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The mare stumbled over a big stone, which must she was sure to find on her dressing-table in the ave been placed there on purpose, in the bed of a morning “Lines on the Duchess of D e losing ratercourse which crossed the road, and over which her slipper,” or “on Lady S- r's stumbling." We he torrent was rising. Before he recovered himself can almost trace his whole social career; follow him le had received a violent blow from behind on the from house to house by these agreeable little trifles. jack of his head. He turned stoutly to defend him- Some are very poor indeed; some mere buffoonery; elf, but his foot had been jolted out of the stirrup and their general fault is a certain and even meavith the stumble; a second blow disabled his arm, greness, - one thought being diluted through the ind in another minute he was dragged off his horse, two or three stanzas. They help us also to all his while the cudgel was descending a third time. little social mortifications, reveal his wounded van[To be continued.]

ities, - weaknesses which he wore upon his sleeve,

- and which he had not trained himself like other

men to conceal. VERS DE SOCIÉTÉ.

Now he and Mrs. Garrick are leaving Chatsworth, GARRICK had a sort of passion for writing the trifles after a deli

des after a delightful visit; and the guests before sepaknown as vers de société, and celebrated every suit-?

it rating, and perhaps before they have done lamentable occasion with some little light tribute of cald / ing the loss of their lively friends, — receive some lantry or compliment. This kind of pastime was "ght verse

light verses “on the road," “ turned” in the chaise, then much in vogue, and might certainly be a profit

fit) and Lord John Cavendish reads them out. able exercise for the languid wits of persons of

“ Not Quin more blest with calapee,

Fitzherbert in his puns, quality and condition. To be able to turn a verse"

Lord J. in contradicting me, of some kind was necessary to the reputation of

Lord Frederick with his nuns." an ingenious young gentleman”; and looking over Dodsley's curious six-volume collection of “occa

Thise little compliments are founded on gratitude sional” poems, we may be a little surprised at the and

at the and affection, and though trifles, show that the spirit, neatness, and gayety — if not wit - which

hinh * parting guest” has a pleasant sense of the way he

parting guest lords, and marquesses, and baronets, and men about

17 has been "entreated.” This little shape of bomage, town, would throw into these performances. It may

too, is always acceptable, and shows more than a be well questioned whether the combined intellect letter, perhaps,

letter, perhaps, how much the object is the thoughts of the existing aristocracy could now furnish any

of the writer. There is a license, too, for a broader thing so lively. Two classes of this production were

flattery. So with his four lines sent to Angelica then in high fashion, the sentimental and languish

Kauffman, to whom he was sitting: ing "complaint,” addressed to a Delia or a Chloe;

TO ANGELICA, PAINTING BY PICTURE. such as even the lively Mr. Charles Townshend

" While thus you paint with ease and grace,

And spirit all your own, could convey himself to maunder forth plaintively:

Take, if you please, my mind and face,

But let my heart alone."
" Stranger, whoe'er thou art, bestow
One sigh in rapture e'er thou go,

Mr. Garrick calls on her Grace of Devonshire at
But if thy breast did ever prove
The rapture of successful love,” &c.

noon, is shown into the breakfast-room, and finds

that she has not as yet risen. He goes away, This sort of Della Cruscan fustian -- amorous and leaving a scrap of paper on the table, with these tender — was indulged in largely. Sir Charles Han- lines: bery Williams was, by common consent, at the head of this school; but his efforts, witty as they are, are

Past one o'clock, and a cloudy morning.

What makes thy looks so fair and bright, too professionally good and elaborate, are almost too

Divine Aurora, say? long and too correct, and could have been sent to

Because from slumber short and light, the press on the moment. They want spontaneous

I rise to wake the day!'

O hide for shame thy blushing face, ness. At some of the fashionable watering-places

'Tis all poetic fiction ! - at Bath Easton notably - there was " a vase" in

To tales like these see Devon's face

A blooming contradiction!” the pump-room, open for the reception of anony

The old Watchman of Piccadilly. mous verses and satires. Some of these were smart and happy, and were even collected and published.

Nor did he keep these tributes for effect and for A prize would sometimes be offered and a subject

fashionable friends. They were part of the homage proposed. Once “ Charity” was given, and Mr.

d'M paid for so many years and so steadily to the wife Garrick, a regular visitor at Bath, slipped in three

be loved and honored. As her birthday, or some lines:

little festival of hers came round, the copy of verses,

as tender and devoted as though he were addressing TIE VASE SPEAKS.

“the bankrupt beauty,” Bouverie, found their way " For Heaven's sake bestow on me A little wit, for that would be

to her table, accompanied by a more substantial Indeed, an act of charity.”

souvenir. A little scrap which has been preserved But they did not receive the prize; and as he wrote

helps us to know of one of their little quarrels. It indignantly on, bis verses “ were treated with great

is called "David and Mary, or the Old Cart," and contempt, while Reverend Tawdry was rewarded.”

; describes rather comically the falling-out and reconGarrick's have more the air of being "dashed off.”

7, ciliation which took place on David's purchase of It is surprising the quantity of these little jeux

this vehicle:d'esprits he poured out in the course of his life; and

"But one Itackless day, in his folly of heart, it would almost seem that no little incident that

Poor David was prompted to buy an old cart.

At a thing so uncommon, soft Mary took fire, could occur at a country house, where he was the

Untied David's tongue, and he wagged it in ire." centre of all the gayety, but was duly sung and celebrated in Mr. Garrick's agreeable rhymes.*

At Naples, where Sir William Hamilton was min

Did a lady lose her slipper, or stumble over a footstool,

ister, and the Spencers and the best English society

were to be found, one of the pastimes of the hour * There is almost a trunk full of drafts of these effusious. was charades and riddles; and Mr. Garrick, who

knew how to turn a verse, was very ingenious at this

Cupid and he are not the same,

Tho' both can raise or quench a flat, shape of puzzle. *

I'll kiss you if you guess." But it is not likely that one of the party in that coterie could have matched an admirable riddle,

The answer is “ A CHIMNEY SWEEP," anal written by him, and which is as full of wit as it is

| cleverness of this trifle is shown in its thromad of ingenuity.f

guessers off the scent by sending them to expia When in August, 1764, he was seized at Munich the region of fades, commonplaces about 1 with what Mrs. Garrack wrote home was a “ bilious

wrote home was a bilious flames, and cupids. Its gayety and easiness, fiver": his spirits sank very low, and he had a nar- any painful elaboration, gives it higher place tau row escape indeed. In this state he wrote some

that of the oft-quoted "'Twas whispered in Heate lines very genuine in character, and very despond

1 Some of his little versicles to ladies were ing in tone, and which may be taken to be a faith- neat, and went beyond the mere bomage of ful picture of his past life. He called it “ His own

compliment. His complaint to Mrs. Bouvere Epitaph":

written, too, only a short time before his deat.

very lively. He threatens “the Bankrupt Beaca" “Though I in frailty's mould was cast,

with legal process for her neglect of him.
By passions hurried on,
Though all my days in folly passed,

No crime has blackened one.
Some sins I had,- for who is free?

« Four smiles a year, fair Bourerie
of pride, few mortals less ;

Agreed to pay me quarterly.
Not those, I fear, who have, like me,

And though one smile would make be blest,
Small merit with success.

She will not pay -though warmly prest-
One pride that with myself shall end,

Nor principal, nor interest.
That pride the world shall know,
Much-honored Camden was my friend,

I'll file my bill in Chancery.
And Kenrick was my foe."

Her eyes, her cheeks, her lips, her nose,

Mortgaged to me, - I will foreclose.* Among his papers are many little scraps, with

EPITAPH ON LORD SPENCER'S GARDEX-SWEEP AND LOPPER-TUPA "charades" just as they were written down in the

" With his good friends, his axe, and broom, and rake, drawing-room after dinner. It is creditable to the

Now sleep, old Thomas Longford, ne'er to wake, dukes and duchesses of what has been supposed to

When his strength failed, and axe began to rust,

Death lopped him off, and swept him dust to dust. have been a frivolous beau monde, that they could

His conscience, like his garden, was well kept; have employed their hours in a pastime which gave

Cleared of superfluous passions, and clean ssept. eren a languid play to the intellect; and many a

If, reader, thou wouldst do as he has done, letter to “ Heavenly Lady Spencer” was closed with

Then thou wilt go where Thomas Longford's gone." some such agreeable little puzzle. The“ Charaders” had many such a contest.


In the South Kensington Museum there is a link “The first can Hamilton's sweet notes destroy,

case of pottery, of which the history from first step The happiest union disunite,

to last is interesting enough, could it be placed bus The last more dreadful still, yet both, And make an object of delight." - D. G.

fore the admiring spectator. We say admiru

advisedly, for though rough and unfinished for tu CHARADE FOR LADY SPENCER. "My first is nature's gayest time;

most part, there is a grace, a variety, and a p The second oft conceals & beast;

turesqueness about these Kabyle water-jars, cuza When joined they make, when in its prime,

and vases that cannot fail to make them attracti For kings and emperors a feast.”

Who are the Kabyles, and what is the country But there is one "riddle" of the more formal pat- Great Kabylia, about which the French writers tern, which, though printed, is scarcely known, and | Algeria prophesy such great things ? If we mus certainly deserves the foremost rank in any such give credit to the speculations of these philo-habra productions. For besides being good, and difficult a great and glorious future is in store for the Frek: to guess, according to the ordinary principles of such kingdom founded opposite Marseilles, and the but puzzles, it has also a wittiness of its own in mislead- ders of this glory are the natives of Great Kabyli ing the reader or guesser, by artfully suggesting the The Arabs, people say, are a dwindling and degrade more " namby pamby” associations of hearts and race, from whom nothing but trouble can be expert “flames," and so causing him to stray away in a ed. But the Kabyles are a loyal, improvable, ask wrong direction. There is no ponderous elabora- increasing nation, and if ever Algeria is to brine tion, but the whole trips lightly and airily on. peace and profit to the parent kingdom, it must be “Kitty, a fair, but frozen maid,

through their medium. Kindled a flame I still deplore.

A few months back I was travelling through the The hoodwinked boy I called in aid,

lovely land, and it is from cherished experience Much of his near approach afraid, So fatal to my suit before.

chiefly, and only here and there from books, the At length propitious to my prayer,

the materials of this little paper are gleane). The little urchin came. At once he sought the midway air,

Lying within two days' journey from the city of And soon he cleared with dexterous care

Algiers, and easily accessible by carriage-road er The bitter relics of my flame.

bridle-tracks, Kabylia is yet but seldom visited by To Kitty, Fanny now succeeds, She kindles slow, but lasting fires;

those hosts of human swallows wbo fly southward With care my appetite she feeds;

soon as the northern winter sets in. The fact a Each day some willing victim bleeds, To satisfy my strange desires.

Algiers and its immediate environs offer so many Say by what title or what name,

distractions, that there is no possibility of satiety Must I this youth address ?

ennui. Still, no one can traverse Kabylia without

regretting that its scenery and people should be * * He addressed Sir William Hamilton in some rhymes called "The Charader Recantation," and which began,

little known to those of our countrymen and cout “If Spencer nod or Jersey smile,

trywomen who spend their winters in Africa. How can I but obey ?"

Kabylia, the Mons Ferratas of the Romans, 3 It is not found among his collected pieces, but in the Foundling Hospital for November, Vol. II.

the stronghold of Berber liberty and national


pugh the successive periods of Roman, Vandal, / ant and intelligent, the natives are well worth study; rkish, Arab, and French invasion, lies to the east in fine, there is food for the artist, the historian, the Algiers, and the journey thither is full of variety botanist, and the sportsman. d interest. We had sent on relays of horses the We made the best use of our stay at Fort Nay before, and not afraid of tiring our animals, poleon, and saw some very intelligent and rather ove through the plain of Metidja at a rattling handsome Kabyles. The men are strange-looking ce. The weather was bright and warm, but, no but harmless creatures, with close-cropped hair, ner had we entered Kabyle territory, than the woollen shirts, and leathern aprons. They do not y was one continued ascent, and the air brisk wear the flat slippers or babouches of the Arabs, but d bracing. We now saw no more wretched Arab tie up their feet in linen with twisted camel's hair. lages built of sticks and straw or mud, and no The women wear a dress of almost classic simplicity ore wretched Arab crops, planted patchwork- and grace. It must, however, not be supposed that shion among the clumps of palmetto and brush- all Kabyle women are quite as bandsome as one ood, but on every side, cropped up evidence of whom I saw, as she lay side by side with her pair i industrial and agricultural people. The valleys of goats, taking her midday siesta in her house. ere perfect little oases of cultivation, whilst But taking the Kabyles as a race, I should call them rchards of the olive, the plum, the fig, and the good-looking. The type of face is in no degree Imond - tree covered the hillsides. Here and Arab: the forehead is broad, the face square, the here, one was reminded of the Rhine and its complexion inclined to fairness, the hair and beard ersevering laborers by the sight of women and brown, the eyes gray. hildren carrying baskets of soil to apparently The women have a great love of jewels, and wear naccessible ridges on the heights; or we came upon necklaces, earrings, anklets, brooches, and armlets,

group of men eating their noonday meal of figs of infinite variety and taste. The metal is a kind Seneath the olives, with rude wooden farming of oxidized silver, and into it are worked coral, mplements lying at their feet; or a group of children palm-seeds, scarlet berries, and beads of a pretty vould leave their task of gathering fruit in some blue stone like turquoise. The coveted adornment steep orchard by the wayside, and scamper down of all is a circular brooch or fibula, worn on the the banks, crying - Soldi, soldi !” At every step we forehead by her who has become the mother of a were reminded of a primitive pastoral life, and at male child. every step felt more inclined to believe in the golden Jewellers carry on a thriving trade in Kabylia. prophecies of French political economists.

If any one wants a bracelet he goes to an artist of The country was fertile and very fair to the eye. taste, lays upon his work-table so many pieces of In the distance rose the snow-tipped peaks of the money, and gives his order. The jeweller melts Djurdjura, whilst around extended chain after chain down the money, works the metal, and returns his of lesser magnitude, but not of lesser beauty. The bracelet, which must not miss a scruple of the origfar-off Djurdjura looked as if cut out of pure inal weight, and is then paid according to the laboamethyst against the clear sky, but the hills about riousness of his work. us were feathered to the peak with olive and Alep- We went into some of the houses, which have an po pine, and enclosed well cultivated valleys, all enticing appearance from the mountain-path below, sunshine and verdure.

standing as they do amid orchards of almond and The chief peculiarity of the Kabyle landscape is olive; but when reached they are not quite so pretthe position of the villages. Each cluster of houses ty. Truth to say, the Kabyles have not yet mastered is perched on the summit of a hill, and nothing can the rudiments of hygiene, and are sadly neglectful be prettier or more picturesque than the aspect of of cleanliness. Heaps of refuse are allowed to acthese compact little settlements and the green cumulate, children wallow in the mud with the goats, ramparts surrounding them. The Kabyle has no and not all the sweet mountain air of the Djurdjura taste for architecture, but likes comfort after his can prove a sufficient counteraction against unwelown acceptation of the word, and his house is solid, come odors. weather-tight, and decently built of stone and The houses are built on a plan simple enough, tiles.

and generally contain two compartments, in one of Our good little horses trotted up hill very cheerily, which sleep the parents, in the other the children. and at noontide of the second day we dashed Their beds are merely mats, laid upon raised stone through the gateway of Fort Napoleon, the chief benches, and the family mule, ass, and cow, share military station of the French in Great Kabylia. the same shelter as their masters. A loft overhead Fort Napoleon stands upon a considerable elevation contains corn and forage for the animals, and large above the level of the sea, and nothing has so much earthen vessels for the provisions of the family make impressed the warlike Kabyles with an idea of up the rest of the furniture. In some houses a little French achievements as the occupation of so inac- more luxury is to be found, such as carpets, orna. cessible a place. Every inch of Kabyle territory mental pottery, arms; but as a rule the Kabyles are through which we had come could tell its own story children of nature, content with necessaries only. of blood and turmoil. Till very lately the road to It is only in the matter of their women that they Fort Napoleon indeed was considered by the gove manifest such a love of adornment, and they have ernment as unsafe for travellers; but now all is no craving after foreign finery. You will never see peace and friendliness, and the beautiful fire-arins a Kabyle, however poor, clothe himself in cast-off fabricated by these ingenious people are rarely used European or Moorish habiliments. If poor, he wears even against each other.

his woollen tunic or shirt till it falls to pieces with At Fort Napoleon we found very poor accommo age; if rich, he equally scorns alike the Moorish dation in the matter of inns, but inexhaustible sub-culotte and the Arab vest; is seldom seen with the jects of interest and distraction. Indeed, I can burnous, and seems as little inclined to indulge in fancy nothing more pleasant than a sojourn of some purple and fine linen as his fierce ancestors who deweeks in Kabylia. The scenery is superb, the few fied Rome. French residents scattered here and there are pleas- It must be admitted that a Kabyle village is a pleasant contrast to the wretched hovels of the named Turcos, who fought so well in the Crea Arabs and the half-cultivated wastes they pretend to Senegal, and in Mexico. cultivate. Kabylia is a fertile country, and the No wonder that Kabylia, having been so Kabyles are laborious though somewhat primitive gained, is strongly kept, and that whilst epers farmers. They make richharvests of figs and is made to conciliate and civilize the tribes olives, and are apt at caprification and grafting. Of Fart Napoleon, a goodly show of guns is sella lesser stature but better knit than the Arabs, they never absent from its walls. make admirable farm laborers, and are not afraid of work. They are to be depended upon, too, and have a moral character that will better bear inspec

SILCOTE OF SILCOTES. tion than that of the handsome and dignified Arab.


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what he borrows he will pay; what he affirms is true to the best of his knowledge.

CHAPTER LII. Though a Mussulman, he marries but one wife,

JAMES AND HIS FATHER. and treats her as his equal : and though a fierce sol The Princess cared little for Montebello. El dier and an indomitable patriot, he makes a faithful horror at Tom Silcote's going to the campaign ally. The women go unveiled, eat with their hus- ended in her determining to go with him, and bands, take an active part in the business of social had accompanied his regiment in the way well life, and both sexes mix freely, at all feasts and seen; riding parallel with his regiment, with ceremonies. If all that is said of Kabyle thrift and she was quite familiar, and which she may be a trustworthiness be true, what a blessing it would to have joined ; and seeing almost the very 14 prove to London ladies if a tide of female emigra- blood drawn, and having witnessed the Latek tion set in from Kabylia! Cooks and housemaids Montebello from a quiet field, without being would then learn to know their places; and how dangerously under fire at all. every happy mistress of a Kabyle maid would be This would have been enough for the ambit envied by her friends and neighbors ! I saw many of most amateur lady-soldiers, but she thoughts and many an intelligent girl in these villages I would ing of it. The day of Montebello was a triumpė) fain have carried home with me to England. But I her foolish soul, for she had succeeded in delor much fear whether any amount of comfort or civili- James hopelessly across into the Austrian lines, zation would have compensated for the free life and she considered that a great stroke of business sweet mountain air of her savage Switzerland. The The foolish plans which they had made a Kabyle woman is, moreover, too valuable to be lightly this young man have been discussed before. Je parted with. She it is who fashions and colors that of his enemies had the slightest idea about his ma pretty pottery I have before mentioned ; and so claims to be a dangerous person, with regard to highly is the artistic faculty valued that a clever Silcotes succession, and its almost hopeless entance artificer in clay is sought after beyond all the beau- ment. He was looked on as the “ dangerous bax ties of the village. The curious feature in their however; and she prided herself on her deste work is that no two vessels are made precisely simi- in tempting him into the Austrian lines. “We ben lar. There are lamps, stands for fruit, saucers, wine- him in our power now," she said to herself, scare cups, and vases without end; but you may hunt all knowing what she meant. through Great Kabylia and never match a favorite She could not dream, of course, that she was call piece.

in the way of introducing the boy to his own fate The Kabyles are a grave but sociable people, and Let our story tell itself. in the summer evenings it is customary for neigh- The Austrian left was withdrawn hastily bors to meet when the labors of the field are done. night towards the Sesia: there was great coníns. The men play on their little home-made flutes, the The Princess and our two friends rode together in young people dance, all is sociability and content. Casteggio about eight o'clock; and there for I was sorry not to witness some of these little gather- ranged warlike order, with warlike disorder drit ings, but the Kabyles are naturally reserved, and bling through it to the rear of it, to become order only a long residence among them enables one to again. break the crust of shyness that is half pride and half Our friends had lost their Austrian regiment, and horror of intrusion.

waited for it at Casteggio. It was in a sad plus Sorry enough were we to turn our faces towards General Blanchard had brought up with him some Algiers, and leave behind us — no doubt forever of this infernal new artillery, and had played sa - the lovely snow-peaks, the teeming valleys, the mischief with them. The regiment was passed happy villages, and fruitful gardens of the Djurd- through Casteggio towards the rear, wearied, . jura.

heartened, and half cut to pieces. They thought to Whether those thrifty mountaineers will realize a time that Tom Silcote was not with them, but FB the high expectations entertained of them, it re- killed ; but last of all, bringing up the rear of mains to be seen; but it is quite certain that all the straggling and wearied squadrons, he came with a elements of well-being lie within their reach. A bloody face, bareheaded, holding his reins in bis fruitful soil, an admirable climate, a friendly and sword-hand, and his left arm banging loosely beside protective government, a hardy physique, a liberal him. turn of mind, the Kabyles possessing all those things “He is hit," said the Princess. And they joined may well create such interest in high places: and him. they make admirable soldiers. It is not perhaps “ I have got a graze on my left arm from 3 Frenci generally known that the Zouaves are named from bullet,” he said, cheerily, " not to mention a wipe a Kabyle tribe, the Zouaoua. The Spahis are re-l over the head from that jolly old Italian colone cruited from the pure-blooded Arabo families of I thought I was a swordsman till I met him." Algeria ; but the best Algerian soldiers, so say com-! « Wretch !” said the Princess; "after your sale petent authorities, are the Kabyle infantry, mising his life this morning!"

Not at all, Aunt. A jolly old cock, every inch “I am not pretty now, then, sir ? ” said James, en. We only politely renewed our fencing-match, smiling, and looking steadily at him. he only cut me over the head and apologized.” “No; decidedly not.” What is the name of this Italian colonel of “ You do not like the look of me, sir ?” s," asked the Princess of James, “ who accepts “I like the look of you only too well. Where life in the morning, and tries to assassinate the did you get those pleasant steady eyes of yours ?” who saved him an hour afterwards ? ”

“My eyes are said to be like my mother's, sir,” Count Frangipanni,” said James, without com- replied James, who thought that the Colonel was, in

spite of his denial, wandering a little, and who Good Heavens !” exclaimed the Princess. wished to humor him. Ow strangely things come round. He might “I wish you would get another pair," said Tom 2 been excused for cutting off my head, I don't Silcote. "Your eyes are unpleasantly like another y. In fact, I should have told him so after-pair of eyes into which I used to look years ago, and ds, the very next time I met him. But he has have never forgotten, boy, — never forgotten, — grudge against you."

never forgotten. I suppose she will come, too, at He has n't any grudge. Don't be silly. Who the great gathering at the end of all things.” these two young men with you ?”.

He was certainly feverish with his wound. The Your nephew Reggy, and his friend."

Princess, after her last rebuff, rode apart with RegThen — not you, Reggy, but Reggy's friend – inald, and poured her grief into his bosom. She m going to give you some trouble. Strange, I did not like him, but she must tell her woes to m to have said those very words before. I am some one, and so Reggy got the benefit of them e I have. I am very slightly hit, and am not in now.

least degree feverish. I am certain that I said “What I have done for that man,” she said, “and se words before, at some time or another, or, at now he says I am fussy! Reginald, pray that you st, words almost exactly like them.”

may never know the bitterness of ingratitude in - You did, sir,” said James, quietly ; and to me." those you love. It is the bitterest thing you will

I think I remember your face ; and I am sure ever know.". it I like it. Our billet is at Pozzo d'Orno. Will “I have no doubt it is, Aunt. Can you tell me u come on with us?”

where is Anne?" Certainly, sir."

“At Vienna. After all I have done for him! “ Have you a good set of nerves? Can you help Reginald, he does not love me! It is very bitter to surgeon ? I am hit, but not heavily. I must be me; he prefers a smooth-faced boy to me, who have ith my regiment in three or four days. I don't sacrificed everything for him. Reginald, my dear, 10w whether the ball is in my arm or not. Will was your grandfather very intimate with this lad su nurse me? I can't reward you, but I am de- | James ?” rmined to see this thing out. Will you help me “ Intimate ? No. He never liked him. You it by nursing me?”

say that Anne is at Vienna. I do not like this at “I will, most cheerfully, sir."

all. I wish I was at Vienna with her.” “I am the person to nurse you, Tom,” broke out “You will never have such a chance of seeing le Princess. “I will have no interference from war again.” ay quarter whatever between you and me. At all “I dare say not, and I don't wish it. I want to vents, I will not see you poisoned or assassinated go to Vienna, and I have no money. I wish you nder my own eyes, and me standing looking on. would lend me some.” 'ou do not know what you are doing ; you do not “I am sorry I cannot do so," said the Princess. now in whose hands you are trusting your life." He wants it all." 'ou are throwing away the benefits of one of the So talking, they got to the little village of Pozzo lost extraordinary dispositions of Providence which, d’Orno, well to the Austrian rear, and halted at last. nder me, have ever been accomplished —”

Colonel Silcote was decidedly feverish, but kept to " Don't be a fool,” said Colonel Tom, peevish his resolution of moving with his regiment, as soon vith his wound; “I want some one to see to me, as it was ready to move. Meanwhile, he banished ind I choose this young man, and I will have him, the Princess and Reginald, on the very rude grounds

which he had stated above, that the one fussed and “ Have Reggy," cried the Princess. “If it was that the other was a fool, and imperially insisted on the last word I ever spoke, have Reggy."

James's ministrations, in the very way in which men, “ He is too great an ass, and you are too fussy. who have been spoilt by women all their lives, do I shall have this young man.”

demand the services of other people, — and, in nine “ Hear his name,” said the Princess, “ His name cases out of ten, get them. is James Sugden."

He took a strange fancy, almost a passion, for this “ You know I have my own opinions about that son of his, thrown in his way so strangely, little matter, Aunt. Sugden, will you stay with me a dreaming why. The young man's eyes he rememcouple of days, and trust me as I trust you ?” bered to be like other eyes not seen for twenty

“I cannot understand her Highness's allusions,” | years; but he had forgotten, or thought he had forsaid James, simply. “I only know that years ago, gotten, his deserted wife's voice; yet James's voice you kindly and gently carried me to Silcotes, after was strangely pleasant and soothing to him. He I had been beaten by the poachers; and that her did not connect the eyes and the voice together at Highness as kindly and as gently received me. God all; yet they had the effect of making him silent, knows, sir, that I would do anything possible to re- very thoughtful, and more gentle than he had been pay your kindness or hers."

for years. * Stick by me, then. I want an English face. "He insists that no one shall come near him but So you are that young monkey, hey? I remember you," said the dismissed Princess, with a sniff. it all. What a pretty little dog you were ! Like a “You had better go and see what you can do with little fox."

| a man who has cast off, in his base ingratitude, those

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