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" Phew, my dear fellow, but how much is it?" asked Mosscroft, who pretended ignorance for “My dear, how pale you are. And I decla reasons of his own.

your eyes are as red as if you had been crying “Only two hundred and fifty, - for three said Mrs. Halse, as Miss Branston got into her exmonths. I'll make it all right then or sell." riage for a drive in Ilyde Park, towards the late

"Two hundred and fifty! My dear Lynden,- end of July. " What's the matter, dear?" o if it was fifty, now, or even one hundred, I could, tinued the kind old lady, as she observed tean iz perhaps, lend you the money; but a bill for such — the eyes of her young friend. really I -"

“It's nothing, dear Mrs. Halse; but Paul, “ Will you do it for me or not ? " asked Lynden, Paul, — Mr. Montresor —' passionately.

“ So that young man has been getting into a “I really can't, Lynden ; but ”

scrape, has he? I declare it's quite dreadful the way “ But you won't. Pah!" snorted Lynden, in dis- young men go on in that soul-destroying, borrid reg. gust, as he turned short round and walked out of ment. There's that scapegrace nephew of mine the room, slamming the door violently behind him, “ Paul is in no scrape, dear Mrs. Halse," earnes and made for his own quarters.

ly pleaded Miss Branston ; “ only Major Quintin is In his rooms he found Garstein sitting, who had going to sell out, and Paul can't purchase his conlost no time in following our hero, - and closely ex- pany because, - because " amining the numerous duns that strewed the table. "Because, I suppose, he 's spent all his mones

"All up with me, my little skinflint !” said poor Foolish fellow! I declare I'm quite disgusted with · Lynden, who was now rendered quite reckless by him!” his troubles ; " Mosscroft won't do it, and so there's “0, dear Mrs. Halse, indeed, indeed it's not be nothing left for it but to send in my papers, and fault, - and — " give a check on my commission for your infernal And then the whole story of how the greater bill, and then go to the Devil my own way." portion of Montresor's money was spent came out

“Mein Gott, Captain Lynden, don't speak so. and Mrs. Halse was dreadfully indignant, and Berhaps in time all may be right. I want de mon-opened all the phials of her wrath, and, - mar ey, but only begause de money-market —"

say it of such a fine lady? — abuse on her unfor"D- n the money-market, and you too! I tunate nephew's head. don't want any of your humbug now. Shove over However, the result of it all was good ; and In that foolscap, and I'll send in my papers at once, Halse took care that Paul Montresor should not and then write you a check. I suppose you lose his chance of purchasing his step; and further, would n't be satisfied unless you saw the letter act-paid off all the claims against her graceless nephew ually go to the colonel ?”

only insisting that he should exchange from the "Well, you see, Mr. Lynden — "

“Flaunters," who were, as she informed the fair “0, don't bother me with your cursed . non- Lizzie Branston, “ a sadly dissipated set, my dear. sense! Here goes !” And Halse-Lynden wildly Halse-Lynden is now in India, where he can cus began to write a formal application “to be allowed tivate his taste for horse-racing without very much to retire from the service by the sale of his commis- detriment - in a pecuniary sense at least - to sion." This finished, he called in Giles, and de- prospects. spatched him with the papers to the adjutant. " And now, how shall I word the check for you?

ERRORS OF THE PRESS. Gentlemen, please pay Louis Garstein""

THERE is a certain mistrust, characterized by a 6. Out of the proceeds of my commission,'” the feeling of soreness, generally existing between Jew was interrupting, when the door of the room professional writer for the press and the printer. was thrown open, and Paul Montresor came in.

does not amount to much, and it is somewhat less in What the deuce are you doing, Lynden ?”

the present day than it was in the last generation. * (), I've sent in my papers, and am giving this because printers print better than they did thirty or beggar a check for his money”; and Lynden con forty years ago, and writers are less careless than tinued writing.

they were at that date. Still, the mutual misgiving “ But stay, — stay a moment. Look here, Lyn

is entertained, and is kept alive by the recurrence: den; I dare say I sha'n't want that purchase-money

more or less frequent, of "errors of the press," whit of mine that is lying at Cox's," said Montresor; "at

the writer invariably attributes to the printer, anu least yet awhile, so you can have the use of it."

the printer does all he can to lay it to the credi “O, no, Monty ; I could n't think of it. Heav-the writer * There are faults, however, on Dou ens, man, it would ruin your prospects !”

sides, though, if we were called upon to decide wb "Not a bit of it. Look here, now. I'll give this

| lies the preponderance of blame, we should feed fellow a check at once, and we 'll talk over paying

over paying bound greatly to exonerate the printer, who is rare! the others afterwards. Now don't be a fool, Lyn- | chargeable with more than a tithe of the blunt den. If the worst comes to the worst, there is placed to his account, - we are speaking, of cours plenty of time to sell when I want the money?"

of printers who are printers, and not of the mere "Ó, Monty, my dear fellow, I could n't, — I proprietors of types and presses, of whom there can't," and the tears fairly came to poor Lynden's eyes. I too many who have no adequate notion of the print

« 0, bother. It 'll all be right, I dare say. Now I er's function. you, sir," continued Paul, addressing the Jew, Errors of the press occur to a much larger extent “ here's a check for your money. Now give me than the reading public is generally aware of, the bill, and take yourself off out of this."

may even be perpetuated through one edition antes Garstein eagerly clutched the check, and hav



* An amusing instance lately occurred in connection with us ing satisfied himself as to its correctness, handed

maica prosecutions. Mr. Stephen was made to say in the over Halse-Lynden's original acceptance, and de that he treated Mr. Eyre as he had often treated obscene and parted from the room with much more glee than he

teresting criminals. Every one saw that this was a misprut

obscure, but the printer or editor persisted in stating that the had experienced when entering.

was in the manuscript.

connection with the Ja

2 misprint for


another for centuries, until the blunder, or the wrong | he first published his print of the “ March to Finchreading, has altogether displaced the right reading, ley,” he dedicated it to George II. ; but that royal which, through lapse of time and changes in the sig-booby took offence at the innocent satire, and nification of words, becomes altogether lost. Com- would, had he dared, have visited the painter with mentators know how true this is, and how hopeless his wrath. Hogarth made haste to obliterate the is the search after truth in such cases; of the wild king's name, and insert that of the King of Prussia. conjectures sometimes hazarded in this search, some In so doing he spelled Prussia with one s (Prusia), of the modern and so-called amended editions of and worked off some fifty copies from the plate beShakespeare furnish striking examples.

fore the error was pointed out to him. Then he In noticing the various kinds of errors, we may corrected it, and the marks of the correction are begin with those which are merely verbal, and which, traceable on all the subsequent impressions. But for the most part, are due to the writers, who are the first impressions were of course the best, being apt not only to write illegibly, but to read their taken before the plate was worn; they have been proofs carelessly, and leave errors standing which recognized as such ever since, and to this day an they ought to correct. Such verbal blunders are at impression of that plate on which the word Prussia times ludicrous enough, as when a writer, intending is wrongly spelled is worth in the market as much to speak of Cato and Brutus, is made to speak of as half a dozen of the others, however excellent cats and brutes; or another, as happened the other they may be. Another instance, well known to day, announces the publication of a new work “in bibliopoles, is that of Littleton's Latin Dictionary. the form of a five-shilling elephant,” meaning “a When the doctor was printing this huge quarto, he five-shilling pamphlet."

was intensely bothered with the printers, and had to A long list of blunders of this kind might be be constantly going to the office to superintend enumerated, and not a few of them have become their work. One day, when he happened to be stock jokes, or material for jokes, in the printing- specially badgered, a compositor came to him as he office. Some of these are “full-blown noses” in- was talking to the proprietor, and, thrusting a slip stead of " full-blown roses"; "he arose and shook of copy under his nose, drew his attention to the off his ears," instead of “shook off his fears”; word Condono, to which no English word had been "horse literature," instead of “ Norse literature”; appended, asking at the same time how he should

syllabub," instead of "gyllabus"; "omelet,” in- fill the blank. «Get away with you!” cried the stead of " amulet,” and not a few which, current doctor, in a pet; "condog you, be off!” The comin the printing-office, need not circulate beyond positor went off, and coolly completed the line thus, it. Many of the verbal errors are of a kind which Condono, v. a. to condog." This remarkable perwill escape the ken of the most watchful reader; formance was never challenged by the readers of because, though they weaken or pervert the sense the proofs, but went to press without alteration. of the author, they do not destroy it. Thus, " dis- Ever since, that edition of the Dictionary has been traction” is often printed “ destruction," and vice known among collectors as the “ Condog edition," versa; "haven” is sometimes printed “heaven”; and for a time bore an extra value, as it was sought and we can recall a critique on a picture where the after by the curious. painter was blamed for his " violet color," instead of One fruitful source of errors are proper names. his “ violent color.” Again, there are verbal errors There are certain names which seem obstinately for which accident alone is to blame; thus, in a determined not to get themselves properly spelled. costly edition of Moore's poems, one of the verses | The oldest of them, and therefore the one entitled begins “ A sense makes the heart grow fonder," the to precedence, is Pharaoh, whose last and penultib in absence having dropped out of the printer's mate vowels are forever changing places, and that in form between the final reading and the working off. the same article and even in the same page. AnothA similar accident accounts for “old fowl " instead er is Shakespear, who figures as Shakspear, Shaksof " cold fowl,” in the carte of a dining-house in the peare, Shakespeare, Shakespere, and Shakspere, city.

and we know not in how many other forms. BurghAs samples of errors clearly due to bad writing ley, again, is as often Burleigh, and sometimes Burwe may mention one or two. During the war with | ley, while his patronymic Cecil has been written Russia an announcement in a Government blue-book, variously Cicil, Cycyl, Syssel, Seisel, Seycil, Sicell, stating that "our troops had marched across Belbec | Sitsill, though some of these forms, it must be conand drawn up in front of the north ports," declared fessed, date farther back than the art of printing or in its first shape that the troops * had marched settled systems of spelling. One would think that across the Baltic and drawn up in front of the Göthe, who is so much quoted and talked about, to North Foreland.” In another blue-book, a gentle- whatever extent he may be read, would be spelled man who subscribed himself as “solicitor to the correctly, but men of mark in the literary world House of Commons” was made to figure as one will yet persist in writing and printing Goethe, and who "jobs about the House of Commons." A quota- Gothe. The most notable of all names in this retion of a rather racy kind being ascribed to Saint spect, however, is Brobdingnag, which all the London Lucius, the printer's reader, doubting its saintly printers have seemingly conspired to rob of the n origin, and knowing no saint of that name, was in- in the second syllable; there is no getting them to duced to make researches, which resulted in the relent in this particular, do what you will. Spite of discovery that the words belonged to Sir Lucius Swift "and all his works," they will have it BrobO'Trigger, one of the bright stars of Sheridan's dignag, and Brobdignag it seems destined to be to comedy, “ The Rivals.”

the end of the chapter. Among other instances of Oddly enough, there are instances in which verbal words in which a letter is almost invariably dropped errors have a trade value, inasmuch as they serve to are opthalmic for ophthalmic, and Melancthon for identify first impressions of engravings or particular Melanchthon. editions of books. Hogarth appears to have been Errors often occur and pass unnoticed in heada little loose in his orthography, in which, by the lines, from causes which ordinary readers would way, he was not at all singular in his day. When | never suspect. One cause is the deceptive effect of capitals on the eye that dwells for any length of then on page 420, and so on ; the whole of the man time on them. If the reader will take up a book in ter was there, but a good portion of it in the wire which the same words in capitals stand at the head place. This was due to the blundering of the en of the page throughout, and read them off at his (he could hardly have been a compositor) who is usual rate, he may find that by the time he has posed " the forms, - that is, who arranged the page reached the hundredth page it does not matter to and did his work without understanding it. Inr him how the words are spelled, - the letters have dinary circumstances this could not have happens. in a manner dropped their function, and he will because the printer's reader could not fail to 6 need to pause a little to recover an intelligent no- cover so outrageous a blunder; but in this insta: tion of what he is about. Another cause is, that there was evidently no reader concerned in head-lines are apt to get “picked," as the term is, business. The work had been printed from sterd in the printing-office, – that is, the letters in one typed plates which had been bought by some specs sheet are taken out temporarily to supply blanks in lator, who had gone heedlessly to work with thes, another, and, when restored, occasionally slip into with the above unfortunate result. the wrong place.

| Apropos of stereotyped plates, it was thoug A curious source of error in the printing-office, and great boast was made of it, when stereotypur though it is rarely productive of mischief, is one first came up, that by this process of transformin that is purely technical. Some time back a proof in a manner, the movable types into one solid plate was sent to the writer with a query directing his at-errors of the press would be done away with, asi tention to a note at the foot of a page, to which lasting correctness insured. Publishers who steret note there was no reference in the text. The proof typed invariably proclaimed that fact on their title was a sheet of a scientific work of a deceased pages, and the words “stereotyped edition" trene author, with annotations and additions by a gentle regarded as a guarantee for accuracy. Never man who, since completing them for the publisher, there a greater delusion, though many years elapot had sailed for the East. The words of the suspected before the delusion was exposed. It was found the note were “ Ferguson ends here.” Now, Ferguson, stereotyping perpetuated blunders, and that the the astronomer, had been spoken of in the preced- difficulty of correcting the plates was far greater ing pages, but what was meant by this odd allusion than that of altering the movable types. It wa to him our friend had not the remotest idea. To found, also, that the plates were so liable to accident us the case was plain enough: we saw at once that and slight fractures in working that the maintenance one of the compositors employed on the work was of perfect accuracy, in even a single sheet, was bei also named Ferguson; that he had finished his exception, and not the rule. “ taking," or portion of copy that fell to his share, At first all important works were stereotypes, at the foot of that page, and had made a brief mem- | notably Bibles, lexicons, commentaries, and the orandum to that effect, in order to show how much Greek and Roman and English classics, while work of the work was his. The compositor who had set of a lighter kind were printed from the type. 10€ the notes and “ made up" the matter into pages had experience of years has led to a complete reverse mistaken this entry for an editor's note, and had of the rule. If publishers stereotype now, the treated it accordingly, and hence the publisher's never state that fact on their title-pages. The perplexity.

Bible printers find it more politic to keep the whole A very common error of the press, and one fre- | Bible standing in type, serious as is the expenst, quently encountered in the three-volume novels with than to stereotype it; and all works of an important which the reading world is so plenteously pampered class are now printed from the type. At the sau just now, is the misplacement of a line, or the ex- | time stereotyping abounds more than ever, ana change of places between two or more lines, occur- one of the chief means by which our low-priced ring, for the most part, at the head or the foot of literature is so widely diffused. All the penny po the page. If the causes of such errors were inves- riodicals are stereotyped, so are nearly allo tigated, they would invariably be traced to altera- daily, and several of our weekly newspapers, tions, or after-thoughts, on the part of the author or so essential has the process become to the rapida the publisher, involving some material changes in wide diffusion of the popular literature, that without arrangement, and to the haste and hurry with which it fully one half of the circulation of our most popa such changes had to be made. Voluminous correc- ular journals and serials would have to be given tions are a constant source of blundering; and no There was a time when correctness in printing writer who rearranges his matter after it has been was held in far higher estimation than it is at once made up should think of sending it to press present day. The Elzevirs, it is said, affixed without careful examination, however diligently it proof-sheets to the doors of the colleges and u has been read before. Owing to the neglect of this sities, and offered a golden premium for the di precaution, one sometimes sees whole paragraphs ery of an error, however trifling. The Dutch, transposed, the running head-lines on one page re- | French, the Italians employed as printers' rear ferring to the matter in another, notes at the foot of professors and philologers of the highest stand a page or pages to which they do not belong, and and some of their printers would cancel a sheets periods in the text that break off suddenly without the sake of the slightest flaw, or even suppress coming to a conclusion.

entire volume rather than give currency to inace Some dozen years ago, or more, there were to be rate work. We have altered all that: we have me found on the book-stalls of London, a bulky one-proved our technical processes to a degree of per volume edition of Rollin's Ancient History, one fection inconceivable by the old printers; bu copy of which fell to our sbare at the cost of a very have thrust the scholar out of the printing-ol few shillings. The reason of its selling at so low a and have cast the responsibility of correctness, price became apparent on examination. In several far as scholarship is concerned, upon the auto of the sheets the pages did not follow each other who, sooth to say, is apt to be exceedingly rem consecutively; thus it might be that, after reading where, in justice to himself, he should exercise to the bottom of page 410, you came on page 415, I greatest care.


neering way with her, and was an energetic woman,

continually fighting and asserting herself. She was INTRODUCTION.

perpetually announcing her birth and parentage, DEPEND upon it life is a grim joke, - a fantastic and demonstrating her superiority both in learning admixture of the sublime and ridiculous. Look and wealth. back upon your own career, my friend, and see “My father, ath I have thaid before, wath a merwhat a strange tangled weft it is. What smudges chant, and a merchant in thith very city, and a and blotches and patches there are in it! Every boarding-school education was mine from a child, now and then, it is true, you see a gorgeous bit of with use of the globes and wool-work; and when I pattern, full of graceful lines and curves; but do came to years of discretin, I copied his contracts, they not run into ridiculous twists and twirls and and kep his ledger, and it is not for those who have fantastic angles that burlesque the beautiful and been brought up otherwise to compete with one that travestie the sublime ?

has.” I offer you these three rough etchings of my own There was no gainsaying this from a woman of life by way of illustration. Limned from nature, forty, who looked at you with a pair of fierce gray you may take them as untouched studies. They eyes, and who flourished a brawny arm, that could tell their own story, and leave something to the im- easily have struck you to the earth if you had. agination besides.

" It's all very well for your Chalkses and others

to set themselves up, and make out that they have 1. — DAYBREAK.

real genteel ideas, but they are not to be had for A LOXG, straggling, crooked street, with the twopence a week at a charity school, no more than shadow of the Elizabethan age upon it; a street real mahogany is to be bought for the price of deal. with old gabled houses in it, and dark alleys; a Your Chalkses may think it elevating to stuff birds street to wander about and ponder about. Nearly and put glass eyes in their poor weak little heads; every shop was a museum of curiosities. The bro- but it's for them as knows what true art is to snap kers of the city - the fine old city of Severncross, their fingers at such rubbish. What do you say,

- had settled down in Tick Street like a swarm of Arthur?” birds, and had made their nests in a line, after the That was your humble servant. I was Arthur ; fashion of the few antique swallows which had vis- | I, Arthur Westwood. When this little outbreak of ited Tick Street from time immemorial.

temper on the part of Miss Jinks occurred, I had The brokers' nests were varied by a few green- been engaged for more than a week to assist in grocers, who were tolerated because they were use- painting her wax figures. My father and mother ful in supplying the others with potatoes and cab were “poor but industrious," as the story books put bages, dried fish and cucumbers. But no other for- it, and my five shillings a week formed an important eigners to the tribe were permitted, except a Jew addition to the general stock. clothesman, who took up his station in a dark cor- Miss Jinks had three rooms set apart for her ner despite the most formidable opposition; and Il" Gallery of Arts," her“ Wonders in Wax," to question whether " Moshes," as he was called in which her customers were admitted without charge, derision, would have triumphed but for the triple- and which she contemplated removing at some fuballed banner, which had a strange charm for the ture day to the great metropolis. Her figures were greengrocers' wives of the quarter and other slat- about the size of the ordinary Punch puppets, and ternly women from distant streets, who visited the they were all her own manufacture. There were Jew at all seasons with something under their amongst them kings and queens and princes of all aprons.

climes; poets and generals, pickpockets and murThe brokers were a proud race, and a curious; derers ; and a model of every bird, beast, and repbut, strange to say, they were under petticoat goy- tile, copied from a large folio edition of “ Goldernment, and, strange to say, under spinsterial gov-smith's Animated Nature.” Some of the figures ernment. Miss Whilelmena Jinks was the chief of were grouped in tableaux, and others were stuck up the race, and next to her came Miss Chalks. Both | in single file. There was Daniel in the lion's den, ladies were artists in their way, and supplemented and Moses holding up the serpent; Napoleon at St. brokering with artistic employment. Miss Jinks Helena; the coronation of Queen Victoria; the made wax figures and “tablows," as she called trial of a bandit chief; the capture of a negro; and them, and Miss Chalks stuffed birds.

Byron bidding adieu to his native hills.
Miss Jinks, who wore red ribbons in her cap, re-

Some of these groups were enclosed in glass cases.
joiced in a pale yet persistent mustache, and was Miss Jinks set most value upon the Scripture
given to bursting the hooks of her dress behind, did pieces ; and she had succeeded, by means of a pair
a fair amount of business in all those miscellaneous of old clock-wheels, a piece of string, and a handle,
articles of furniture which are often to be picked in making Daniel nod his head at an apoplectic
up cheap at sales by auction by the professional bid | lion, and by the same appliances the snake was
der who bids and bides his time; who is the first to was made to spin round and round ; but Miss Jinks
put in an appearance beneath the shadow of the explained to her friends and admirers that she
auctioneer's rostrum, and the last to leave the place. soared above mere tricks of this sort : she had only
Miss Jinks had a fierce, quick way of bidding, too, introduced mechanism just to show what might be
which was said to be highly successful, and which done ; her great object was to imitate nature in all
was looked upon as a wonderful gift by her numer-lits beauteous forms and colors ; and she hoped she
ons colleagues. Some of them went so far as to say 'had succeeded, -to say nothing of the correct cos-
that her mustache had been a fortune to her, but tumes of the periods.
they never went into any detailed reasons for this

| When persons of more than ordinary position, assertion

after making a purchase, were induced to visit the The truth is, Miss Jinks had a masculine, domi

gallery, Miss Jinks would quietly slip behind a cur

tain in the third room, and perform gundry wellFrom the advance sheets of London Society for July, 1867. known airs on an old square piano, which she had


bought at the sale of the boarding-school establish- Jinks was an eccentric genii, who lavished faren ment where she was educated, and upon which she upon me from pure good-nature. had learnt the five-fingered exercise. Miss Jinks "A room all to myself, and paints all to my was a lover of order and harmony. She liked all and all the contents of a Noah's ark done up in we things to be in keeping, she said; and so, when her to paint and fasten feathers upon, and rows of dole visitors were looking at Daniel, she struck up the waiting for their cheeks to be rouged! It was quit Old Hundredth with impossible variations; " Roba little paradise. When I went home to dinne Roy” accompanied the bandit scene, and “God every day, I walked along the streets with my studio save the Queen” the coronation.

and paints and pictures continually in my poor litThe figures were marvels in the way of eyes and tle noddle. All very ridiculous; and yet that made arms. The former were always very wide open, and me a painter. Ay, and more ; my being an artis the latter usually fixed in a painful assertion of as-was the means of introducing me to her who made sumed authority. Napoleon was looking through such a change in the tangled weft of my tangled his glass at a soldier, who was close to him; and life, that I may exhibit it fairly, in proof of the gris Queen Victoria was sitting very jauntily on a ridiculous blending of pain and pleasure, and great. pasteboard throne, nursing her sceptre in a very ness and littleness, in the weft which we complete maudlin fashion, amongst a crowd of rickety, drunk- at last. en, spooney-looking lords, and dukes, and generals, The time soon came, you may be sure, when I and bishops ; some with drawn swords, others with discovered that my spinsterial angel was anything their hands upon their hips, striking magnificent at- but a goddess. I was hardly twelve years old when titudes. Byron was sitting up in a boat all alone, I found that I was living in a fool's paradise, and with his shirt-collar undone, and his native hills that all the visitors made fun of Miss Jinks and her were rising up a few inches from the shore, and in a petit artist. O, that I could have gone on in my very threatening attitude ; whilst in the lions' den, ignorance, blissfully painting puppets! When my at the coronation, at St. Helena, and in the wilder- father became well off I went to school, and learnt ness, birds and beasts and reptiles were flying and to be ashamed of the name of Jinks, though I imcreeping and prowling about in all the glory of blue, bibed my love of art at that muddy source in Tick and red, and green, and yellow, with golden heads, Street, where the morning of my life first broke in and tails, and eyes, and legs, and feet, of the most such glories of blue, and carmine, and amber. varied and gorgeous hue.

Miss Jinks loved plenty of color. “ Nature has not stinted it, and no more will we, Arthur; so

II. — TWILIGHT. just give that peacock another touch of blue, and No, I would not part with that palette for a hungive the lizard a green topping."

dred pounds. I am not rich either, Heaven knows And in that little room where the figures received that I have painted for years and years, and old their final touches of color, I, Arthur Westwood, Tandy, the dealer, takes a sufficient number of picreceived the gorgeous spinster's instructions, and tures from me to make my income enough for an old carried them out. Few fellows would believe that bachelor. But a hundred pounds, no, not a thouthis was my first introduction to art. My instruc-sand, would buy that poor little palette, with the tress had, as I have said, a tremendous eye for color, dried-up patches of color upon it, - her palette. and she was always anxious that it should be under- I was a young fellow when first I knew her. She stood she was an amateur. Art was not her profes-was a member of that drawing-class which I estabsion, neither was it a necessity to her on the score lished in the northern city. You don't know the of money; it was her hobby, her recreation, and she city ? A quaint old monkish place to dream away never failed to explain all this upon all occasions. a life in; a city with a cathedral and castle which

“Your Chalkses and such like may pretend to be the sun lights up in a thousand strangely beautına brokers and furniture dealers and conniseers of arti- ways; a city fully represented by those ecclesiasticles of virtue, but it is one thing to do that as a pro- cal and feudal buildings, which stand on a high bili fession, and live by it, and another to stuff birds and overlooking the Wear. Mr. Beverley has put many all sorts of filthy things, and really get your bread a bit of the banks of this same water into his mage and cheese by that; though why I should say bread nificent Drury Lane scenery. But how I wander; and cheese, when it is well known that the Chalkses Let me see, I was talking about that palette of mostly dine off the bodies of the birds and beasts Edith's. which they stuff, – the process is well known; but She was an orphan, and lived with a maiden aume it is not for me to say nothing against my neigh- / in the college yard. Such eyes! That sketch of bors, and so never mind that, Arthur, but look to mine which hangs by the fireplace does not come the color, and don't be afraid of your blues and within a thousand miles of their sparkling depth. reds. If nature makes a thing blue, why nature And her brown hair deftly twined over her foremeans it to be real blue, and so make it as blue head. I fancy I can see her now, bending over her as you can, Arthur.”

work and struggling at it in her childish desperde It was a strange world, this new world which I tion. opened up to me at Jinks's ; quite a world of won-1 “I shall never be able to draw any better," she der and romance. To be allowed to revel in Gold- said, her pretty lips pouting, and a tear trickling smith's book, and the history of England, a book of down her fair cheek; " but I really think I have an fairy tales, eastern legends, and Byron's poems; and eye for color." not only to look at the pictures, but to paint models ** An eye for color!” I remember saving to my. from them, and have real paints and brushes ! This self; “ an eye for love,- an eye to make a ma was something beyond all my childish dreams; and happy all his days." to have five shillings a week for such glorious But I was a young fellow then, susceptible and amusement! There was something so marvellously enthusiastic, and I fell in love with Edith Viner ale romantic about the whole thing, that half my time I most the first moment I saw her. could not help believing that Miss Whilelmena. “And I am determined I will do something; !

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