) Paris.


D. Ammen: M. de Lesseps and his Canal. (See Lesseps, below.) North American Review, vol. 130, pp. 130-146. February, 1880.

Cassell's, December, 1879. Panama and the Isthmus.

A Delawarean: The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty and the report of the Committee of the House on Foreign Relations against it. May 1, 1880. S.

× Edinburgh Review, April, 1882. The Panama Canal.


U. S. Grant: The Nicaragua Canal. North American Review, vol. 132, pp. 197-116. February, 1881.

Harper's Monthly Magazine, vol. 60. p. 935. (Easy Chair.) Lesseps and the Darien Canal.

The International Canal and the Monroe Doctrine. New York, 1880. 16mo, pp. 118.

F. de Lesseps: The Interoceanic Canal. North American Review, vol. 130, pp. 1-15. January, 1880. Vol. 131, pp. 75-78. July, 1880.

A. Letellier: Les Travaux du Canal de Panama. Nouvelle Revue, 1 juil., 1882.

The Monroe Doctrine and Isthmian Canal. North American Review, vol. 130, p. 499.

The Nation, vol. 30, p. 90. February 5, 1880. The United
States Government and the Panama Canal. — Vol. 33, p.
348. November 3, 1881. American Policy towards the
Isthmus Canal. Vol. 34, p. 92. February 2, 1882. An-
other chapter of Mr. Blaine's Diplomacy. — Vol. 34, p. 114.
February 9, 1882. Mr. Blaine's Manifesto. Vol. 34, p.
156-157.- Vol. 34, p. 200. March 7, 1882.
"A Spirited

Foreign Policy."

× T. W. Osborn: The Darien Canal. International Review, Vol. 7, pp. 481-497. November, 1879.

[ocr errors]

Popular Science Monthly. Vol. 16, pp. 842-849. April, 1880.
Some Features of the Interoceanic Canal Question. Vol.
20, pp. 273–275. December, 1881. Our policy respecting the
Panama Canal.

Revue Britannique, juil., 1879. Le Congrès du Canal Inter-

Dr. Rudolf Schleiden: Die rechtliche und politische Seite der Panamá-Canal-Frage, Preuszische Jahrbücher, Juni,


h. AMERICA NORTH OF THE UNITED STATES. Nootka-Sound Convention between Spain and Great Britain. October 28, 1790. Recueil des Traités, 2e éd. iv. 492-499. Treaty between the United States and Spain. February 22, 1819. Statutes at Large, viii., 252-267. Boston, 1867.

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