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15. A Statute is made declaring the peculiar Personal Privileges of Peers. 18. The first instance occurs of a Grant made by the Clergy in Convocation, a part of the Legislative Body not authorised to make Laws.

22. The Commons had not attained an equality with the Prelates and "Grantz de la Terre," who answer the Commons' Petitions, &c., after these are dismissed from the Parliament.

25. The exertions of the Commons tend to establish the Constitutional Law of the Land as to Aids and Taxes, on the principles long acknowledged and acted upon.

26. Writs are first issued to the Mayors and Bailiffs of Cities and Boroughs, and not to the Sheriffs, as hitherto.

36. The mischiefs arising from an ignorance of the Laws, Customs and Statutes, in consequence of their being pleaded, shewn and judged in the French Language, are remedied by a Statute, that all Proceedings should be in English.

40. Certain Burgesses (Chepyng Toriton) pray to be relieved from the burden of sending Members, the Sheriff having "maliciously returned Two Burgesses for the Town."

50. On the Petition of the Commons, the Knights of Counties are to be elected "de les Meilleurs Gentz" of the Counties.


1. The Commons Petition for a Parliament, once a-year, "to record and end the Suits which have been delayed, and the Pleas or Causes, on which the Judges differ in opinion."

5. The Patent obtained by force from the King for the Enfranchisement of the Villeins, is Repealed by unanimous consent of the Lords and Commons.

A Law is made, at the request of the Commons, for enforcing attendance in Parliament, and against false Returns, &c.

11. The Lords Spiritual and Temporal obtain " their Liberty and Franchise, that matters moved in Parliament, touching Peers of the Land, shall be discussed and moved by course of Parliament, and not by Civil or Common Law of the Land.”


1. Proceedings are taken which settle the Character of the Two Houses of Lords and Commons, as perfectly distinct; and particularly estab lishing that Grants and Aids to the Crown shall proceed from the Commons.

5. The Commons pray for Privilege for the Lords and themselves against Arrest for Debt, and against Assault.

7. & 8. A Statute is made to settle the manner of Election of Knights, and who should be Electors."


5. By Petition of the Commons, an addition is made to this Statute, to the effect that the Knights shall be Resident, and the Elections for Cities and Boroughs be of Citizens and Burgesses Resident and Enfranchised in the same.


8. By the Petition of the Commons, the Electors of the Knights of Shires are ordered to be "People resident in the respective Counties, whereof every one shall have, in free Tenements, in the same County, to the value of 40s., by the year at least, above all charges; and that those chosen shall be dwelling and resident in the same Counties."



24. The Commons Petition for observance of Stat. 1, Henry V., "that the Citizens and Burgesses elected may be Resident and Enfranchised," and also of Stat. 8, Henry VI., for the manner of electing notable Knights or Squires, and none beneath.


The independence of himself and his [Successors, in Parliaments, with the Reasons thereof.


6. The names of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, who are present, are entered on the Journals.

25. Convocations are to be summoned by the King's Writ.

31. A Bill passes for assigning Seats in the Lords' House to the King's Officers.

27-34-35. Statutes are made for the Creation, or Revival of Boroughs, by Special Acts of Parliament alone.

27. Wales is incorporated, united and annexed to England, and Members are returned from thence.

33. Five new Bishopricks are erected, Chester, Gloucester, Peterborough, Bristol and Oxford, by the separation and addition of Sees.

34. Knights and Burgesses are first summoned within the County and City of Chester.



7. The King's Letter to the Sheriffs to choose Members of wisdom and experience, and directing their Choice.


2. The Queen's Letter for the Choice of Catholic Members.

The Voluntary Secession of many Members from the House of Com


3. A Bill against the Absence of Members.


1. The Abbot of Westminster, the last of his Order admitted to Parliament, speaks in the House of Lords.

13. The Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance are taken by Members, before the Lord Steward of the Household.


1. The Commons claim the right of examining the Returns of Knights, Citizens and Burgesses.


3. The Petition of Right receives the Royal Assent (June 7, 1628). 16. The Commons restore several Ancient Boroughs; and Resolve, That none shall sit in Parliament but such as will take the Sacrament. The Bill for Triennial Parliaments passes, by which it is enacted that a Parliament shall be called every Three Years, and shall not be dissolved within fifty days after the time appointed for their meeting, &c.

Nov. 3, 1640. The Long Parliament meets.

17. The first Protest of the Peers is entered on the Journals.

May 10, 1641. The King assents to the Bill for the continuance of the

21. The Army, under General Fairfax, makes Proposals for Biennial Parliaments, to sit One Hundred and Twenty Days, unless adjourned

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or dissolved by their own consent; and no Parliament to sit more than Two Hundred and Forty Days.


1. The Commons abolish Monarchy and the House of Peers. 5. April 20, 1653. Cromwell dissolves the Long Parliament.

Cromwell ordains Triennial Parliaments, which shall not be adjourned, prorogued, or dissolved, within five months of their time of meeting, except by their own consent.

9. Cromwell restores an Upper House, "to interpose between him and the tumultuary and popular Spirits in the Commons' House."

12. The Restoration of the King and the House of Lords.

13. The Bishops are restored to Parliament.

16. The Triennial Act is repealed, and another substituted "that Parliaments shall not be intermitted above Three Years."

17. An Act passes for taxing the Clergy in Parliament with the Laity, but allows the Parochial Clergy to vote for Members of the House of Commons.

25. Resolutions are passed against Elections upon Writs issued by the Lord Chancellor.

The County and City of Durham are Ordered to return Members. 27. Resolutions are passed by the Commons against treating at Elections. 32. Resolutions are adopted against Placemen and Pensioners sitting in Parliament.


1. The Declaration of Rights is framed, and receives assent. "That Parliaments ought to be frequently holden."

It provides,


Containing the Numbers of the Temporal Peers summoned from 49 Henry III., to 23 Edward IV., together with the Council and Assistants.

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