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I owe it to you that I was se.ected for the task attempted in the following pages, a distinction which I feel to be honourable; and on this account alone I should have a peculiar pleasure in dedicating the work to your lordship. I do so with additional gratification on another account: the Treatise has been written within the walls of the College of which your lordship was formerly a resident member, and its merits, if it have any, are mainly due to the spirit and habits of the place. The society is always pleased and proud to recollect that a person of the eminent talents and high character of your lordship is one of its members; and I am persuaded that any effort in the cause of letters and religion coming from that quarter, will have for you an interest beyond what it would otherwise possess.

The subject proposed to me was limited: my prescribed object is to lead the friends of religion to look with confidence and pleasure on the progress

of the physical sciences, by showing how admirably every advance in our knowledge of the universe harmonizes with the belief of a most wise and good God. To do this effectualiv, may be, I trust, a useful labour. Yet, I feel most deeply, what I would take this occasion to express, that this, and all that the speculator concerning Natural Theology can do, is utterly insufficient for the great ends of Religion ; namely, for the purpose of reforming men's lives, of purifying and elevating their characters, of preparing them for a more exalted state of being. It is the need of something fitted to do this, which gives to religion its vast and incomparable importance; and this can, I well know, be achieved only by that Revealed Religion of which we are ministers, but on which the plan of the present work did not allow me to dwell.

That divine Providence may prosper the labours of your lordship, and off all who are joined with you in the task of maintaining and promoting this Religion, is, my lord, the earnest wish and prayer of Your very faithful

And much obliged servant,

Trinity College, Cambridge,

Feb. 25, 1833.







Object of the Present Treatise.

THE examination of the material world brings before us
a number of things and relations of things which suggest
to most minds the belief of a creating and presiding Intelli-
gence. And this impression, which arises with the most
vague and superficial consideration of the objects by
which we are surrounded, is, we conceive, confirmed and
expanded by a more exact and profound study of external
nature. Many works have been written at different times
with the view of showing how our knowledge of the ele-
ments and their operation, of plants and animals and their
construction, may serve to nourish and unfold our idea of
a Creator and Governor of the world. But though this is
the case, a new work on the same subject may still have
its use.
Our views of the Creator and Governor of the
world, as collected from or combined with our views of
the world itself, undergo modifications, as we are led by
new discoveries, new generalizations, to regard nature in
a new light. The conceptions concerning the Deity, his
mode of effecting his purposes, the scheme of his govern
ment, which are suggested by one stage of our knowledge
of natural objects and operations, may become manifestly
imperfect or incongruous, if adhered to and applied at a
later period, when our acquaintance with the immediate

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