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the particle are equal and in the same direction, the particle is said to move with constant velocity.

It is manifest that in this case the path of the body will be a straight line, and the length of any part of the path will be proportional to the time of describing it.

The rate or speed of the motion is called the velocity of the particle, and its magnitude is expressed by saying that it is such a distance in such a time, as, for instance, ten miles an hour, or one metre per second. In general we select a unit of time, such as a second, and measure velocity by the distance described in unit of time.

If one metre be described in a second and if the velocity be constant, a thousandth or a millionth of a metre will be described in a thousandth or a millionth of a second. Hence, if we can observe or calculate the displacement during any interval of time, however short, we may deduce the distance which would be described in a longer time with the same velocity. This result, which enables us to state the velocity during the short interval of time, does not depend on the body's actually continuing to move at the same rate during the longer time. Thus we may know that a body is moving at the rate of ten miles an hour, though its motion at this rate may last for only the hundredth of a second.


When the velocity of a particle is not constant, its value at any given instant is measured by the distance which would be described in unit of time by a body having the same velocity as that which the particle has at that instant.

Thus when we say that at a given instant, say one second after a body has begun to fall, its velocity is 980 centimetres per second, we mean that if the velocity of a particle were constant and equal to that of the falling



body at the given instant, it would describe 980 centimetres in a second.

It is specially important to understand what is meant by the velocity or rate of motion of a body, because the ideas which are suggested to our minds by considering the motion of a particle are those which Newton made use of in his method of Fluxions, and they lie at the foundation of the great extension of exact science which has taken place in modern times.



If the velocity of each of the bodies in the system is constant, and if we compare the configurations of the system at an interval of a unit of time, then the displacements, being those produced in unit of time in bodies. moving with constant velocities, will represent those velocities according to the method of measurement described in Article XXVI.

If the velocities do not actually continue constant for a unit of time, then we must imagine another system consisting of the same number of bodies, and in which the velocities are the same as those of the corresponding bodies of the system at the given instant, but remain constant for a unit of time. The displacements of this system represent the velocities of the actual system at the given instant.

Another mode of obtaining the diagram of velocities of a system at a given instant is to take a small interval of time, say the nth part of the unit of time, so that the middle of this interval corresponds to the given instant. Take the diagram of displacements corresponding to this interval and magnify all its dimensions n times. The result will be a diagram of the mean velocities of the system during the interval. If we now

* According to the method of Fluxions, when the value of one quantity depends on that of another, the rate of variation of the first quantity with respect to the second may be expressed as a velocity, by imagining the first quantity to represent the displacement of a particle, while the second flows uniformly with the time.

suppose the number n to increase without limit the interval will diminish without limit, and the mean velocities will approximate without limit to the actual velocities at the given instant. Finally, when n becomes infinite the diagram will represent accurately the velocities at the given instant.

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The diagram of velocities for a system consisting of a number of material particles consists of a number of points, each corresponding to one of the particles,

The velocity of any particle B with respect to any other, A, is represented in direction and magnitude by the line ab in the diagram of velocities, drawn from the point a, corresponding to A, to the point b, corresponding to B.

We may in this way find, by means of the diagram, the relative velocity of any two particles. The diagram tells us nothing about the absolute velocity of any point; it expresses exactly what we can know about the motion and no more. If we choose to imagine that

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o a represents the absolute velocity of A, then the absolute velocity of any other particle, B, will be represented by the vector o b, drawn from o as origin to the point b, which corresponds to B.

But as it is impossible to define the position of a body except with respect to the position of some point of reference, so it is impossible to define the velocity of a body, except with respect to the velocity of the point of reference. The phrase absolute velocity has as little meaning as absolute position. It is better, therefore, not to distinguish any point in the diagram of velocity as the origin, but to regard the diagram as expressing the relations of all the velocities without defining the absolute value of any one of them.


It is true that when we say that a body is at rest we use a form of words which appears to assert something about that body considered in itself, and we might imagine that the velocity of another body, if reckoned with respect to a body at rest, would be its true and only absolute velocity. But the phrase "at rest means in ordinary language "having no velocity with respect to that on which the body stands," as, for instance, the surface of the earth or the deck of a ship. It cannot be made to mean more than this.

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It is therefore unscientific to distinguish between rest and motion, as between two different states of a body in itself, since it is impossible to speak of a body being at rest or in motion except with reference, expressed or implied, to some other body.


As we have compared the velocities of different bodies at the same time, so we may compare the

relative velocity of one body with respect to another at different times.

If a, b, c, be the diagram of velocities of the system of bodies A, B, C, in its original state, and if ag, b2, C2,

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we shall form a diagram of points a, B, Y, &c., such that any line a B in this diagram

represents in direction and magnitude the change of the velocity of B with respect to A. This diagram may be called the diagram of Total Accelerations.


The word Acceleration is here used to denote any change in the velocity, whether that change be an increase, a diminution, or a change of direction. Hence, instead of distinguishing, as in ordinary language, between the acceleration, the retardation, and the deflexion of the motion of a body, we say that the acceleration may be in the direction of motion, in the contrary direction, or transverse to that direction.

As the displacement of a system is defined to be the change of the configuration of the system, so the Total Acceleration of the system is defined to be the change of the velocities of the system. The process of construct

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