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A. R.

orcester. Lewelin, 2

March 11. (Second Sunday after "Dies Cinerum," Ash 1218. Wednesday.) A Council is held at Worceste Prince of Wales, attends. (w)

April 22. (Sunday, Clausum Pascha.) A Council held at Worcester, is attended by the Legate, Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, the Justiciar of England, the Earl of Pembroke, eight other Earls and fifteen Barons. They do homage and fealty to the King. (x)


A Common Council is held.

The two Archbishops, the Earl of Pembroke, the Justiciary, thirteen Bishops, nine Abbots, eight Earls, fourteen Barons subscribe an ordinance declaring that no Charters or other Instruments shall be sealed with the Great Seal, "ad perpetuitatem," till the King is of age. (y)

Dec. 25. (Natale Domini.) A Council is held. The King of Man attends. (z)

1219. A. R.


A. R. 4

A. R.

Feb. 9. (Octaves of the Purification.) A Council is 1220. held at Worcester. Lewelin and the Welsh " Magnates" are present. (a)

May 4. (Monday before Ascension Day.) A Council (Colloquium) is held at Shrewsbury. Lewelin, Prince of Wales, attends. (b)

May 17. (Whitsunday.) The Legate, Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons et "Majores Angliæ" attend the King's Coronation at Westminster. (c) August. A Council meets. The King of Scotland is

present. (d)


June 18. A Council is held at York. The King of 1221. Scotland attends. (e)

A. R.


Dec. 25. (Christmas.) A "Curia" is held at Oxford. A R. Many Earls and Barons ("Magnates") attend. (f)




A Council, or Convention, meets at West- 1222.

The "Magnates" treat "de negotiis regni." (g) August 13. A Council is held at Canterbury. The A. R. King of Scotland is present. (h)

(w) Fæd. 2 H. III.


(r) Fæd. 1. c.

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1223. A. R. 7

A. R.



A. R.




Nov. ... A Council is held, at which are present the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishops, Earls, Barons and "Magnates." (i)

Jan. 13. (Octaves of Epiphany.) A Council, or "Colloquium," is held at London. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Barons and "other great men" attend.

The King declares, "He had bound himself by oath to preserve their liberties, and what was sworn he would observe." The Sheriffs (by writs, tested Westminster, 30 d. Jan. 1223) are commanded to ascertain, by the oaths of twelve knights or legal men in every county, what were the customs and liberties of England in the time of King John, before his wars with the Barons, and to make a Report on the same at London, fifteen days before Easter. (k)

June 26. (Monday after St John Baptist.) A Council is held at Worcester, which Lewelin, Prince of Wales, attends. (1)

Dec. 25. (Christmas.) A Council, or "Colloquium," is held at Northampton. The Archbishops, Bishops, Earls, Barons and "Milites armati" attend. (m)

June 9. (Oct. of Pentecost and Trinity Sunday.) A "Colloquium" is held at Northampton. The Archbishops, Bishops, Earls, Barons, and many others are present.

The King takes the advice of his "Magnates," "de regni negotiis." (n)

August 18. A Council is held.

The Clergy grant an aid. (0)

Dec. 25. (Christmas.) A "Curia" is held at Westminster. The Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons, "et alii universi" are present.

When the solemnities are concluded, Charters of Liberties and of the Forests are sealed with the King's seal, and sent into every County. They are dated Feb. 10 and 16, and, like the former Charters, omit the clauses respecting scutages and General Councils. A fifteenth is granted. (p)

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(0) Fæd. 8 H. 111.

(p) M. Paris and authorities apud Hody 301 et ss. Knyghton (coll. 2429) says the King granted these Charters to his "Magnates;" ob quam causam Communes regni concesserunt 15m. partem omnium bonorum suorum.

These are the the Charters now in use. The Report (I. p. 80) states that the conclusion of the great Charter indicates that the grant was made also by the "Milites, libere Tenentes et omnes de Regno," which passag esufficiently shews that the consent of all cannot have been personally obtained, and that it must have been given by some persons in whom the right to bind others was vested by constitutional law.

Some difficulty occurs as to the return said to have been now ordered as to the Forests, a proceeding which the Fædera assign to 1223.


March A Council "Magnatum," or "Majorum 1225. Angliæ," is held at Westminster. (g)

Aug 15. (Assumption of Virgin Mary.) A "Colloquium" is held at Shrewsbury, at which is present Lewelin, Prince of Wales. (r)

A. R.


A. R. 10

Sept. 22. (Morrow of St. Matthew.) A great Council 1226. of "Magnates" meets at Lincoln. By writs issued to the Sheriffs of Gloucester and seven other Counties, four Knights, "de legalioribus et discrecioribus," elected by the "Milites et Probi Homines" of the Bailiwicks, attend as accusers of the Sheriffs for an alleged infringement of the Charters, and the Sheriffs appear in person to answer the charge. (s)


A Council, composed of Prelates and "Mag

nates," is held.

By their advice the war with France is deferred. (t) Dec. 25. (Christmas.) A "Curia," held at Winches- A. R. ter, is attended by the Bishops and "Magnates." (u) Feb. A Council assembles at Oxford.


The King declares himself of age, and, by his own authority, cancels the two Charters, "as made and signed when he was not his own master, and he was not bound to keep what he was forced to promise." (v)

Aug. 3. (III. Non. Aug.) A Council is summoned to

Northampton on the subject of the Charters. (w)



1227. A. R.


October The King of Man and of the Isles, attends 1228. a Council. (2)

A. R. 12

Dec. 25. (Christmas.) A "Curia," held at Oxford, A. R. is attended by the "Magnates.” (y)

March 25. (Mid-Lent Sunday.) A Council is held at York. The King of Scotland is present. (z)

April 29. (Dominica qua cantatur misericordia Domini, Second Sunday after Easter.) A great Council is held at Westminster. The Pope's Chaplain and Nuncio, the Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Templars, Hospi

(g) Paris. Hody, 304.

(7) Fæd. 9. H. III.

(s) Report App. 1, vol. III. The writs are tested, Winton, 22 d. June, and issue in

consequence of a Petition of the Magnates, lately assembled at Winchester.

(t) M. Paris. M. Westm. Hody, 305.

(u) M. Paris. Hody, 1. c.

(v) M. Paris. Hody, l. c. But the Pope's letter declaring the King of age, is dated ides of April (April 13), and is placed in the new ed. of the Fœd. in 1228, л. к. 12.

(w) M. Paris. Hody. 306.

(r) Fæd. 12, H. III.

(y) M. Paris. Hody 1. c.

(2) Fæd. 13, H. III. The letters of safe conduct to meet the King do not always specify the assemblage of a Council, but as such a meeting is often noticed, it has been

presumed that upon these occasions a Council was always held.



A. R. 13


talers, Earls, Barons, "Ecclesiarum-Rectores, et qui de Rege tenebant in Capite," are present.

The Pope's letter, requiring an aid against the Emperor Frederic, is read. The Earls, Barons and Laity refuse to comply, as they would not subject their Baronies and Lay Possessions to the Pope's exactions. The Prelates, fearing excommunication, consent, after three or four days' debate. (a)

October A Council is attended by David, son of


Lewelin. (b)

Dec. 25. (Christmas.) A Council, "Concio," is held 15 at York. The K. of Scotland, Archb, of York, Earls,

A. R.


A. Ro 15


A. R.

Barons and others, are present. (c)

Jan. 25. A Council, "Colloquium," is held at Westminster, and is attended by the Prelates and "Magnates." An Aid, "de quolibet Scuto," is required from all who held Baronies, Clergy as well as Laics. The Laity consent, but the Prelates allege that Ecclesiastical Persons are not obliged to submit to the judgment of Laics, in regard that, without them, they lately gave an aid to the Pope. (d)

Feb. 9. The Statute of Ireland is made, commanding that the Customs of England be proclaimed and strictly kept and observed in that country.

The Meeting, as respects the dissentient Prelates, is adjourned. (e)

April 7. (15 days after Easter.) A Council or Convention, meets by adjournment, at Westminster. The Archbs, Bishops, Abbots, Abbesses, Priors and Prioresses, who held in chief of the King, attend.

The Laity and most of the Clergy consent to an aid. (f) Dec. 17. (XVI. Cal. Jan.) A great Assembly, "Consistorium," by order of the Pope, meets at St. Albans, on the Divorce of the Countess of Essex. The Abbots, Priors, Archdeacons, and nearly all the Nobility of England, "Magistri et Clerici," are present. (g)

March 7. (Nones of March.) A Council, “Collo16 quium," meets, on the King's summons, at Westminster. The Prelates and "Magnates Angliæ" are present.

A general aid is demanded. The Barons and Knights who

(a) M. Paris. Hody, l. c.
(b) Fæd. 13 H. 111.

(c) M. Paris calls it a Concio. Alluding probably to the Christmas festivities, he says, there were present, also, "Milites et familia magna nimis. M. Westm., states the meeting to have been held "cum Magnatibus terræ nonnullis." Hody, 307 Paris mentions that, in 1230, the Clergy granted an aid.

(d) M. Paris. The Report (I. 81. 2) observes "All who held Knights Fees, had, in the estimation of this Historian, Baronies."

(e) Hody, 307, says the Statute of Ireland is dated at Westm. Feb, 9. A. R. 14. The Editors of the Fed. place it, A. R. 15.

(f) Pat. Roll, 15 H. III, apud Brady, App. Introd. p. 42. Hody, 307. 8. The King's Letter on this grant is tested, Westm. 14 April, A. R. 15.

(g) M. Paris. This meeting is introduced as a great Assembly of the States, though scarcely to be called a Council, or Parliament.

held in Chief, declare, that as they had personally served abroad, " de jure auxilium non debebant." They are permitted to depart. The Prelates object that many of their members summoned are not present, and they desire further time.

The meeting is prorogued t to fifteen days after Easter, April 25, at Lambeth, where the Prelates "cum Proceribus regni," assemble at the stated period. (h)

August 8. (Before the Vigil of St. Lawrence.) A "Colloquium," held at Shrewsbury, is attended by Lewelin, P. of Wales. (i)

Sept. 14. A "Colloquium" is held at the King's Mansion, at Lambeth. The Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Clergy, Earls and Barons (Proceres) are present.

A Subsidy is granted by the Archbs, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, and Clergy "terras habentes quæ ad Ecclesiam non pertinent," also by the Earls, Barons, Knights, Freemen and Villains of England. (k)

May. A Council of Magnates is held.

An Ordinance for all England, "de pace conservandâ," is agreed on, and, June 1, is sent to all the Sheriffs. (1) June 24. (Ft. of St. John.) A "Colloquium" is ordered, by summons, to Oxford.

The Earls and Barons refuse to attend. A second summons is issued for a Council at Westminster, on the 11th July (V. Ides July), which they again refuse to obey. They declare they will never obey the King's summons and will elect a new King, unless he dismisses the B. of Winchester (in May appointed Chancellor for life) and the Poitevins from his Court. (m)

August 1. A fresh summons for a "Colloquium" having been issued, commanding the Barons to bring pledges for their good behaviour, the Earls and Barons appear in military array. As many are still absent, no business is transacted. The King proclaims them banished, and proscribes their estates. (n)

Sept. 12. (Monday after Nativ. Virg. M.) A Council assembles at Colewent, to meet that of Lewelin. (0)

(k) M. Paris. Hody, 308. (1) Fed. 16 H. III.

(k) Fæd. 1. c.-M. Paris. Ann. Wav. 1232. Hody, 309. The Fœdera shew that this grant was made by the Bishops, Abbots and Clergy "terras habentes &c.," and by the Earls, Barons, Knights, "Liberi Homines et Villani de regno." It is difficult to conceive in what sense these persons can have concurred, unless others were constitutionally authorized to act for them. It may be inferred that the Proceres, with the Prelates, represented all the Land, if not the commercial interest of the Country, and that the Proceres were the King's Tenants in Chief, of whom all other occupiers must have holden mediately, or immediately, and in this character they might have taken upon them to charge themselves and those holding under them. The grant was thus made by the Persons by whom the framers of the Charter of John, conceived such a grant ought to have been made, provided they were duly summoned. Report, I p. 83.

(1) Fæd. 17 H. III.

(m) M. Paris. Hody, 310. Cotton says, "the Summons is extant in a Plea Roll, 18 H. III, but the Ordinances are lost."

(n) M. Paris. Hody, 311.

(0) Fæd. 17 Η. 111.

1233. A. R. 17

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