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sharp-eyed, sure-footed, keen-nosed, sweet-temper- “Monsieur,” he said, politely, uncovering first his ed; all you want.”

badge of office and then his head, “I am very sorry - But I hope, at least, that he can fetch ?” for what has happened, for you have certainly thou " Whatever you lila bananalli - -- . !

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Dession of the rates of the verandah roof, he took as you know, is to adapt one's self to the customs and wo or three insuroasis lazy whitfs before conde- | Tages of the society into bieh we are thrown. scenling to proceed.

Les os bode that they see the vision of following - Weil, my dear fellow, it is this: you must know this excelent philosophy. Of course." be contin - from bearsay. Of course only, because you don't tel, in a more serios tone, * we keep the thing otten go prowling aboat — that there are no end of tolerably quies, and have no desire to hurt the feelspins here; and you must know that there are no in s ot anr one." end of fellows here too. Possibly you may guess-1 I've no sisters either married or single, nor invinegary o. 1 cynie as you are – that it may some- deed any female relatives at all here: bat if I had times enter into the dear little beads of the afore-l it woull not be very gratifying to be to think that said spins, - though this I woald not myself for the they might unconsciously be ailing in the enterword assert, but merely jest suppose, – that a state į tainment of a set of file young fenos of matrimony would perhaps be a more pleasant * It is not otten." said Backley, - that we find you condition of existence than that of lonely virginity: riding the conventional bone, but I must say you while you may have an idea, moreover, that in the have certainly got upon his back now. Do you hearts of us solitarv, selfish, wretched bachelors suppose that the matrimonial chances or prospects, there is a suspicion that the beer and stittles of life. - the term is fearfullr caddish, but for want of a or. to express it more elegantly, the claret andi ba better it must do, - do rou suppose that the matriliards of existence, are not likely to be made mpore, monial chances or prospects of one's sisters at bome plentiful by venturing on the risky and expensive are not speculated upon and discussed among their investment of a wife. There," he went on, break- acquaintances there for us mach 3 is the case ing into one of his gar laughs, which baci been here? and do you imagine that there is less of real gradually rising as he spoke, - I have unconseionly respect and true chivalros feelin: arrony us than condensed into a nutshell one of the greatest social there is anong the sandal-montering is of an problems of this enlightened century. Well, to pro- | Enris5 Little Pellington ? Namr dear Cox, be ceed, we young moral philosophers, seeing and con- liberal and disassionate as you general r are, and prehending these things. have resolved to derived at be called to rtazon br an inexperienced griff both instruction and amusement from the study of Eke mreit. Howerer, enocgh of this: I'll go and this peculiar phase of the human character, male tub, and then we'll breakfast, fur I're promised to and female ; and in order to bring the study within play Tommr Marshall at bliants at the Club at the compass of all, and so make it popular, we, ten." kaowicg the love of chance interent in all men, Whereupon he thresavarthe end of his cheroot. hure hit upon a plan for developing the nobler aim, l yawned, got up, stretchei Eneli, and went inby pandering to the ignoble. To go into practical, door, learing me to thint orer what bai been said, details, it is this: we get out a list of all the mar- and to come to the concision. as I rers son did, riageable girls in the place, not forgetting the wid. I tha: Buckley bad słown ice clier beat orbe two. ows. should there fortunately be any, as ther gire a and the greater worldrerrerience that morning. won derful zest to the thing, and often puzzle the i ny dars bad passed since cu curvenusion oldest moral philosophen among us. These names 'about the lottery; and tie sabat. star as I was are drawn, and the man who draws the name of the concerned, was welln ch ertes I was busy girl who first marries gets the stakes — in fact like with mr Moorshee at the milar lesson in Perà Derby, Asot, or other race sweep, with the ci sian, translating one of the nor extent stories ference that women run instead of horses, and the well known to all students of this lanci , when stakes are matrimony."

Backler, with a roung oder of arany, numed "I see," I replied: "and to carry the simile still Watson, dismounted at the door and come in. further, the reputation which a woman earns far - Well, Cor," as he threw his whip into one chair good running depends very much upon the value of and his hat into another, a deep in the mrseries of the prize carried ott."

those very improper Perian tales? Thank God, - Precisely so. That uncharitable addition comes ms education in that line was detected an 1 I don't foon the very bottom of your heart, I know. But undestand then ; but send stir J. Hanhang the fan of the thing is not in the mere lottery draw. Dass, put aside your books, aplo'shares me tifing, bat in the buring and selling and the betting tin, and, above all, some beer: Ter box dead that follow, and the opportunities for exercising beat ter our ride in the sun 30 the mental exerone's observation and ja igment: the rise and fåll ! tion of inventing title bits of ser?rlan i small talk in the value of likels filies, 28 flirtations keenly for the entertainment of the war ok on whom watebel grow cooler or become more serious. is per we hare been calling." fectly startling, and would starter the Balls and · Gire me Sre minutes, ar! I role as rour serBears of the Stock Exchance. The dar before rice." I ansund. adde 9 no u s two of and the day after a ball or picnic is the time for greeting to Watson: meanwhile p r isit use sperulation. O. it's just the sort of thing you 'ful br sboutin until you wike dhe kum gars would euior. You shoull take a dozen chances at in the kitches, if her shon fu e rtere, least."

l and n ot at the Buzur.* - It seems to me." for I was half anpored, thonch In the course of ten minutes the ter h iben balf an:el, at all this, it seems to me that isnici, books tule, and the tabli irringed you young monal philosophers, as you call rour-forlan.


.of Choice Reading,



Oct. 19, 1867.5

keep a tap of cool beer in their verandahs, specially the competition wallah, and the wedding is to come for the refreshment and support of all morning call-off at the end of the season. It resolves itself into ers. It would be an immense charity to the poor a question of time: will other matches be made up, thirsty peacocks of society, like Watson and myself, and will they come off before them? Surely there and besides be an advantage to themselves too, for will. There are lots of likely girls here this sumthere's no denying we should be much more amus- mer. There's Miss Munro, sister of Munro of the ing and fluent when in the drawing-room than we Civil Service, only three months from England, with can be now, under the present rigorous system, with a complexion as fresh as paint, besides a small somethroats full of dust and energies exhausted.”

thing a year; Miss Battie, sister of Mrs. Butler, “ Scarcely a profitable investment," I said, “ for without much complexion, and no money, but a the benedicts; it is doubtful whether they, and their tip-top figure; walks like Juno, and sits a horse wives too, would not think that morning callers like — " Here Buckley broke down for want of a could be got at too dear a price."

simile. “You look at things in too commercial a spirit; “An Amazon,” suggested Watson, with a laugh. you reduce everything to a kind of barter or ex "No ungenerous comparison, if you please. Then change."

there's Kate Maxwell, who lives with the Fullers, a “Nevertheless, Buckley, it is a spirit which is the nice girl; Miss Richardson, the major's daughter." basis of every act, motive, impulse, and feeling of “With a retroussée nose, pink cheeks, bright eyes, life, from the affection of a mother for her child, lively spirits, and a good temper, but no regular feadown to the purchase of a penny box of cigar- tures, and altogether wanting in style, - what the lights in the street; however, we won't discuss meta- | Persian writers happily describe as the beauty of the physics now.”

young jackass,” I put in, parenthetically. " But," put in Watson, " there's no doubt a cou- “Besides,” Buckley went on, regardless of the inple of glasses of cool sherry, administered by the terruption, " a host of other girls, not forgetting the servant before one went in, would be both sensible charming widow, Mrs. Tollitt, any one of them likeand pleasant, without being open to the charge, as ly to win in my opinion. Good gracious, when we Buckley's suggestion is, of coarseness.”

consider that four long months are before us, it is “It reminds me of old Mrs. Briggs, the wife of positively absurd to attempt to say what may be. Briggs of the Commissariat, who gives milk-punch | Why, in this country a man may almost be engaged, - made of Commissariat rum, of course — to her married, and the father of twins in that space of visitors. Did you ever call there?” Buckley asked time.” us.

“We'll say nothing about the last matter; but it We both confessed we had not, though we knew is certainly ample time for the first two events to of her by hearsay.

come off," I remarked. "I did once," he went on, “and great fun it was. “But," exclaimed Watson, with a look partly inThe punch was brought in, and a small glass forced quisitive and partly amused at Buckley, “ you have down my throat, - a case of no compulsion, only forgotten little Carry Wharton ; her place is first, you must. The size of the dose is regulated by the decidedly." rank of the visitor: subs and captains get a small “Little Carry Wharton, little Carry Wharton," glass, field-officers a larger one, and so on. One I repeated, “ to think of your leaving her out of the day the general called, and he was made to take list! Why, she is the prettiest and best girl I some in a mug.”

know, and should stand above all." "It is a pity that she stands too near the bottom “Yes, she is a nice girl,” Buckley replied, with of the metaphorical ladder for her good example to an attempt at carelessness which he did not carry become fashionable," I said ; “but it is clear, from off very well. the graduated scale by which she measures out her * You have been rather attentive in that quarter punch that she has learnt something from the man- of late, I think," I observed, after a short pause. ners of the upper ten."

“Not attentive in the way that you imply or that “There was a good story told of her the other people generally mean by the word,” said Buckley, day," Watson said. “She was saying to Mrs. Rob- flushing a little. “You know that her brother and inson that she always got her boots from Paris, - it I were at Rugby together, — her brother Harry, of was the only way to be well fitted. Mrs. Robinson whom she was so fond; he was killed before Delhi, asked the name of her maker. Droit and Gauche,' — you must remember.” answered old Mrs. Briggs, with the most delightful “Yes, poor fellow! a fine gallant boy he was; and unconsciousness in the world. She had seen the Carry Wharton is now almost without near relawords, one inside each boot, and had jumped at the tions. Let us hope that some one may claim her conclusion that they were the names of the mak- before long, and prove as good a husband to her as

she deserves." "By the way, Cox," said Buckley, after our “Both her parents,” Buckley went on, "have laughter had ceased, "the drawing for the sweep been dead some years, and she now lives with her comes off this afternoon at Baker's bungalow, sister, Mrs. Jurton; the small pension as a colonel's you know Baker, of the Seikhs ? — will you come? orphan being all she has to depend upon, I fancy." Watson and I are going.”

* However," he added, jumping up, it is time to “No, I am afraid not. This is the last safe day be off. Take a soda and brandy and light up an

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sharp-eyed, sure-footed, keen-nosed, sweet-temper " Monsieur,” he said, politely, uncovering first his ed; all you want."

| badge of office and then his head, “ I am very sorry « But I hope, at least, that he can fetch ?"__ for what has handened for vau have contains

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English letters written and sent to the post, a sol- I shall not have the laugh of me.” And here the itary dinner quickly disposed of, two hours of read- | Grand Turk looked very scornful and very savage ing, followed by a pipe, brought the day to an end. too, as though the committing of serious violence It could scarcely have been more than half an hour upon the absent dragoon would have been very after my having turned into bed when I was sud agreeable indeed. “After that I went to the Jurdenly roused up by the sound of Buckley's familiar tons to play croquet. I was thoroughly out of temvoice at the bedside, “ Cox, are you asleep?” per, and did all sorts of reckless things, — went

“ You might have ascertained that, if anxious to through the same hoops twice, croquetted away my know, without waking me to ask," I replied, rather | partner's ball into the most out-of-the-way places, sharply, for this sudden invasion rather put me out. and by the time the game was over had made ene

“ Don't be out of temper, Cox; I am sorry to mies for life of all the players, friends as well as foes. have awoke you ; but I could not go to bed without | After the people were gone, Carry Wharton and I first speaking to you."

walked about the garden. I feel like a blackguard, His look, seen in the dim light of the small night- Cox," he went on, passionately, “ in mixing up ali lamp, was thoughtful and anxious, while there was these things almost in the same breath ; but it can't a subdued tone in his voice as unusual as was the be helped, — it was then that I proposed to her." serious expression upon his face.

“And she accepted you ?” 6 Something is the matter," I exclaimed, jumping “Yes; provided Mrs. Jurton, who is her nearest up and then suddenly sitting down upon the side of relative, makes no objection." the bed. “What has happened ? Any news from “ Then it may be looked upon as settled ; her the plains? Has the Nana been taken ?” Every consent is certain ; so you have only to look sharp one's thoughts in those days turned upon the mutiny, | not only to win a wife but to gain a bet too." and the uncaught monster who had played so fiend. “And carry off the sweepstake as well, since you ish a part in it. “Has the Nana been taken ?" I prefer to jest about the matter," he answered, bitrepeated.

terly. "I drew Carry Wharton's name. But for is No, no,” said Buckley, smiling at my earnest- God's sake, Cox," he went on, “say no more of this ness. “I have no such good news to tell. It is miserable lottery! I looked to you for sympathy about myself that I want to speak. Since we and comfort, and not for chaff.” parted this afternoon I have made a fool of my-l “I can't see that you stand much in need of either self.”

sympathy or comfort," I added. “You have pro“Which generally means that a man has proposed, posed to a most amiable girl, who I have long thought - is it so with you ? "

was more than fond of you, and towards whom I "Yes."

have also thought your feelings were more than those “ In that case advice would come too late, — so of friendship. She will make a wife of whom any I'll say nothing."

man might be proud. It would be well if all those "I don't want your advice; but simply to tell you who want to marry could get such a one, — there all about it if you will listen. But you may prefer would be fewer bachelors in that case, I think.” going to sleep again, so I'll leave you," and he “ That's the very point,” said Buckley : “ I don't turned to go.

want a wife. Twelve hours ago I had no more idea My seeming indifference had nettled him. It of marrying, and no more desire to marry, than the was but a seeming indifference, — all the wbile my man in the moon. But above all, the miserable cir thoughts had been in a confused state between cumstances of the lottery and the bet mixed up with sleeping and waking, made still more confused by it make me so disgusted, confound it all!». his sudden and unexpected confession.

" In short, you begin to think that there are, after “Sit down, Buckley, and tell me as much or as all, objections to the study of moral philosophy little as you like, - you can trust me, I think.” Ithrough the medium of spinster sweepstakes? said no more, but left him to begin in his own way! “You try to provoke me, — you hit a man when and when he pleased.

he's down !“ It all came of that cursed sweep, — confound “My dear Buckley, I don't sympathize with you. the thing and all those who started it!” he savagely because sympathy would be out of place. Would jerked out, as though it were a relief to his feelings you have me sit down and weep over the matter to get it out; then continuing more slowly, “ We and encourage you to do the same ? - to moralize went to the drawing, Watson and I; a lot of men feebly on the subject of hasty and imprudent enwere there ; among them that insufferable snob, gagements, and their miserable endings? to offer Smith of the Dragoong. You know how thorough- you all sorts of commonplace consolation; in short, ly I detest the fellow ?

do my very best to make you believe yourself to be A quiet nod was my reply. One of the impulses the most miserable wretch in the world, with nothing of my companion was a hearty prejudice against the before you but a wretched future or suicide? The Queen's officers generally, an old feeling, and, even thing is done and cannot be undone. Even sudat that time, a very prevalent one among the officers posing it possible to undo it, it would be done again in the late Company's army, - a feeling which, it is ere the next three months are past. Don't blame only just to say, was most religiously and warmly the lottery for it; all it has done has been to bring reciprocated.

about the crisis a few months earlier, for you were “Well, as bad luck would bave it, this Smith on the high road to an engagement with Carry drew the name of Miss Macdonald. He was awfully Wharton." elated at this, were take for

L-aar....wel of Choice Reading,


Oct. 19, 1807.

she should be in need of them ; but I have no fears viewed in a matrimonial light, had been
for either of you in future.”

disastrous one. The bachelors, spite of ei
“ But then the bet and the lottery,” said Buckley. couragement from the lovely spins, had no
" People will mix up them with this."

themselves equal to the occasion. No ma " Why should they? It was pretty shrewdly sus- not even a proposal, had been brought abou pected why you had been so much interested in cro- Macdonald's engagement still dragged its slow quet at the Jurtons of late ; besides, you have nei- | along, and Buckley stood revealed the hero ther won the bet nor the sw ep yet. Who knows hour. but one or two weddings may come off before It is hard, or, to speak more truthfully, it yours? Perhaps," I added, with a smile, “ I may be possible to imagine with what feelings the poo surprising you one of these days soon by throwing must have set themselves to work to superi myself away. I almost think it would be dangerous, the repacking of trunks and bonnet-boxes. confirmed old bachelor as I am, if there was a a bitter tear, no doubt, fell upon the delicate second Carry Wharton here,” I continued more the dear pets of bonnets, the exquisite cr seriously, and feeling very much inclined to sigh as | boots, and the glossy riding-hats, as one by one I stopped. “ However, good night! I congratulate were stowed away. How different to the fee you most sincerely and heartily."

with which, a few short months before, they He returned my pressure of the hand warmly, been unpacked ; then all was hope and anticipa and with a smile, said, “Good night!" and turned now all was bitterness and despair. The feeling to leave the room.

a newly-fledged M. P., who, primed with a vi “ But, selfish fellow as I am," he said, coming speech, rehearsed and corrected over and back with the old gay look upon his face and the again, finds the debate prematurely brought t cheerful tone in his'voice again, “I was forgetting close by a division, - or the soldier, who, a to tell you your fate, — you are quite out of the whetting his sabre for the combat, is forced to ret coach: you drew the she gorilla of the place.” it to his sheath after a little bloodless skirmishi

“I can guess who you mean," and we both – or the schoolboy caught in the act of orch: laughed. “Let us spare the utterance of the lady's robbing when just about to fill his pockets with 1 name, though only the walls would hear it. Yes, as coveted fruit, — are among some of the most tryi you truly say, I am out of the coach.” It was clear circumstances of masculine life, but they must be that the name of Grace Thompson had fallen to my nothing compared with the trials of disappointi lot, a girl most decidedly plain, and to whom, spinsterhood. unfortunately, one could not apply the alternative Nor were disappointment and disgust confined i adjective, - amiable.

the spinsters only, the feelings were strong an * Good night, once more.”

almost general, for the music and dancing wer

nearly over, and the piper had to be paid. Mai Time, the mighty old clock, went on ticking, ried life, like single life, has its cares, as little Mrs ticking, — marking off upon the dial of the year the Williams, who looked so happy at the general's bal days and weeks and months. Wonderful old two nights ago, was quite ready to declare. Next clock! never to have needed any winding up, nor week she must go down to rejoin her dear Charles, oiling of wheels, nor cleaning of mechanism since who was unable to get leave this summer, and had the works were first set going, nor ever likely to, to been grilling in the plains most patiently. How on the very end of its existence. Marvellous old earth she was to tell him of that bill for Rs. 470, chronometer! never varying with season or with just sent in by that horrid Madame Valence, she place, in summer the same, in winter the same, in really did not know. It was perfectly awful how all latitudes and longitudes the same,- at the the trifles amounted up, - a dozen pairs of gloves equator or at the pole, on mountain summits or in or so, a new bonnet, and a few other odds and ends deepest valleys, – needing no regulating and yet were all she had had; however, if Charles liked her never having its decrees questioned.

to look nice, and he always declared he did, why, he The middle of September was past ; sick leaves must not mind paying for his whim. She was not and privilege leaves were drawing to a close ; grass extravagant, not at all; and then it was all the widowers, who had been kept down in the plains at fault of the horrid country that things were so dear. their courts or with their regiments during the Then there was the charming Mrs. Campbell ; her tedious summer months, began to look for the dear, old, suspicious hubby had positively written return of their wives and children. It was clear that she was not to be so intimate with that dear, that the long summer carnival was near its end. delightful Captain Morton, the A.D.C. It was posCamels and mules, freighted with furniture, port-itively shameful that people should carry stories manteaus, and packing-cases, went staggering along about her to her husband's ears. What business the downward roads.Tradesmen were balancing was it of theirs if Captain Morton was kind enough up their books, making out and presenting their to ride with her on the Mall, or to walk beside her " little bills" at their customers like loaded pistols, jampan to the Bank, or to send her nice flowers and and causing in most cases scarcely less consternation fruit? Nasty meddling old things ! they were spitethan loaded pistols would have, estimating the bad ful and jealous, and only wanted to make mischief. and questionable debts, and calculating the probable So she should have to coax her dear hubby when gains. The club-inanager was doing the same as she got back, put him in good temper again, and the shopkeepers, with the same sensational results. make him promise never, never more to listen to The clergyman, commercial in his way too, gave unkind things said of her, or to think of them again.


(Oct. 18, 1867. sharp-eyed, sure-footed, keen-nosed, sweet-temper-1. “Monsieur,” he said, politely, uncovering first his ed; all you want.”

| badge of office and then his head, “ I am very sorry “But I hope, at least, that he can fetch ?”

for what has happened, for you have certainly there “ Whatever you like; hares, rabbits, pheasants, a most wonderful dog. But we have a painful duty partridges; only he brings the hares and rabbits in to perform. You will receive to-morrow a summons quarters and the partridges in halves. But an ex- for trespass. Good morning, Monsieur. I wish you cellent creature, capital teeth, fine scent, sweet | luck." temper; you want nothing more.”

"A nice beginning!” muttered naan “I can shoot with him, then?"


8 “ Certainly.. Hero in W

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Buckley and Carry Wharton; the wedding-day and make him out of very fear appear other than had come at last. Smoothly and safely they had he is, -- are at the bottom of it all. floated down the stream of courtship, and were now A general confusion of handshaking and a gento be safely moored in the matrimonial haven. The eral confusion of spoken farewells, many tears and waters had looked uncertain near their source, much kissing on the part of the womenkind, Carry almost promising, many might have thought, a Buckley, smiling and tearful, carried away in a jamrough and anxious voyage ; but of this, I, usually pan, with her husband riding beside her, a fluttering the least sanguine of men, had never felt any mis- of handkerchiefs, some slippers in mid-air, and they givings. I almost begin to think that my cynicism were gone. is but a theory after all, and not a very deep-seated one either, always breaking down or giving way Miserably lonely and eheerless the little house when brought to a practical application.

seemed, and very solitary and very much alone I The wedding was a quiet one, and after the felt on my return home that afternoon. Even the breakfast, which was at the Jurtons' house, we gath-pipe failed to afford me the usual amount of comered in the verandah to say good by and God speed. fort; I could neither smoke, read, nor work at my They were going off for the honeymoon to a house usual tasks; so, after trying each in turn, and faila few miles in the interior, there to remain until the ing utterly, I rushed off to seek companionship and time came for Buckley to return to his regiment. life at the club. But Buckley's letters yet remained It was doubtful whether I should see them again in my pocket. These I first took out, and soon disfor some time, as my examination had been passed, posed of. One was from Smith, with a check for and orders had been given me to join, within a Rs. 100, in payment of the eventful bet; the other week, the staff appointment to which I had been was from Baker, who had been the treasurer for the gazetted.

Spinster Sweepstake, and contained a draft for the “ Cox, my dear fellow,” said Buckley, taking me stakes, in amount Rs. 800. by the arm and leading me back into the diningroom, " one word with you. Here are two letters I! My little story is nearly finished. We will take received only this morning," and he placed them in just one more little glimpse of our friends before the my hand. " Will you dispose of them for me? To curtain falls and the lights are extinguished. Time, Smith I would wish the check returned ; and as the perpetual old clock, had gone on ticking; the to the other matter, let it be sent anonymously to dial of the year had been circled and thrown into any charitable fund you may choose.”

the abyss of the past, there to moulder and rot I promised to do as he wished, pretty well guess- among the unknown thousands of its predecessors ; ing the nature of the letters.

another dial and another had been circled to, and * And now," he continued, "good by. You must added to the decaying mass. It was three years write us sometimes, and I - and Carry too — will since Buckley's marriage, and I was with them again write you, and very often. May we soon meet for the first time since. again, old fellow.”

In looking back, as I very often did during those I warmly shook the offered hand, promised to three years, and recalling to my mind what Carry write often, said a few words, which, kind as I tried Wharton then was, it used to seem to me that she to make them, seemed, as they were uttered, to be / was all a woman should be, and that in meeting her miserably commonplace, and to carry a meaning again she could scarcely be found so good, so excelvery far short of what I felt, and we returned to the lent, and so lovable as of old. But perfect as she verandah.

had been as a girl, I found her, as a wife, still as Like most Englishmen, we were both undemon-1 perfect. strative in our meetings and our partings. I de * And what was · still more, Buckley evidently voutly believe that either one of us would have thought so too. And as I saw them in their happirisked his own life to have saved the other's, or ness, their mutual confidence and love, aiding, cher would have shown the equally rare virtue, had oc- ishing, and supporting each other, a darkness casion called for it, of giving the other a letter of seemed to fall from mine eyes, and a voice seemed credit upon his bankers to the full extent of his to say, “You were generous in your judgment of account. And yet friends such as we were, and these ; you were confident in your hopes of these ; there are many to be found in the world, meet, you judged and you hoped wisely ; there is much after long years of absence, with a mere “ Well, old that is good in this world; be generous in VOD de fellow," and a shake of the hand, and separate, per- ment of all, be hopeful in your hopes of at. haps for years, in the same cool fashion.

We can imagine a couple of Icelanders doing this sort of thing, and we can imagine a coaple of BOATING AT COMMEMORATION Frenchmen indulging in stage embraces and other “SHALL you bave any people up for Commem. 7 * antice on such occasions; and yet it cannot be the said Wingfield to me, as we lay on carpet cushions. sun.- latitude can have nothing to do with it, one at each end of a punt moored under the treas for we cannot imagine the pulses of the two phleg- by Magdalen Walks.

wo phleg- by Magdalen Walks.

It was a bot i

It was a hot, hazy, sultry - the faster. or law and we had lavily nandu

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