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and returned with the Veador from Baltimore into Spaine, and with him the other souldiers which were detained, but the Cannoniers Osulevan reserved.

When report was brought to Don Iohn de Aguila (then in Corke) of the surprize of Dunboy, he tooke it for a great affront, and would presently haue drawen from Kinsale (the Spanish Companies there yet remayning) and march to Dunboy to regaine it by force, and to deliver it according to the Composition into her Majesties hands: But the Lord Deputie and the President, (who were desirous to see his heeles towards Ireland) wished him not to trouble himselfe with that businesse; and when hee was gone, the President should take order for the reducing of it into his hands the Castle of Dunboy was surprized (as beforesayd) in this moneth of February, 1601, and held by Osulevan to the use of the King of Spaine: but yet to excuse himselfe unto the King, and to make it appeare unto him how much hee was his servant, hee wrote unto him, to the Earle of Carazena, and to Pedro de Zubiare, there being at that present in Beerehaven, the Spanish Pinnace, which brought the Pacquet from Spaine (intercepted betweene Kinsale and Corke) as aforesaid.

A Letter from Osulevan Beare to the King
of Spaine.

My Lord and my King.

Ovt of his love to your kingly greatnesse, your humble stedfast servant Donnell Osulevan Beare, enforced through perill and constraint, doth make bold to enforme unto your greatnesse, that upon the landing in Castle-haven, in the West of Ireland, your Generall Pedro de Zubiar, and Pedro Lopez de Soto, with a fleet and men from your Greatnessé, according to the inward conceit of mind I alwayes held, which I manifested in my young yeares, and would have still followed, unlesse disability had constrayned mee to the contrary; finding a happy and good opportunity (as I imagined) I came to their presence, tendering my obeysance unto them in the name of your Highnesse, and being with foure hundred men at my owne cost, towards your service, I yeelded out of my meere loue and goodwill, without compulsion or composition, into their hands in the name of your Majestie; not onely my Castle, and Haven called Beerehaven, but also my Wife, my Children, my Countrey, Lordships, and all my possessions for ever to be disposed of at your pleasure. They received mee in that manner, and, promised (as from your Highnesse) to keepe, and saue the said Castle, and Haven during the service of your grace: Notwithstanding my gratious Lord, conclusions of peace were assuredly agreed upon, betwixt

Don Juan de Aguila and the English, a fact pittifull, and (according to my judgement) against all right and humane conscience. Among other places whereof your greatnesse was dispossessed in that manner, which were neither yeelded nor taken to the end they should bee delivered to the English; Don Iuan tyed himselfe to deliver my Castle and Haven, the onely key of mine inheritance, whereupon the living of many thousand persons doth rest, that liue some twentie leagues upon the Sea Coast, into the hands of my cruell, cursed, misheleeving Enemies, a thing I feare in respect of the execrablenesse, inhumanity, and ingratefulnesse of the fact if it take effect, as it was plotted, that will giue cause to other men not to trust any Spaniard hereafter, with their bodies or goods upon these causes. My Lord in that I judge this dishonourable act to be against your honour and pleasure, (as I understand by your last Letters that came into Ireland) considering the harme that might ensue to the service of your Majestie, and the everlasting overthrow that might happen to mee, and my poore people, such as might escape the sword of our Enemy (if any should) I have taken upon mee (with the helpe of God) to offer to keepe my Castle and Haven from the hands of mine Enemies, untill further newes, and order come from your Highnesse: I have sent my Sonne and Heire (being of the age of five yeares) as a Pledge for accomplishing your will in this behalfe, and for the performing of my promise past unto your Greatnesse: I would not omit my selfe in person to

come and visit your Highnesse, but that I feare our warres here would weake in respect of my

grow absence, for which cause my selfe, and the rest of our 'men of worth have sent in haste with Intelligence vnto your Greatnesse, our loving Friend Dermond Odrischall, in respect of our confidence in him, our knowledge of him, and the continuall endeavors wee see in him towards this Catholique Warre, as from vs all: And for as much as wee could not conveniently write all that wee wish vnto you, wee humbly beseech, that hee may bee heard as from vs all, as if our selues were present, and to hasten helping Newes, that shall rejoyce vs and our people, and afterwards to speed your gracious helpe vnto vs, for the sooner the better, whilest our enemies are not in readinesse; and vntill the comming of newes from your grace vnto vs, I will haue in a readinesse where the service shall require, the number of one thousand men; and I will upon my knees pray the mercifull God, to give vnto your Grace long life, with health of body and soule, and all happinesse, and so doe commit you to the safeguard of the Omnipotent. Donboy, viz. Beere-haven, the twentieth day of February, 1602,

Donnell Osulevan Beare,

A Letter from Osulevan Beare to the Earle
of Caracena,

My dutie remembred; It may please your Lordship to understand, that according to my former Letters, it

hath manifestly appeared, heere the resolution of Don Iuan de Aguila to haue been (by his composition with the English) to yeeld unto the Enemies hands, all the Forts, and Havens voluntarily delivered by the Lords and Gentlemen of this Land for his Majesties service, which will bee to the dishonour of the King, the prevention of his most godly attempt, and the utter ruine and destruction of thousands of this Countrey Gentlemen and Catholiques, who without compulsion entred into this Action: All which having considered, I haue of meere affection to my Religion, his Highnesse service, and loue to my people and Countrey, so endeavored the recovery of my Castle,' as I did draw into the same some hundred of my followers, whom although the Spanyards haue attempted to resist, and killed three of my best Gentlemen, yet durst none of my people kill any of them, but without harme forced them out of my said Castle, saving their Captaine, with fiue or sixe unto whom I haue allowed certaine roomes in my House, to looke to the Kings Munition and Artillerie: which Castle and Haven I doe detaine, and will evermore, for his Majesties Service, to defend, untill his Highnesse pleasure, and your Lordships resolution unto mee shall bee further knowen: And for manifestation of my loyaltie, and faithfulnesse to his Majestie, I haue sent my Sonne and Heyre thither, whom I hope ere this time is present before your Lordship, and haue cessed all the Captaines Company upon my owne people and charges, humbly beseeching it may please

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