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Werba libri ad emptorem.

Si placet hybernas libris tibi fallere noctes :
Non alium queras, ipse satisfaciam.
Esopi inuenies et dicta et facta legendo :
Que risum mesto cuiqz mouere queant.
Et qui me e greco uoluit fecifse latimum
Doctus erat. lege me non tibi uilis ero.

Antonius Zarotus Permensis. 1476.
Berto Kalendas Martias Imprefsit.

The present copy is bound in red morocco.

106. Æsopus. AVIENUS. &c. Lat. et Ital. Versibus. Verona. 1479. Quarto.

This very rare and curious edition begins, without any prefix, on the recto of the first leaf, in the following manner :

Api chio son Esopo o tu lettore:

A cui gli detti mei di leggier piace.
Gia latino e uulghare fui fallace
Emendoso per colpa del scrittore.

Hora son stato in man di correttore :

Che in latino e uulghar con mia gran pace
Esser me fa come gia fui: ueracę
Esopo & Accio Zuccho translatore.
Le cose che a fanciulli & a ignoranti
Vano per man: soglion perder sua forma:
E mutar spesse uolte soi sembianti.
Vien poi chi per pieta quelle reforma
Reducendole a quel: cherano innanti.
Ondio corretto son sotto tal norma
Da Gioanni aluise e da compagni sui
Con diligentia bene impresso fui.

Asepous' fueram deformis! non satis istud!
Ad lasanum stabam sordibus atq; lacer
Hic cartā, hic numeros laniauerat! arte resartus
Nunc docta, metuo non piper, uncta, garum.
Me lege! nec ludo tibi sit mea fabula lector

Vtiliter salibus seria mixta dabit.

The preceding occupies the first page, on the recto of sign. a i. On the reverse we have a large wood-cut, representing a man kneeling, and offering his book to an old man seated, with a laurel round his brow. A landscape of two trees, between hills, forms the background. The whole is within a frame work of two pillars, supporting an architrave, with a cupid or winged boy on each side, at top: upon a black ground by way of border. There is no mean taste displayed in the composition of this arabesque frontispiece; the whole of which, with the obvious improvements suggested by a cultivated taste, might form no contemptible decoration to a modern publication. On the opposite page we have the following inscription, within a star-ornamented border.

[blocks in formation]

This ornamented page is succeeded by two pages of Italian poetry; having the running title of 'PROEMIO. IDEM.' We have, in the next page, the following inscription in the centre of an altar.






Another ornamented page, filled in capital letters, and being the first five verses of the Latin metrical version, succeeds. The border is here pleasingly arabesque. The text of the author regularly succeeds; and after each of the Latin metrical versions of Esop, follow a 'SoNETTO MATERIALE' and a 'SONETTO MORALE;' of the second of each of which, the subjoined note* is a specimen. Whatever may be the relative

They belong to the fable of The Cock and the precious Stone.'

Ice il maestro chel gallo raspando
Dentro al letame per trouar del grano
Marauegliosse che gli uenne a mano
Vna preciosa pietra & el parlando
Disse o preciosa cosa in quanto bando
Sei posta e scosa in loco si uillano.
Sel te hauesse uno artifice soprano
Traria di te sua uita lieto stando.
Per me non fai: & io di te non curo
Amarei piu di te cosa men richa
Che de la fame mi fesse se curo:

E cosi sempre lo ignorante pica
Contrario di fortuna doue il curo

De laspra pouerta che ognihor limpicha.
Si come
gallo sprezza tal semenza

Cosi disprezza il mato la scienza.


Ostroui el gallo qui raspar letame.

E questo el homo che in mortal peccato :

Che quando dal bon huom fi consigliato
Dice che gli ama piu cercar tal trame.

Cioe de peccati il doloroso strame.
E cosi contra dio sta sfigurato.

Ai doloroso tristo e sciagurato

merit of this edition, in regard to skilfulness of translation, there can be (I presume) but one opinion in respect to the taste and spirit displayed in the cuts by which it is embellished. Of these, the reader is here presented with several specimens, miscellaneously arranged.

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