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dition ; but only two complete specimens of the

"A staff tipped with horn,

A pair of tables (writing tablets) all of ivory." gigantic quadruped have yet been met with. In the case of all other remains the hard portions have Great Britain imports annually from all parts out alone been preserved, and these are frequently of a less than 500 tons, which may be valued at $400 lei very fragmentary kind, requiring the highest skill The chief consumption is for knife-handles, the ker! to make out from them the form and character of of musical instruments, mathematical scales, de the creature to which they belonged.

and chessmen, billiard-balls, inlaying, and artist. It was at the close of the last century that the carvings, some of which are rendered extreme first entire example was discovered by a Tungusian costly by the taste and skill displayed in their exotic fisherman. Near the mouth of the Lena and the tion. shore of the polar ocean he observed a strange Vegetable ivory, derived from the nuts of an er, shapeless mass projecting from a bank of frozen quisitely beautiful South American palm, is in earth covered with ice, which, in the summer of extensive use for umbrella-handles, buttons, trinkes 1801, when the season was warmer and the thaw and other ordinary articles; but it soon tarnista greater than usual, became partially disengaged, and and wears rapidly if exposed to much friction. I proved to be the carcass of an enormous animal. It | France an excellent imitation of ivory is now made eventually fell from the bank on the sandy beach, from a mixture of papier-mâche and gelatine, calle! but was not examined by any naturalist till Mr. Parisian marble. But no substance, natural or är Adams travelled to the spot for the purpose from tificial, is at present known so well adapted as the Yakutsk, in 1806. By that time native hunters had true material for the purposes to which it is applied carried off portions of the flesh with which to feed Yet long before the elephants are no more, and the their dogs, while white bears, wolves, wolverines, mammoths are used up, an adequate substitute mar and foxes had devoured the remainder. But the have been found, and have reconciled the world to skeleton was entire, and is now one of the curiosities a loss which is inevitable. of St. Petersburg. It stands nine feet four inches in height, and measures sixteen feet four inches in length. Following the curve the tusks extend to

FEELINGS. nine feet six inches. The animal was a male, fur- | A HIGHLY nervous and sensitive organization is nished with a long mane, and coated with a skin a serious calamity to its possessor, while its contrary covered with a reddish wool, adapted therefore to often proves a source of annoyance and irritation to endure a cold climate. During the last year our those who demand the quick and ready sympathy Royal Society received information of a second per- of their friends. “Love me, love my dog" reprelect example having been discovered by a Samoiede sents very fairly what are, in many instances, the in the frozen soil near the eastern arm of the Gulf requirements of friendship. It is not enough for of Obi. It is not improbable that careful explora- some persons to be loved themselves, but everything tions in the vast region of northern Asia, very im- they have must also come in for its share, and must perfectly known at present, may be made with be valued, not for its own merits or on its own acbenefit to the ivory market as well as to natural count, but reflectively, because it belongs to them; history.

and they are disposed to resent, as an injury done Ivory has been known from remote antiquity, and to themselves, any want of appreciation for their appreciated as an ornamental material. Processions dog or their cat, their house, garden, or possessions of human figures are extant on the walls of tombs of any kind. It is an exaggerated idea of the claims ind palaces in Egypt - black, crisp-haired men, evi- of friendship, and opens the door to a host of indilently natives of central Africa — who appear as the rect ways by which scheming and interested persons bearers of presents, among which the tusks of the may cajole and toady their friends. As a rule, none elephant are conspicuous. Phænician traders had are so open to flattery and the arts of the schemer vory in such abundance that the chief seats of their as those who are dependent upon the sympathy of galleys were inlaid with it. " The company of the their friends in all the minute incidents of daily Ashurites have made thy benches of ivory brought life. It does not seem at all unreasonable that it out of the isles of Chittim," Solomon's ships visited should be so, because they who do not suffice, to he shores of the Indian Ocean for the product; and themselves, but who look on every side for consola

the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid tion and strength, must be at the mercy of those
it with the best gold.” The erection of a house of amongst whom they live ; and the chances are that,
vory is named among the acts of Ahab. By the as self is the guiding principle of nine tenths of the
Greeks and Romans this article of luxury was highly world, they become subservient tools, and an easy
valued and extensively used. Homer, in a compara prey in the hands of those who are stronger than
ively primitive age, makes mention of it in the themselves. In friendship, as in everything else, it
palace of Menelaus. Phidias the sculptor produced is difficult to attain the juste milieu. To have and
i statue of Jupiter Olympus of the material, so to value a true friend, and yet to be capable of do
beautiful and imposing, that it was considered a mising without one is the way to retain him. Emerson
ortune to die without having seen it. But modern has well said, that it is better to be a nettle in the
simes supply the most remarkable example on record side of your friend than his echo. The condition
of what may be called its barbaric use. In the six- which high friendship demands is, the ability to do
eenth century Akbar, the Great Mogul, built an without it.”
octagonal hunting-tower of ivory, which is still They who continually need expression and proots
standing, some twenty miles to the west of Agra. of attachment, and who are themselves profuse !
It bristles with one hundred and twenty-eight enor- | their own professions of it, have but little depth
nous tusks disposed in ascending lines, sixteen being soil in which friendship can take root and flourish.
on each of the eight sides.

Theirs is a superficial and excitable nature.. The earliest mention of the product in our national their ceaseless endeavors to elicit expressions of peo iterature is by Chaucer, who describes one of his gard, they are like children who continually rake up haracters in the Canterbury Tales as carrying the soil in order to ascertain what progress the seels

which they have sown are making, and who, in their | they attack it as a grievance, and demand an explaanxiety and curiosity, prevent the possibility of any nation which their friends are, perhaps, unable to crop, and themselves defeat the very object which give, for the very simple reason that there is nothing they desire to attain. It is a very short-sighted to explain. policy to importune our friends for signs of their There is no tyranny like that of friendship and regard. If we are mutually worthy of each other the love when they are not guided and directed by a sentiment will deepen and acquire strength if it is due consideration for mutual claims. One-sided suffered to grow without attracting any special claims will either destroy friendship altogether or notice or remark. That which is “felt and left un- make it a galling chain. The ability to give and said” endures longer than that which is expressed take is a necessary condition to the growth and perin words. In silence and unobtrusiveness earnest- manence of true friendship. An atmosphere of inness and depth are acquired. Feelings which are security always surrounds whatever is independent over indulged and ceaselessly exhibited are ex-of the laws of reason and of justice. Feelings prehaustive; they wear themselves threadbare. Noth- eminently belong to this class, and therefore the ing can bear up against demands which are exigéant undue consideration which is so often given to them, and so become only a weariness and a vexation. and the misplaced importance which is attached to

There are creatures which, in spite of themselves, them in many of the most important passages of our sap the very foundations of friendship by the con- lives, interferes with those mutual obligations which tinual exhibition of ill-regulated feeling. Victims are the foundation and bulwark of friendship. of themselves, they would victimize others. They When any one demands for himself exclusive attenare at the mercy of their own feelings, which, not tion, or interprets the words and gestures of others being under proper control, can sway them at by a standard of his own, arbitrarily laying down a pleasure, and they torment and harass all within law by which he proposes to gauge the hearts and their reach as well as disturb their own rest and conduct of other men, he at once destroys the equipeace of mind. Weak, excitable, and impression- librium of friendship, throws it off its balance, and able, they suffer themselves to be ruled where they converts it into a torment and a pain. alone ought to be masters. Every shadow of the | Fitfulness, which is almost a necessary condition countenance, every inflexion of the voice, every of sensitive nature, destroys the stability without gesture is watched, noted, and commented on. They which true friendship cannot long exist. How often demand of their dearest and 'well-tried friends a whole family is disturbed and made miserable, or reasons for every passing cloud; and if an explana- ill at ease, by the ill-regulated feelings of one of its tion is not given readily and without hesitation, members! Any one who persistently demands the they infer that it must necessarily concern them- most rigid account of every passing change, of every selves, and resent imaginary evils with the most turn of the eye, will infallibly create a gêne where definite displeasure. None of us are exempt from there ought to be full and unquestioned liberty of ordinary cares. Our health varies with the weather thought and action. In some instances it is next to as well as with many other external circumstances ; impossible to maintain our own opinoin, or to refuse our spirits are affected by passing changes; the compliance with an unreasonable request, without struggle of life may be more severe at one time than causing annoyance, because the smallest amount of at another, pressing upon us, and withdrawing our self-assertion and independence is looked upon as an thoughts from other things which have been our offence against friendship. So also if we are not ordinary occupation. Family cares, household and disposed to walk and talk by a given rule, we are domestic duties are not always the same, nor is instantly accused of coldness, indifference, or defecit possible to say beforehand how much or how tion. Whatever in our words or conduct does not little interest we will take in them. A child's health, harmonize with the mind and feelings of our overhis or her prospects in life may force themselves sensitive friends is created into a misdemeanor. A upon our attention, and, for the time, turn away casual expression, delay in answering a letter, a our thoughts from other things.

jest, a laugh, or a smile, are often made the pretext All these cast their shadows across our path, and for the most unfounded reproaches, and we are we are not disposed to render an account of them taken to task severely for harboring thoughts and to our most intimate friends, certainly not at their sentiments which are entirely foreign to the whole request, if they should make it either inopportunely tenor of our lives. or inconsiderately. They, who are themselves ex Women are said to be more under the influence tremely sensitive, are quick to see these passing of their feelings than men. Their natures are more moods, and never rest till they have either ferreted sensitive, more susceptible of external influences. them out or provoked us beyond all power of endur. This constitutes one of their greatest charms. It inance. If their demands are not complied with they vests them with a ready sympathy, a quickness of take it as a grievance, as an injury to themselves appreciation, a kind of intuition by which they gain and a want of confidence. They resent it, affect to an insight into character, and can discover the be wounded by it, shed tears over it, vote them- necessities of the human heart, and apply the remselves martyrs, console themselves with the convic- edy which it needs. We find in woman the most tion that they are not duly appreciated. Suspicious, perfect examples of the beneficial influences of quick distrustful, jealous, and exacting, they weary their feeling, and they also supply instances of the unfriends. They alternate between apprehension and utterable woe which ill-governed, ill-directed feelsatisfaction. At one time their friends suffice, while ings can work. A woman who is her own centre, at another they do not come up to the mark, and, who recognizes no claims but her own, who, being without considering where the fault really lies, herself the sport of feelings which ever vary, requires whether it may not arise from some passing phase of all who are brought within her reach by the ties of their own mind, they do not hesitate to attribute of relationship or of friendship, that they shall be it to their friends, to some uncertainty, some defec- guided in all things by the pulsations of her heart, tion of theirs, and, after increasing this imaginary and the bent of her mind becomes the torment of condition with all the form and semblance of reality | her friends.

There are few who cannot point to some one relieve them from the charges of a male assistant who thus ruffles the lives of her associates, who by The decree has been received with a good deala constantly making grievances of the most trifling astonishment by the Dutchmen, wbo look up acts of her friends, imposes upon them restraints and as the beginning of a systematic invasion of a fetters which effectually destroy that independence line privileges. and freedom of action which are absolutely neces

Görgey, who played so important a part in sary to the healthy condition of friendship. The

late Hungarian insurrection, has just published: most ordinary attention to some third person

sequel to his " Memoirs of the Years 1848 and!" probably nothing more than is required by the com

under the title of “ Letters without an Address" mon courtesies of society - is magnified into disloyalty ; or some casual expression is misconstrued

Leipsic. into a covert sneer or rebuke; or a dull jest is mis- A LONDON wag remarks: “ It is untrue that Har interpreted to mean a mocking jibe; or the sound | Majesty the Queen declines to meet the Sultan of laughter, if not well timed, is an insult. The Turkey on the occasion of his approaching visita smallest incidents awaken suspicion and distrust, this country, on the ground that he is a “hare and become the fertile source of misunderstandings, scarum fellow.” which even the most perfect good-humor and the

Ir is stated that the Emperor Napoleon, out ! most persistent gentleness often fail to remove.

his minute courtesy towards his guest, the Czar, ha Moreover, as explanations are constantly demanded, intercourse with highly-sensitive persons becomes

taken care that no soldier wearing the Crimer hardly worth the rigid circumspection which is

medal shall be on guard at the Elysée. His Rt

sian Majesty could not, however, help seeing a grer necessary in order to live with them on terms of amity. Not to be able to laugh, to chaff, to jest,

many at the review. smile, or speak, except by rule, and without giving The cruelties perpetrated in English slaughter a sufficient reason for our passing moods, strikes at houses on calves appear to be as horrible as airthe root of that liberty without which life is not thing reported of the vivisections of the French worth having

veterinary schools. A late number of the Liverpool It is, however, a great mistake to suppose that Daily Post gives an account of the process by which women have the monopoly of extreme sensitiveness. veal is blanched for the table. The story is simply ? A touchy and sensitive man is infinitely more diffi-shocking. cult to manage. As a man's nature is stronger than

M. RAIMBAUD's horse, which formed the targe a woman's, these peculiarities are more difficult to

o for Berezowski's bullet, and was the sole victim contend against in him than they are in a woman. **

the attempted assassination, is a fine English-bret: It is when self becomes the centre of a man's life,

horse, named “ Cardigan," and had been purchased round which he travels, never getting beyond it,

| by the Emperor of the French, from a well-know that he becomes a nuisance to his friends and an

a hunting-man, Mr. “ Tom” Perceval, of the famous plague and a misery to himself. Any one who con- u.

Haycock Inn, at Wansford, “ in England." tinually contemplates himself, his health, his feelings, or his interests, and who values things so far only as THE Paris correspondent of the Daily News san they minister to his wishes and requirements, who that a little book used in the French Schools with cannot turn his back upon himself even for a single the fiat of M. Duruy, Minister of Public Instruction, moment, nor can lose himself in the sorrows, trou- tells the rising generation that “the Emperor Mas. bles, and eccentricities of others, will degenerate imilian reigns peaceably over a contented people, into something less human, will cease to be a pleas- and that French influence is, thanks to God, forever ure to others, and will be avoided just as men shun established on the South American continent ?" the presence of one who is conspicuous for some

A VARNISH manufacturer of Berlin has adopted gross physical deformity.

a curious method of advertising his varnish at the

Paris Exbibition. He has sent a picture, brilliant FOREIGN NOTES.

coated with the varnish, representing Napoleon 10

and Bismarck shaking hands. Underneath is the A GOOD deal of bad coin is just now current in following inscription in French and German: Paris in the shape of hollow Sovereigns and spuri- This varnish lasts longer than the English. 108 ous Crowns,

double entendre has had a great success. The Indépendance Hellenique says that 10,000 THE Saltan had ordered a splendid necklace of inhabitants of the frontier districts in Thessaly have diamonds as his gift to the Empress Eugenie: emigrated to Greece

has, however, altered his intention, and bas metit ROBERT BUCHANAN's new volume is entitled morphosed the necklace into a model of his Palaes * North Coast Poems." Messrs. Routledge & Sons

of the Sweet Waters, with its shady groves and are the London publishers.

rushing river. The kiosque is encrusted with large

rubies, the river is of diamonds, and the trees ! MR. ARTHUR Rose, more widely known as green enamel. The value of the rubies alone " Mrs. Brown" and " Arthur Sketchley," is to visit exceed 2,500,000f. (100,0001.). this country next winter, on a lecturing tour.

A FRENCH prince has been tried at Paris as 3 The women have just carried a point in Ilolland. I ceiver of embezzled money, and has been fou The Minister of the Interior has issued a decree ad guilty. The criminal is Prince de Crouy-Chmi mitting them to the examination for the position of His offence consisted in receiving as borture bistant apothecarica, - an occupation hitherto re-money 155,000 francs, part of the proceeds of liver stricted exclusively to men. This measure will en- tain forgeries committed a year ago by the end abole country doctors to have their prescriptions of the Sous Comptoir des Chemins de Fer. We muude uploy their wives or daughters, and will thus the cashier and an accomplice were tried, the Prime

absconded; but he recently gave himself up, and ers below, what were these children found talking nas now been sentenced to three years' imprison- about ? About some dead bodies recently dragged nent. Crime is the most democratic thing in the out of the Paddington Canal, coupled with impure world, and brings princes and costermongers to a speculations as to what had been the previous lives level.

of the victims. EDWARD HAWKINS, Esq., many years Keeper of What is declared to be the veritable Asiatic the Department of Antiquities in the British Mu- plague has appeared at Kerbelah, on the Euphrates, seum, lately died in London at the advanced age of and of the two settled Arab tribes - 1,000 strong eighty-eight years. Mr. Hawkins was a link between whom it has attacked, a hundred have been carried a long past and the present generation, many of his

off. A telegraphic report, dated June 4, received friends well remembering his telling them that he

in London from the quarantine inspector at Bagdad, distinctly recalled the form of Dr. Johnson, whom

states that whatever may be the real character of he saw, when a child, a few weeks before the great the malady, its symptoms are clearly those of the author's death.

pest, – typhus fever, glandular swellings, carbunThe Irish papers record the death of Dr. John

cles, and livid spots on the skin. The inducing Anster, the first translator of Goethe's Faust into

causes of the outbreak are supposed to have been English. He was born at Charleville, and showed

the miasma following the late floods, the poverty, a readiness in poetical composition early in life.

filth, and crowded state in which the people live. Fragments of his translation of the first part of

Prompt measures have been taken by the Bagdad Faust appeared in Blackwood's Magazine as long

authorities to prevent the spread of the malady, ago as June, 1820, — which must have been about

and, thanks to these and the great heat of the the time that Shelley also translated some frag

weather, the outbreak is said to be already subsidments of the same poem. Goethe is said to have

ing. In the mean time the Galata Board of Health, been attracted by Mr. Anster's version, and the

at a special meeting, addressed an urgent recomcomplete translation of the first part appeared in a

mendation to the Porte that the closest quarantine volume in 1835. The second part did not appear/ might be ordered by telegraph. till three years ago, when it was noticed in this journal. Dr. Anster also wrote original poems, and

THE TOMAHAWK, the new comic paper, gives was a contributor to the Magazines. At the time

the Pall Mall Gazette the following cut:of his death he was Regius Professor of Civil Law

“ The proprietors of our talented contemporary, in Trinity College, Dublin.

the Pall Mall Gazette, have found the articles upon

the Casual Ward and the • Knobstick 'so successful, A DUEL has taken place between Mâitre Floquet, that they propose (we believe) engaging the followthe harrister who insulted the Czar on the occasioning gentlemen for the purposes marginally speciof the visit to the Palace of Justice, and M. Jacques fied : Delatouche, a member of the editorial staff of thel To write an article descriptive of The Private Pays. The Pays, it will be remembered, bitterly | Life of the Queen.' Mr. Buckstone, disguised as the reprobated M. Floquet's conduct. The result of the Honorable B. D’Israeli. duel was, that M. Floquet received two slight! To write an article upon · The Emperor Napoleon wounds in the hand. It had been arranged that at Home.' Mr. Paul Bedford, disguised as the Prince the affair should terminate in one of the parties re- | Imperial. ceiving a wound serious enough to disable him. To write an article upon · Death on the Scaffold.' After a combat of a few minutes M. Floquet re- Mr. Sothern, disguised as a condemned convict. ceived a wound in the hand, but as he was still able To write an article upon · Life behind the Scenes of to handle his sword the duel continued. A second the Theatre.' The Earl of Shaftesbury, disguised as attack led to another wound, and this time the sur- a premiere danseuse. geon present declared that the injury was serious, To write an article upon · The Mysteries of the and that the combat must cease. The seconds also Roman Inquisition.' Mr. Whalley, disguised as the decided that honor was satisfied, and the parties left Pope. the ground.

To write an article upon · Dramatic Grub Street.'

Mr. Tom Taylor, disguised as an original playMR. Ruskin, in a recent lecture on Art at the wright." London Royal Institution, said that the rage for the sensational now thoroughly taints both literature and SCRIBE, the dramatist, always had a sharp eye for art, and, strange to say, it is always a fact that when the main chance. " His price,” says a late article a nation imbibes this love for the fantastic and sen- in the Gazette Musicale, “at the Théâtre Français, sational, it always also imbibes wild, wolfish ideas of at the Opéra, and at the Opéra Comique, was 1,000 death. At one of the operas in London, lately, he francs an act. Meyerbeer used to regret that he had seen a scene with ballet-dancers capering in the could only obtain poems in five acts, wishing Scribe foreground, and a row of corpses holding the candles to cut his stories shorter ; but Scribe stuck to his behind them. A noble nation is not one which dues, which were to be augmented by the forfeit of would be pleased by any but beautiful and holy 2,000 francs an act in case a work was not given representations of death, yet when an English high at the time stipulated. Thus, for · Les Huguenots' caste audience could sit and view a scene like that he received, at first, the fee of 5,000 francs; but he hall just mentioned, it was not wonderful that Meyerbeer would not send in the score at the time the British people should choose the man they have agreed on, because the Opéra did not provide means chosen to illustrate their Bible. The taste pene- of adequate execution, and so paid a forfeit of trates to the very roots of society. During a recent 30,000 francs, of which Scribe received one third. visit of charity children to Hampstead Heath, with Later, when Meyerbeer consented to give his opera, its grand old trees, its wide stretch of scenery, its he claimed his forfeit back from the theatre; but the clouds and blue sky above, and its humble wild-flow-l poet did not return his share. The Duke of Alba,'

after having been offered to Signor Rossini, was others, as those of the India-rubber plant, must given to Donizetti, who died, in consequence of main nearly two years in the pan. which it was not played. But the management had When cleared from cuticle and cellular tissue, the no less to pay than the 5,000 francs by way of fee, leaves must be bleached in a solution of chloride and the 10,000 of forfeit; in all, 15,000 francs for of lime; a quarter of a pound of powdered chlori, in opera never represented.”

being well stirred into a gallon of water, and the

clear liquid poured off for use when the sedimer: The Spectator says that the Pole who shot at has subsided. In this the skeleton must be immend the Czar is the son of a pianist, who strictly warned during from six to twelve hours, subject to consta him not to engage in revolutionary projects. He examination, and so soon as any leaf appears to had worked in Paris as a gunsmith, received an al-ciently whitened, it must be withdrawn by the stort lowance of 11. 128. a month from the French Gov between the fingers, and plunged into fresh spride ernment, and seems to have been actuated by a fa water. It must be added that fern leaves must be natic idea of relieving Poland from an oppressor. kept for several days in the solution. They ar It is said that the Czar has requested the Emperor slow to bleach, and indeed the difficulty of handling to spare his life, but this is improbable, as the Rus- them at all is commensurate with the beauty ian who made the same attempt last year in St. the result obtained by their successful treatment. Petersburg was not spared. It is believed that the The leaves, reduced to skeletons and whitened irst consequence of the attempt will be the final in- must remain for twenty-four hours in the cold sprin: Corporation of Poland into Russia as an integral water, which should be changed at least twenty portion of the Empire. The Czar has offered a times during the day, until all the chlorine is rebension to the equerry whose horse saved him, and moved from them; they may then be dried between he Czarina has presented him with diamonds worth sheets of blotting paper. 12,0001. Speaking of the assassin, the Morning It will be seen that great labor is required, great Star's Paris gossip says: “ It has been thought ne- delicacy of handling, and great patience, in order essary to amputate the thumb of Berezowski's shat- to obtain success : even a dexterous manipulator ered hand, but in spite of this and other precau- will mostly have to set twenty failures against one ionary measures, M. Calvo, the surgeon in attend completed specimen. For those who, knowing the ince, still fears that gangrene may set in. The difficulties, think that they are justified by the prisoner is never lost sight of ; but this surveillance, beauty of the result, it is hoped that these instrue considering the state he is in, is almost ridiculous. tions will be found sufficiently instructive and miHe occupies, at the Conciergerie, the room which is nute. generally allotted to great murderers, or to those who are sentenced to death. It is situated just ibove the cell formerly inhabited by Marie Antoi

SONG OF MARGARET. nette. It is a low, flat-vaulted chamber, with plain grooves. Marshal Ney, Verger, and Orsini, were Ay, I saw her, we have met, — ilso imprisoned in this room. Although Berezow

Married eyes how sweet they be, ki still persists in denying that he had any accom Are you happier, Margaret, blices, numerous arrests of Poles have taken place

Than you might have been with me? ince his incarceration. The place where he per Silence! make no more ado! petrated his daring act is daily visited by crowds of Did she think I should forget ? people. Photographers, painters, and landscape Matters nothing, though I knew, irtists are there to be seen endeavoring to repro

Margaret, Margaret. luce every detail of the exact spot where happened his dramatic scene."

Once those eyes, full sweet, full shy,

Told a certain thing to mine; A Writer in “ Eyes and No Eyes” gives the fol What they told me I put by, owing directions for preparing Skeleton Leaves.

O, so careless of the sign. Skeleton leaves are formed by removing from a leaf

Such an easy thing to take, or seed-vessel of a plant the cuticle, or external

And I did not want it then; kin, and the cellular tissue; the woody fibres which Fool! I wish my heart would break, 'emain compose the skeleton.

Scorn is hard on hearts of men. Some leaves, having no woody fibre, cannot be bus anatomized; the following list comprises those

Scorn of self is bitter work, which have been found best suited to the process.

Each of us have felt it now: LEAVES. — India-rubber, butcher's broom, pepul, Bluest skies she counted mirk, naple, lemon, orange, tulip-tree, magnolia, pear, Self-betrayed of eyes and brow; retch, thistle, ivy, holly, berberry, hornbeam.

As for me, I went my way, SEED-Vessels. — Canterbury bell, poppy head, And a better man drew nigh, horn-apple (datura stramonium), malope, hyoscya Fain to earn, with long essay, nus, honesty, calyx of hydrangea.

What the winner's hand threw by. The leaf or seed-vessel must be placed in a deep an filled with rain-water, and must remain there Matters not in desert old intil it is so far decomposed that the cuticle and What was born, and waxed and yearned, ellular tissue may be removed from the fibre by the Year to year its meaning told, help of a brush and a small pair of pliers. The

I am come, – its deeps are learned. ime required for maceration will depend upon the Come, but there is nought to say, haracter of the plant, the age of the leaf immersed, Married eyes with mine have met. ind the temperature of the air at the time of im Silence! 0, I had my day, mersion. In hot weather some leaves, as those of Margaret, Margaret. he tulip-tree, will be decomposed in three days; I


Printed at the University Press, Cambridge, by Welch, Bigelow, & Co., for Ticknor and Fields. ,

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