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| pooh-pooh the gallant “Flaunters"; but without A TALE OF “ THE DERBY.” *

effect, for their neat pink cards - signed by CapTIE “Flaunters” had arrived in the Royal Bar- tains Ralph Mosscroft and Halse-Lynden — were as racks, Dublin.

eagerly sought after, as if Lords Lieutenant, gentleThe “Flaunters” were a crack corps ; more so men-at-large, and so forth, had never existed. than many dragoon regiments of the second order; Captain Halse-Lynden was a handsome man. A much more so than any flying battery of the gun very handsome man, — of that type which we call ners, and infinitely more so than the “Old Slows," Saxon, for want of a better term. Clean cut feawhom they had relieved, and who had been con- tures of a very light brown complexion, bright blue, signed to the congenial dreariness of the Mediter- | laughing eyes, long brown whiskers, and a silky, ranean.

golden mustache, falling naturally, and free from The “Flaunters” had publicly announced that the greasy abominations of the Burlington Arcade. they were going to be very gay. They purposed And as we see him now, when getting into “mufti," opening the campaign with a grand fancy ball, to be after morning parade, we must confess that he is as followed by a series of picnics, and concluded, at fair a specimen of the English swell, as any other the commencement of the leave season, by amateur gentleman of our acquaintance. theatricals. So the upper ten — or shall we say “Giles, a collar, - no, not that; one of the new one? — thousand of the good city of Dublin were ones, - that's it. Now brush my hat, — and, Giles !” considerably elated or depressed, and rejoiced or “Yes, sir.” mourned according to their various temperaments. " Step over, with my compliments, to the colonel's

Papas groaned over the tightness of the money- quarters, and ask if he has any more friends for the market, and took another glass of the “fine old ball list. I'm going down to the Castle Guard to port," as they execrated the Fenians, whose sad es complete it with Captain Mosscroft." capades had so materially affected the value of “ All right, sir.” And the faithful Giles left the landed property; clever mamma's mentally ran up room. the amounts of milliners' bills already due, and * And, Giles !” framed lists of those who would stand further addi “Yes, sir,” answered the servant, returning. tion to their outstanding accounts, and of others who “Has the company been paid yet ?” might be induced to dispose of their silken wares « Not yet, sir." without prospect of immediate payment; fair daugh Well, take this fiver' to Mr. Scott, with my ters with brilliant complexions and dazzling eyes compliments, and ask him to pay it." revelled in unbounded spirits at the thoughts of all “Right, sir.” the fun and jollity before them. Georgiana in her The captain went on with his toilet, – pinning a first season, thinking that, no doubt, her pretty face, necktie, - scrutinizing the ball-list, trying various and merry, witty manner would at once procure for coats and waistcoats, looking over the notes and her a capital match; Mary Anne, verging thirty- pencilled cards that littered the table, – muttering wards, determined that now or never was her oppor- at times to himself, the while he smoked a cigar. tunity of netting an eligible husband; while the “Hem, - odd the Carters arnt down, — Larhandsome, big, lounging sons, who lived and dressed kins ? that long, hunting fellow? — Yes, best to well (the eighth wonder of the world) on apparently have him. Hem, - Marsh, two daughters, -over“ nothing a year and no allowances," looked eagerly stocked with ladies already. Hang that fellow ! forward to pleasant dinners at The “Flaunters”” he's crushed this coat so that it's not fit to be seen. mess, with a little « Van-John" or Loo, and a broiled Let me see, - cards, - list, - cigar-case; that's all bone or so, as an appropriate finish.

right”; as he felt his pockets. "Now these letters, The “Flaunters" were as good as their word; and what a nuisance they are. Hem, - Governor's in due course all Merrion Square, Stephen's Green, weekly sermon, - Dun, dun, dun"; as he sorted the and the adjacent aristocratic streets were worked up results of the morning's post that were lying on his to a state of nervous excitement concerning the in- desk; “ Amy, - a parcel of her bosh, - I wonder vitations to the fancy ball, which were distributed how girls can write such rubbish, — Hem, - Hem, with great impartiality and with a total disregard Garstein begs to remind, --cursed bill of his for for the injunctions of the Castle Yard clique ; which £250,- hopes it will be duly met, - Hem, - money latter was thereby mortally offended, and tried to scarce, — bah!- Mrs. Duffy presents her compli

ments and would be glad if — dare say you would, * From the advance sheets of London Society for Jaly, 1867. Told girl, but really can't - Kyne? Who the dev —” “ Colonel's compliments, sir, and he has no more the subalterns of the guard, Wilton and Monter. names for your list."

coming in at that moment from visiting their “Ha! - well. Run and fetch me an "outside,'tries, the trio forthwith fell to diseussing their brother Giles."

officer, as is the wont of men under similar cireboAnd Captain Halse-Lynden lit a fresh cigar, put stances. on his hat and flesh-colored gloves, and, jaunty cane “How does Lynden stand for the Derby, do se in hand, took a farewell glance of himself in the know, Mosscroft?” asked Wilton. glass ere he commenced to descend from his elevated “ Badly, I imagine. In fact he almost told D. quarters.

that the reason he exchanged into us last March * "I say, Lyndens can you let me have an invite because he had made an awful muddle of his bo for Coombes ?” asked Sydney Dalton, coming out ting-book, and wanted to have the tin ready to cez of the mess-house, at the door of which Halse-Lyn- himself: Loyse gave him a whole pot of money for den was waiting for his car.

the exchange." “Now, my dear fellow, pray be reasonable! The “Odd, was n't it, to exchange so long before the list is quite filled up, and besides your young grazier race ? Could n't he hedge ? » is hardly –

| “No, my boy. He could n't get the bets a “Yes, and that's the fellow that Montresor heard wanted, - he was too deep in the mud for that discoursing so freely about pups of ensigns' at the Besides, he found the · Plungers' a deuced sight to Brady's hop,' interrupted a gallant young standard- expensive.” bearer of the · Flaunters.

Io Pooh! his governor is as rich as a Jew; is be “ Is he? O well, never mind him, then. We'll not, Montresor?” have pups enough, without pups of graziers.'” I “ Yes ; he's one of the wealthiest men in the city,

“O, Lynden, have you arranged with the mess- but rather a screw, I fancy, and not very fond man for the picnic next Monday ?” asked the colo- opening his money-bags to Master Halse. All his nel as he joined the group.

I people are awfully rich, but all quite as close as be “Ingram is to manage all about that, colonel. Il is extravagant," answered Paul Montresor, who was must be off to the Castle Guard-room now. Any distantly connected with the Lyndens. of your fellows be at the club this afternoon? I'm “Ah! well,” sighed Wilton, flinging himself on a going to play Jarvis of the ‘Plungers’ at billiards, couch, “ as long as a fellah has moneyed people at b for a couple of 'fivers,' at three. Ta, ta. Now back, bis kites are sure to fly, so it's all the same jarvey, steam ahead!” and Captain Halse-Lynden I wish I had a jolly old aunt, rolling in money, and tucked his right leg under him in the most approved very fond and proud of me, and all that sort a style, and leaned on the centre cushion, as the car- thing, would n't I go it!”. man whirled him out of the barrack square, and “Lynden has an old aunt, — Mrs. Halse, - modt down the Liffey quay, at a most astonishing pace. ing in money, but she is not exactly jolly, too relish

The guard-room in the Upper Castle Yard is a ious and May-meetingish for that. She used to up! dirty, frowzy hole; so, at least, said Captain Ralph Lynden heavily until he took to keeping race-horses, Moorcroft, its present occupier, who certainly had a when she threw him over altogether." And Mon right to give an opinion on the subject, if experience tresor lounged on the cushion in the window beside 1 of all the guard-rooms in the United Kingdom went his revered captain. for aught. And while the gallant Captain is lean- “Hang it all! I wish he'd come up. What od ing on that time-honored, crimson cushion that has, earth can he be saying to that fool all this time beyond the memory of man, occupied a conspicuous I say, Wilton, tell a corporal to go down and call position on the sill of the window that looks out on him, will you, like a good fellow ?" the Hibernian Bank and Cork Hill, and musing on “0, bother !” yawned the lazy Wilton. the hardness of the lines that confines him to duty | “Ah, never mind; he's coming now," continued on such a glorious May-day, we will just run over Mosscroft, as he perceived Halse-Lynden making such little prominences of his character as are most his way towards the guard-bouse. apparent.

“ 'Morning, Mosscroft. We must finish off those He was an enthusiastic carpet-knight, and noth-invites at once," said Lynden, as he entered ing could ever induce him to venture his precious | room. “What a lazy beggar you are, Wilton, person beyond the limits of Great Britain and Ire the sofa at this time of day! O, Montresor, Herre! land, a well-managed series of exchanges always wants you to play in the Garrison v. I Zingari to keeping him on home service. He was master of a morrow week. Can you ?”. tolerable income, which he warily added to with the “I suppose I must, but it will be an awful grillu, aid of his billiard-cue, and a judicious use of the coming between our first picnic and the ball. " flats," - cards and men, - and with “knowing”! “Let me see; this is the 1st ; Monday, the bets, picked up, for the most part, when men's blood the picnic; and the ball 's not till the 11th.” was inflamed with wine. He was a capital fellow you will have a day's rest between each event. to have in a regiment, as he promoted and managed “Wash out your mouth, Lynden ? " asked balls, picnics, and such like with a skill almost equal croft. “ Sherry and seltzer, or soda and B?" to that of a professed M. C. He was a tolerable “Soda, please, with jest a sketch of sperma shot, a tolerable rider to hounds, a tolerable flirt, - through it,' as they say here. We were up awiu and, in short, one of those mild “admirable Crich-late last night at Morris's, - played lansquenet tons” that are so very useful, and somewhat orna- all was blue!” mental, in garrison life. One spark of feeling of “How did you come off ? " any sort - save for himself - he had never dis- “0, pretty well. Landed a dozen skivs, au played ; and therein lay his strength.

thought myself deuced lucky.” As Captain Mosscroft leaned out of the guard- “I like lansquenet,” remarked Wilton; "there room window, he spied Halse-Lynden, who had dis- no bother about it. You stakes your money, an missed his car, standing at the bottom of Cork Hill you takes your-" in conversation with one of the aides-de-camp; and I “Chance. Right; it's as simple as pitch and


toss,' and so exactly suits your mental incapacity, meet the inevitable losses on his muddled Derby Wilton,” interrupted Mosscroft.

betting-book, and as "settling-day” was rapidly ap" You be hanged !” was the only answer vouch- proaching, that money could not be touched. safed by the occupant of the sofa.

Mrs. Halse, the wealthy and childless aunt, whom “Now, look here, Lynden. Let us polish off these Montresor spoke of in the guard-room, would not last invitations, and have done with the job. Give assist him with one shilling, since her morality had me the list; and do you fill in the cards.”

been shocked by Lynden's horse-racing escapades. “ No; let Montresor write them. I'm too shaky Old Mr. Lynden was not that easy-going sort of until I've had my peg."

governor with which some fellows are blessed, and “ Well, ring the bell. Now, Monty, take those was likely, in spite of his great wealth, to cut up cards and fire away, as I read out the names," said excessively rough if asked by his son for any further Mosscroft ; and the two set busily to work while help, more particularly as he allowed that young Halse-Lynden carefully measured out half a glass of gentleman a considerable annual income, and had brandy into a large tumbler, and taking a bottle of already twice paid his debts; so matters altogether iced soda-water from the hands of the waiter, undid looked very "fishy," and the gallant captain was, as the fastenings, and waited with thirsty eyes until the he said himself, " in a hole." Thinking over his gas forced the cork up to the ceiling with a loud affairs did not make them appear one bit brighter, * pop," and the fizzing contents foamed into the so with a sigh Halse-Lynden at length arose from tumbler, whence the delicious compound was at once his dismal revery, having come to the conclusion transferred to the expectant throat, down which it that there was nothing for it but to run over to crackled and hissed like cold water thrown on red- London and make a humiliating personal applicahot iron.

tion to his father. This was Saturday, Monday, the “ Hah! that's decidedly better,” remarked Lyn-14th, was the day for the second picnic, and that den, after this “ pick-me-up," as he leaned out of the he could n't miss ; so our hero determined to avail front window with Wilton, and amused himself by himself of the “Derby leave," which a paternal criticising the many specimens of Irish beauty that Horse Guards grants to all those who wish to atpassed up Cork Hill, and in superintending the la- tend our annual saturnalia, and start by the early bors of the Government clerks in the opposite build- boat on Tuesday morning en route for town. ing, who were busily engaged in managing the Monday the 14th was a glorious summer day, and gossip of the country and noting the contents of the the sun shone on the revellers at the “Flaunters'” newspapers of the day.

second picnic to the Glen of the Downs, as if its By two o'clock the cards were all finished and services had been especially hired for the occasion. despatched, and after a light lunch, Lynden found At two the numerous throng of hosts and guests sat it was time to start for the club in Stephen's Green, down under the shade of the magnificent oak-trees, and strolled leisurely down the Lower Castle Yard, and immediately a feu de joie of champagne corks regaling himself with a cigar, and, between the puffs, proclaimed the event to the rooks and beggars who gently humming the opening bars of the Guards' were hanging on the outskirts of the fête, in eager Waltz.

anticipation of sharing the relics of the banquet. It The “Flaunters'" ball on the 11th - Black Fri. was indeed a brilliant scene; the gay colors of the day as it has been called — was a grand success, ladies' dresses, the more sober costume of the men, and was but little affected by the stunning telegraphic the glitter of the polished plate and glass, the news of the awful panic in the city ; for your Dub-mingled show of china, flowers, and ice-misted, lin merchant is not of a speculative nature, and silver-necked Mozel flasks, and long snowy tablekeeps what little money he has in tolerably safe in-cloth, contrasting well with the great, gnarled stems vestments, so while the princes of London commerce of the mighty oaks, and the bright-green of the sumwere plunged in dread and dismay, their brethren mer grass, -- and all was fun and joviality, spark on t'other side the Channel were revelling, with ling conversation, jokes, and pleasant merriment. their wives and daughters, at the “Flaunters'” ex- Halse-Lynden was in his natural element, and was pense, in all the delights of the gorgeous fancy ball. the life and soul of the party, while his brother ofAll entertainments of this sort are, I take it, much ficers acted up to their well-won reputation of being the same in their general features, and only vary in the pleasantest hosts in all the service. the greater or lesser degrees of splendor which they 1 The fun was at its height when an outside car exhibit. Suffice it then to say that the unanimous was perceived driving rapidly along the road from verdict passed upon this one given by the “Flaun-Dublin, and our hero saw, with undefined uneasiters” was, that it outshone anything of the same ness, that it bore his servant, Giles, who jumped off kind ever seen before in Dublin, and was a success and came over to seek his master with a yellowish à merveille.

letter in his hand. When Captain Halse-Lynden arose at a late hour. * What is it, Giles?” eagerly questioned Lynden, the following morning he was suffering from a head in an undertone. ache, which was not diminished when he found! - Telegram, sir, marked immediate.'” amongst his letters one from Garstein, the Jew He opened the envelope. It contained but one who held his bill for 2501. - in which the wily Is-line - Lynden and Co. stopped payment at noon," raelite refused to entertain an application for a re- — and had been sent by his father's confidential newal, and insisted that the bill should be taken up clerk. when due, on Monday the 21st instant. Halse- “Good God!" gasped Halse-Lynden, as he Lynden cursed the panic, which, no doubt, had in- turned ghastly pale, but almost immediately his presfluenced the money-lender in his decision, and, over ent situation recurred to his mind, and gulping two or three cigars, set himself to consider the down a glass of champagne to hide his confusion, he gloomy position of his affairs, and to bammer out a collected his thoughts for a moment, and then whisplan whereby they migbt be righted. The proceeds pered to Giles, — of his exchange from his old“ Plunger” regiment “Go back to barracks at once. Pack a portmanto the “Flaunters" had been carefully laid by to teau with everything for a few days; take it down to Kingstown, and meet me there in time for the able amount of mutual objurgation. Halse-Lynda seven o'clock Holyhead boat. Look sharp, now!" was to be present at the Derby the next day, #: And Giles made the best of his way back to carry nothing had happened, and endeavor to promout his master's directions.

gate such a version of his father's suspension " Anything amiss, Lynden ?” asked Mosscroft, would induce the belief that his difficulties mer who alone bad marked our hero's discomposure at merely of a temporary nature; and on the Thursday lunch, as they lounged apart from the ladies. was to try and procure the name of a brother of

“No, nothing particular," prevaricated Lynden ; cer, - numbers of whom would be in town, – to i " the governor 's rather seedy. I think I'll cross renewal bill for Garstein, on the grounds that has the Channel to-night, and not wait for you fellows Derby losses were heavier than he anticipate to-morrow morning. I suppose the colonel won't Failing in this attempt, our hero was to " send object?”

his papers, giving the Jew a first check on the * 0, not he. We'll meet at Epsom, I sup- price of his commission. Poor Lynden's mind pose ?

in such a state of excitement that he failed to “Of course. You're safe to land a pot’on that the turpitude of this conduct, and he willingly lesi beast Lord Lyon.”

| himself to the plans of the wily usurer, whose on! “Yes, I fancy so," answered Mosscroft, and the object, of course, was his own security.. two strolled up and down until it was time to rejoin the fair sex, when, in spite of bis aching heart, Lyn-! Lord Lyon ! Lord Lyon !” was screamed and den was the gayest of the gay, and danced on the shouted again from the top of a drag on which a smooth turf and flirted with greater assiduity and number of the “Flaunters ” were crowded, as the (apparently) higher spirits than any of his compeers. noble horse rushed past like a whirlwind to his triTowards six o'clock Halse-Lynden slipped away umphant goal on the memorable 16th May: an. from the festive scene, and, calling Montresor, hur- “ Lord Lyon's number! Lord Lyon wins!” was to riedly explained matters to him, and begging him echoed, and repeated with a wild yell from the not to mention them, asked him to drive back the same shaky elevation, as the telegraph proclaimed drag which he himself had “tooled ” down with him the victor. such éclat ; and then chartering the swiftest-looking! Halse-Lynden, though a heavy loser, partly from “outside” which he could find, drove at a break- excitement, and partly from the copious draughts a neck pace into Kingstown, where he picked up “ fizz” in which he had indulged to drown the Giles and his portmanteau just in time to catch the thoughts of his dreary prospects, shouted and yelled boat.

with the best, and was as gay and jolly over the

subsequent wine-crowned lunch as if he had been Mr. Garstein sat in the back drawing-room of a the winner of thousands, instead of the loser of house in New Bond Street that called hiin master, many more hundreds than he could afford, and at eleven o'clock in the morning of the day preced-seemed in such bounding high spirits, that even ing the Derby, and drearily conned his bill-book. those who knew most about his father's mishap At half past a Hansom drew up at his door, and were quite deceived. On the road home, - at the Captain Halse-Lynden came bounding up the stair | bacchanalian dinner at Lane's hotel, - in the will case, three steps at a time.

orgies of Cremorne, prolonged until the insulted "Well, Garstein, you know the news, of course?” | sunlight drove the pallid revellers home, Halse-1.17

" Moses ! I do, Captain Lynden; and vat will den shone pre-eminent, and outdid all his fellows you do now?”

in the riotous exuberance of his conduct. . “Do ? I'm d- d if I know. I've been to see Late in the afternoon of the following day our the poor governor, — he's in an awful state; and I hero awoke with a fearful headache that brands thought I might as well come on, and have it out and soda-water was utterly powerless to allay, with you. We are all utterly ruined !”

awoke to find conscience and the Jew "tapping at " And von't you pay my little bill, captain?” his chamber-door.” The latter cautions son whined out the Jew.

Mammon had no intention of letting his victim sup “Pay your little bill! Hang it all, don't I tell through his fingers, and was quite determined to you I'm ruined !- utterly ruined, man!”

keep a very close watch on him until his claim was “ But your commission, captain ; you might give satisfied ; so poor Lynden had the pleasure of going me a check on your commission."

through the refreshing operations of the bath, the “ Sell my commission !--- and what the deuce am I toilet-table, and breakfast under the inspection to live on then ? No, no, my little usurer; you Mr. Garstein, who talked so uninterruptedly : must renew ; it's your only chance of getting your made so many suggestions as to his monetary money."

| fare, that our hero's attention was diverted, and “ Renew! Mein Gott! Renew de bill of a hardly noticed the impudence of the intrusion. man dat is quite broken! No, captain, — But,” he Before soliciting his brother-officers' assistance asked, after a pause, “but, could you give me de which he was very loath to ask, Lynden determir name of a broder officer in de new bill ? "

to have “one more shot,” as he phrased it, at Mrs. “ Hem, - well, perhaps I might: but don't think Halse; but on presenting himself and his shadow I can take up that cursed 2501. without. The price indeed they were driving in that gentleman's nato of my commission would n't half cover my debts : cabriolet - at his aunt's house, he was refused audio and I must have time to look about me. I'm not tance. So that chance was gone; and the pair, hopius going to sell for your d d convenience.”

against hope, proceeded to Kensington, where they “Well, captain, my goot sar, don't be in a passion; learned that Mr. Lynden, Sen., with his daughters take a glass of dat goot sherry wine, and we will had left the previous evening for France; and talk it over wit a cigar.”

– now thoroughly dejected - hero was further The results of the consultation over the "goot formed by a confidential old servant of his fa sherry wine" and cigar may be briefly stated, that the means for the journey had been supplies though they were not arrived at without a consider- by Mrs. Halse, who had driven down and sootbcu il



and comforted the unhappy old man and his only matters right. I'd try it, sir, if I was you. Longirl, and had insisted on their accepting a certain don is a dangerous place when one is out of sorts." fixed allowance until matters could be cleared up; “By Jove, I believe you 're right, John! There but that on Miss Amy mentioning her brother's 's no good staying here to be bullied by duns, and name, the good lady had flown into a violent pas- sneered and pointed at by a pack of d- d felsion, and loudly declared that she would have noth-lows. I'll be off by to-night's mail.” ing further to say to “such a disreputable horse- " That is the best plan, depend upon it, sir; and jockey!” This was pleasant news with a vengeance! I'll tell the cook to have a comfortable dinner for And Atra Cura swung triumphantly on the foot- you at seven, — and, sir, — and excuse me, Captain board beside Mr. Garstein's small tiger," as the Lynden, - but if ten or twenty pounds or so, - to cabriolet left the house in Kensington, and was go on with — driven at a furious pace in the direction of Lane's. “Thanks, John, thanks; but I'm amply supplied

In this world-renowned caravanserai, and the ad. for the present. Though God only knows how I may jacent military haunts, lay Lynden's last hope of be in a few days !” And as the kind-hearted waiter obtaining assistance in his dire need; and here left the room poor Lynden was quite overcome, and shaking off for a time his Jewish bloodsucker, he actually sobbed in the bitterness of his heart, as he commenced his fruitless quest. Poor Halse-Lyn-contrasted the generous offer that had just been den! Could any of his former gay companions made him, with the coolness and contempt of those conceive bim fallen to the low pitch in which we whom he called his “ intimate friends." now find him, as he goes from hotel to hotel, from Haggard, pale, ghastly, sick in mind and body, room to room, abased and humiliated to the very Halse-Lynden drove up the following morning to the earth, as refusal after refusal meets his half shame- Royal Barracks, and going straight to his quarters, deadened ear, would they not at once step forward, sent his servant to ask Mr. Montresor to step over. to help for a little while one who had ever been “Look here, Monty," he eagerly began, as Paul most free and generous to them when in trouble of entered the room ; “don't think I'm going to ask any kind ? No; not one of them.

you to help me — ” Such is “fast” life. Let a man but show the “I wish I could, old fellow, but —” slightest symptoms of sinking, and his former boon “I know, I know. I don't want you to, - but I companions turn away from him, and eject him do want your advice. Two heads are better than from their herd, even as the wild deer do when one one. I'll show you exactly how I stand, and then of their flock is stricken with some dread forest you can tell me what you think I ought to do." plague. So when poor Lynden, half heart-broken,!' The liabilities, when set down in plain figures, drearily gave up his endeavor, and returned to the presented a formidable array; for, in addition to the snug smoking-room at Lane's, he felt that it was all 2501. of Garstein's, there were other heavy debts over with him, and that in vain — for who had not which were urgently put forward for payment now heard of the awful smash of Lynden and Co.?- ! that the failure of Lynden and Co. was publicly might he seek amongst his fine-weather associates known. In fact, the price of Lynden's commission for one helping hand. But stay, - there was one would only just cover the total amount; and Monhumble, but true-hearted man; one who had acted tresor thought it most likely that the creditors would for many years in the various capacities of mother, I press matters, and force his friend to sell out, unless father, doctor, paymaster, and nurse to many a some sop could be at once thrown then, in the shape world-tossed young gentleman-at-arms; one who, in of a percentage on their several accounts. Garthis time of sore distress, came to our poor hero as stein, for one, would be certain to have his bill prohe was drearily sucking his last lonely cigar, and tested, if it could not be renewed with first-rate cheered him, and gave him good and sound advice. names on its back. This was John, the time-honored protector of many This was the rock on which the ship would founa distressed subaltern, and the excellent bead waiter der, unless it could be tided over by some unforeseen at Lane's.

wave of good fortune. "I'm sorry to hear of your misfortune, Captain Montresor was a very poor man, and barely Lynden," said John, in a quiet, respectful tone, as managed to "hold on” in the “Flaunters” with be entered the room, “but I hope it's not quite so his small means; and, besides, was engaged to a serious. When will you please to have dinner Miss Branston, – a great friend, by the way, of sir ? "

Mrs. Halse, – and the only money he had, was laid ' Dinner! Ugh!- I have n't much appetite by to purchase his company. left for dinner, John. Never mind it just now; “But, Mosscroft ? He 'll renew the bill for me, I'm but get me some brandy and soda. I'm regularly sure. I've often and often helped him at a pinch."

| Montresor sbook his head. "Mosscroft is a very “I would n't drink brandy, sir. Shall I get you good sort of fellow in his way, but you might as a glass or two of champagne instead; it 's not so well try to pump honey out of a dunghill as to perheating ? " suggested John.

| suade him to risk a halfpenny for you, or any other “Very well; perhaps it will be better. And, I living being.” say, John, is Captain Mosscroft in yet?"

| “Well, I'll try him, anyhow, when he arrives," “Captain Mosscroft, sir ? He went down to the said Lynden, in a dogged tone ; " and now, Monty, country to-day, and rejoins on Saturday without I must lie down. I'm fairly dead beat, and must coming through town."

have some sleep." “ The devil he does! What an unlucky beggar Captain Mosscroft did not arrive in Dublin until I am! He is my last hope. I don't know what on late on Saturday night, and went almost immediearth to do now !”.

ately to bed. “Would n't it be best to rejoin your regiment at The next morning a tap came at his door, and once, sir ? ” quietly insinuated John. “You would Halse-Lynden walked in. be better able to see your way there, and the colo- "I want to ask you, Mosscroft, to lend me your nel might be able to put you in the way of setting name to renew a bill of mine that Garstein holds."

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