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is not present. In the sediment we find, besides numerous spermatozoa, calcium-carbonate and calciumphosphate crystals, and sometimes also ammonio-magnesium phosphate. In the urine after the escape of semen we constantly find spermatozoa; it is therefore very im portant, before a diagnosis of spermatorrhoea is made, to ascertain whether passage of the urine brought for examination has been immediately preceded by a pollu

tion or coition.

With acute and chronic gonorrhea we find in the sediment pus-corpuscles and single cylindrical epithelial cells from the urethra. Albumen, however, is not prov able in the urine.

Should it be doubtful whether the purulent sedi ment of the urine arises from the urethra or a higher portion of the urinary tract, the patient should (according to Thompson) urinate into two vessels. The first half of the evacuation would contain the pus from the urethra, while the second portion would contain only the catarrhal secretion of the bladder or the kidneypelvis.

The so-called gonorrhoeal threads which almost constantly appear in the urine of gonorrhoea, even after normal healing, are usually catarrhal secretions from the ducts of the accessory glands of the urethra. Only the very long threads, which are seldom found, are formed in the urethra itself.

Two kinds of gonorrhoeal threads may in general be distinguished. The first are thicker and longer, and have not infrequently a knob-like swelling on the end.

These arise usually from the pars prostatica urethræ. The second are thin and short, and show no knob-like swelling. These arise generally from Littré's glands of the urethra.

Such a thread under the microscope is seen to consist of pus-corpuscles, mixed with small cylindrical epithelial cells imbedded in a homogeneous ground-substance. (Pl. VI., A, 2.)

With croup of the urethra appear small and white, filmy or tube-formed structures, mixed with pus and blood. These consist of fibrine, and are washed out by the stream of urine.



THE high price and complexity of the polarization apparatus generally used induced me to request of Herr Reichert a saccharimeter adapted for use with a microscope-stand, and in accordance with a design of my own. He cheerfully undertook the task, and has constructed a very useful instrument. The principle, importantly modified in its application, is that of the Mitsherlich apparatus, which has been so variously applied by physicians.


The great advantages of this instrument over others

1. No artificial source of light is needed, for the concave mirror of the microscope-stand brilliantly il luminates the field of vision.

2. The apparatus itself is small (it is scarcely longer than the fully elongated tube of a medium-sized micro scope) and needs no separate stand.

3. By means of this instrument the percentage of sugar can be directly calculated.

4. The entire apparatus can be had for a compara tively very small cost.

After three years' experience with it, during which time I have had the opportunity of analyzing many diabetic urines, I can at present say that this instrument, in its latest form, answers all the requirements of the practicing physician, and I can therefore most highly recommend it.

In using the apparatus, the tube, objectives, ocular, etc., of the microscope are withdrawn, and in their place the saccharimeter is inserted and made fast to the stand by means of a small screw. The concave mirror

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is then turned into position, and by looking through the instrument it is deter mined whether or not it is properly adjusted.

In the accompanying figure a is the biconcave and b the objective lens of a small Dutch telescope, the focal distance of which extends to p; c is the upper Nicol prism, with which a vernier is closely connected; d is a glass tube for holding the suspected fluid, which should be filtered or otherwise cleared up before analysis; p is a double plate of right and left rotating quartz; and f the lower Nicol prism.

The arc [fixed scale] is so divided that one division of it represents one per cent. of grape sugar at a temperature of

*The stands most used in Vienna are Reichert's No. III. and Hartnach's No. VIII., but the saccharimeter may be attached to any stand.

20° C. By means of the vernier, tenths of a degree (i. e., of one per cent.) can be very approximatively determined. Since ten degrees of the vernier correspond exactly with nine degrees of the arc, to the percentage of sugar found must be added as many tenths as spaces are counted on the vernier up to that division which exactly coincides with a division of the arc.

If, for example, the zero point of the vernier does not quite reach (toward the right) the five-point of the scale, it indicates that the percentage of sugar is more than four and less than five per cent. If it be desired to estimate the tenths per cent., and the sixth division of the vernier is the first (counted from the zero point) to coincide with a division of the arc, then six is the number of tenths required, and the apparatus would indicate in this case 4.6 per cent. grape sugar present.

In estimating the strength of cane-sugar solutions, it is to be borne in mind that the polarization power of cane sugar is three quarters that of grape sugar.

Both the above-mentioned kinds of sugar turn the polarized ray to the right, albumen (i. e., serum-albumen), on the contrary, toward the left, and as far toward the left as grape sugar toward the right.

If the glass tube of the saccharimeter is empty, or contains a fluid holding in solution substances having no optical influence (for example, normal urine), the zero point of the vernier coincides exactly with the zero point of the scale, and the two halves of the field of vision are exactly isochromatic.

If, on the contrary, an optically active substance is

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