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me way as before. Evidently, as we drew near | Thus accoutred, the wretch might have been mis• Paris, he was himself growing fidgety and ill at taken, on a cursory view, for a tall, powerful, grenise. Hark ye, ma'am," he said, hissing the words adier sort of female the rather that he put on what ke a snake into my ear; “I'm a desperate man. he doubtless considered as a mincing and delicate 'm drove and bunted till I don't care what I do, so | air, and held down his head, as if practising a part. s I can only pull through. If you choose, the little | But the reason of this outrageous travesty was latter of business can be got over quietly and in a beyond me. A madman's freak it might be, but ‘iendly spirit. But I'd as soon swing for a sheep | thensa lamb, so make up your mind, - yes, or no ?” | Bang! bang ! bang! I heard the thud of the buf

“ Anything, — anything ladylike!” I gasped out, fers, as carriage after carriage came to a halt, beside eebly. "You've hit it," said the stranger, with an a brilliantly-lighted platform, under the lofty iron indeserved admiration for my supposed astuteness. roof of an enormous station. Paris! Yes, we had · And pretty sharp you must be to find out what arrived, with sounding of the steam-whistle, and i'm driving at. Now don't you scream, or any of tinkle of telegraph-bells, and gleaming of lamp-sighat. Hold your hands out, together, — so !” And nals, and instantly began the roar and clang that de produced a red handkerchief, in which he pro- attends the arrival of a long train at such a place as Peeded, deftly, to form the noose of a slip-knot. To Paris ; trucks, porters, passengers, all in motion at bind my hands together was clearly his intention. once, reclaiming luggage, collecting family parties,

Such power of resistance as there was in me rose and bawling for the missing. Mechanically, as the wildly up. “No, I won't!" I screamed out. “ Touch man let down the window, I tried to thrust out my me, at your peril. 1-” It was useless. My pro- head. “ Not if I know it,” said the ruffian, between test and my kicking (for I am certain I did kick, his teeth, and, seizing a long scarlet shawl, that and vigorously) went for nothing. In one moment. Gubbins had persuaded me to take with me, he I found my hands squeezed together, and my wrists half dragged, half pushed me to the other side of tied as firmly as if my captor had never in his life the carriage, and bound me with the shawl to the done anything but handcuff other people. I shrieked projecting arm of the partition. “ Keep still, if and shrieked again, almost cracking my voice in my you're wise,” he said, hoarsely ; and then adding in frantic efforts to establish a communication with the a lighter tone, " I must borrow the bag, too, — wish guard. No one heard me or heeded me, of all the you a good night, ma'am!” opened the door, and hundreds whirling up to Paris in my nominal com- gently re-closing it when outside, tripped with the pany. And in a minute more I was gagged, gagged greatest effrontery across the lighted platform, carwith my own white pocket-handkerchief and a square rying my bag (solid morocco, silver mounted), and of unfinished Berlin wool-work, that the miscreant wearing my bonnet, calash, &c., while I, their ownsnatched up from the same basket that had contained er, sat in helpless bondage in a corner of the carthe wicker-covered bottle. I knew there were nee-riage. dles left sticking in it, and I shuddered, but the Before long, a thrill shot through me, as I heard thing was done so quickly that I had no time for Thomas Coachman's well-known voice asking gruffremonstrance.

ly, “ Where's missus ?” I was within earshot of By this we were near enough to Paris for my be friends then, and no longer defenceless. But to my wildered eyes to distinguish the glow of sullen light horror, Gubbins replied, - " There she goes ! yonthat always heralds one's approach to a great city, der. What a hurry she's in, too! Come, Thomand, as we rushed on, the myriads of yellow lamps, as !” “That's never she," grumbled Thomas, with like so many fiery eyes, began to twinkle and glim- a fine intelligence that did him infinite credit ; mer through the night. I sat, idly watching them, “ that's not our Miss Prunella, that great gawky as I have heard that condemned persons sometimes maypole, striding along like a Cochin China fowl, I count the spikes of the dock or the curls of the tell you!” But my faithful Gubbins was positive. judge's wig. Every moment might be my last. She would swear to her mistress's Scotch shawl, she When I looked round again, my tormentor had said, among a thousand; and she dragged Thomas metamorphosed his personal appearance in a man- off through the crowd. Words could never do jusner that would bave struck me speechless, even tice to my feelings, left thus deserted, for that those without the aid of the gag. He had taken up a two trusty followers of mine had gone in pursuit of large black silk cloak of mine, a cloak which I had my will-o'-the-wisp of a shawl, on the shoulders of often worn in going out on foot, to drink tea with the impostor, I did not doubt. But it was in vain my neighbors in summer, and which I called a ca-that I tried to extricate myself from my bonds; in lash. This he had wrapped round him so as to vain that I essayed to call to my humble friends, bemake it resemble the skirt of a dress, and over it he twixt whom and myself the distance widened at wore my cashmere paletôt, braided in jet, with a every instant. I could produce, thanks to the comgreat Scotch shawl draping his shoulders. He had pleteness with which the gag had been arranged, no a pocket looking-glass in his hand, by the help of sound louder than the gurgling cry of some drownwhich he contemplated his own features with a self-ing person, while, fastened as I was to the woodsatisfied smirk, while he adjusted a silk neck-scarf, work of the partition, I resembled a fixture of the with fringed ends, so as to hide his shaggy beard. company's rolling stock, more than a lady of propWas he mad, or —

|erty and social consideration. Before I could frame a conjecture he turned, and Gradually the crowd thinned, the noise decreased, with unceremonious haste transferred my bonnet, the bustle dwindled, and the porters went com- a lilac bonnet, with black marabou feathers and posedly about their regular work of " breaking up” rich bugle trimming - from my head to his own. It (I believe I use the correct expression) the now was done rapidly, and so roughly that I felt doubly empty train. I heard a man come scrambling along thankful that my hair is really and truly my own, as the roofs of the carriages, to extinguish the lamps, otherwise it might have followed the bonnet. He no doubt, for the light overhead was abruptly put tied the strings under his chin, with a hasty jerk, out, and I was left in total darkness, shivering in a and drew down the thick veil, so as to hide his face. corner of the compartment. I say shivering, because, though by the almanac the month was May, / a street affray than anything else, as I was true to judge by my feelings it might have been Feb- into the office of the commissary of police, ruary. It was one of those raw chill evenings of found, not merely that functionary and his which we had so many in the spring of this year, with their swords and cocked hats, but two Ei and I trembled, not only with fear, but with cold as detective officers, from Scotland Yard, in well. But I was quite powerless even to call for clothes. There was a dreadful fuss, taking of assistance, and the lamps were put out, and the sitions, reading over of answers, questioning axles tapped with a hammer, and the coupling end, but at last the truth dawned upon me. chains and screws undone, and the train divided The man — the monster to whom my misfor: into sections, like an eel beneath the cook's chop- were due - turned out to be a runaway casti per, without any one's being aware that the com- some great ironworks, near Bradford in York partments For Ladies Only " had still an involun- He had gone off with nearly nineteen bure tary occupier.

pounds in gold and notes, the property of bisa Presently two men arrived, summoned by a ployers, and it was discovered that he had obtas third, and my carriage was pushed along the rails, his post by means of a forged character, and a placed on what I believe is called a turn-table, and old offender, well known to the police. He by slowly spun round. Then there was a click and been tracked as far as Amiens, where he narrer a jerk, and the men stood panting and resting after escaped capture by concealing himself near the their exertions.

way station and selecting a moment when, um Lively fears came pressing now, like a hideous served, he was able to slip into a railway carts phantasmagoria, on my wretched brain as I sat and ensconce himself under the valance, whene b alone in the darkness. What would become of had emerged in the manner I have described. Gzs me? I gathered from what I heard of the discourse ing pretty accurately that his pursuers would bez of the men at work on the train, that the carriage the look out for him at the Paris terminus, bet of which I was a most unwilling tenant was to be formed the bold and crafty design of mufiling bu put aside (“shunted away" is I am told the techni- self in my spare wearing apparel, and in this cal English phrase) as not immediately wanted. guise of getting unsuspected out of the station 4 Here was a pleasant prospect. I should be left in in this, thanks to the crowd and the bustle, be some out of the way shed, in some dreary store- ceeded only too well. He gave the slip to the house, in a crypt, or a tunnel, or some patch of neg- tectives, and I have not yet had the pleasure lected ground, lumbered with rusty engines and reading an account of his apprehension. disused carriages, and there I might starve to death, It was very late when I was permitted to less or be murdered by thieves, or perhaps eaten by the police office, and as my keys were all in rats. I had read shocking things of the rats of bag which the swindler had carried off, along Paris, and there I was, dumb, while one cry would my bonnet and other things, so that I was unable to save me. " Allons! en route !exclaimed one of open my trunks for the satisfaction of the ock the porters, and the carriage was pushed on a yard employees, while my purse and railway tickets or so.

gone with my keys, I felt that I could not prezet I made a violent effort to proclaim my presence. myself, in my present disreputable attire, bonnete In vain. “Guggle! guggle! guggle!” such were and untidy, at my friend's house. Mr. Trimmler the only sounds that I could frame, and for a min-not a man of refined sympathies, and he'afterwin's ute or two I continued guggling like an insane received the tale of my hairbreadth escape with a soda-water bottle, and then ceased, exhausted, de unfeeling merriment as to cause me to be thanks spairing.

that I had not made a laughing-stock of inyself bep Gubbins it was, my faithful Gubbins, that saved going direct to Marion's abode, as I had meant to me after all. Her voice was sweeter than music in I went therefore to an hotel, and tremendous my ears, as the door was torn open, and by the bright the sum total of my bill for three days certainly yellow glare of several lanterns I saw my two and heavy as were the extortions to which I, alor worthy creatures, and with them half a dozen of with multitudes of my countrymen, had to sub railway officials, led by a man in uniform, with “ In- during my month's survey of the Exhibition, I care terpreter” embroidered on his gold-laced cap. less for them than I could have believed pessible Amid exclamations and outeries I was released and glad and grateful as I was to have got as well! helped to alight. The bandage round my wrists did out of that nightmare of a journey (I shall sber was untied; the gag was taken from my mouth; carriages labelled " For Ladies Only," in future and then I let my head fall on the sympathetic a hydrophobic patient shuns cold water) never 20 shoulder of Gubbins, and enjoyed for the first time forgotten, by Prunella Prym or any of her circle ol the luxury of a good cry. " But whatever has come Cheltenham society, to the last day of their lives to you, ma'am ? Where's your bonnet ?" was my maid's very natural question. And then, rather incoherently, I suppose, I told my story. The inter

SILCOTE OF SILCOTES. preter listened to it with great eagerness. “Hein!"

BY REXRY KINGSLEY, he said; "that famous rascal, the escroe, that the English detectives have been watehing for, must

AUTHOR OF "RAVEXSÆDE,** * THE HILLTARS ASD THE SCETOS have been the purloiner of the bonnet Parbleu ! Madame will have to repeat all this for the informa

CHAPTER L. tion of the police."

THE DESERTION OF THE BOYS. And an agreeable promenade I had of it, across “Let me introduce my friend and trare the rails, and along the lighted platform, where every companion, Count Boginsky," said Arthur to b one connected with the station came out to stare at father. my bonnetless head and disordered hair, and gener-1 “ I am delighted to know you, sir," said Sucos ally scared and crumpled appearance. I must have frankly and pleasantly. “I hear from Artbeer om looked more like some dishevelled virago fresh from you are actually good enough to come to the

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h us as cicerone. It is a piece of good luck on, we dispense with her. It is I, and such as I, who ich we could not possibly have reckoned.” carry the fiery cross over land. We are contented -- Nor I either,” said Boginsky. “I shall really with her, and we love her, if she will fulfil her Lieve that times are going to change for the bet- special mission of carrying it by sea." with me.”

"Do you know," said the Squire, " that this is " They are, sir, they are," said the Squire. “Be- wonderfully interesting? But it is sad nonsense, I ve it, sir, that these great concussions shake things doubt, Archy; is it not ? ”

o their places. We are going to see a very great“No,” said Arthur. ing, sir. I begin to imagine a very great thing “Then give us some more of it,” said the Squire leed. I am sorry for poor Austria, for I tell you to Boginsky. “He is my spiritual director, you nestly that, with all her political folly, I have a know. I spent a couple of thousand pounds on his eaking kindness for Austria. But the world will education to fit him for the post. If he approves of ein."

it, give us some more. To help you. What do you “ Then you are perfectly sure that Austria is to be think of the fat man ?” Paten ?”

* Cavour?” * In the nature of things. Do you doubt ? Her “Heavens, no! Don't talk any nonsense about vuse is not just.”

him. The stout man on the gray horse." “ She fights well, however," said Boginsky, “and “He will be King of Italy; and I object to kings er cause is as just now as it was in '49, when she as a rule. Do you know, sir, that I must change ion. I think it a very doubtful business indeed, the conversation, for the mere purpose of delivering

myself of a war mission which should have been “No? do you, really ? " said the Squire, pacing executed before?” he room excitedly. “My dear Archy, he thinks it “You look grave. Is anything wrong?” loubtful. I don't know which I would like best : “ I think that nothing is wrong, said Boginsky. o have Tom back among us again, thrashed heart-- But that very much depends on how you will take ly and repentant; or to have him come cranking in it. Have you seen your grandson, Reginald, since victorious. Heaven help the Frenchman that gets last night ? " in his path. You think, sir, that it will be a case of "No. At my time of life I have given up all idea the Devil among the tailors, then?”

of being treated with proper respect by boys. I had “I beg pardon," said the puzzled Boginsky. concluded that he and his cousin James had gone

“My father means that there will be a great strug- for an expedition into the country, to get out of my gle," explained Arthur.

“ Undoubtedly," said Boginsky. “ Taking the “I pointed out to your grandson, and to James Austrian army altogether, and considering the won- Sugden, that they were not behaving well, but I derful mixture of tribes, almost of nations, in its could make no impression on them whatever. Mr. ranks, I rank its personal valor higher than that of Sugden was spokesman, and gave me my commisany army in Europe. Of the Prussian army I can sion to Mr. Arthur. He said that they were exsay nothing, as it has not been mobilized for above ceedingly sorry to cause any annoyance, but that forty years; but, looking at the performances of they had made up their minds, and to save words, other European armies, I rank the personnel of the had done it secretly, because they knew that James's Austrian army as high as any, even as high as the mother (the beautiful gray-haired lady, I believe) British.”

and the Squire would have objected to it, and would “Do you rank us first, then ? " said the Squire. not have permitted it for a moment."

" It is our habit to do so. Your little army is al- “ What have the two young fools done now, then, ways in practice. Your nation is never at peace. in the name of confusion ?" demanded the Squire. Amongst your little army of 140,000, there are in “ They requested me to point out the fact, coneach regiment at least ten men to each company tinued Boginsky, unheeding him, but going through who have been under fire. You fail in handling his commission, " that women would be in the way, large bodies of men, because none but your Indian and that they were determined to see it; and also officers ever have the chance of doing that, and they that they had plenty of money for the present, and seem to be carefully shelved. But I rank the per- that, when it ran short, they would send to you for sonnel of your army as the first in Europe; with more." them I put the pick of the French and Russians, ' “ This story begins to hold together," said the and the whole of the Austrians. England and Aus- Squire; "I can quite understand this part of it. tria have no inferior regiments, and no men whom No doubt they will. But what have they done?they will use able to lead their armies. France and “Then, as a last resource, having used all my own Russia would beat them by generalship."

arguments, I appealed to the Colonel himself. I " And Italy?” said Silcote, pleased and inter pointed out to him that Reginald was risking your ested.

good favor by taking such a step, and that James " Italia is not yet,” said Boginsky; "she may be Sugden's mother had only just arrived from Engnext month, next year, fifty years hence; but she is land. He laughed at me. He said that it was not yet. We go to see the dice thrown for her.” good for them, and took them away. I never yet

" I should like to have seen a red-coated regi- got the best of my friend Frangipanni." ment or two in the hurly-burly," said the Squire. Frangipanni!" exclaimed the Squire. « What “Merely on sentimental grounds."

on earth has he been doing with my boys? What "One would have liked to see the red-coats also, Midsummer madness is this?" we democrats," said Boginsky, “but it is not ex- “ Count Frangipanni is colonel of the 18th regipected of England. England has accepted democ-ment of the Sardinian light-horse,* which marched racy as the breath of her nostrils only in a modified

* Not to deprive brave men of their glory, even for a moment, perfect. 'England's mission is to disseminate de-li

in a work of fiction, it is necessary to say that the men of Genes

trello were the regiment at Montferrat (with some squadrons of mocracy in new lands; with regard to the old ones, l other regiments) under command of General Sonnaz.

last night. Reginald Silcote and James Sugden | But, as James said, they were going with the were his two favorite pupils in his Italian class at ning army, and would make requisitions on the St. Mary's Hospital. "He has seduced them away quered territory. Besides, they had their med with him to go and make sketches of the war, and and at least ten pounds apiece. A real schooltas has promised to take them under fire; which he go into any adventure with a pound in bis pie probably will do, as he is one of the bravest men Boginsky might have supplemented his com in Europe, and as they would follow him down the | from them to Artbur by mentioning that .. crater of Vesuvius."

bought their horses and saddles for them, " This is very pleasant, Arthur,” said Silcote. these articles for them, by means of his debe “ This is thoroughly pleasant.”

connection, at about half the price they could “Lucky young dog," said Arthur; "they prom- got them for themselves; moreover, that he had ised to stick by me. I would go after them if I the evening of the previous day in getting could get franked by a colonel."

their painting tackle, money, and clothes, ani “ They will be killed,” said the Squire.

veying them to the little café at which there “ Most likely," said Arthur. “But they will have | rebelliously lodging. He suppressed these taken some bad sketches first, which we shall find facts entirely. The fact is that he would bar on their corpses."

to go himself, but felt bound in honor to start “ How shall we break it to Mrs. Tom?” said the thur. And, indeed, with his political characte Squire.

was much safer in the rear than in the fro: * Tell her all about it the next time she comes under the civis Romanus ægis, he travelled is into the room,” replied Arthur; “I should say that cote's barouche. was the best way. If you are afraid, let me."

The boys were pleased at their escapade " It will be a terrible shock to her,” said the troopers liked them, and they liked the true Squire.

England, said the Italians, the free country * She has been under fire herself in the Crimea rope, sympathized with the cause, although pola more than once,” said Arthur. “She will not care complications elsewhere happened to prevent at much. They might have taken me with them, I | assisting in it, as they had assisted in the Cras think. Here she is. Mrs. Tom, James has bolted Yet she had sent her best blood (according : to the front, and is going under fire. Hallo, what | Frangipanni), to look on, even if they could 31 is this?”

fight. They were in perfect good-humor Fita 2 "Only my old dress as field nurse in the Crimea,” | English, these troopers, and considered James she said quietly. “I found out why he was gone, the light of a political demonstration. To him + and where, and I got ready to go after him. Isonally they were devoted, like every one ebc:-) should suggest marching myself if we are to see any- " the only agreeable person which your family to thing at all. The last regiment goes to-morrow; ever produced," said Miss Raylock of him afterte and, as far as I can gather from the soldiers, the to the assembled Silcotes. causeways are narrow, and our carriages will get! They went on under the bright May weather, ta hampered among the commissariat wagons if we and far, through pleasant ways across the lurt delay. I should have proposed marching in the slopes of the Apennines. But few people to rear of Frangipanni's regiment if I had known that about, and those got fewer as they went on. the boys were to give us the slip. We had better two friends could make little or nothing of the pas order the carriages at eight to-morrow morning." of the campaign, and indeed cared little whtik

From this time she and Boginsky took the lead. the Austrians would test the right or the let: She dressed in gray with a modest hood, looking so their position; all they cared about were the much like some sort of scur de charité that she got dents. the route everywhere, and carried her train with They had a very pleasant incident one F32 her. Miss Lee carried her silks and satins through May day. Travelling over nearly plain got the scenes which came afterwards, attended by Ar

meadows, planted here and there with mulberro thur, who kept the dress of an English parson. keeping the green, abrupt hills on their right, the

came to a stream by a village, and by this stream

lay a battalion of French soldiers, some of CHAPTER LI.

officers came and fraternized, but the body of was 3 THE FAMILY BEGINS TO DRAW TOGETHER.

lay and sat still. The stream in which tbesets! Whether it was the fault of Count Frangipanni, audacious youths watered their horses was the 1.79 or ot James, that the latter took the extraordinary sagazzo, the village was Genestrello. The Free : step ot' running away from the newly-united party, battalion which lay on the grass was a battalion is one of those things which it is hardly necessary the 74th, under General Cambriels; but little top to make clear. Whichever of them originated the knew or cared about these details. The two simp ilea, it was soon acted on. There is one thing cer-minded youths were at the extreme breaking-pere tain, - that the Count took the most elaborate pains of a great wave, the foremost wave of a sea whic to point out to James that if he stayed with the car-/ was to burst over, and to regenerate, nay make, riages he would see absolutely nothing. James did kingdom; but they were utterly unconscious of lo not want much encouraging. “If we argue and ask The place was picturesque, and the day waru leare, Reggy," he said, we shall never have leave Farther on the scenery seemed to promise beli to go. Let us bolt."

They rode in advance of the troops along the browe "Certainly," said Reginald. And so they com- dusty road, and turned off into a hedgeless field of missioned Boginsky, whom they met in the crowd, to the left, lay down on the grass, and, letting en arrange matters for them in the best way he could. tired horses graze, took their dinner of sausio

When they commissioned him to say that they bread, and wine. had money enough for the present, they spoke the Then they began sketching. The field was 17 truth. Their money, however, looked a great deal and open, with here and there a tree. Before, ] smaller after they had bought a couple of little horses. I close to them, was the broad and dusty bigbwaga

ated from them by a long ditch and a few | They saw soon afterwards that he was joined by od stones at regular intervals. Beyond, and two staff-officers, that his orderly brought his horse

to them, was a handsome collection of Italian from the stable, and that he rode sharply off, in the lings; a church notably; an inn; a larger build- direction by which they had come. han either of these, probably a country gentle. They lay in the field in front of the house till it 's house; all noble-looking, of yellowstone, was late, and then went to bed and slept quite

red roofs and dormer windows; behind all a quietly. They had no Italian, either of them, or led hill. It was a place which the idlest tourist might have learnt much. In the morning, trustd like to sketch, with or without an incident. I ing to the French General's opinion that their y were lucky enough to see a remarkable inci- friends would return by the same route, they quiet·, but were much too scared to introduce it into ly had their breakfast, went across the road, and c landscape.

I lay in the shade of a mulberry-tree, smoking, and heir friends were well in sight on their right, touching up their sketches.

it was dinner-time with them as with James There was the broad and dusty road, divided Reginald ; yet their friends were taking no din- from the field by shaped stones ; beyond, the yelwhatever. Their friends the Sardinian cavalry | low-and-red pile of buildings, one of which was 'e on the move again, and soon passed them along their inn; beyond, the pleasant wooded hill; to the road at a foot pace.

| left, heights crowned with important-looking buildShall we go with them?” said Reginald. lings. And now came their incident. . We can soon catch them up,” said James. “We In a cloud of dust their friends of the Sardinian I finish our sketches."

| light horse came along the highway at a slinging And so they finished them.

trot the way they had gone, fulfilling General FoIt was late when they had finished them, and they rey's prediction. Our youths knew nearly every face inted their supper. They bethought them of go- in the regiment, and a merrier set of fellows they

over to the group of houses which they had had never seen; yet every face was grave enough en sketching, on the other side of the road. One now. The last man who passed them was Frangithese they found was a rather good inn, the land- panni, bringing up the rear. The regiment passed od of which was perfectly willing to receive them. them about three hundred yards, and then, at a few e remarked to them, had they understood Italian, notes of the bugle, wheeled each man in his own * Live men to-day, dead men to-morrow. An ground, and was at once formed in column of squadin to-day, a hospital the day after. Come in, rons on the road; Frangipanni, having wheeled entlemen, but pay beforehand; the dead do not with them, standing sole and solitary at their ay, as a rule.”

head. They understood his demand of payment before | For a few minutes there was silence. The Sarand, and satisfied him. Then they had their sup- dinian light horse had scarcely settled themselves er, and discussed whether it was worth while or not in their places when the silence was broken. o follow Count Frangipanni and his light horse so James and Reginald were still innocently looking at ate. They could easily follow himn in the morning, their old friends, drawn up across the road, and hey agreed, and the quarters were good. So they trying to make out the faces of the officers who tayed, and went out in the front of the inn to smoke. were most familiar to them, when they were star

The jollity of their march seemed to have de- tled by the infinitely inharmonious, yet deeply terparted. None of the officers from the battalion of rible, crashing, trampling, and clanking of another Erench which was lying so close to them were swarm- regiment of cavalry, approaching along the high road ng in and out of the inn, as is their custom. There from their left. was none of that brisk, merry, good-humored bab- Reginald saw them first, for James was staring ble between officers, men, and civilians which makes at Frangipanni. “Here is another regiment,” said the arrival of a French regiment so agreeable. The Reginald,"all in white. These will be the officers seemed all to be lying down by the brook French." with their men to-night, thinking of quite other | James looked round once, and shook him things than absinthe and dominos. Our friends fiercely by the shoulder. “ Get up!” he said, began to get sorry that they had not gone on with “ here are the Austrians upon us, and we are in the Frangipanni's light horse.

thick of the whole thing." Only one French officer was in front of the inn “The who?” said Reginald. when they sauntered out to smoke, –a thickset “The Austrians, you ass,” said James. “ Get man, with a gray mustache and shaven cheeks, with up, will you!” Who in heaven or earth would the scarlet side of his cloak turned outside, and much ever have thought of this ? Run, scud, get out of gold about him, who also walked up and down smok- the way, get on your legs at any rate, and, if we ing. “Evidently,” said James, “a swell; the very get involved in it keep your arms above your head, man to consult." If he had known that it was and keep on your feet. Get hold of a stirrup it General Forey it would not have made much differ- you can, but run with the horses, and get out of it ence; for, if he had ever known, he had completely as quick as you are able. By Jove, who would forgotten, what General Forey had done, or had left have thought of this?" undone. How many of my readers remember? Reginald, though he scarcely understood what

James, cap in band, and schoolboy French in his was coming, behaved very well. He ran with mouth, went up to General Forey, and confided to James some ten yards into the meadow, and then him that they, two young English artists, were they both turned to look on war itself, as few have travelling with Frangipanni's light horse, and had looked on it. got left behind. The General, also cap in hand, The Austrians halted. They knew that the told him politely that if he remained where he was French were there, and the French had got a terhe would be extremely likely to meet his friends, rible prestige since the Crimea, which they have Messieurs of the Sardinian light horse, once more ; maintained. The Austrian colonel halted his men and so bowed himself politely out of the audience. for one instant, and rode forward towards the

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