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Wilmot with his Regiment into Kerry: The Lord Presidents departure from Corke, with the Armie towards Donboy: His long abode at Carew Castle, expecting Munition and Victuals: The difficulty he had in his approaching towards Donboy: The defeat given to the Rebels: The arrivall of a Spanish Caravell in Beare, with Letters of Comfort, Money, and Munition from Spaine: The siege of Donboy, the winning and rasing of it: The Presidents returne to Corke, and Sir Charles Wilmots into Kerry: The flight of Iames Archer the Iesuite, and Conner Odrischall, into Spaine: The relapse of Sir Owen Mac Carties Sonnes: The Spanish Hostages returned into Spaine: The restraint of. Cormock Lord of Muskery : His escape and reduction: The winning of the Castle of Mocrumpe: The defeat of Tirrell and his Bonoghs in Muskery. The sending of Sir Samuell Bagnall with fifteene hundred men to the Lord Deputie: The Service done upon the Knight of Kerry: The flight of Tirrell with his Bonoghs out of the Province: The defeat of the Rebells in Glangarne: The flight of William Burke with his Bonoghs, Osulevan Beare, and Connor Kerry out of Mounster: The overthrow of the Cartyes in Carbery, And the killing of the Popes Apostolique Vicar, Owen Mac Egan: The sending of a Regiment with Munition and Victualls for the service in Connaght: The defeat of the Lord of Lixnaw: The final reduction of Mounster: The appointing of Sir

Charles Wilmot, and Sir George

Thornton joynt Commisioners

for the Government of

Mounster: And the
departure of the
Lord President

into ENGLAnd.

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