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brought more and more clearly out the final divina- | It was thus with Torricelli; it was thus with Newton; tion that every particle of matter attracts every it is thus pre-eminently with the real scientific man other particle by a force which varies in the inverse of to-day. In common with the most ignorant, he proportion of the square of the distance between shares the belief that spring will succeed winter, the particles. This is Newton's celebrated law of that summer will succeed spring, that autumn will inverse squares. Here we have the flower and out succeed summer, and that winter will succeed aucome of his induction; and how to verify it, or to tumn. But he knows still further, and this knowldisprove it, was the next question. The first step edge is essential to his intellectual repose, – that of Newton in this direction, was to prove, mathemat- this succession, besides being permanent, is, under ically, that if this law of attraction be the true one; the circumstances, necessary; that the gravitating if the earth be constituted of particles which obey force exerted between the sun, and a revolving this law; then the action of a sphere equal to the sphere with an axis inclined to the plane of its orearth in size, on a body outside of it, would be the bit, must produce the observed succession of the same as that exerted if the whole mass of the sphere seasons. Not until this relation between forces were contracted to a point at its centre. Practically and phenomena has been established is the law of speaking, then, the centre of the earth is the point reason rendered concentric with the law of nature, from which distances must be measured to bodies and not until this is effected does the mind of the attracted by the earth. This was the first-fruit of scientific pbilosopher rest in peace. his deduction.

The expectation of likeness, then, in the procesFrom experiments executed before his time, New- sion of phenomena is not that on which the scientific ton knew the amount of the earth's attraction at the mind founds its belief in the order of nature. If the earth's surface, or at a distance of 4,000 miles from force be permanent the phenomena are necessary, its centre. His object now was to measure the at- whether they resemble or do not resemble anything traction at a greater distance, and thus to determine that has gone before. Hence, in judging of the orthe law of its diminution. But how was he' to find der of nature, our inquiries eventually relate to the a body at a greater distance ? He had no balloon, permanence of force. From Galileo to Newton, and even if he had, he knew that any height which from Newton to our own time, eager eyes have he could attain would be too small to enable him to been scanning the heavens, and clear heads have solve his problem. What did he do? He fixed his been pondering the phenomena of the solar system. thought upon the moon, - a body at a distance of The same eyes and minds have been also observing, 240,000 miles, or sixty times the earth's radius from experimenting, and reflecting on the action of gravthe earth's centre. He virtually weighed the moon, ity at the surface of the earth. Nothing has ocand found that weight to be tooth of what it would curred to indicate that the operation of the law has be at the earth's surface. This is exactly what his for a moment been suspended; nothing has ever theory required. I will not dwell here upon the intimated that nature has been crossed by spontapause of Newton after his first calculations, or speak neous action, or that a state of things at any time of his self-denial in withholding them because they existed which could not be rigorously deduced did not quite agree with the observations then at from the preceding state. Given the distribution his command. Newton's action in this matter is of matter and the forces in operation in the time of the normal action of the scientific mind. If it were Galileo, the competent mathematician of that day otherwise, - if scientific men were not accustomed could predict what is now occurring in our own. to demand verification, – if they were satisfied with We calculate eclipses before they have occurred the imperfect while the perfect is attainable, their and find them true to the second. We determine science, instead of being, as it is, a fortress of ada- the dates of those that have occurred in the early mant, would be a house of clay, ill-fitted to bear the times of history and find calculation and history at buffetings of the theologic storms to which, from peace. Anomalies and perturbations in the planets time to time, it is exposed.

have been over and over again observed, but these, Thus we see that Newton, like Torricelli, first instead of demonstrating any inconstancy on the pondered his facts, illuminated them with persistent part of natural law, have invariably been reduced thought, and finally divined the character of the to consequences of that law. Instead of referring force of gravitation. But having thus travelled the perturbations of Uranus to any interference on inward to the principle, he had to reverse his steps, the part of the Author of Nature with the law of carry the principle outward, and justify it by de gravitation, the question which the astronomer promonstrating its fitness to external nature. This he posed to himself was, “how, in accordance with this did, as we have seen, by determining the attraction law, can the perturbation be produced ?" Guided of the moon. And here, in passing, I will notice by a principle, he was enabled to fix the point of a point which is worthy of a moment's attention. space in which, if a mass of matter were placed, Kepler had deduced his laws from observation. As the observed perturbations would follow. We know far back as those observations extended, the plane- the result. The practical astronomer turned his tary motions had obeyed these laws; and neither telescope towards the region which the intellect of Kepler nor Newton entertained a doubt as to their the theoretic astronomer had already explored, and continuing to obey them. Year after year, as the the planet now named Neptune was found in its ages rolled, they believed that those laws would predicted place. A very respectable outcome, it continue to illustrate themselves in the heavens. will be admitted, of an impulse which “ rests upon But this was not sufficient. The scientific mind no rational grounds, and can be traced to no racan find no repose in the mere registration of se- tional principle”; which possesses " no intellectual quence in nature. The further question intrudes character"; which " philosophy" has uprooted from itself with resistless might: whence comes the se-" the ground of reason," and fixed in that "large quence? What is it that binds the consequent with irrational department” discovered for it, by Mr. its antecedent in nature? The truly scientific in- Mozley, in the hitherto unexplored wildernesses of tellect never can attain rest until it reaches the the human mind. forces by which the observed succession is produced. The proper function of the inductive principle, or the belief in the order of nature, says Mr. Mozley, is Mr. Mozley concedes that it would be no great 6 to act as a practical basis for the affairs of life, and result for miracles to be accepted by the ignorant the carrying on of human society." But what, it and superstitious, “because it is easy to satisfy those may be asked, has the planet Neptune, or the belt who do not inquire." But he does consider it - a of Jupiter, or the whiteness about the poles of Mars, great result" that they have been accepted by the to do with the affairs of society? How is society educated. In what sense educated ? Like those affected by the fact that the sun's atmosphere con- statesmen, jurists, and church dignitaries whose edutains sodium, or that the nebula of Orion contains cation was unable to save them from the frightful hydrogen gas? Nineteen twentieths of the force errors glanced at above? Not even in this sense ; employed in the exercise of the inductive principle, for the great mass of Mr. Mozley's educated people which, reiterates Mr. Mozley, is purely practical," had no legal training, and were absolutely defencehave been expended upon subjects as unpractical less against delusions whieh could set that training as these. What practical interest has society in the at naught. Like nine tenths of our clergy at the fact that the spots on the sun have a decennial pe- present day, they had an intimate knowledge of the riod, and that when a magnet is closely watched for literature of Greece, Rome, and Judæa; but as rehalf a century, it is found to perform small motions gards a knowledge of nature, which is here the one which synchronize with the appearance and disap- thing needful, they were " noble savages," and nothpearance of the solar spots ?°°And yet there are ing more. , men who would deem a life of intellectual toil amply In the case of miracles, then, it behoves us to unrewarded by reaching, at its close, the solution of derstand the weight of the negative, before we asthese infinitesimal motions. The discovery of the sign a value to the positive; to comprehend the inductive principle is founded in man's desire to protest of nature before we attempt to measure, with know, - a desire arising from his position among | it, the assertions of men. We have only to open phenomena which are reducible to order by his in- our eyes to see what honest, and even intellectual, tellect. The material universe is the complement men and women are capable of in the way of eviof the intellect, and without the study of its laws dence in this nineteenth century of the Christian reason would never have awoke to its higher forms era, and in latitude fifty-two degrees north. The of self-consciousness at all. It is the non-ego, experience thus gained ought, I imagine, to influence through and by which the ego is endowed with self- our opinion regarding the testimony of people indiscernment. We hold it to be an exercise of rea- habiting a sunnier clime, with a richer imagination, son to explore the meaning of a universe to which and without a particle of that restraint which the we stand in this relation, and the work we have ac- discoveries of physical science have imposed upon complished is the proper commentary on the methods mankind. To the theologian, with his wonderful we have pursued. Judge the tree by its fruits. Be theories of the “ order of nature," I would in confore these methods were adopted the human mind clusion say, " Keep to the region - not, however, lay barren in the presence of Nature. For thou- exclusively yours — which is popularly known as the sands of years witchcraft, and magic, and miracles, human heart: the region, I am willing to confess, of and special providences, and Mr. Mozley's " distinc-man's greatest nobleness and most sublime achievetive reason of man," had the world to themselves. ments. Cultivate this, if it be in you to do so; and They made worse than nothing of it, - worse, I say, it may be in you; for love and manhood are better because they let and hindered those who might have than science, and they may render you three times made something of it. Hence it is that during a less unworthy than many of those who possess ten single lifetime of this era of " unintelligent impulse,"times your natural kņowledge. But, unless you the progress in natural knowledge is all but infinite come to her as a learner, keep away from physical as compared with that of the centuries during which nature. Here, in all frankness I would declare, that magic, miracles, and special providences harried the at present you are ill-informed, self-deluded, and reason of man.

likely to delude others. Farewell !” Still the believers in magic and miracles of a couple of centuries ago had all the strength of Mr. Mozley's present logic on their side. They had

PARIS IN AN EXHIBITION WEEK. done for themselves what he rejoices in having so effectually done for us, – cleared the ground of the It is very full. That, we think, is the first imbelief in the order of nature, and declared magic pression a visitor to Paris now receives, and it reand miracles to be matters for ordinary evidence to mains with him during his stay. The brilliant city decide. “ The principle of miracles" thus “ be- is more brilliant than ever, - gayer, livelier, lazier, friended” had free scope, and we know the result.) and more tempting, with brighter and more varied Lacking that rock-barrier of natural knowledge crowds, more amusements, and more eccentric which we, laymen of England, now possess, and things to eat, but it is very full. The Exposition which breaks to pieces the logical pick and shovel has begun to draw at last, to draw the provinces as of the theologian, keen jurists and cultivated men well as foreigners, and the number of strangers were hurried on to deeds, the bare recital of which from all the countries in the world must be somemakes the blood run cold. Skilled in all the rules thing extraordinary. It seems at first sight odd of evidence, and versed in all the arts of cross-that any concourse of visitors should produce an apexamination, these men, nevertheless, went syste-preciable effect in a city like Paris, with two and a matically astray, and committed the deadliest wrongs half millions of people within its walls, but it must against humanity. And why? Because they could be remembered that the Paris which strangers live not put nature into the witness box, and question in, -the Paris of hotels, — is much more limited. her ; of her voiceless." testimony” they knew noth-| At any rate, the fact remains that Paris is full, that ing. In all cases between man and man, their it is not only possible, but easy to get run over, that judgment was not to be relied on; but in all cases the noise in the unbitumenized streets is worse between man and nature they were blind leaders of than the noise in the Strand, and that cabs are at the blind.

| intervals unprocurable. There never were enough

cabs in Paris, — indeed, West London is the only | Paris is perhaps the only city on earth which could city in the world decently provided with them, – manage to express pleasure that a guest had arand just now the drivers have been bitten with a rived whom yet it heartily disliked. For the rest, sort of mania for refusing fares. Three hundred of the Kings go and come, and stroll about, and visit them are under lock and key for that offence alone, the most audacious plays they can find, and Paris and the Prefect has been compelled to issue savage mentions casually, “Behold! that is Prussia, or orders, which, nevertheless, are ardently disobeyed. Greece," or whoever it may be, and then, with a We have actually seen Paris cabs going quickly, - faint disdain, lets the English mob him. At Chanit is a real fact, - in their drivers' anxiety to es- tilly on Sunday the only “attention" paid to the cape a fare. It is not altogether the men's fault, Czar was the steady fire of some hundreds of however. The demand is too great for the supply, lorgnettes, and one half of them were directed and at times no unoccupied cab will pass even along rather to the Japanese child who, of all the crowned the Boulevard for hours. On the day of the Grand notabilities, is perhaps the most popular. He looks Prix every open cab in Paris bad been previously as if he had walked out of a china bowl, and interordered, and men were vainly offering two hundred ests the white caps almost as much as if he were a franes for a vehicle of any sort. Then the hotels specimen of faïence. The English and Americans are full.

are much more demonstrative, and rush about after Stories are current of English people condemned the Royalties, particularly at the Exposition, and to camp out all night, and though they are false, it make loud remarks on the way any Prince uses his is true that visitors have to hunt hard for hotel room, pocket-handkerchief, and generally conduct themand put up with very lofty and bad accommodation, selves after their kind; and Paris, lolling, scrutinizes Prices have risen in proportion. They are not quite the Royalties with an additional żest because of the so extravagant as the correspondents feared, but grotesque vulgarity of their trains. The way dethere has been an average rise of one hundred per cent English women caught up their dresses and cent for comfortable rooms, fifty per cent for un- hurled themselves — last Monday week —after one comfortable, and twenty-five per cent for edibles. of the Prussians, at a full trot, creating a noise as if Wine remains nominally at the old prices, but if the soldiers were trampling down on the boarded floor, hotel-keepers have not ordered special half-bottles was a thing to remember. The Parisians laughed, for the Exhibition we are greatly mistaken. Their made remarks on their ankles, and pursued their shoulders have shrunk, their sides have grown at- strolls, leaving the unlucky Prince to be defendtenuated, the lumps at the bottom have risen halfed from his assailants by a sort of bodyguard of way up, and they contain, on an average, just one police. The women would have trodden him third of the full bottle, which, for some reason we down else. do not understand, has not been tampered with. Of the Exposition itself there is little to say which The theatres have raised their prices a third on the regular correspondents have not said, unless it be average, and when any of the mob of Kings now in this. The building is even uglier than is stated, Paris is expected, you get your seat at any price more like a giant booth at a country fair than anyyou can, and keep it as you may. At other times thing else, but it is probably the best-arranged store seats are procurable anywhere, particularly if you ever devised. Vast as it is, vast to bewilderment, have the sense to go to the box-office for them, and the visitor is never crowded, never dazzled, never avoid the dearest and most inconvenient shop in the centre of false lights, and never a minute's walk Paris, the “ Office of the Theatres," on the Boule- from anything. You cannot lose yourself or your vard.

wife. If you do, stroll to the kiosk in the garden, The effect of this concourse of crowned heads in which is visible from anywhere, and you find yourParis is not a little curious. Paris is the only city self, your wife, and your destination again. The on earth which is an entity, which thinks, and system of double half-rings, growing shorter and moves, and lives as an individual lives and moves shorter towards the interior, is perfect for comfort, and thinks, and Paris has got a fit of self-respect on though by refusing a coup d'ail it kills dramatic it. It is at heart decidedly pleased that the Euro- effect. It is, perhaps, presumption to say so, but it pean family should have acknowledged that Napo- is difficult to resist an impression that M. Le Play leon is an equal, though the European family ought, did this on purpose. Where was the difficulty of thinks Paris, to have brought its wives, and it is roofing the garden and collecting the pictures and rather curious to see one or two of them, e. g. the sculpture there, or the best of them? If this had Czar and the Sultan, but it is not going into a pas been done, and done with some lavishness of exsion of flunkeyism and delight as London would, pense, the Exposition would have contained one not about to prostrate itself before anybody because glorious hall fit for a reception of the Royalties of he has titles and power. Great ladies intrigue to se- Europe, with all their trains of eminences and excure great visits sometimes, but when they have got hibitors together. However, there is no hall, the them they are great ladies still, not outwardly ex-garden is mean, and when it rains one wants to put ultant, not inwardly unmindful of the visitor's little the forest of nymphs, and bathers and Venuses, and and objectionable peculiarities, and Paris is a other nudities in white marble, – very poor most of great lady, quietly graceful if she has just triumphed, them, without motive or special beauty, - under shelquietly epigrammatic if she has just lost the game. ter. For the rest, the long naves are cool and airy, She can get into a rage, but her usual attitude is full and out of the picture-gallery wonderfully well dress for a reception, which admits of sharp sayings, lighted; and there is no fuss, struggle, pushing, or but not of kicking. She is pleased with the Czar's scientific lectures. visit, for example, but inclined to snub the Czar. The visitor can look as long as he likes, get all the The bearing of the city on Alexander's entrance explanation he wants, and go his way not bored, was most curious. The middle classes turned out except, indeed by the narrowness of the entrances in hundreds of thousands all along the route, but and the absence of chairs, which from the peculiarthey did not shout; they muttered audibly at points, ities of the place could not have been allowed. “ Pologne! Pologne !” and they raised no hats. They would have choked up the ways too much.


As to the general effect of the Shop, there is noth

SILCOTE OF SILCOTES. ing particular to be said. To any one with a spe

BY HENRY KINGSLEY, cialty it offers a wonderful show of that specialty,

AUTHOR OF “RATENSHOE," " THE HILLYARS AND THE BOKTOXS," ETC. but the regular visitor will probably carry away only two or three distinct impressions, that he has been bewildered with beautiful things, that the pictures

CHAPTER XLVI. - Continued. have somehow disappointed him, and that there is ARTHUR DEALS WITH KRIEGSTHURM'S ASSASSINS. only one statue in the building, the "Last Hours of THEY went. Boginsky pointed to a figure lying Napoleon,” which will be remembered in the history lazily on a bench under some linden-trees, - the of Art. That will live. It is not possible to carve a figure of a handsome olive-complexioned youth tolsoul, but as he looks at that figure, and feels how erably well dressed, lying in a beautiful careless absolutely the spirit is triumphing over the body, artistic attitude, with his face turned towards their the visitor begins to doubt the impossibility. Be- house. yond this, and some point or other connected with “That young man," said Boginsky, “is a young his particular taste, he will probably carry away lit-Roman democrat, known to me, although my person tle that is quite defined. This writer's special fancy is unknown to him. I have gathered from him that is the luxury of color, and rarely has it been so he is commissioned by Kriegsthurm to watch your gratified as among the glass and china of this Ex-young friend James Sugden, and to report on all position. The West has advanced immensely in our proceedings. He came to Vienna in the suite of this department. The vulgar, harsh, blotchy colors Miss Heathton, the travelling governess of Miss of 1851 and 1862 have been replaced by softly clear Anne Silcote. He was abruptly discharged from tints without a fault, lustrous as those of jewels, and their suite, because he was unable to keep to himself yet without false glare.

his frantic admiration for Miss Silcote. The man The preference for subdued hues, greens not like who commissioned him, Kriegsthurm, has inflamed grass, reds not like blood, — next to brick-dust the his mind to madness by telling him that Miss Anne ugliest of the hundred reds, — yellows not like Eng-Silcote is devotedly attached to this Paris apple of lish gold, is becoming marked. There is some glass a boy James. The young dog is a worthless memon the French side, the color of lime leaves when ber of a good Roman family, among whose family the sun is on them, which gives all the pleasure traditions is assassination. Whether he carries knives communicable by precious stones. The latter are or Orsini bombs I cannot say; but he has a nasty abundant enough, but jewellers will persist in re- dangerous look about the eyes. I only know that if garding them chiefly as valuables, and out of Russia I saw him handling anything like a black cricketneglect the commoner descriptions. Cups might ball, with ten or a dozen short spikes on it, I should be carved in amethyst, and cornelian, and agate shout • Orsini!' run down the street, and never stop much more boldly, and much as yet unattempted till I got round the next corner.” can be done with beryl and the blood-red to “Do you mean to say there is a probability of his pazes. Will nobody carve out of aqua marina, the murdering James ? " beryl which looks like a spoonful of water from "No, not a probability, but an absolute certainthe Channel, a diadem of vine leaves? The wo-ty,” said Boginsky. “I rather think that I am inman who wore it would look as if she had a halocluded in the black list myself.” round her head, rather than a circlet made by gold- “ If it were not for your shrewd face and your smiths.

calm quiet eyes, I should think that you were mad," The little buildings in the Park, Chinese, Turkish, said Arthur. “This is going to see the war with a Pompeian, Russian, and what not, will, we think, vengeance. But I cannot make head or tail of the disappoint most people. They have been over-de- story yet. What possible cause of anger can this scribed, and have a decidedly stagey and unreal ef- Kriegsthurm have against James ?” fect, as if sunlight were much too bright for them. “Kriegsthurm inter alia is right-hand man to They suggest pantomimes, and we suspect two or your aunt the Princess Castelnuovo. He was her three Parisian managers could“ get up” Chinese and confidant in some old political plots, and in other Arabs, and the rest of the gallimaufry with much things of which I cannot speak to you, you being more artistic completeness. The great use of these her nephew and a gentleman. She is devoted to toy-houses is to keep idlers out of the building itself, your brother Thomas, and wishes to see him in posand so diminish crowding, a function which is, how session of the family estates. Kriegsthurm's interever, better performed by the broad belt of restau-est is, of course, the same as that of Colonel Silcote rants which circles the Exhibition. That also is your brother, of whom again, as your brother, I wish supposed to be at once international and scientific, to speak with the profoundest respect. I only speak but the science is imperceptible, and the internation- of Kriegsthurm. Kriegsthurm is apt to be unscrupuality is merely this, — that you can, if you take a lous at times (he could have stopped Orsini, but did great amount of trouble, get dishes from anywhere, not), and this boy, James Sugden, stands alone beand any drink drunk anywhere, from samshoo to the tween the inheritance of the estates and Colonel Sillast concoction of the Far West. The belt is, how- cote. Consequently Kriegsthurm wishes him out of ever, popular. It suits the French taste for sipping the way. And so you have a noble young Roman all day, it suits the English taste for eating at all lying on a bench in front of your door, with knives times, and above and before all, it enables the vast in his boots, and, for anything I know, explosive majority who are bored to death by any call upon black cricket-balls covered with percussion spikes in their brains to " go to the Exposition” without his coat pockets. If he were to tumble off that troubling themselves to see anything at all. bench now, and exploding his bombs to go off in a “Lord!" said a British female, as she looked at flame of fire, I might be pleased, but should not be the dying Napoleon, “ were n't the sausages good !” in the least surprised. A British newspaper would She enjoyed herself as much as if she had been at describe it as a remarkable accident,' and a British home, and had all the glory of having “ been to the jury would bring in a verdict as Death by the visExhibition " still to enjoy on her return.

|itation of God.' But I have suffered by continental

politics, and understand them. That young man is on. There was, as he afterwards expressed it, no dangerous."

right end to it, no handle, and so it was impossible "You ought all to be in Bedlam together," to say where to take hold of it. bounced out Arthur. « James Sugden the next in "Well, there is no doubt about one thing, sir," he succession! Why, he is a peasant-boy, born near said. “We owe you a very great obligation, and the park-gates! My father, who hates boys beyond will try to repay it. We will concert measures for measure, has never interchanged fifty words with our young friend's safety." him altogether. I am my father's heir. I, who “We will discuss the matter, sir,” said Boginsky. speak, come into entire possession of three fourths “ Remember, only, please, that to compromise him of the whole property at my father's death. I ob- here is to compromise me. Meanwhile we will talk jected to the arrangement, but he has persisted in over our route. I will undertake to keep my eye it, and I have a letter up stairs from my father's law on the young Roman gentleman." yer assuring me of the fact; written, I believe, by They talked for an hour, and decided to go tomy father's orders, in consequence of some old and wards Turin. The route was extremely difficult, worthless papers having been stolen from his bed which was a great recommendation. room by his servants. The boy Sugden has no At the end of the hour Boginsky took his departmore to do with my father's will than you have, and ure to make arrangements. Arthur, looking out of the rogue Kriegsthurm must be mad."

the window, and seeing the noble Roman still on " There you spoke right, sir,” said Boginsky; the bench, began dimly to realize that he was act" there you spoke very well indeed. Our good old ually in foreign parts, and that this young man, Kriegsthurm has lost his head, and with his head his with his potential knives and Orsini bombs, was not morality, political and other. I have feared it for only a reality, but an intolerable nuisance to be at some time, and I dread that what you say is too once abated. true. He has been going wrong for some time. His “I wish you were on a bench in Christchurch principles were really sound and democratic at one Meadow, my dear young friend,” he thought, " and time, but he got debauched. He trimmed too much. that I was proctor. I have sent as good men down I noticed, years ago, that he was in possession of the for a year for half as much. Hang it,” he continued arguments of our opponents, and could state them aloud, “I'll try it; I'll proctorize him. I will, logically, — a fatal thing in politics. Then I noticed upon my word and honor. If he shies one of his that he would talk, and even eat and drink, with petards at me, I am cricketer enough to catch it. aristocrats, -a still more fatal fact against him. It I never was a butter fingers, though a bad batter. was followed, of course, by his taking to charlatan-If he tries his knives on me, I will punch his head. ism, to table-rapping, and spirit-calling, and ended, I'll proctorize him!” of course, by his being involved with the great au- Whether to go close to him to avoid his petards, thors of all confusion, the Silcotes. Poor old Kriegs- or to keep away from him to avoid his knives, he thurm! He has lost his head by plotting without could not in the least degree decide. He ended by principle. Dear old fellow! I must write to Fran- pursuing the old English (and French) method of gipanni about him. Frangipanni has a great deal | laying himself yardarm to the enemy, and boarding of influence with him! Poor old Kriegsthurm! I him suddenly. He went straight up to our apparam so sorry for him.”

ently slumbering young friend, shook him by the “Yet he compassed your death," said Arthur, shoulder, and said roughly and loudly in French, looking keenly into Boginsky's face, and thinking, which will be better given in vernacular than with “I wish I had your face."

| his pedantic ill-translated Oxfordisms, – Boginsky, looking at Arthur, and thinking, “I “Get up, sir! How dare you lie here? What wish I was like you,” replied, " This is a mere mat- do you mean, you miserable young assassin, by ter of detail. Kriegsthurm is a man who acts from watching a subject of Her Britannic Majesty in this settled rules. I interfered with his plans, and he scandalous manner? I am a civis Romanus, sir, wished me removed. You would hardly object to with all the power of the British empire at my him for that, would you?”

back.” " But,” said Arthur, aghast, “ if I interfered with The startled youth staggered to his feet, and put your plans for the regeneration of the human race, his right hand under his jacket. you would not murder me, would you?”

"Don't attempt anything of the sort, sir,” said "I?” said Boginsky, “certainly not. I hold that Arthur, perfectly aware that he was in extreme it is utterly indefensible for one man to take another danger of his life, but perfectly cool, and blunderman's life. I hold that the taking of human life in ing between rusty French and proctorial recollecany way, judicial or not judicial, is the greatest sin tions. “I shall permit nothing of the sort for a which a man can commit.”

moment, sir. I shall write to your father, sir." “Yet you defended Vienna, and fought with your “Who are you, and what authority have you over own right hand, and slew. Did you not commit the me?” said the youth, with parted lips and dangergreat sin then?”

ous eyes. " True,” said Boginsky, “I sinned in defending “That is no business of yours, sir," replied ArVienna, forasmuch as I took human life. But the thur, running into English, which the youth luckily virtue of the defence counterbalanced the sin of the understood." Authority, indeed! You will call” slaughter of my fellow-men. Are you so insularly (he was just going to say, “You will call on me at stupid as not to see that? Besides, it often becomes eight o'clock to-morrow morning," but saved himnecessary to commit a great crime to practise a no-self) “ down the vengeance of Heaven on your head, ble piece of virtue; in which case the greater the sir, if you consistently and pertinaciously persist in crime the greater the virtue."

going on in your present course, sir; and from a At this astounding piece of logic and ethics Ar- careful study of your character, extending over the thur gave a great gasp, and stood staring at him in whole period of your University career, I fear that dismay. He would fain have argued with him, but such will be the case. Now, you just take your the heresy was too vast and too amorphous to begin hand from under your jacket, you murderous young

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