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angle of elevation angle required Annex Artificial Horizon base centre circle Clinometer Compass-leg Conic Sections constructed Crown 8vo diameter Differential Calculus dimensions distance division draughtsman English Mile English Yards engraved equivalent number Friedrichs d'or German given angle given side given to find graduated disc half-arrow hinge-joint hypotenuse inches inner edges joint length Line of Lines lower leg magnetic bearing Marquois Scales measure ment Meridian metal Square metre Millimetres Mirror number of yards observed Open the instrument Open the Sector opposite leg outer edge parallel Parallel Ruler perpendicular plane Polymeter Proportional Compasses Protractor quadrant Quintant radius required angle required triangle right angle right-angled triangle ruler Russian Werst scale of equal secant lines Second Edition Sector's legs set of graduations Sextant shadow sight-vane Sine sion slided Spirit-Level stands tenuse third angle Third Edition third side Treatise Trigonometer University of Cambridge Vernier Scale
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Page 1 - The Greek Testament : with a critically revised Text ; a Digest of Various Readings ; Marginal References to Verbal and Idiomatic Usage ; Prolegomena ;"and a Critical and Exegetical Commentary. For the Use of Theological Students and Ministers. By HENRY ALFORD, DD, Dean of Canterbury. Vol. I., containing the Four Gospels.
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Page 8 - Treatise on Statics : containing the Theory of the Equilibrium of Forces, and numerous Examples Illustrative of the General Principles of the Science. By the Rev.
Page 4 - Morgan's Investigation of the Trinity of Plato, and of Philo Judaeus, and of the effects which an attachment to their writings had upon the principles and reasonings of the Fathers of the Christian Church. Revised by HA HOLDEN, LL.D. Head Master of Ipswich School, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Crown Octavo.
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Page 3 - CONTENTS. 1. The Young Man cleansing his way. 2. The Young Man in Religious Difficulties. 3. The Young Man as a Churchman. 4. The Young Man called by Christ. PARISH SERMONS. First Series. New Edition. 12mo., 6».
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Page 14 - MT Ciceronis de Officiis Libri Tres (New Edition, much enlarged and improved), with Marginal Analysis, an English Commentary, and copious Indices, by HA HOLDEN, LL.D., Head Master of Ipswich School, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Classical Examiner to the University of London.