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Greatly concerned, Alfred tried to comfort her. endeavors to dismiss the subject from her mind, she

“My dear Louise !” he said, “pray be calm. You could not succeed, and though she soon fell asleep cannot tell how deeply grieved I am that this should from the fatigue and exbaustion her violent agitahave happened. I found your carriage there, and tion had produced, her short and fitful slumbers used it to prevent your being kept waiting. There were constantly broken, and she started up with a was some unaccountable delay; the man drove the sense of impending calamity upon her. The mornwrong way. I was miserable when I found it was |ing light brought some relief to her mind. All the so late and heard the clock strike."

alarm she had suffered the previous night seemed " It has not struck !” almost shrieked Louise. like a bad dream, and she dressed and went down “ It had not when I got in: I listened for it. It is with as much hope as fear fluttering in her heart. impossible, Alfred! If it has, I will not go home.” After all it was quite possible that the Baron might

ã How absurd !” he replied, a little contemptu- not know of her disobedience. Martin would conously. “Where would you go? Suppose the old ceal it, if possible, for his own sake, and she had not gentleman is a little angry, it is surely nothing of seen any of the other servants. Besides, the whole such very great importance. He will recover his thing was accidental. She had no intention of temper to-morrow. You don't suppose he would being late, and if Alfred had not taken the carriage, carry out such a threat as that?”

she would certainly have been at home before Here the carriage stopped suddenly before the twelve o'clock; therefore the fault was not hers, gate, which was closed. Alfred looked extremely he would explain, and no one could be so unreasonannoyed.

| able as to be angry at an unintentional fault. Still “Here, let me out; I will make it right in no she waited nervously till her husband came down. time." But all he succeeded in doing was rousing He was often late, but this day was later than the porter. He would not open the gates; he said ever. he did not dare; that his orders had been so strict Breakfast had been waiting long, when Louise inthat he could not.

quired if the Baron knew it was ready. A few Appalled at the delay, Louise hastily alighted. minutes after his own servant came in to say that he The man bowed respectfully, but would not open had knocked at his master's door, which was locked, the gate.

and could not get any reply, and feared that he " Martin, let me in. What are you waiting might be ill, and he wished for the Baroness's perfor ?”

mission to force open the door. With some hesita“Madam, I dare not. My orders were never to tion Louise granted it, and waited anxiously for the allow the doors to be opened for any one after mid-man's return, but no one came for some minutes. night."

Then she heard a smothered cry, the sound of * But for the Baroness,” said Alfred. “You many voices, then a sudden silence. She could not must open them for her. Of course she was not bear the suspense any longer, and rushed up stairs, included in such an order as that."

but on the landing her maid met her, and begged “ Yes, sir; she was specially included,” replied | her to go down stairs again, — Louis was coming to the man, in a low voice.

speak to her. “But it is preposterous - absurd !” said Alfred, "Bewildered and dismayed she went down, and the

Baron's servant followed her. He looked pale and May be so, sir,” said the man, doggedly; “but horror-stricken, and closed the door without speakI can't help it."

ing. Almost frantic with the delay, Louise laid her "What is it?” cried Louise, “ for God's sake tell hand on the servant's arm, and said, with tears in me!” her eyes, “ Martin, I have been a kind mistress to " It is my master, - the Baron;- how can I tell you; have I not? When your children were ill, I you?” nursed them myself. I have often assisted both you "He is ill, – he is dead! I must know the truth ! and your wife. I beseech you, - I implore you to Let me go to him! Why am I kept away?accede to my request.”

I “Madame must hear me,” said Louis, resolutely Martin said that Madame had always been most opposing her leaving the room. “It is but too true, kind, and that he was most grateful, but that he – he is no more ; but it is not only that, but there should lose his place, and then he and his wife and is every reason to fear that he has been murdered.” children might starve.

Louise gazed upon him with eyes that were dilated “O, if that is all,” exclaimed Louise, “ if such a with horror, but no sound came from her lips. misfortune happens to you, I will make up for it; I “It is but too true, madame, - we have sent for will support you; you shall be better off than you a doctor, but lifo has been long extinct. We have are now. That need not weigh with you for a locked up the room, for it is no fit place for you." moment. Count Reiner is my witness that you “ Count Reiner — Alfred —” Louise faintly arshall be no loser."

ticulated, as she fell down in a deep swoon. The man hesitated, touched by Louise's grief and/ All the servants were attached to their kind and

gentle mistress. Louis raised her up, and laid her You will, -O! I see you will," she cried. “I down tenderly on a couch, and summoning her hall be forever grateful to you, Martin, and God maid, left her to inform Count Reiner of the terrible will bless you for it!”

event that had occurred. In less than half an hour Slowly and reluctantly he unbarred the doors. he arrived, bringing a commissary of police with Louise Aew upstairs. The saloons were empty. | him. The doctor said that the Baron must have Before going to her room, she went to her husband's been dead many hours, and that though there was tments. and knocked at the door. He did not no trace of any weapon by which the dreadful deed

How weak and foolish I am," she thought, had been committed, it was impossible from the make things worse than they are! He will be nature of his wounds that he could have inflicted

re angry if I disturb him. To-morrow, I them on himself. It must have been done in the 1 cay he will have forgotten it.” In spite of her night, and the murderer must have carried off with



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him everything that could bear evidence of his combat his increasing melanchols, and as ating guilt.

alone one morning, wondering that coali hare Nothing could exceed the trouble taken by Count brought about such a change, ben Aled sudden Reiner to investigate the mystery, and bring the entered the room, looking more care vor stan ere, murderer to light. Every servant was subjected to and with an open letter in his bal the strictest examination. Every window and She was sitting at the window, and the bright door, -eren the chimneys, - by which any one sunlight of a Jane day was streaming into the room, could have entered or escaped, were closely lighting up the old oak carving, and restigiai searched; but all in vain. Sot a trace, not a clew were a glory, on the young, ivr bea? Tiere ve was discovered. Louise had fallen into a state of a sound of bees. a scent of iores the son of coct almost stupefaction. She seemed totally stunned less birds, the rustling of the leares sbe sent by the horror of this awful event; and the idea that wind; all nature seemed reveling in the d e s her last act had been one that was displeasing to summer day. Louise fel a s z erted as him, fastened itself on her imagination, and she she drank in the delicious sigbts ari sols brooded over it night and day,

“I am so glad you are come. Aset Hissi After the funeral, Alfred begged her to return to a beautiful day, it will do Eur od el Eisenach; hat she could not bear to go there alone. “I think not," he reperi, glooca. -I is He was sull so much occupied in endearoring to on a very different expedition." pierce through the mystery that hung over the - Where? What can you nee? Seit: Baron's death, that he could not accompany her;/ are ill or unhappy, and why don't yoc tem se but be wrote to an aunt of his, who lived at some it is?” distance, berzins ber to come to Vienna, to take He did not reply, and seemned orecce charge of his casin, and to remove her to the emotion. country. Sue was a kind old lady, ready for any "If I thought you cared. Louise, I ' work of mercy, and made no objection. The Fou." prexace of a string rouse Louise a little, and in Not care! O Alfred, on have I on es a few days ther left Vienna, Count Reiner promiscare for but you?* ing to join them as soon as possible

He pausei a muzeai, and sened stegi Louise baal been so much beloved in the neigh- mastery over himsel borbood, that a ter old friends cattered wom "Louise, this letter contains the con sber; but sbe repeat their advances and lived in pointment, - a lacrative appointesi LS the stricitet Seson, generalis wrand up in I to accept it? gloomy thos. Madame S-bruder, iże cilari - Go to India!” she en 'nai, in tcIT. . who had actoriei ber to Eisenach, after their eerst no war silpoe! Sa IL inefectuar ta ruose ber, ris at last obscuito: ergh for any pants roc mar hare YcDr leare ber to bexes and, when Count Reizes care, ociglair gre pou anpihics Tea regime assured him that it was impose to Astra t her in Afraitut ber bani aar tai säe betierei ber presence useless Loan, Tua can't expect se tore Bat be beni ter to remain looger Tith Louise, in hinder. I have done I

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privately, for I cannot bear to leave you till I have to believe,” said the man, in an excited tone. the right to claim you as my own."

“ There is no such cold-hearted villain in your do" It shall be as you please," murmured Louise, to minions. Does your Majesty remember the murder whom escape from publicity of any kind was a re- of Baron Steinhuber ?" lief. She was surprised at the sudden feeling of re- “ Yes; he was Count Reiner's greatest friend.” lief this gave her, — as if the burden of existence “He believed himself to be so; but Count Reiner had passed on to some one else, and she could once was his murderer. I saw him do it, and I even more enjoy. life.

assisted at the dreadful deed. Your Majesty does Alfred sat down by her, and in the summer sun- not believe me; but is it likely that a dying man shine they rejoiced in their love, and in the anticipa- should come before you to increase the load of a tion of a bright future. He told her that he was guilty life by lying and perjury? I swear it is all going to ask a friend of his, whom he could trust, | true : I can prove it. And there is yet more dark to marry them, and that they would visit Italy, and villany to disclose. The young and lovely Baroness travel for some months, and the marriage need not Steinhuber, his cousin, whom he persuaded to be be declared till their return.

his wife, was never married to him. I enacted the All took place as Count Reiner wished, and part of a clergyman, so she is not his wife.” Louise was happier every day. Nothing could ex- Greatly shocked and astonished, the Emperor ceed his devotion to her. Every one approved of merely said the matter should be inquired into. the marriage, and though Alfred's extreme popular Within a week the man was a corpse, but during ity prevented their leading as secluded a life as that time his statements had been strictly inquired Louise would have preferred, still she had nothing into and verified. to complain of

With the same dread secrecy with which Count Four beautiful children blessed their union. Their Reiner had committed his awful crime was his punlife was divided between Eisenach and Vienna, forishment inflicted on him. Those few whispered the place that had belonged to her former husband words, the well-known official who had stopped him was left uninhabited, and Louise's life, after so many at Prince C 's palace, showed him at once that vicissitudes, seemed to be one long summer day. neither resistance nor denial could be of any avail. But this prosperity was not destined to last; it was There was but one person who could have betrayed broken up by a calamity so appalling that it is diffi- him; and that was Martin, the Baron's porter. cult to imagine any one, and that one a weak and Through his assistance the murder was committed; delicate woman, not being crushed to the earth by by his connivance did Count Reiner contrive his so fearful and unexpected a shock; and this was stealthy and secret visit to bis friend's sleeping-room. the sudden and mysterious disappearance of her It was he who both advised the pretended marriage, husband. They were living in Vienna, and had and enacted the part of a clergyman on the occabeen to an evening party. Louise was getting into sion. her carriage, when a hand was laid on Count Count Reiner himself had worked upon the old Reiner's shoulder, and a few words were whispered man's jealous temper, and raised suspicions in his in his ear. He turned deadly pale, and said to the mind against his pure and gentle wife ; and the servant, “Beg the Countess to return without me, strange command he had given her was at Alfred's as I am detained."

suggestion, as the only certain means of insuring Louise thought but little of it. She went home sufficient uninterrupted time to commit the dreadful and retired to rest, and as her husband did not re-crime turn, she imagined that he had come in so late that Before many hours elapsed the terrible story behe was unwilling to disturb her; but when she found gan to be whispered throughout Vienna. It found the next morning that he had been absent all night, its way into every circle, with all the horrible deher dismay and alarm could not be exceeded. No tails dwelt upon and enlarged. Throughout society one had seen him, — no one knew anything of him. there was but one feeling, - horror at the coldShe sent to Eisenach, but he was not there. It was blooded murderer, and entire compassion for his as if he had disappeared from the face of the earth. lovely and guiltless wife. The sympathies of all

By and by the mystery was unravelled. A few were firmly enlisted on her behalf, who had been days before, a respectable-looking man, apparently doubly the victim of his heartless cruelty. The Emin bad health, had presented himself at the palace, peror showed great consideration for her, and took and begged for an audience with the Emperor. He every pains to secure that the terrible announcerefused to declare his errand to any one else, and ment should be made to her in the least painful as the Emperor is accessible, when there is occasion, manner, and before any idle rumors could have to the very meanest of his subjects, his request was brought it to her ears. granted.

While the awful tidings were being gradually Admitted to the royal presence, the man bowedbroken to Louise, secretly and silently was Count bumbly, and said, “ Sire, you see before you a dying Reiner being carried off to his doom. As soon as man. It has been announced to me this day that he was arrested at - he was hurried into a carthe disease from which I have been suffering for riage. None replied to his often-repeated question some time has suddenly assumed a most deadly and as to where he was being carried, and all through malignant form. No human aid can avail me, and that long and weary night he was left a prey to rethe end cannot be far off. Under these circum- morse, and the reflections of his guilty conscience. stances, and as it is now my duty to make the best | The early dawn found him swiftly passing through preparation I can for a death which is fast approach the dark alleys by the side of the Danube, only to ing, I think it incumbent upon me to reveal a most emerge from them when he alighted at the gloomy dire and dreadful secret. Your Majesty is acquaint fortress of Spielberg. He knew the dread unfailing ed with Count Reiner ?"

Ljustice of the law, and from that hour all hope forThe Emperor replied that he knew him well, and sook the unhappy man. was not likely to believe anything to his discredit. The effect of the awful intelligence upon Louise

* But there is nothing too bad for your Majesty was rather different than had been expected. Instead of being utterly crushed and overwhelmed by The effort she had made was too much for ber such a fearful blow, her whole mind, true to the in- strength, and she sank to the ground in a faintingstincts of nature, clung to the hope of yet doing the fit, and in this condition was removed from the prison only justice she could to her children, by insisting and placed in her carriage. The Governor judged upon a legal marriage, and securing her fair name. rightly that the sooner she was removed from the With this single object in view, she sought an au- scene that could recall such a terrible trial to her dience of the Emperor, and besought him to grant mind the better. her this boon. Pale and weeping, she threw herself Before many days Count Reiner met his just at his feet, and demanded access to the prison, and doom, and died on the scaffold; his craven nature an interview with him whom she had so long loved clinging to the last to the hope of life. Popular, and considered as her husband.

admired, and fêted as he had been, still there were The revulsion of feeling was so great that she none but his unhappy wife to mourn his loss, for be could not realize the whole tremendous tragedy. was a man who had never made a friend. The deceit practised upon herself and her children The second dreadful shock had proved too much engrossed her mind, and she determined, as far as for Louise's tender heart and fragile frame. She reparation could be made, to insure it. Her re- remained insensible for hours after her fainting-ft quest was granted, and orders were sent to the in the prison at Spielberg. Her attendants removed Governor of Spielberg to make preparations for the her to the nearest village, and then by short journers extraordinary event, which was to take place within to Eisenach ; but a long and serious attack of brain the prison walls.

fever was the result of such unnatural tension of Louise went alone. She would have no eye-wit-mind and fatigue of body; and for weeks both life ness of her shame and grief, — no spectator of the and reason hung on a thread. She recovered, bat broken-hearted agony she knew she must undergo only to a state of broken health and spirits which at the sight of him who was the father of her chil. precluded any society beyond that of her children dren, the sharer of her past happy life ; of him who, She never again crossed the thresbold of Eisenach. with all his black and damning guilt, she felt was — of that home which had once been so bricht to ret, and must be while life should last, still dear to her. She gradually faded, and sank into an early her. Alone, though shrinking and trembling, she grave, as truly lamented by her dependants as sbe passed those dark portals, and, outwardly calm and had been truly loved all through her short and gries collected, passed into the prison. She was received stricken life. Her name is still cherished in her with the deepest sympathy and respect, and was country, and many a kindly act is recorded by so asked to name anything she might especially wish to who still remember the broken-hearted Lid be done.

Eisenach. “Only to return as soon as possible," she said, in a voice which betrayed the deep mental suffering

ALL 'S WELL THAT EXDS WELL. she was undergoing. * My carriage will wait."

- All is arranged, madame, by the Emperor's orders. There need be no delay *; and the Governor

Ir is, for the most part, unusual to experience a led the way into a dark and gloomy corridor, which perfectly new sensation late in life, and ret this one was dimir lighted by men who were stationed at curs to many of us when it suddenly flashes upon ou intervals with torches

minds for the first time that we are growing old; At one end a grille was erected, and in front of it and the conviction that this unpleasant facts Dom an altar corered with black, on which were lights only without remedy, but most of necessity be. which only arred to show the deep darkness that daily increasing eril, seems to render it a yet mere surrounded ber

I startling truth k is frequently some rery time Enveloped in a large cloak, her head enshrouded circumstance that first causes this consciousness to in a thick reil, no one saw the quirering agony of dawn upon us; some sught infirmity, some fazla the pour Te's features, and, happily for her, in that of sight or bearing, a fex gray hairs, or it STIE dim at she could not distinguish the abject, cra-some expression in the countenance of another, I ven, and guilts look of him who now presented some wond casually spoken. himself beste her to be united to ber for the short! This was the manner in which the sacreed n o time that must elanse before death sboald: truth was borne in upon Lady Leur Bendt nart the forever. The ceremony over, the Gor-who had once been a celebrated beauty sad kad: Ernor arouched Logise to conduct her back, when i ret at all relinquished her chem to the title I a conreise movement of the prisoner, manscled as . prenous dar she had spent in shogins iku. he was caused him to stop Louise, my wife, be been captivated by a blae crepe dres de

mnsrekel speak to me! You must say nog bongbi on the out of the ZomEzt -- than mingine me! O God! cannot roa indace the tben, - and had left at the base of beEmnere to spare mr life! I be send me to ti strict injagoes that soal be zu : the ens to the mines - onlr not desth! 1 and sent bome at 002 Be Madsde Alers's go

- To Do bope of a resite, Coont Reiner.* 1 taste was considerably outraged by Wamt si sent th: Gorerit. sternly. If rou bare sar ne, sicred the unsatsenes di the matca sa che coensaanication to make to the Coontes it extreme s juvenile style in whict Lady L-01b

de made at this moment. You cannot be sel-desired that it stocate de un lowed to resin bere

- Blae crape and c roses for aldt ses .

Louis vached time with a frm ste nacisti diste - B e ndy v . In feest ber face doset nusjed from her, and Lati and is ber: ubezenst be some ustalde. Sutine in a rece boarse sod satural Soen tbe! Accordings Maand Jens ad be ederriemerret she is tettiner anon berse 'both presented themselves eart Lair LS

"Asal from my heart I give a roa bete dobe. boodou the best warem : to me and mine! May God forgive you as I do* re she sense share finde Sobe te sele:


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“I called to see Miladi about her dress. I would | one else does, to make you fit to be seen ? Indeed not recommend it; it is such a trying color, and I would ; so don't be absurd about it.” made up in the style Miladi mentioned is only fit Maud said no more then, though she was perfectfor, - does not suit, in fact, when a lady is rather ly determined in her own mind not to submit to stout a dress made in that way is most unbecom- what she considered such an indignity. Perhaps

Maud's paleness was the only fault of her otherwise * Really; don't you like it?” replied Lady Laura, lovely face. No one called her handsome, but many in a tone of pique;" you mean to say it is too young, thought her beautiful, and there was an appealing - more suited to Maud than to me. I under- expression in her large soft gray eyes few could resist. stand.”

Well made, though rather under the average size, " It would make a sweet pretty dress for Made- there was something mignonne about her irresistibly moiselle; something more handsome is fit for Miladi: taking. Elderly ladies called her “a sweet girl”; quelque chose de plus foncée garnie, with some beau- and men and women, young and old, invariably tiful point d'Alençon : cela conviendra beaucoup | summed up any commentary upon her by saying, mieux a Miladi.”

" and so different to her mother." “Oh! I don't wish you to make it up if you do Mand, whose disposition was gentle, humble, and not think it would be successful,” said Lady Laura, affectionate, regarded her mother as the type of all pettishly, taking the gown out of her hand and that was beautiful, and herself of all that was insigtossing it on the sofa. “People never succeed in nificant and commonplace, - if, indeed, she ever doing what they don't fancy."

thought of herself at all. It had been Lady Laura's " But Miladi will allow me to send her some pat-policy to keep her as much as possible in the backterns," said the milliner, deprecatingly, seized with ground, feeling that so long as Maud was in the a panic lest she should lose a good customer

nursery or schoolroom, she was at liberty to play * I don't think I shall get another dress this the game of life on her own account; and as she year,” returned Lady Laura, indifferently:"indeed had been some years a widow, with what she deemed we shall be going out of town so soon that it is a very insufficient jointure for her position and rescarcely worth while."

quirements, she considered that the chances of a “Then Miladi has no further commands," said suitable establishment for herself were by no means the milliner, considerably disappointed at the result to be overlooked. Maud seldom accompanied her of her mission.

mother to pay visits, and was rarely to be found in “None to-day; perhaps I may call if I go out," the drawing-room, much to the disappointment of she said, rather more graciously, for Madame Alexis many of Lady Laura's morning visitors. was too important a personage to quarrel with. “The dear child is still so young I really cannot

The modiste took her departure, and Lady Laura let her waste her time," was the usual “refrain " was left alone. “How very rude and vulgar! how with which she accounted for Maud's absence; and absurd !” she said, as she surveyed herself in a large Maud, herself, was too well pleased to be spared her cheval glass; “ the idea of calling me stout! I am irksome task of sitting in the drawing-room to enterdecidedly thinner than I was last year. I hate the tain morning visitors even to raise the question. word • stout'; it is such a vulgar word; I cannot On the eventful Wednesday, the day of Lady endure it.”

Standish's ball, which was to be the ball of the seaTo grow " stout" was Lady Laura's nightmare. son, Maud came into her mother's room with a note She might tolerate being called a whipping-post, in her hand : “ Mamma, Julia has written to ask me perhaps even a scarecrow; but to be “old and to go to the play with her to-night. Uncle Henry stout" was a contingency which had never sug- is going, and they will call for me, if I may go." gested itself to her imagination, and which she “Impossible, Maud; this is the night of Lady could not contemplate. She felt aggrieved and Standish's ball.” uncomfortable; in short, decidedly "put out.” “Yes, I know that. I shall be at home in plenty Presently she opened the door and called to a of time for the ball. Julia says I can come away young girl who was passing by, “Maud, why are as early as I like. Arthur Jermyn is just come, and you not dressed ? I thought you were to ride this he is to meet us there.” morning.”

“I don't see how that affects it. Your dress will - Not till twelve o'clock, mamma. George and be all tumbled ; and really when I gave you a new Julia never ride till twelve, and they said they one expressly for the ball — would call for me."

“But I never meant to go to the play in my blue “ Well! come here and look at this. Would you crape,” said Maud, eagerly, “I should change my like it for a gown ?”

gown when I came home; it would not take me a " Thank you, mamma; but I don't think I want quarter of an hour. I may go, mamma, may n't I?” one now, do I?” replied Maud, rather absently. Surprised by Maud's eagerness, Lady Laura had

“Of course you do for Lady Standish's ball on no objection ready, and only said pettishly, “You Wednesday, - it will be the ball of the season. always contrive to make difficulties, Maud ; I really Come and let me see how this suits you," and she don't care whether you go or not." held up the blue crape against Maud's rather pale Maud hastily retired before the ungracious perface.

mission could be cancelled, and wrote the following * What a lovely color, mamma!” said Maud, burried note to her cousin : warming with something like interest.

“ Yes; though I think it makes you look rather “DEAREST JULIA, more like a tallgw candle than ever ; but take it, "I shall be quite ready when you call; but I child, and get it made up; we can easily manage must come back at ten, so don't let George dawdle, to give you a little color for that night.”

but come very early. “O mamma!” exclaimed Maud, indignantly,

“ Your own MAUD.” " you never would !"

**Never would what, child ? Not do what every! Having despatched this, she felt free to breathe

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