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able business."

arrival directly. I hope they have not taken the selfish neglect; forgive me my share in this miserwhole house."

* By no means," the landlord assured them. “It Boginsky whispered to Arthur, “ I fear we are in was the English plenipotentiary, travelling towards a more delicate situation than that of overhearing Alessandria, with the ready-signed preliminaries of a diplomat speaking with his secretaries. From the peace.”

petulance of both Monsieur and Madame towards “ Wonder he don't go by rail if he is in a hurry. one another, I should guess that they were just They will all have cut one another's throats before married, and in their wedding tour. Shall I strike he gets there,” remarked Arthur.

up the Marseillaise? We must do something.” They were shown into a nice salon adjoining the "Pray be silent for a moment,” said Arthur. suite of apartments taken by the plenipotentiary, “ See, here is another lady with them. I am going only separated from theirs by folding-doors, which mad, and must be taken home straight and put in the landlord pointed out were locked on their side. Bedlam."

"I doubt we shall hear every word they say," re- For a third voice struck in here, - a very pretty marked Arthur. “If we do hear any secrets of voice indeed; but, well, a little too fine-ladyish, the state, I shall unlock the door and announce myself. thing just a very little overdone. That voice said, It is a great shame of the landlord putting us “So you two are quarrelling again? The very here.”

moment I leave you two together you begin at it. “ They will hear all we say also," remarked | What is the matter now ?James ; * and we by talking loud ourselves can give Arthur sat down again. " It was very like too,” them to understand that others are within hearing. he said to Boginsky. “I fear my nerves are not If they can hear us, they will of course at once con- what they should be yet." And Boginsky politely clude that we can hear them.”

agreed with him. "I don't know that,” said Arthur. “I have had " Our quarrels don't come to much, do they, old such great experiences of human stupidity as an girl ? ” said Silcote, and Mrs. Sugden laughed. examiner, that I very much doubt it. If this man James by this time was at the door with his hand is an English diplomatist, I fear that the mental pro- on the key. Arthur gently put him aside, threw cess will be too elaborate for him."

the door open, and found himself face to face with They were seated merrily at dinner, when a Miss Lee, in all the full majesty of her unequalled rumbling in the court-yard announced the arrival. beauty. The meeting was a little more astonishing Almost immediately after, the door of the next room for her than for him, for he had thought of her when was thrown open, and the great man entered, he heard her voice three minutes before. And in English certainly, but not a courteous diplomatist her utter surprise, in a second of time, there passed by any means, and apparently with few preliminaries across her face a sudden expression ; a little parting of peace about him.

of the lips, a little brightening of the eyes; which At the first sound of his voice Boginsky said, told him all he cared to know. She was her very “ Now we will talk louder, then”; but, looking at his ladylike self in one moment, although the twitch of three companions, he saw that his three companions her hands towards him when she saw him had caused had laid down their knives and forks, and were look- her to drop her hundred-guinea travelling-bag, and ing at one another in blank astonishment.

made a contretemps. He knew all that he wanted to A loud and familiar voice on the other side of the know in this world, and merely saying to her pleasdoor thundered out,

antly, “How d'ye do! How d'ye do !” passed on “I don't care. I repeat what I said to the fellow with outstretched hands towards his father, seeing to his face. The whole business is the most prepos- by a mere look at the three faces that there were terous clamjamfry of unutterable nonsense which somebow or other brighter and better times in the ever was seen on the face of this earth; and my house of Silcote than there had been for forty years. remedy for it would be to hang the two emperors “If he has married Mrs. Sugden," he thought, and the king up in a row."

“ he might have done worse." “ But you did n't say that to the man, you know," Silcote was very much changed, as Arthur saw in said a bright woman's voice. “You were as mild one moment. He looked so much younger, and so as milk with him, and only began to rage as soon as much more gentle. There was certainly an unhis back was turned.”

common change in him. James jumped to his feet.

“My dear father," he said, “this is a strange “I don't care whether I said it or not,” said Sil-meeting.” cote. “I mean it. And, since you twit me with it, “Very strange indeed, Archy,” said Silcote. “I I will go to his hotel after dinner and say it. Now!” | gave myself up frankly and freely to these two

“Remember that you are abroad, Silcote, and be ladies to do what they would with me. They have cautious," said the woman's voice.

done nothing but plot and conspire against me "I am not likely to forget that I am abroad, my throughout the whole journey. I declare solemnly dear soul; the feas keep me in mind of that; and, that I have never had my own way for one moment as for my caution, why you yourself allow that I since we left Silcotes, and that their standing case did not utter the treason of which you disapprove, against me is obstinacy. Now here they have laid after all; and for your kind sake I will not." their plans so well, that my own favorite son, whom

" Why, that is my father," said Arthur, amazed. I believed to be at Boppart, comes bursting in on Who on earth is the woman with them?” I me, with two of my grandsons, and a foreign gentle“My mother," said James, radiant with smiles. | man, out of my own bedroom."

Arthur grew suddenly sick and faint. He filled “That is not your bedroom, sir," said Arthur, out a tuinbler full of wine, and drank it off, and hardly knowing how to begin explanations. muttered half aloud,

"Is it not ? Well, I give up the point. I thought “Mrs. Sugden! 0 Heaven, why did I ever it was. I am still inclined to think it is, because I leave him alone! And so soon after poor Algy's observe you have been dining in it. However, I death too! It is horrible. O God, forgive me my l have no opinion. These two women have cured

ne of all that. Now go and kiss your sister-in-law, / sister; it is quite possible that in doing them or she has finished kissing her boy James.”

thing I may do the other." “ My sister-in-law.”

“I do not quite understand, sir.” " Ah! Tom's wife, you know."

“No, I suppose not,” said Silcote, gently. "I fex “I don't know, sir,” said Arthur.

I have been a sad fool, and wasted a life. My dea: " Don't you ?” said Silcote. “It don't matter. Archy, I have one favor to ask you. Do not in any Some of them will tell you all about it some day. way mention to me at present a death which has reThey are going to the milliner's to-morrow to get cently taken place in our family. I am very sorry, ome new things to go to the war with; perhaps but I cannot speak of it.” hey will tell you all about it the day after.”

“I am loath to speak of it myself, sir,” said Arthur. "I dare say you wonder to find me in company “I see Reginald is in mourning,said Silcote. with James and Reginald, sir?” said Arthur, trying “How did he bear it?” f he could get him to talk that way.

“He cried,” said Arthur, " once when he heard “ Not I,” said Silcote. “I am a perfectly resigned of it, and once afterwards, James tells me, in the nan. If you had been kicking against all sorts of night, for a short time." bricks for forty years, you would find it uncom "I scarcely did more myself, if as much. Rie nonly pleasant to get into that frame of mind. morse does not produce tears. Let us leare the Bless you, the religionists have flourished on that subject." ecret for centuries."

« About my aunt, sir. What makes you think “What secret, sir ?”

she is in these straits? Has she appealed to you? “ The secret of taking a man away from himself, “Not at all. Her letter was only one in which ind giving him peace in that way. Some of them she confessed a recent wrong towards me, prayed lave done it, more or less viciously and artificially. my forgiveness, and took farewell of me forever. I These two good women have done it for me as well should like to catch her at it,” Silcote went on, sud. LS any priest that ever was born. They have denly, and with energy. “I have had the bullying brought me back to the communion, a thing you of her for forty years, and does she think I am going never did. What fools you men-priests are! Not to give it up now? These two new ones," he couone of you seems to have the sense to see that in a tinued, winking at Arthur, “ won't stand it. You perfect state the priests would all be women. You remember that for your soul's health and comfort." nen-priests would be in a queer way without them; “I will, sir,” said Arthur, solemnly. “You have hey are designed and made for the priesthood. had another letter about her, then ?" They have quite enough intellect for the office with- “ Yes,” said Silcote, “I have had a letter of nine out having too much. And a highly intellectual closely-written pages; a letter which, following me priest is a mistake; like yourself. And the women to the Continent, has cost me about nine shillingslave faith, which more than three quarters of you from that cantankerous old busy body, Miss Raylock. nen-priests have not."

She is dragging her old bones after Tom and your “You are none of you quite mad," said Kriegs- aunt to the war, and has got into your aunt's conhhurm once to Col. Tom; “but are close upon it.” dence. I am bound to say that she has written me

Arthur was deeply shocked. Yet his father's ar- a most kind, sensible, and womanly letter, on which gument puzzled him somewhat. He, as a priest, I am going to act." had been a failure, and knew it. His father's argu-l “ She is capable of doing nothing else, sir." ment, slightly developed, seemed to him to mean an “That woman has made thousands out of us extreme form of Romanism. Well, even the pres- with her confounded novels. She has no powers of ent state of his father was better than his old one. invention. She put me as the principal character in He changed the subject.

her first successful novel, and made her fortune. “My dear father, I will wait for explanations She has spent all her money in fancy cucumbers and about, for instance, my new-found sister-in-law. geraniums, and now she is hunting my sister, for the But allow me to ask, just to start the conversation mere purpose, I am perfectly certain, of putting her in a new channel, what on earth you are doing as leading character in a novel, and going to her here?”

grave with an extra thousand pounds in the Three “My dear boy, let me first tell you how profoundly per Cents. But she will be deceived." I am pleased by meeting you again. I do not want "My aunt, the Princess, would make a good cen. to talk business to-day, and any explanations you tral figure in a novel, sir." may want you may get from Miss Lee."

"No, sir," said the old man, shaking his head; « Ah !” thought Arthur," so I will. But, sir, you“ her folly is too incongruous; the ruck of commonhave not told me what brings you here."

I place fools who read novels will not have sufficient * Well, a variety of matters. The one which is brains to appreciate the transcendental genius ol foremost in my mind just now is to get hold of my her folly. Raylock will make a mess of her. She sister, your aunt, and get reconciled with her and will be trying to find out motives for her conduct; bring her to reason, for I fear she is going on badly." and my sister has n't got any."

“How so? " asked Arthur.

“From a frantic letter she has written to me, I fear that she is in the hands of scoundrels, and wellnigh desperate. Kriegsthurm, her old courier, major

CHAPTER XLVIII. . domo, go-between, in all her idiotic schemings and

THE PRELIMINARIES TO THE TREATY OF TURIN. plottings and follies, has got hold of her again, and he and Tom have drained her of all her money, 6 Now then, Mrs. Tom," cried Silcote, after a long and made her desperate, I doubt. My original ob- talk with Arthur, "dinner is ready. I can't live by ject was a very different one: it may be carried out, talking nonsense to curly-headed youngsters, if you and it may not. I wished to right the memory of can. Arthur, my dear boy, take in Mrs. Tom." ., my first wife. Whether I shall do so or not I can- " They have had their dinner, these people," said not say. My first object now is to save my poor Mrs. Silcote," and don't want any more. As for

talking nonsense to curly-headed youngsters, you' " Alone ? certainly. I am used to take care of have been talking long enough to Mr. Arthur, and myself, and perfectly able to do so." And with her nonsense enough, too, I don't doubt.”

splendid chin in the air, she certainly looked as if “ That's a specimen," said Silcote, pointing with she was. There is no one more safe from insult than his finger at the radiantly happy, good-humored, an imperially proud and handsome woman. Cads and kindly face of Mrs. Silcote, “that is a speci- scarcely dare to look at her in the face, and the men of the way they treat me. Go and take her worse-than-cads know from their experience that arm, and take her in to dinner. When I was your the most they will get is furious scorn. No one age, I could eat two dinners. Miss Lee, your arm." knew this better than Miss Lee. She would have

Arthur, who as yet knew practically nothing, marched up coolly to the finest knot of dandies in went up to the woman whom his father had intro- Europe, and asked one of them to call her a cab; duced to him as his sister-in-law : when he looked at and have driven calmly off in it, with a cold bow of her he said sotto voce, " By Jove!” She was proba- thanks. bly the most remarkable woman he had ever seen. “But the officers, my dear," once more interpelTall, as tall as he, with gray hair, and a very beau- lated Mrs. Tom. tiful face (described before), handsomely dressed, “I shall probably try to get into conversation with every fold of gown or shawl in its right place, with some of them,” said Miss Lee, with her bonnetstanding very calmly in a splendid attitude, and strings half concealing her beautiful proud chin in “ taking him in, body and bones” (as he most vul- the air, “and consult them about the best way of garly expressed it afterwards), with her great calm getting as near the fight as possible. The King, gray eyes. As he went up to her, it suddenly struck very likely, does not go until to-morrow, and will him as quite a new idea that this was James's probably review one of these regiments as they go; mother, Mrs. Sugden, the woman who lived in the so I shall have a chance of seeing your fat hero. little white cottage at the edge of Boisey Hill. How Well, good by. I shall be at home by dark, or soon she came to be his sister-in-law he did not inquire. after." And so she went. His father was not likely to be wrong in a matter Arthur still sat as if he had not heard her speak; like this: that was the hencoop to which he clung sat for five minutes, and then rose and left the in this wide weltering ocean of astonishment. room.

He took her in to dinner, and sat between her and Mrs. Thomas was a little indignant. « She gave Miss Lee. But this wonderful Sugden-Tom-Silcote him time and place in the most obvious manner," woman occupied his whole attention. “Heaven she said. “I never saw the thing done more openly save me from Bedlam !” he said ; “ this is the wo- in my life.” man who used to plant beans in the smock frock. “I thought she wrapped it up pretty well,” said

This is the wife of the man that helped to fight the Silcote. poachers on the very night that James was brought! “ You thought," said Mrs. Thomas. “A deal you in wounded. Hang it, I can't remember it all.” know about it. The way she did it was next thing

He remembered, however, that on one occasion, to brazen." the curate being absent, he had undertaken the care "I hope he knows where to find her,” said Silcote, of the parish, just as he would have undertaken the drinking a glass of wine. “I'll be hanged if I siege of Sebastopol. And that, at that time, he had should." given this terrible lady in gray silk and white lace “It's lucky that your son is not quite such a stuspiritual consolation, such as he had, and a shilling. pid," said Mrs. Thomas. "She, with her marching

"Bless our family," he thought; “ we shall fill regiments, and her King reviewing them as they Bedlam if we increase. Are you going to say any- passed the palace! Why, there !” she continued, thing to me?" he said, suddenly, to Mrs. Thomas. warming, “ as sure as ever you sit gandering in that " Why ? ” said she, calmly.

chair, I could go at this moment, on my bare feet, “ Because I thought you were not,” said Arthur. and lay my finger on that woman. She gave him

“ What shall I say to you ?" said she, with per- time and place, I tell you, and I could lay my finger fect good humor.

on her now." “ Explain matters, that is all ; like a dear good! Could you, indeed, my dear?” said Silcote. “I soul as you look. My father's reticence is so exas- have no doubt you could. Still, I think she wrapped perating."

it up pretty well. I know Turin, and she don't. I Mrs. Thomas explained everything to him from could n't find her.” beginning to end, while Miss Lee ate her dinner, “I could,” said Mrs. Tom; “I have only to go drank her wine, folded her napkin, and put it down into that street — ” through the ring : went on explaining, while she “ Without your shoes and stockings? You said rose after having only interchanged a few common- you could find her barefooted." places with Arthur, and left the room : went on still " — and ask," said Mrs. Tom, scornfully disreexplaining until Miss Lee returned tremendously garding him, “where the King was reviewing the dressed, as far as extravagance went, but with won- soldiers. And I should get my answer, and there derful quietness and good taste, with her bonnet on, she'd be, and him with her. Don't tell me." ready for a promenade. The two boys had gone be- “I don't want to tell you, my dear. But, surely, fore, to see some regiments march out.

this heat is unnecessary." "I am going on the Boulevards,” she said, in a “Not at all," said Mrs. Tom. “ She gave him cool and lofty manner. “ You people want to stay time and place before my own eyes : and she was and talk family matters, which are no concern of | too bold, — for him." mine, and which bore me. The courier said there “It is all right, though, is it not?" said Silcote. are three more regiments to march to-night: I hear “O, it's all right enough,” said Mrs. Tom. “But, a band playing, which must belong to one of them. after the way he has served her, she had no business I shall go and see them off.”

to give him time and place as she did. I wish it had Are you going alone, my dear ?" said Mrs. been me.” And she shook her head with deep Thomas.


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“Do you, indeed, my dear? So you really wish it,” thought Arthur, “I am being too agreeabk that you had a chance at Archy? But you must know I shall get myself kissed directly, and I bs reflect that you could not, under any circumstances, it. But I can't help it.” marry your brother-in-law; let me advise you to All this time Miss Lee was sailing on before te give up this newly-conceived passion for Arthur, with her veil up, calmly, imperial, looking everyca and let him marry your cousin quickly. Two such straight in the face, and speaking to any one w dreadful tongues as yours and his would never have spoke to her. She attracted universal and respec: hit it off together, and, moreover —

ful attention. Arthur was proud of her. " There," said Mrs. Tom, “one mustard-seed of The great rendezvous was in the Grand Place nonsense dropped in your way grows into a great | Along the street in which they were came a regiltree of nonsense very soon. Do you know that you of blue-coated, steel-helmeted, gray-trousered cor have to give an account of every idle word you alry to join it. The enormously high-piled ornata speak? You run off into idle, senseless badinage, houses were hung with the green, white, and on the text of one single sentence or word. It is a tricolors from paving to coping stone, and the wisilly habit."

dows were thronged with frantic patriots, as we • Yes, my dear,” said Silcote. “ As soon as you also the streets. It was a splendid and excitin have done blowing me up, suppose we go and see sight; and, as they all went rushing along the niz the soldiers ? "

row street in the rear of the regiment, Artburi She kissed him, and said, “You are a good old long dull days of sickness and loss of hope seemed man. I don't know how you ever got on without indefinitely removed.

At last they came to the place of the spectacle. • Very badly,” said Silcote. “Come, let us jog Their regiment was the last. Three regiments d out together and see this King and these soldiers, cavalry and four of infantry were already drave you and me.”

up; and there was the big-chested King himself: And so this queer couple jogged out together to and there was Cavour, and there were Generals LA gape and stare, like a couple of children, at the sol- | Marmora, Fanti, Cialdini, — men whose names sound diers, the King, and everything else abnormal that like the ringing of silver bells. Their regiment came in their way. The courteous Italian crowd formed in, and the burly King began to more. that made way for the strange pair only admired Arthur perceived that Miss Lee had got an uncomtheir bizarre beauty. Not one in the crowd dreamt monly good place, and then found himself face W that the life of a son and a husband was at stake, face with Boginsky. in that terrible hurly-burly so soon to begin to the "A glorious day for Italy,” said Boginsky. east. And, indeed, they did not realize it them- " Threatens thunder!” said Arthur. selves, any more than they realized how deeply they “And lightning,” said Boginsky, who was in comloved him ; both believing that their love for him pany with several “ reds." had been killed by his misconduct. Poor fools ! “How epigrammatic we all are!” said Arthur.

“I myself have said the neatest thing to-day I have said for years. Why, this excitement would sharpen

the wits of a mere horse," he continued artfully.. CHAPTER XLIX.

“Of a mere stupid horse indeed,” replied the inTHE KING COMES OUT TO MARSHAL THEM.

nocent Boginsky.

"Sharpen his wits so much that he lets the man THEY were singing in the streets of Turin that get on his back. And now they both go away toafternoon. Groups of them were singing, war bal- I gether to kill the stag. Will the man get off lads, love ballads. Nay, not only were arm-in-arm the stag is dead, do you think?” groups singing of war, love, loyalty, of everything “The Emperor would never dare -" began B0save law and divinity ; but even solitary walkers cinsky. piped up, quite unnoticed. Therefore, why should

“Never for a moment,” said Arthur; " no one not Arthur, with a good voice, not untrained by ever dreamt that he would. He is at Genoa now, choir-masters, pipe up too? He did so, however. I because he did not dare to keep away. He wa A spectacle and scandal amongst Oxford tutors and

ors and no more black cricket-balls studded with gun nipples, ex-proctors, had they only heard him ; which they and percussion caps on them. I was not thinking did not. An ex-Balliol tutor, singing out, clear and of him." loud, in the streets of a foreign city, was a thing Said Boginsky, “ You puzzle me.” which no one was prepared for in 1859, and, to tell

Arthur folded his arms, caught Boginsky's eye, the truth, is scarcely prepared for now; yet he did, I and then looked steadily at the King of Sardli this Balliol man, at the top of his very excellent

who was now within six yards of them. He took voice.

off his hat to the King; and as he went past Bogin-
"I know the way she went
Past with her maiden posy,

sky towards Miss Lee, he looked into that gentle
For her feet have touched the meadows,

man's face with a strong stare, which meant volumes. And have left the daisies rosy."

As he went he heard Boginsky gasp out, The street was extremely crowded, but every one “ He had better.was nearly mad with good-humor; and Arthur's Delighted with the purely gratuitous misch handsome face was so radiant, that innumerable | which he had made, Arthur got to the side of people greeted him. “A glorious day for Italy, Lee just as the King had caught siglit of die milord," said one. “Very much so indeed,” replied | There was no doubt whatever of his Majesty's all Arthur. “We have the sympathies of England, if miration, about which Miss Lee cared just absolutely not her arms, on our side, sir," said another. “Our nothing at all. She wanted a real good stare at the sympathies are in Italy while our arms are in Hin- | King, and she got one. If he liked the looks of ber; dostan,” replied Arthur; which was thought to be lit showed his good taste; in the perfect boldness o wonderfully neat, and was bandied about: for it did her perfect innocence it was perfectly indifferen not take much to please them that day. “Confound whether he looked at her or not. She wanted to



ook at him, and the more he looked the more she weighing only a few pounds ; but when completely w.

formed a single tusk will sometimes weigh 170 lbs., Arthur, proudly laughing in his heart, whispered and occasionally considerably more. A pair apo her, “ Take my arm," and she put her hand upon peared in the Great Exhibition of 1851, taken from t. In one moment more, unseen of any one, his an elephant killed on the Banks of Lake Ncami, vas upon hers, as it lay on his arm, and their two which weighed 325 lbs. Each tusk measured eight hands were tightly locked together. Not a word feet six inches in length, and had a circuit of twentyvas spoken ; what need for words, clumsy words, two inches at the base. vhen their two hands told their tale so truly ? In very high latitudes, where the remains of ani

Silcote with Mrs. Tom went gandering about, mals are preserved for ages by the rigorous cold of staring at the soldiers and the shops, and enjoy the climate, a further supply of ivory is obtained

ng themselves thoroughly. Silcote bought a large from the tusks of extinct species, which, with the white umbrella lined with green, which took his bones, sometimes even the flesh and hair, are found fancy, and which he used as a pointer, to point out imbedded in the frozen soil, having undergone but objects of interest to Mrs. Tom; among other things, little alteration. The northern parts of Siberia, pointing out the King wben his Majesty was not especially the lower valley of the Lena, and some four yards from the ferule.

islands in the polar waters, are well-known localiAt last they got home, and heard that Miss Lee ties for these * Adamitic things,” or “ things of was home before them. Mrs. Thomas went to seek Adam's time," as they are locally called, from their her, and soon returned.

obvious antiquity. In the year 1770, an obscure " It's all right,” she said; “I knew it would be.fur trader named Liakhov, having occasion to visit There, you need n't throw your umbrella across the the shore of the Arctic Ocean, saw while there a room like a lunatic; though Heaven knows, my dear, herd of reindeer coming over the ice from the that I am as glad as you are."

north. Guided by the track of the animals, he [To be continued.)

travelled with sledge and dogs over the ice-fields for nearly fifty miles, and then came to an island,

beyond which was another, the members of a small THE SUPPLY OF IVORY.

archipelago now known as the Liakhov group, or An enormous number of elephants are destroyed | New Siberia. Few spots are more geologically rein the course of every year, often as unpleasant markable. Hills of fossil wood line the shores, while neighbors to man in the wild state, prone to make large tracts are composed of tusks, bones, and other havoc with the rice and grain fields, but far more animal remains deposited in the superficial sand, persistently and fully to meet the demands of com- gravel, and loam, cemented by ice. It is remarkmerce for the ivory of the tusks. Though the able of this curious produce that the tusks decrease largest and the strongest of all existing quadrupeds, in size and weight from south to north, as if they the animal is very readily decoyed into captivity in had been borne to their present sites by some great order to be domesticated, and is as easily slain by drift in that direction, which carried the lighter ones the hunter's rifle. The great bull elephant of three the farthest. Those of the islands are the smallest, tons weight - leader of a herd -- generally falls but are much whiter and apparently fresher than lifeless in an instant, if a ball is skilfully planted in those of the continent. the eye, or at the base of the trunk, or behind the The best known and most abundant of these relics ear; and “ crack” sportsmen have been known to of ancient life belong to the Elephas primigenius of kill right and left, one with each barrel. In part of | Blumenbach, called Elephas fossile by Cuvier, the the northern province of Ceylon, upon the reward mammoth of popular speech. The latter name sigof a few shillings per head being offered by the nifies“ an animal of the earth.” It originated with authorities, 3,500 were despatched in less than three the ignorant presumption, that being unable to enyears by the natives. Sheffield alone requires an- dure the light of day, the creature was chiefly subnually the slaughter of a large army of the huge terranean in its habits, like the existing mole. But pachyderms, estimated some years ago at 22,000, to some of the simple-minded natives had another furnish ivory for the various articles produced in its theory, and were only concerned to have the remains manufacturing establishments; and every civilized undisturbed. - Take from us," said they to the first country needs a supply of the material for the use- Russian adventurers, “our gold if you will; but ful and ornamental arts. Hence, not being prolific, leave us the bones of our great ancestors." Under it is by no means improbable, that long before our a similar misconception, Pontoppidan reported the human story is over the elephant will be numbered discovery of the bones of giants in Norway, doubtwith extinct species.

| less those of the extinct elephant, which are very The tusks of the elephant are genuine teeth, but widely distributed, and found in the Pleistocene deof peculiar form, and large dimensions when per-posits all over Europe. Admirably well preserved fectly developed. They alone supply that variety in the cold climate of Siberia, where the soil is perof dentine or tooth-substance which is properly petually frozen at the depth of a few feet beneath called ivory, though many other animals, as the the surface, the tusks are regularly searched for by hippopotamus, narwhal, and walrus, possess teeth," ivory hunters," and are disposed of at the annual horns, or tusks of sufficient size and density to be fairs held in the summer months at Yakutsk, along used in the arts for the like purposes, and which with the teeth of the walrus, and the furs and peltry hence popularly bear the same name. Of the two of the Arctic zone. The fossil ivory is of inferior existing species of elephant, the Indian and the quality to that obtained from the living species, African, the latter has by far the larger tusks. being exceedingly dry, hard, and brittle. But it is They supply the manufacturer with his best mate- used in the arts, especially in Russia, and boiling in rial, valued on account of its closer grain, superior a solution of gelatine imparts the waxy softness in whiteness, and capability of receiving the highest which it is deficient. polish. Sometimes the tusks are stunted, being not The mammoth is the only fossil animal which has more than ten or twelve inches in length, and come under the observation of man in a perfect con

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