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6. Had n't time,' said the Gryphon ; 'I went to “ They offered a prize for the laziest boy,

And one for the most Magnificent toy ; the Classical master, though. He was an old crab,

They split or burnt the canes off-band; he was.'

They made new laws in Liliput Land. “I never went to him,' the Mock Turtle said

* Never do to-day what you can with a sigh ; "he taught Laughing and Grief, they Put off till to-mortou, one of them ran; used to say.'

Late to bed and late to rise, 66. So he did, so he did,' said the Gryphon, sighing

Was another law which they did devise. in his turn, and both creatures hid their faces in " They passed a law to have always plenty their paws.

Or beautiful things : we shall mention twenty :

A magic-lantern for all to see, 66. And how many hours a day did you do

Rabbits to keep, and a Christmas-tree, lessons ?' said Alice, in a hurry to change the

" A boat, a house that went on wheels, subject.

An organ to grind, and sherry at meals, 6 * Ten hours the first day,' said the Mock Turtle; Drums and wheelbarrows, Roman candles, 'nine the next, and so on.'

Whips with whistles let into the handles, 6* What a curious plan l'exclaimed Alice.

“ A real live giant, a roc to fly, “ That's the reason they're called lessons,' the A goat to tease, a copper to sky, Gryphon remarked; "because they lessen from day

A garret of apples, a box of paints,

A saw and a hammer, and no complaints. to day. This was quite a new idea to Alice, and she “ Nail up the door, slide down the stairs,

Saw off the legs of the parlor chairs, thought it over a little before she made her next

That was the way in Liliput Land, remark: “ Then the eleventh day must have been a The Children having the upper hand. holiday ?"

" They made the Old Folks come to school, 4. Of course it was,' said the Mock Turtle.

All in pinafores, that was the rule, "And how do you manage on the twelfth ?' Saying: Eener deener-diner-duss, Alice went on eagerly.

Kattler-wheeler-whiler-wu88; “! That's enough about lessons,' the Gryphon in "They made them learn all sorts of things terrupted, in a very decided tone; · tell her some

That nobody liked. They had catechisings;

They kept them in, they sent them down thing about the games now.'”

In class, in school, in Liliput Town.
I have said there was another book beside “ Alice's
Adventures in Wonderland,” which merits the best

"O but they gave them tit for tat !

Thick bread-and-butter, and all that ; attention of the infant world, as well as that of all Stick-jaw pudding that tires your chin, grown-up persons who have any appreciation of

With the marmalade spread ever so thin. genuine wit. This is called “Liliput Levee,” * and it

"They governed the clock in Liliput Land, is written in verse, and very good verse too. The They altered the hour or the minute-hand, poem which gives its title to the little volume is

They made the day fast, they made the day slow,

Just as they wished the time to go. the best, but the contents are all good. The necessity for publication arose (it seems) in this " They never waited for king or for cat ;

They never wiped their shoes on the mat; manner. The children revolted against the old

Their joy was great ; their joy was greater : folks, and established a provisional government;

They rode in the baby's perambulator.they then appointed a king and queen, who took

Then they gave evening entertainments on a up their quarters in Pinafore Palace; and lastly,

magnificent scale. of course, they wanted a Laureate. "I noticed, being a man of rhymes,

“ Every one rode in a cab to the door ; An advertisement in the Liliput Times :

Every one came in a pinafore ; 6 PIXAFORE PALACE. This is to state

Lady and gentleman, rat-tat-tat,

Loud knock, proud knock, opera-hat!"
That the Court is in want of a Laureate ;
4* Nothing menial required.

The old folks were made to give " recitations,*
Poets, willing to be hired,
May send in Specimens, at once,

as the young ones had to do under the ancien Care of the Chamberlain DOUBLEDUSCE.'

régime. « Said I to myself : Here's a chance for me,

“ One fat man, too fat by far,
The Liliput Laureate for to be!

Tried Twinkle, twinkle, little star !'
And these are the Specimens I sent in
To Pinafore Palace. Shall I win ?"

« Flis voice was gruff, his pinafore tight;

His wife said: Mind, dear, sing it right'; I think this author will attain and be established as

But he forgot, and said Fa-la-la! the Children's Poet for, at all events, this present The Queen of Liliput's own papa ! generation. As in duty bound, he describes the

* She frowned, and ordered him up to bed ; progress of the revolution which occasioned the He said he was sorry ; she shook her head ; desired office to be instituted.

Ilis clean shirt-front with his tears was stained,

But discipline had to be maintained." " Easily the thing was done, For the children were more than two to one;

Despite the satirist's remark, that women have Brave as lions, quick as foxes,

no humor, we had believed that the sex of the With heards of wealth in their money-boxes.

author of this charming fun was female. A man, « They dressed themselves in the riflemen's clothes ;

we thought, would scarcely know so much of little They had pea-shooters, they had arrows and bows,

people, their thoughts, their loves, their naugbti. So as to pat resistance down, Order reigns in Liliput Town!"

nesses, — as is exhibited here : but, to the credit of

mankind, - his gentleness, wit, and love, - be it Then they gave themselves up to enjoyment

| known that our author is of the masculine gender; after their own fashion.

a Paterfamilias, of course, or how could he have * They sucked the jam, they lost the spoons,

written “ The Boy that Loves a Baby." They sent up several fire-balloons, They let od crackers, they burnt a guy,

« Good-morrow, little Stranger ! They piled a bonfire ever so high.

Good-morrow, Baby dear!

Good-morrow, too, Mrs. Grainger, * Strahan, London

And what do you do here?

With your boxes, caps, and cap-strings,

“His dapple-gray Dobbin attends to his whip,
Drowsy, hazard-hap things,

And rocks up and down on the floor like a ship.
And love of good cheer?

“I went to the pond with him, just like the sea,
“I'm a little boy that goes, ma'am,

To swim his three-decker, that's named after me;
Straight to the point ;

His cheeks were like roses; he knew all the rocks;
You said that my nose, ma'am,

He looks like a sailor in gray knickerbocks.
Would soon be out of joint;
But my nose keeps its place, ma'am, -

60, where is the keepsake I gave you, my prince?
The middle of my face, ma'am ;

I keep yours in a drawer that smells of a quince ;
It is a nose of grace, ma'am,

So how can I lose it? but you, giddy thing!
Aroint thee, aroint!"

Keep mine in your pocket, mixed up with some string. Here is a bit of humorous nonsense, which Mr.

“ Remember the riddle I told you last week !

And how I forgave you that scratch on the cheek! Carroll (for one) I am sure will commit to mem

You could not have helped it, you never would strike, ory,

Intending to do it, the girl that you like!

" You call me Miss Stupid, you call me Miss Prue;
" If the butterfly courted the bée,

But how do you like me in crimson and blue ?
And the owl the porcupine ;

We go partners in findings, and money, and that,
Il churches were built in the sea,

You help me in ciphering ; look at my hat!
And three times one was nine ;

“ I love you, Prince Philibert! who but myself ?
If the pony rode his master;

With your foot in the stirrup, your book on the shelf!
If the buttercups ate the cows ;
If the cat had the dire disaster

We call you a prince, John, but, 0, when you crack
To be worried, sir, by the mouse ;

The nuts we go halves in, you 're my Filbert Jack !
If mamma, sir, sold the baby
To a gypsy for half a crown ;

This little volume is, characteristically enough,
If a gentleman, sir, was a lady,

a Liliputian one, and there is great temptation to The world would be Upside Down ! If any or all of these wonders

quote it all; but I must refrain. Read “ Clean Should ever come about,

Clara," my young friends, for your edification, and I should not consider them blunders,

“Penitent Alfred” for your improvement. Read For I should be Inside Out !

the “ Storm Cradle,” if you wish to have your But the author of " Liliput Levee” is not always young blood curdled. Read “ Giant Frodgedobmerely mirthful; he can be pathetic also ; and when | bulum” (“ with his double great toe and his double he draws a picture, — life-size, and yet how small ! great thumb"). Read the “ First of June," and — see how graphic he can be.

the “Race of the Flowers,” if you have any taste

for true poetry. Read it all, you lucky young “POLLY.

folks, and be grateful to your benefactor, the un“ Brown eyes, straight nose; dirt-pies, rumpled clothes; Torn books, spoilt toys; arch looks, unlike a boy's ;

known writer of “Liliput Levee."
Little rages, obvious arts (three her age is); cakes, tarts ;
Falling down off chairs ; breaking crown down stairs';
Catching flies on the pane; deep sighs, -cause not plain;

Bribing you with kisses for a few farthing blisses ;
Wide awake, as you hear; Mercy's sake, quiet, dear!!

New shoes, new frocks; vague views, of what 's o'clock.
When it's time to go to bed, and scorn sublime for what is said ;

a state Folded hands, saying prayers, understands not, nor cares ;

of “ most admired disorder.” Thinks it odd, smiles away (yet may God hear her pray)!

Carpenters were at Bed gown white, kiss Dolly ; good-night! -- that 's Polly,

work in groups, whilst others were hauling up or lowFast asleep, as you see : Heaven keep my girl for me!”

ering down pieces of scenery to and from the paintNothing since “ Baby May" has, to my mind, been ing room above. Here and there traps in the stage written, for truth and terseness, equal to that were open, and the master carpenter carefully su" Polly.” Then there are the “ Doll Poems,” really perintending their “working" and on which de wonderful things, endowing with sentiment sawdust pended the successful “transformation ” of the and wax, and touching the heart with the sorrows | tricks which were to astonish the holiday folk. On of a too sensitive youth, who fell in love with the one side of the stage a file of seedy-looking men of most lovely of artificial creatures, one Dolladine. all ages were being drilled into some extravagant

actions which only acquired their full meaning “What was the consequence? - Doctor Whack Begged of his parents to take him back.

when the “ property man" and the “wardrobe

keeper” had clothed them with grotesque heads “So, of course, while he keeps up this wooing,

and “demon” habiliments. On the other side a His education goes to ruin:

number of girls in their street attire and muddy What are his prospects in future life, With only a doll for his lawful wife?

boots were simulating the graceful attitude of “It is feared his parents' hearts will break!

“fairies”; but wanting the accessories of wings And there's one remark I wish to make ;

and wands and gauze-bespangled skirts, were sadly I may be wrong, but it seems a pity

of “ the earth, earthy.” Two men in canvas suits For a movable doll to be made too pretty.

and dancing slippers were evidently rehearsing cer4 An old-fashioned doll, that is not like nature,

tain pantomimic effects, which to an uninitiated Can never pass for a human creature; It is in a doll that moves her eyes

person appeared to be without meaning, but would, That the danger of these misfortunes lies!

when fully exhibited by “ merry clown” and pan“The lover's name must be suppressed

taloon set the house in a roar as they had done For obvious reasons. He lives out West,

“ time out of mind.”
And if I call him Pygmalion Pout,
I don't believe you will find him out!”

Presently the prompter's voice was heard shoutOur author can, however, draw a real (minia

ing. “Clear! everybody!” and in a few minutes ture) love-affair as truly as a sham one : surely

carpenters, supers, ballet, and pantomimists had dis

appeared, leaving the stage free for a full rehearsal this which follows is an exquisite bit of nursery

of the Grand New Christmas Pantomime. The sentiment

prompter's table was then placed at one corner of “PRINCE PHILIBERT.

the stage and two or three arm-chairs for the con"O, who loves Prince Philibert? who but myself? His foot's in the stirrup; his book's on the shelf” ;

. From the advance sheets of the Extra Number of London Soci(Charming parody!)

ety for 1867.

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cocter of the pantomime, the stage director, and the arrear with his rent. He was scoring up his worldly manager himself.

possessions, to discover, if possible, the means to pay As soon as the latter important gentleman pre- off the demands of the new owner of “ The Three sented himself upon the stage, Mr. Rossiter, a rising Horseshoes," the forge and bit of land. Had his old young actor, approached him from one of the wings landlord been alive, there would have been no difand saluted the potentate very respectfully.

ficulty, but he had died two years ago, and his heir “Good morning, Rossiter. You 're not in the knew nothing of Craysford nor of John Welder, and opening of the pantomime are you?” asked the naturally, therefore, looked to be paid his dues. manager, with a smile.

Mrs. Welder was sticking bits of bolly about the “I am happy to say I am not, sir," replied the room, occasionally pausing in her task to cast a

sweet sorrowful look at her husband John. Mary “ Nor in the opera ? "

Welder's face was a pretty one at all times, - pretty “ No, sir; I am unfortunately associated with the when she smiled her thanks to the passengers of peacock, being only made to be looked at and the coach; pretty as she smiled the pleasure she admired,” replied the actor.

felt when John came in hot from the forge or cold “ Well, that's cool," said the manager, laughing. from the field ; very pretty indeed when she held “I'll put it in the bills some day. But what do you up their rosy, chubby boy to his father's lips; but want with me? I'm busy."

prettiest by far now, we think, when her face was “I want permission to relieve the treasury of my full of love and sorrow for her perplexed husband. salary for a month. I want a month's leave of John had married Mary out of pure, honest love, absence, sir.”

and her love was all the dowry she had to bring “I shall remember that your Grace was boun- him. It might have been otherwise had certain tiful.' Take it; and if you can persuade B- strange events not happened. and C- and half a dozen others to follow your Mary's father was a man of substance when she example, I promise you my consent till the Christ- was born. He was a yeoman farmer, and had a mas holidays are over. Where are you going?” hundred acres of the best land in the county of his

“ To my native village," replied the actor with a own and rented twice as much more. He was a stage voice, “which I have not beheld for ten long man to be envied, many thought, for his wife was years, my lord. I shall then go on to Cardiff, all a good housewife should be, and Green Tree where I can get a fortnight's engagement to pay Place was a home indeed. expenses —"

Thomas Sharpe - that was his name - was the * Cardiff! Why, what on earth, well, be off, - best of neighbors, ever ready to help a friend or ar Barrymore's ready to begin."

honest man. Indeed some thought that Thomas Mr. Rossiter shook hands with the manager and Sharpe was not always discreet in that respect, and took his leave, and we will do the same, having noth- he would have acted more wisely had he kept his ing more to do with the rehearsal of the Grand old bureau locked at times instead of opening it, to Christmas Pantomime of 1848.

lend some of the bright guineas he kept hoarded The village inn of Craysford was called " The there. This hoarding was a peculiarity of his, as Three Horseshoes," as it had been held for many he distrusted all banks, except the Bank of Eng. years by the family of the Welders, who combined land, his father having lost money by one and been the business of blacksmith with that of publican. nearly ruined before he came to live at Craysford; Craysford was an out-of-the-way place, and might and in consequence, the elder Sharpe had almost have been altogether overlooked by the Ordnance exacted a promise from his son that he would never surveyors had not the Cardiff coach passed through place his earnings in another's keeping. it, - not without pulling up, however, as the “Put it into dirt, as I have done of late, lad, and Welders had the art of brewing such fine stingo, not into bankers' boxes as I did, like a fool, in afore that no coachman who cared for the comfort of his time. Good land can't run away but bankers can," passengers, inside and out, would have allowed were almost the last words spoken by Thomas them to have passed « The Three Horseshoes " in Sharpe's father. So there were always guineas to ignorance of its excellent brewage. Especially in be had at Green Tree Place, and John Welder's winter time, when the frosty air or the chilling rainfather had borrowed more than a hundred of them. and snow set coats and wrappers and straw at But a great sorrow came upon Thomas Sharpe defiance. Then, a glass - perhaps two of one of the greatest which could have come to him. Welder's XXX was a real blessing to travellers, His wife died suddenly whilst they were making and sent a genial glow through their shivering merry on little Mary's tenth birthday. The circuinbodies, from the tips of their toes to the crown of stance of her death seemed to intensify his grief at their heads. There is no such ale brewed now-a- the loss of his wife, and how dearly he had loved days, to our knowledge, if we except the brewage her none could know but himself. His friends tried of Arundel, produced by that most successful of hard to console him, but in vain. Everything about piscicultivators Mr. Constable.

the place reminded him of her, and he rather enIt is a day before Christmas Eve that we make couraged his sorrow than fought with it manfully our acquaintance with “ The Three Horseshoes" and with the Christian belief that death was but the and its host and hostess.

gate to life. He seemed to reject the conviction (as John Welder was sitting at a table in the best Longfellow has beautifully expressed it) - that parlor, and poring thoughtfully over his account

"Dast to dust returning books, occasionally referring to a letter whose

Was not spoken of the soul. perusal afforded him no satisfaction. John was an During the next two years he fell into such a state industrious man, and farmed some sixty acres of of despondency that his neighbors were scarcely sur. land to fill up his time when the forge was idle. He prised when they heard that Thomas Sharpe's land had had ill-luck with his farming, and during the was to be sold, and that his holding was open to last three years, owing to two bad harvests and a another tenant. sort of murrain among his cattle, had got sadly in The land sold well, it was said, and people who


knew Thomas Sharpe's peculiar mistrust of a bank, I says pay or turn out. I never could hold up my wondered what he would do with his money. If head here, if I were to be sold up — " any one could have answered that question it would “Now that's not talking bravely, John," said have been Phillip Pullen, his bailiff, as he had Mary, “even if the worst were to come. We have always been treated more like a brother than a neither been wasteful nor idle, but it has pleased servant. They had been boys together, and Thomas God to send us losses and trials, and it may please Sharpe had taught Phillip to read and write and Him also to help us in our trouble and a fiction. keep accounts, besides imparting to him all the To doubt that is to sin." knowledge he himself had gained from reading. “It may be so," replied John, rising up and Phillip Pullen, as time went on, became Master kissing his wife's pretty hopeful face. Sharpe's bailiff, and if any man knew what was to “ Try and think it will be so." be done with the purchase-money of the hundred "I will : I'll go at once to the rectory and try to acres and the gear of the farm it was Phillip think it will be as you say, Mary." Pullen.

Mary brought him hat and coat. The bailiff was as silent as his master, who had “But the coach will be here in a few minutes,” neither kith nor kin about Craysford to consult, and said John, not half liking his mission. his father had never kept up any communication “I can attend to the coach. I always do in harwith those who had perhaps, turned to him the cold vest time, and it's not likely to be much loaded shoulder, when his early loss had nigh ruined him. this frosty day." So Thomas had only his daughter Mary to care for, So John Welder did as he was requested to do, and she had been placed with old John Welder's and with a very heavy heart went to get his good sister, who had been her nurse at Green Tree character certified at the rectóry. Place. Becky Welder loved her darling charge. When he was gone, Mary sat down and had one with almost the fondness of a mother, and this little cry before she resumed garnishing her room in Thomas Sharpe knew, and so intrusted his most honor of the coming Christmas time. precious treasure to her now that his child was She had scarcely finished gathering up the stray motherless, whilst he took up his quarters at “ The sprigs and putting away the nasty account-books, Three Horseshoes."

| when the merry notes of the guard's horn proMatters continued in this state for a short time claimed the approach of the Cardiff True Blue. and until one day when Mr. Sharpe and his bailiff When it pulled up at “ The Three Horseshoes,” Phillip got outside of the Cardiff coach, without any Mary saw that she had conjectured rightly, and that previous notice to any one of their intention to take there were only two “outs" and a solitary "in" à journey. From that journey neither returned for left of the load brought out of London. The roof, years; but as their story, and how Mary Sharpe however, was piled with oyster-barrels and small came to be the wife of John Welder, will have to be baskets, indicative of friendly remembrances of told to Mr. Rossiter, we leave them for the present. country cousins, and two large trunks studded with

brass nails. Poor John Welder could not see a way out of his "A light load to-day, Mr. Cantor," said Mary, difficulties, so he laid his head upon his folded arms addressing the coachman as he entered the little resting on the table. This was more than his wife bar parlor for the customary glass of ale, though could bear to look upon, therefore she came down how he was to drink it, enveloped as he was in from the chair on which she was standing, at the shawls and silk handkerchiefs, seemed somewhat of same time dropping the holly twigs from her hand. a mystery. She knelt down beside her husband and threw her! “Yes, my dear," replied Mr. Cantor, using the arm around his neck.

privilege of the road and murmuring from the “My poor dear boy,” she said, with great effort depths of his wrappers ; “ but we 're booked full in keeping back her tears, "this is not the best way to and out to-morrow. I've brought you a gent, howmeet our troubles. We must be braver than this. ever, who talks of stopping the week.” Come, love, tell your silly little wife how our “ Not a Londoner, I hope," said Mary; “they are affairs stand, and perhaps she may be of help. We so fidgety and particular.” women are very clever sometimes."

“ This is a very pleasant gent, - quite free and “ There's not enough to pay more than half we easy. He has talked all the way down, — full of

anecdotes, - chock full.” “ Half's something," said Mary, quite cheerfully, It was Mr. Rossiter of whom the coachman spoke though her tears could be restrained no longer. thus favorably, and who, having seen his two large “Perhaps our landlord will take that and wait.” trunks safely landed now, came in to inquire if he

"Read that letter again," said John, despond could be accommodated with bed and board. He ingly. “There's not a word of hope for us in it was answered affirmatively, and as soon as the guard from beginning to end. He knows nothing of us, and the other outside had been refreshed, and both cares nothing for us. No doubt he believes I am guardians of the coac! had been satisfactorily tipped humbugging him, or that I'm a lazy, drunken fellow, by Mr. Rossiter, and the True Blue got under way that would not pay if I could."

again, Mrs. Welder led her guest into the best par« Well, we can undeceive him as to that,” replied | lor. Mary. “The rector would write to him, I am sure, “Well, this is jolly !” exclaimed the actor. “ Quite and say what an honest, sober, hardworking mana set,' I declare. Real holly! real fire! realyou are, John."

no — no mistletoe.” " True, the rector would do that I've no doubt, | “No, sir,” replied Mrs. Welder, smiling, “ that but — "

would hardly do in a public-house." * There, you see, there's one of your fears got “Perhaps not, if you are the waiting-maid," said rid of; so, pluck up a spirit and go at once to the Rossiter, saucily. rectory."

“I'm the landlady, sir,” observed Mrs. Welder, " But that won't pay the money, and this letter | rather staidly.

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“I beg pardon, I'm sure,” said Rossiter, quite po- “I've been married two years come next New litely. “I ought to have been sure of that. My Year's Day." bedroom, I think, is over this, is it not ?"

“Ah, lucky John Welder !” said Joey Ross with “ Yes, sir,” replied Mary, rather wondering how a something like a sigh. “I've thought of you again stranger could have known that.

and again until I'd almost written you a love let" Then be good enough to let one of your Cyclops ter! I used to fancy what a pretty woman you must yonder take my two boxes up stairs, as I hope to be have grown, and then - lucky John Welder! your guest for nine or ten days,” said Rossiter, smil- The actor was surprised as he looked at Mary to ing.

see a cloud upon her hitherto smiling face, and he “ We will try and make you comfortable, sir," guessed all was not well. He had wondered, cersaid Mrs. Welder, smiling also.

tainly, that Mary had not made a better match than “And now, if you please, I'll have some bread John Welder, but the excitement of being at home and cheese, - I hate tea," – and as Mrs. Welder again, and the meeting with his pretty playfellow, was going he added, " with some of the old stingo, had stopped his thinking: he now began to conjecMary!"

ture, and amongst other conclusions, he resolved Mrs. Welder fairly jumped when she heard ber-that Mary had married against her father's consent. zelf addressed by her Christian name, and showed It was not Joey Ross's nature to remain silent, and all the surprise she felt by her rounded eyes and so he said, ppened lips displaying her small white teeth. Such “And where is lucky John? At the forge?" 2 pretty mouth she had, and

"No, - he's not at work this afternoon, — he "Mouths were made for kissing,"

has gone – to – to see the rector," replied Mary, says Barry Cornwall. So, Mr. Rossiter before Mary | blushing. was herself again, seized her pretty cheeks between “Nothing — nothing wrong between you ?” his hands and gave her a smack that sounded like asked Ross, hesitatingly. the blow of a hammer. Mary gave a scream, as “O no! nothing! Nothing could ever be wrong was highly proper

between us,” cried Mary, earnestly. “ No, – and “What, Mary, - dear little Mary Sharpe, have yet we are in great trouble, — we are likely — " rou forgotten quite your old playfellow Joey Ross?" she paused as though ashamed to acknowledge the “ Never !” was all Mary could say.

state of affairs. “ Ten years ago I went off from this village." “Don't hesitate to tell me, Mary." “ With the vagabonds ? "

“ Well, then, we are in great trouble, as you may
“Yes, I believe that is what we strollers are judge," — and then she told him all we know about
alled by act of parliament, but since then I have John Welder's losses and the pressure he was under
become one of his Majesty's servants, and can dine for money.
it St. James's Palace whenever it pleases me.” “ Well, but your father?” said Rossiter.

Mary seemed to examine her old playmate from “ Ah! he has been dead some years, Joseph," re-
read to foot, and then to sum up her estimate of plied Mary, sadly.
iim in the word “La !”

* “ We always thought he was a rich man," said
" I'm so glad to be here again, Mary! I've looked Rossiter, "and that you, as his only child,
o coming for years, but somehow or other I was al- | would — ”
vays prevented."

“ Berich, too, some day," interrupted Mary. “And we've often spoke of you," said Mrs. Wel- " Have you not heard what bappened to us, – years ler. “Old Speedwell -- you remember him — your ago ?” old schoolmaster — went to London some four years " No; Mr. Sharpe was a thriving man when I go, and said he had seen you, he was sure, in one of left Craysford,” replied Rossiter. he great playhouses, looking so fine, – but you were “ It is a strange story, Joseph, - a strange, sad alled by somebody else's name."

story for me, but here comes John, poor boy ! * Yes, Mary, there was a clever actor called he'll tell you all about it if you ask him. It will Ross, so I tacked "iter" to my name and became take him off his own troubles for a while mayhap." Vr. Rossiter."

The actor and the blacksmith had been friends “ La! Joey, how could you do so? You always and playfellows together, at a time, too, when lazy were a bold chap," — but you must be hungry," and Joe Ross was thought to be a credit to no one. He without waiting a reply Mary hurried out of the had been sent down to Craysford as a nurse cbild, 'oom and soon returned with a tray covered with and was cared for as such unhappy creatures usually uch bread, cheese, and butter, and bright ale that are by their mercenary guardians. Joer W:LS t is almost a luncheon to think of them.

about fifteen when a strolling company of players Joey Ross showed that he fully appreciated “the visited Craysford. The glimpse Joey obtained of food the gods (of · The Three Horseshoes') pro- the stage and its professors aroused a slambering rided," and when he spoke after several minutes his ambition of which he had not been cognizant nouth was still encumbered.

hitherto, and when Thespis packed up her cart and “Never tasted such bread and cheese - never- departed from Craysford, Joey got up behind on the ince I left Craysford, - don't make it anywhere tailboard. He had talent and industry, and, by Ise half as good, and I'm a judge, - I've made my slow degrees at first and then by rapid strides, be linner off a twopenny buster and a pen'worth o' advanced from the barn to the theatre, as many of Deeswax' as we used to say in our probationary his most distinguished brethren had done before lays."

him. The two old friends were soon at home with Mary was a little puzzled to understand her old each other, despite Joey's bright satin waistcoat, riend, but she nodded and smiled as though he were emerald brooch, and superfine cutaway coat, to sar ully comprehended.

nothing of his kerseymere trousers and Wellington "Well, Mary, how long have you been married ? boots, — matters rarely seen at out-of-the-world - the coachman, just before he pulled up, told me Craysford. you were landlady here."

| John Welder had a proper appreciation of his

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