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whole, – the intellectual poetry of Tennyson has the given to good which demands development. If everlasting and incomparable superiority.

they remembered anything consecutively concernMr. Swinburne screams out his exultation and Jing their own childhood they would know, but they scorn over those benighted persons who continue to do not remember, or rather, to state the truth as believe in Christ Churchmen and Dissenters are far as we know it, they do not remember until they in his eyes alike Philistines, "noisome," Philis- are old, - one reason of the singular authority the tines, says Mr. Swinburne, who is refined in the very old exercise over the little ones. They are choice of his words, and has quite the manners of a further removed from them in ideas, habits, and gentleman. The dreary fun, hackneyed and out-bearing than the young father and mother, but worn in Germany before the century commenced, they understand and rule them better for all that. of calling people Philistines, and saying they were We have been led into these remarks, remarks born in Ascalon or Gath, cannot do much harm to which will seem to many people to be uttered as any one. Mr. Swinburne and a few others appear completely in vacuo as the first paragraph in a Times to be attempting to revive in England the extinct leader, by Mr. Macdonald's effort to describe miFrench sect of philosophes. Mr. Swinburne has nutely an old-fashioned child. We dare say he thinks been successful enough in catching the trick of their his new novel, “ Guild Court,” is about something else, blasphemy; but they used to relieve their blasphe- and that reviewers ought to discuss his account of my with wit, and Mr. Swinburne's rudeness is not a love and lovers; how Thomas, defaulting clerk, was happy substitute. He and his philosophes — under redeemed by his love for Lucy — kissable person of graduates, probably, in large proportion - may good instincts -- and all that, but the real object have a pleasant enough time of it while the revel upon which he has spent his genius, – and it is can be kept up. There is a witchery in new opin- genius, and how the deuce he conceals it from a ions, and many a young simpleton may lap himself Dissenting congregation we cannot imagine!- is in sweet unconsciousness that he is a blockhead by the portraiture of two children, Mattie Kitely, an taking airs of enlightenment, sporting the cast-off" old-fashioned ” child, as nurses with brains would tinsel of French infidels, and laughing at Philistines. say; and Poppie Nobody, a child of the streets, with But the author of " Atalanta in Calydon," whose nothing in her but nature, left as untrimmed as her genius, though limited in range, is real and splendid, curls, which on one celebrated occasion, — Mr. and whose genial exaggeration in praising friends Macdonald is an atrocious realist, whom every whom he might easily regard as rivals attests a woman ought to scold, - took two hours in cleanwarmth of heart, to which one would pardon much, ing. With Poppie we have very little to do. People is fit for other work than splitting the ears of such who really know the street life, Lord Shaftesbury, pitiful groundlings. It is time for him to lay aside for example, might find fault with her, but to us her his fopperies, and, as Mr. Arnold says, “be a man.” portrait appears as nearly perfect as anything we

are at all likely to see, – a genuine Murillo, with a

fresh glaze. But Mattie is not so perfect, by any OLD-FASHIONED CHILDREN.

means. We suppose Mr. Macdonald sketched her One of the most puzzling of all psychological from some child whom he knew very well, else why problems is the difficulty that grown-up people” | did he introduce her; but as a type-child of the feel in understanding children. They have all kind she seems to us defective, wanting in reality and been children, and one would think they would all truth. She is to be, as we understand her, an oldretain some faint recollection of the ideas of child-fashioned child,” and so she is in a way, and a very hood sufficient to make them fair, or tolerant, or charming little priggish pet besides, for whom fathers kindly, or at the least intelligent, in dealing with may well be grateful to Mr. Macdonald, — mothers their babes. They do not, though. We ask any will prick him with their breast-pins, – but sometruth-speaking father of a family, that is, of more how she is not of the real sort. The original may than one child, who may bappen to read these lines, have been like her, but then she was an original, an whether he ever finds his own experience any help exceptional person, differing altogether from the in understanding his children under ten, whether regular genus. The true old-fashioned child, is he is not compelled to rely on observation alone, before all things not an actress, and Mattie is, whether there is not a hiatus for which he cannot whether Mr. Macdonald knows it or not, an actress. account between his own recollections and his true She is the daughter of a small bookseller somewhere cbildhood ? He can remember events, or rather he or other in the Strand, with a big head and a pale can remember particular incidents, as far back as face, and a habit of thinking, and a tendency to unfour years old, or, in very rare and exceptional cases, pleasant revery about a Being whom she calls Syne, three years old; but he cannot remember at all and who, besides persecuting her at times, explains what he was mentally like, what his governing most things she does not like. ideas were, what were his ruling aspirations. Be All that is very well, particularly if we allow yond the age of ten or thereabouts, — the actual that Mattie, though located in London, is essentially time fluctuating with every individual, - he can a Highland child, taught from the breast to believe remember, and the remernbrance helps him to all manner of dreams, and accustomed to treat the judge his son or to comprehend his daughter, but Devil as an impertinent and wicked, but yet familiar before that time memory is of no use to him. He friend. He is in the loch according to Highlanders, has to judge children, like animals, by acute obser- children being liable to go too near; and behind vation, the reason why there is such immense dif- the fern on the mountain, children being apt to ference in the results of observation upon children. wander upwards, – vide Geoffry Hamlyn's AusIt is nearly impossible to get two people to give the tralian experiences passim, — and under the ryesanie judgment either on children in the abstract, stacks, which are just light enough for children to or any particular description of children, or any in- disturb them in an inconvenient lightsomeness of dividual child, and quiet people have not yet set-heart. So far Mattie is well, but she poses. She tled the grand proposition whether children are bad does Princess, and is called Princess with her own or good, given to evil which requires repression, or full consent, while the true old-fashioned child would

fume under the title as marking something in her / ure-seeking man; but the child-nature came back on different from other people, like any less flattering him with age, and Goethe at sixty-five was Goethe at nickname. That kind of child does not act, but is six plus the necessary development of brain. Maninfinitely real, striving through her association with hood was with him the evanescent stage, not childher elders, always or almost always the root of old-hood, and so it is, we suspect, with all old-fashioned fashionedness, to be, and not to seem to be, “a children. Mattie would have shaken off her slough, grown-up person." All children, it is true, act a have shed her mental skin, not have grown under it. little, just as dogs and pet birds act a little. When The difference comes out most perfectly, perhaps, in Mattie, jealous of a friend who has been taken up Mattie's religious utterances. “She was not three by a great protector and favorite of hers, goes away years old when she asked her mother, a sweet, bridling, we will catch the genuine expression of thoughtful woman, in many ways superior to her childlike feeling. So does the big retriever bridle husband, though not intellectually his equal, · Who under the same provocation, and so does the cocka- made the tree in Wood Street ?' Her mother too, or better still as an illustration, the only bird answered, of course, God made it, my pet'; for, which really seems human, — the raven, - but by instinct, she never spoke of her God without neither retriever, nor cockatoo, nor raven poses for using some term of endearment to her child. Mattie more than a minute, and Mattie does pose, habit-answered, I would like it better if a man made it,' ually, and at all times. Old-fashioned children - a cry after the humanity of God, - a longing in think as she does, and get big heads, and grow pale, the heart of the three years' child for the Messiah and recover in the country, where the chickens, and of God.” the cows, and the grass make them natural again;! No doubt some children have occasionally strange but they do not play parts, and Mattie is always religious lights, ideas utterly inexplicable upon any unconsciously playing a part, - that of a grown-up theory of the absorption of ideas from without; but person. She calls her father, for example, always then they are not old-fashioned, but exceptional * Mr. Kitely," which is acting, while the true child-children. The true old-fashioned child is realistic, ish instinct of that kind of being would be to call sceptically remarks about the tree, “I don't believe him by his Christian name, as a half-comic assertion it. "Did you see him ?.” “Mamma,” said a little of equality with “ grown-ups.” “Susan," says a one of that kind in our hearing one day, “ have child of the kind, in one of Punch's best recent angels wings?” “0, certainly !” says mamma, sketches, to the housemaid, “I rang. Please take full of ideas derived from pictures, they have mamma away; she is very cross and disagreeable"; wings.” “ Then what did they want a ladder for and we all know that is natural, but Mr. Mac- to get down to Jacob?" was the unexpected reply, donald's Mattie would have said, “ Please take me under which mamma found it quite time for her away; I am getting impertinent," — which is good questioner to go to bed. "If you do that," said a fun, too, but not of the sort that occurs to children. nurse to a child, not long since, — and she ought to Mattie has a great friend, a cobbler, and as people have been whipped for saying it, "Bogey will get cannot, she says, have two fathers, she calls him you, and what will you do then?" "Tell the “Mother," a touch of the most pathetic comedy, policeman," said the Londoner of seven, serenely but not real, nevertheless. True Mattie would have confident in his country's institutions, and entirely called her cobbling friend little father, or big father, indifferent to anything he could not see there and or out-o'-doors father, or any other sort of father, then. Such a child has no ready-made little theory rather than have lost sight of the reality of things. of life to which she refers everything, as Mattie

For the true secret of old-fashionedness in chil- refers it to utility, or rather efficiency, but shows her dren, if we understand it at all, and Mr. Macdon- old-fashionedness by her effort to invent sufficient ald is quite as likely to understand it as we are,- is explanations for the phenomena of the day. premature realism, an over early desire to see and Mattie, for example, goes to the Zoological Gar to speak of things exactly as they are, and not to dens, and after crying over the seal's large brown yield to “ childishness." Other children accept eyes, by no means a likely display of emotion, what comes ; they are always reflecting on the ex- visits the ratels, the quaint little beasts with cloaks planation of its coming. Such children, for ex- on their backs, who, as Mr. Macdonald says, ** heample, have a trick of “talking like grown-up lieve in somersaults, — that the main object of life: people” which strikes everybody. It is set down is to run round and round, doing the same thing very naturally to imitation, but it is not, we suspect, with decency and order, - that is, turning berle imitation, but a desperate effort to express an idea over head every time they arrive at a certain sport.** as correctly as grown-up people do, to use words These somersaults are, perhaps, the most unintel. which, as such children see, are instantly understood, ligible actions performed by any animals ; but the instead of the words which come first. They think is Mattie's comment: “ They don't make any. it accurate to talk like that, to plead for sweetmeats thing of it. They 're no farther on at night thin in long words, and to give orders with the precise they were in the morning. I hate roundabout! sententiousness of their elders. In so doing they Poor little things !” The true child of that sort are striving to be, not acting, not consistently play. would have reflected for a week, but she wyoll ing a part, as Mattie clearly is in acting for weeks have found a reason for the eccentric motion, even the head of the house. So far from losing in after if it were only one we heard a child utter. Ile life their peculiarities, as they would do if they were meditated on the ratels all day, and at last, when acting, they are usually more true at this time to everybody else had forgotten them, shouted, à monas their real nature than in after life they will be. of nothing, “It's the fleas," an entirely false Goethe, perhaps among all great men the one of planation, but justified to his mind by his knowled whom other men know most, was as a child old-fash-of little dogs. Mattie's mind, to use big words ioned, reflective, given to odd utterances, gravely essentially constructive, while the regular 31considerate as to what he would and would not do, fashioned child is, we take it, essentially analytie, liked and did not like. As a young man he was ut- occupied not with an effort to make apperra Dr terly different, - an impressionable, natural, pleas- harmonize, but to find out, in some cases by re


flection, in others by incessant questioning, what | West. We are a well-to-do people enough nous appearances really mean.

| autres Anglais ; but the fact is that the Americans And yet, when all is said, Mr. Macdonald may are making the Continent too dear for us. Animatbe right, for no man recollects his childhood, chil-ed by a noble ambition to outdo the Old Country, dren write no autobiographies, – Dr. John Brown's the free citizen of the United States, however sharp Marjory was scarcely a child, - and no man's or frugal he may be in his native land, becomes thoughts about children can ever be more than the utterly reckless in his expenditure when he crosses conclusions of an experience as limited as the con the herring pond, and will freely pay a Napoleon clusions of an ethnologist would be if he had only for what is worth five francs, so he be first and best studied one clan,

served. He stimulates the cupidity of hotel proprietors and shopkeepers by his naïve and incon

siderate lavishness; he is more Brazilian than the AMERICANS IN DRESDEN.

Brazilian; and we who made Switzerland and the DRESDEN is a charming city, to lounge about Spas, and increased the maledictions of aboriginal which is delightful; to live in which, to those who love tourists and pleasure-seekers in all the pleasant not crowds or turmoil, might be not only possible, nooks of Europe because we “spoilt their market," but congenial. There is food in plenty for body are in our turn mulcted of our substance, and cast and soul in Dresden, but it is not a lively place : into the shade besides, because of the systematic far from it. Indeed, there are streets in it - long extravagance practised by a nation of our own beand apparently respectable streets — of so deep getting. This is passing bitter, and there is but one and gloomy a lonesomeness that an anchorite would remedy,--always save that of stopping at home, joy in them,- one especially, turning out of the namely, to shun all places of entertainment for man Hauptstrasse, where a busy throng of eight or nine and beast where English is spoken, and to lurk hurries to and fro, is a sort of Zimmermann's Par-perdu in those hostelries affected by the prudent adise. The houses in this street - large, gray, and natives of the soil, who take their pleasure cheaply, solid - must be either empty or inhabited by a and are not particular to a shade about cleanliness, colony of Trappists. I walked along it from end to attention, or good living. end at two of the afternoon, and neither saw a liv- Dresden is a favorite halting-place for our uning being nor heard a human voice. My footsteps thrifty cousins, who seem to find extraordinary atsounded strangely lone. I felt like the Last Man. tractions in the prim and orderly little city. At the The thoroughfare most frequented is the noble old table-d'hôtes of the two or three really excellent bridge across the Elbe, — but one cannot be always hotels flourishing here may be seen a rich recueil of on the bridge, especially when a biting wind is slender, fragile-looking beauties, arrayed in killing blowing. To make sure of being brought into con- toilets, and of tall, pale, energetic-looking young tact with your fellow-creatures, it is advisable to fellows, perhaps a little over-dressed, against all of frequent the Royal Gallery of Pictures, one of the whose names stand in the visitors' book the mystic most delightful lounges in Europe, and rarely visited letters U. S. A. Champagne flows around them, by the aborigines. There, straying through the and the waiters skip at their behest. They speak spacious and well-ventilated saloons, and passing rather less German or French than an educated quaint comments on the splendid works with which | Englishman, but that does not prevent them from the walls are covered, you will meet Mr., Mrs., and regularly attending the theatre, even when the the Misses Entire Conne'ticut and the magnificent Legend of the Niebelungen is performed, which Shoddies of New York, with a host of other Trans-would be deadly to any one who understood it; atlantic celebrities. Since their great civil war nor do they find any difficulty in procuring the fulwas brought to a close, the Americans have swarmed filment of their wishes, although expressed in an into Europe and taken possession of the Briton's idiom that few Germans, despite their exaggerated bappy hunting-grounds. I should not wonder if, reputation as linguists, really comprehend. During as my Scotch friend asserted on board the Rhine my sojourn in Rome, three months ago, I had the steamer, they were to succeed eventually in im- good fortune to enjoy the society of an American proving the foreigner off the face of the Continent. literary gentleman, as brilliantly gifted as he was Of one thing you may be certain, and that is, that amiable and genial, but who, as he himself said, had for one Englishman now-a-days travelling through been far too busy all his lifetime to acquire any Germany or Italy, you may safely reckon ten foreign language; and I observed that he got on a Americans. I have inspected hotel registers and great deal better with waiters, shopmen, and cabwatering-place lists, in all sorts of localities this au- drivers, all of whom he addressed in vigorous and tumn, - litera scripta manent, — and can vouch for metaphorical Anglo-Saxon, than I did in the idiom the substantial accuracy of this assertion.

of the country. We had arranged to go to St. In Rome and Florence the Americans buy an- Peter's together on the morning of the canonization nually more copies of works of art than all the ceremony, and required a carriage for that purpose; other foreign visitors put together. In Vienna, but carriages were scarce, fiacres had been bespoken which used to be a pet haunt of wealthy and de- for a fortnight, and the staff of our hotel, after some bonair Englishmen, the cheerful, comfortable hotels hours' search, declared that they could not help us over which Britannia used to reign have gone over to our desideratum. Relying on my persuasive to the camp of our cousins, and the very head powers and acquaintance with Roman character waiters, though natives of Lerchenfeld, speak Ger- and dialect, I sallied forth and sought far and wide man-English with a Yankee twang. Paris is an for a long time to discover a stray vettura, but was American colony. We English are gradually being obliged to return unsuccessful and disconsolate. driven out of Europe by our cousins. We make When I told my American friend that our case was a desperate stand in one or two ancient British hopeless, he observed, “Ah! I suppose you have settlements, like Homburg and Boulogne; but we been talking Italian to these fellows, - great misare generally receding before the tide of wealth, take, depend upon it, — never speak anything but curiosity, and positivism surging up from the Far English on the Continent, and you get everything you want. Let me try!” And out he went. In | ists was only equalled by the number of Pius IX. less than half an hour he walked quietly into the brioches devoured by the Red Republicans and the coffee-room, called for a Capri and seltzer, and Voltairians. The brioche, however, most in general began to talk about the Alabama, having apparently favor is one representing Malle. Schneider in “La dismissed the carriage difficulty altogether from his Grande Duchesse de Gérolstein." mind. “ But the carriage !” “Oh! ay, - of

An entertaining paper on “Some Dinners in course it's all right, - eight sharp to-morrow morn

Rome,” which we reprinted recently in these ing, so as to get to the Vatican before the proces

columns was, we learn, from the pen of Mr. Thomas sion comes out.” His English, and strong internal conviction of success, had done the deed, but I

Heaphy, well known both as a painter and writer in

England. He is the brother of Mrs. Elizabeth could never discover how. The Americans in Dresden, as in Florence, Rome,

Murry, whose drawings in water-color have found and other be-galleried cities, go a good deal to see

so much favor in this country. the pictures; but I strongly suspect they do not care PRINCE PETER DOLGOROUKOFF has given a much about them. I do not mean to infer that good definition of “Nihilism," in Russia, concerning the majority of English autumn pilgrims to art- which M. Schedo-Ferrotti published some months shrines do either, but the arts have scarcely taken ago a volume of formidable dimensions. “Nihilism," root in Columbia as yet, and Young America is he says, “is of two kinds. There is the Nihilism more familiar with the ready-reckoner than the of those who have nothing in their pockets, and the Grecian mythology. Whereas, we have a pretty fair Nihilism of those who have nothing in their heads." school of painters of our own, and most young peo-1

LATE Stuttgart papers report the death of ple of both sexes who have been to a grammar | school or a " seminary" know the difference between

Lieutenant-Colonel Ludwig Eberhard von Alberti, at Jupiter and Hercules, and can distinguish Venus

the age of 70. He commanded the first WurtemAnadyomene from Venus Genitrix. Mere fictional |

berg battery at the battle of Leipsic, and ordered history is not in the way" of American lads and

the firing of the first gun on that memorable occalasses, and so the subjects of many admirable pictures,

sion. His daughter is married to the only grandthough notified in the catalogues, are as sealed books

son of the German poet, Friedrich von Schiller, who to them. I do not notice that the New York or

bears his grandfather's great name, and is a cavalry Boston belles are so much horrified at the gods and

officer in the Austrian service. goddesses, most of whom are considerable nude,” A MEETING was held lately in Vienna, to take as English accounts of American female prudery into consideration the advisability of having a great would lead one to believe they would be. Indeed, industrial exhibition in the capital of Austria in the one would hardly wonder if they were, here in Dres- year 1870. Many present were in favor of the plan, den: for Rubens has certainly done his “ wery others found the time for preparation too short. fiercest" in the way of exuberant and undraped On account of the importance of the question, flesh, in some of the large pictures adorning the it was decided that it should remain permanently three principal salons. Little is left to the imagi- on the order of the day as one of those matters nation, but the delicate young American girls in- demanding discussion. spect such free-and-easy works with a smiling in MR. TuomAS PURNELL, author of " Literature difference which does them great credit.

and its Professors," a valuable and entertaining

work, has edited for the Roxburghe Club, Herd's FOREIGN NOTES.

curious “Latin Metrical History of England,"

during four reigns, - those namely, of Henry VIL A POWERFUL serial story entitled Foul PLAY,

and his three immediate predecessors. The Athby Charles Reade, will be commenced in the initial

enæum adds: “ Two copies only of the work are number of the new volume of Every Saturday. known to exist; one is in the British Museum, and MAZZINI is seriously ill at Lugano.

the other, which forms the text of the present edition, ALFRED Tennyson is still residing at Farring

belongs to Sir Thomas E. Winnington. ford, Isle of Wight.

The young King of Bavaria put off his marriage A Bust of the late Joseph Hume, M. P., has been from month to month so often that at last the father placed by his widow “ with the consent of the of the lady asked if His Majesty would prefer not Hlouse" in the Library of the House of Commons. marrying at all, and if so he was willing to consider Mr. Algernon SWINBURNE contemplates the

contemplates the the royal promise as not having been given. The issue of a series of Political - Songs for the People," |

*King immediately accepted the offer, and both to appear periodically in penny numbers. Mr. | parties seem satisfied with the arrangement. The Swinburne's "Blake : Poet and Painter," is on the

occurrence has very naturally occasioned much

noise in Munich, and the behavior of His Majesty eve of publication.

is found very extraordinary. The breaking off the Professor Willis, F. R. S., has recently dis

marriage has caused great losses to many tradesmen. covered the door in Canterbury Cathedral through

Photographers had prepared a large stock of por which Thomas à Becket escaped to the high altar

traits of the royal pair, singly and together, in all from his murderers. The door has been blocked up

sizes ; and at the different porcelain factories for centuries, but the learned Professor was enabled accurately to indicate its position from contemporary which the effigies of the King and the future Queen

vases, cups, etc. were made, and a store laid in, op descriptions

were painted. All this stock is now so much lum The last new Parisian trifle is the brioche, or bun ber. These disappointments cause much bitternes made in the form of celebrated men and women of in Munich. The young couples that were to be the day. During the recent disturbance in the married and have a wedding present given tbew in Papal States it is said that the consumption of the different circles of the monarchy, are, by a Garibaldi brioches on the part of the Ultramontan- mand of the King, to have their wedding portioes



just as if he had himself been married on the day A GOOD story is told, in the Daily News, of the appointed.

awkward consequences of “cooking " history for “We have frequently,” says the Débats, “ seen educational purposes in France. M. Duruy, the

Minister of Public Instruction, happened at a school our victory of Solferino is known in Italy as that examination to put a lad to the stock test, — “What of San Martino, and while the Prussians speak of are some of the principal events of the present reign the glorious day of Kæniggraetz, we persist in for which France should be grateful to the Empecalling it by the name of Sadowa. Under what / ror ?”. “ The Mexican expedition and the Crédit name will history record the defeat of the Gari- Mobilier,” promptly returned the boy, to the horror baldians ? Remembering the position which they of the Minister and consternation of the schooloccupied, we should have said the engagement of master, who was afraid he would be hel Monte Rotondo. According to the Moniteur, we

sible for the unfortunate reply. The Minister ought rather, it seems, to designate it as the defeat left hurriedly, perhaps afraid to pursue his inquiries, of Tivoli. A Florence despatch now calls it the combat of Montana.”

a severe caning. Upon this the boy's father sum

moned the schoolmaster before a commissary of poThe good people of Dresden are highly amused

lice for an assault on his son, and in the course of and astonished at the presence among them of a

the judicial proceedings it came out that in M. rich and learned Irish gentleman, with his equally

Duruy's modern history of France, published for the learned daughter. They neither eat meat, nor

use of schools, the Mexican expedition and the drink wine, consider artificial warmth as un

creation of the Crédit Mobilier are mentioned among wholesome, — never have a fire in their rooms, and keep their windows open day and night. They

the great acts of the reign. The boy, therefore,

answered M. Duruy's question in M. Duruy's own have made Dresden their head-quarters for the last

words. But then the official history was written a few years, and thence make excursions and journeys,

year or two since. as far as Italy, Spain, and France, on foot, disdaining the use of the modern means of locomotion,

The Paris correspondent of the London Morning that of railroads more particularly. Ovid and other

Star says: -old classics are their constant travelling companions. “Princess Metternich's fête to the Emperor of

In the four capitals, - London, Paris, Berlin, Austria, the day after the gorgeous banquet given in and Vienna, - the greatest proportion of births his honor by the city of Paris at the Hotel de Ville, takes place in the last-named city. The fewest in was a brilliant success, not from the magnificence Paris. Of legitimate births, Paris shows the small- displayed at the Austrian Embassy, but from the est number, London the greatest. As regards the perfect good taste and distinction which gave to this number of deaths, Vienna shows the greatest mor- entertainment a coleur locale quite at variance with tality, London the contrary. The greatest number that of ordinary official receptions. There is no of marriages takes place in Berlin, in Vienna the woman in Paris who excites more jealousy than fewest. Paris can show the greatest number of the spirituelle Ambassadress, simply because she children that are stillborn, Vienna the fewest. Of possesses the difficult art of pleasing, and receives all four towns the proportion of individuals to each her guests with that perfect tact which conveys to house is in Vienna the greatest, in London the each the idea that he is really welcome. In the least London consumes in proportion the greatest cour d'honneur .were marshalled the servants and quantity of meat, Berlin consumes least.

personnel of the Embassy, the former in the yellow THE German magazine, Unsere Zeit, describes a Hapsburg. All noble families in France possess a

satin and black embroidered liveries of the house of curious invention made by a Russian officer, Lieu-I Suisse. whose duty it is to announce the arrival of tenant-Colonel Weyde. It consists of an apparatus

guests by three blows of his monstrous cane on the for throwing light on objects under water, for the use

marble floor of the hall; but the Princess's Suisse is of divers, &c. The machine is said to be very inex

considered a giant to be coveted, and is the envy of pensive, and experiments made with it by the Rus

the aristocratic Faubourg. He wore the costume of sian and Prussian governments in the sea near

near a Heiduc, and received his sovereign with the Cronstadt, and in the river Spree, have produced dignity due to his own important functions. very satisfactory results.

The A very important use of Princess stood at the foot of the staircase in a simple this invention is that it enables the officers of a shipdress of tulle trimmed with yellow ribbons edged of war to discover any submarine mines or torpe

with black, and led the Emperor to her salons, does sunk under it by the enemy. It must, of course,

which were literally converted into floral temples, – also greatly facilitate the recovery of sunken ships

even the dining-room walls disappeared from view and other objects at the bottom of the sea.

behind a trellis of gold lattice, on which flowering The continued unpopularity of Görgey in Hun- plants were trained to the ceiling, which screen as gary was strikingly demonstrated recently, when he it were of rare blossoms was illuminated from paid a visit to the Chamber at Pesth. Very soon behind by colored lights, which produced a magical after he was recognized in the gallery a low mur- effect. The table was decorated by the service muring was heard among the Radicals, which presented to the great Prince de Metternich by the gradually became louder and more menacing, and at First Napoleon, on his marriage with Marie Louise. last broke out in cries of “ What does Görgey want The moulds were broken as soon as the service was here? What impudence! Out with the traitor! completed. A perfect army of Cupids in frosted Does he want to betray us, as he did his companions silver, bearing a garland of natural roses, was in arms in 1848?” The President then rose, and placed the whole length of the table, while the called the House to order, but in vain. The cries central bouquet was entirely formed of tropical and threats grew louder and louder, and only ceased plants. The party numbered but thirty-four guests, when Görgey rose from his seat and left the room. including the Emperor Francis Joseph, the ArchIt is said that he left Pesth the same evening. dukes, the Rothschilds, Zichys, Sapieha, Caroly,

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