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cyclonic storms is one of very large dimensions, and tervals. This is a characteristic of clyconic storms; the phenomena are numerous, complex, and very and a knowledge of the fact and its cause is exvaried.

tremely useful to shipmasters, enabling them in Several important facts may be noticed in most some cases to avoid altogether the storm, in others to of the accounts of great cyclonic storms that have steer out of it with little damage, while other ships been carefully recorded. There are, - First, the less intelligently conducted have suffered serious limit of space on the earth's surface over which injury or been entirely wrecked. such storms are common, and the fact that within Few things are more remarkable than the exact this limit each storm has its own path and its own repetition of the phenomena of great West Indian limits of breadth. Second, the approximate identi- hurricanes. This has been shown by an example ty of these paths at very distant intervals, and the quoted at the commencement of this article. The strict fidelity with which the principal phenomena following outlines, derived from recorded narratives are repeated. Third, the spiral or corkscrew mo- of characteristic examples, will serve as a general tion of the storm round a central axis, the outer account. Before the storm the weather is fine, limit of the largest spiral being the extreme width clear, and excessively hot, with light shifting winds, of the storm. Fourth, the complication of earth- and a high barometer; if at sea the water is smooth. quake shocks with the hurricane on those parts of Suddenly the barometer falls, sometimes very much the course of the storm where it is most destructive. and very rapidly, at other times moderately, but als Fifth, the electrical and magnetic disturbances fre- most always rapidly, and often some hours prequently indicated. And Sixth, the occurrence of a viously to change. The direction of the wind when great sea-wave during such storms sweeping over the storm arrives depends on the part of the storm the lands, and exceedingly destructive to life and that first reaches the place; but it shifts rapidly property. All these phenomena were observed and soon veers, in all cases backing round from east during the late hurricane at St. Thomas and Tor- by north to west.* After a while the central axis tola.

arrives, and then there is a dead calm, which lasts Leaving for the present the case of typhoons, for a short time,- perhaps an hour. The wind waterspouts, and variable-wind storms, and confin- then rises again, commencing almost instantaneously ing ourselves to the region of the West Indies, it with a hurricane from the opposite quarter to that may be remarked that all the great hurricanes that from which it had last blown. have devastated the islands themselves, the shores of When the observer is at sea we find it described the Gulf of Mexico, and the east coast of the in such words as these : “ The sea tremendous from United States, have originated near the northeast- the force of the wind ; no tops to the waves, being ern extremity of South America, between latitudes dispersed in one sheet of white foam ; the decks 10° and 20° North and between 50° and 60° West tenanted by many sea-birds in an exhausted state, longitude. Almost all have followed the direction seeking shelter in the vessel : impossible to discern of the islands to the peninsula of Florida, and have even during the day anything at fifty yards distance; then passed on, grazing as it were the coast, and the wind representing numberless voices elevated to gradually diminishing in intensity till they re-enter the shrillest tones of screaming ” (Log of the Rawthe open Atlantic, near the island of Newfoundland. lins, Captain Macqueen, 20th August, 1837). On

The best observed have performed this whole path shore the case is somewhat different. Electrical in a time varying from seven to ten days. They phenomena and magnetic disturbances, and somehave sometimes been only partially traced, and in times earthquakes, complicate the horrors, and the some of these cases the rate has been much more destruction, if not greater, is more seen and more rapid. Some few have gone in a straight line to- easily described. In the account of the Barbadoes wards Mexico. In these storms the path of the cen- hurricane of 1831 we read, that “ On the morning tre of the storm is always from the equator into the of the 10th August the sun rose without a cloud; north temperate zone, but the whirl itself moves at 10 A. M. a breeze that had been blowing died from north by west to south, and round from south away; towards 2 P. M. the heat became oppressive; by east to north, being the reverse direction to that at 5 P. M. thick clouds appeared in the north, rain of the hands of a watch. The diameter of the fell, and was succeeded by a sudden stillness and a whirl, at first small, has gradually increased, the dismal blackness all around except towards the strength of the storm at the same time diminishing.* zenith, where there was an obscure circle of imperThus the greatest intensity of each storm is near the fect light. Till 10.30 P. M., however, there was no centre of the whorl, and near the commencement sign of change; then lightning appeared in the of the path, and there of course are the most disas- north, and very unusual fluctuations of the thertrous results produced. The smaller whorls of some mometer were observed. All this time the storm great storms have not been more than 50 miles in was only approaching. diameter at first, but have increased to 500 miles. “ After midnight the continued flashing of the Others have been more uniform.

lightning was awfully grand, and a gale blew fiercely The limit of space occupied by these storms has from the north and northeast, but at 1 A. M. on the been proved by the examination of the logs of ships | 11th August the tempestuous rage of the wind inin various positions, some within and others just out creased as the storm suddenly shifted and burst side the limit of the storm, and sometimes by the from the northwest and intermediate points. The effect produced on land. The nature of the spiral upper regions were illuminated by incessant lightmotion is detected, and the magnitude of the spiral ning, but the quivering sheet of blaze was surpassed estimated, by the mode in which the storm returns in brilliancy by the darts of electric fire which exto the same spot, and the very different quarter ploded in every direction. At a little after 2 A. M. from which the wind blows within very short in

* It is well known that when the wind changes in the direction This is not always the case, as in the great Barbadoes hurri. of the motion of the hands of a watch, north by east to south, and cane of 1837 the path of the storm at Barbadoes was about 130 so by west to north, there is a probability of fine settled weather. miles wide, and had not increased to 200 miles when near Florida, The reverse motion indicates bad weather, and is called by sailors a distance of nearly 1,500 miles.

| the " backing" of the wind.

the astounding roar of the hurricane cannot be de-treme force, and therefore velocity of the wind in scribed by language.*

the storm, the comparatively slow motion of the “ About 3 the wind abated and the lightning whole storm in path, and the backing of wind fra ceased for a few moments at a time, when the black- | north by west to south, and thence by east to north, ness in which the town was enveloped was inex- are facts made perfectly clear. It has often bappressibly awful. Fiery meteors were presently seen pened that ships at a distance of twenty or thirty falling from the heavens; one in particular, of a miles from the storm, and not in the line of its path. globular form and a deep red hue, was observed by have failed to notice anything extraordinary in the the writer to descend perpendicularly from a vast weather; and on land the storm has sometias height. On approaching the earth it assumed a swept through a forest, throwing down trees in 13dazzling whiteness and an elongated form, and on rious directions in its path, but injuring nothing on reaching the ground splashed around in the same either side. This has been noticed in England as manner as melted metal would have done, and was well as in the tropics, and is indeed a familiar fact. instantly extinct.t A few minutes afterwards the The coincidence of earthquake shocks with hurrideafening noise of the wind sank to a solemn mur-canes may be only accidental, but as it is certain mur, or rather a distant roar; and the lightning, that both events are frequently, if not always, ar which from midnight had flashed and darted fork-companied by electrical and magnetie disturbances. edly with few but momentary intermissions, now for and that earthquakes are almost always indicated nearly half a minute played frightfully between the by barometric changes, it would be unsafe and clouds and the earth with novel and surprising philosophical to deny that the earthquake and the action. The vast body of vapor appeared to touch storm are without mutual connection. It is not inthe houses, and issued downward flaming blazes, deed easy to explain how or why this is the case; which were nimbly returned from the earth up- but the fact being determined by observation the ward.

theory will soon adapt itself. Earthquake shocks " The moment after this singular alternation of have also been often accompanied by falls of me lightning the hurricane again burst from the west-teoric stones, and these again very frequently be ern points with violence prodigious beyond descrip- storms and hurricanes. The earthquake shocks tion, hurling before it thousands of missiles, the have usually been recorded as near the central ans fragments of every unsheltered structure of human of the storm, and also near the time of its commenre art. The strongest houses were caused to vibrate ment. It is only of late that observations of earth from their foundations; and the surface of the very magnetism have been made and recorded ; but it is earth trembled as the destroyer raged over it. No now well known that the telegraph wires, especially thunder was any time distinctly heard. The hor- those nearly meridional (proceeding from the north rible roar and yelling of the wind; the noise of the to the south), are altogether unusable for signal ocean, whose frightful waves threatened the town during great storms, owing to the surcharge of nagwith the destruction of all that the other elements netic electricity passing through them in the form might spare; the clattering of tiles, the falling of of earth currents. roofs and walls, and the combination of a thousand Lastly, the great sea-wave that is produced by other sounds, formed a hideous and appalling din. the sudden alteration of atinospheric pressure in the

“ After 5 A. M. the storm abated ; at 6 the wind central part of a tornado (amounting sometimes to was at south ; at 7 southeast; at 8 east-southeast; one tenth of the whole pressure), multiplied as 3] and at 9 the weather was clear.

such waves are when they enter narrow fannel “ The view from the summit of the cathedral shaped channels, is at once an illustration of the natower, a few hours later, was frightfully grand. ture of the storm and the cause of some of its most The whole face of the country was laid waste; no fatal results. This wave approaching the land rises sign of vegetation was apparent, except here and and rushes over the surface, sometimes rising twee there small patches of sickly green. The surface of ty or thirty feet or more above the ordinary ses the ground appeared as if fire had run through the level, and in its forward and return motion sweeps land, scorching and burning up the productions of away almost everything that is not attached in the the earth. The few remaining trees, stripped of most solid manner to the earth. It is rarely (per their boughs and foliage, wore a cold and wintry haps never) absent from a great hurricane; but the aspect; and the numerous seats in the environs of amount of destruction it causes is dependent on the Bridgetown, formerly concealed among thick groves, mode in which it obtains access to the land, and the were now exposed and in ruins.” 1

form of the land it comes in contact with. It was reported that earthquake shocks were felt Great tropical storms are thus not mere accidents: during this great storm, but the accounts seem not they are like most natural phenomena, — simple nee to have been sufficitntly clear to justify the state- sults of certain great laws that may be studied and ment. Of the electrical state of the air there is no understood. They occur periodically; they are in doubt, but observations on earth magnetism were timately connected with other phenomena with not then understood or thought of in the island. It which at first they seem to have no relation; they is said that heavy showers of salt water occurred. are preceded by certain indications or appearapress:

In both the accounts here given, and in all the and they are followed by certain results. The fones recorded accounts of hurricanes in the northern that are in action to produce ordinary winds tend hemisphere, the fact of the spiral motion, the ex from time to time to produce these storms al-o; and

should certain changes take place in the distribu• The commanding officer of the 36th Regiment, who had sought protection by getting under the arch of a lower window outside his

tion of the land near the part of the world where house, did not hear the roof and upper story of the house fall, and only found it out by the dust caused by the fall

sponding changes would take place in the time and It is evident that the coincidence of the storm on this occasion with the day on which the earth is known to pass through the August belt of meteors, rendered the effect of this great storm af which must be regarded as occasional they excite Barbadoes more striking. It is not safe to assert that there was no relation between the phenomena.

surprise, and when their effects injure hunan life er Reid's Law of Storms, p. 2$, et seq.

property we call them terrible; but they are in so


sense interruptions to the established order of things, I but they start a plausible difficulty; and the man and they involve no special interference with the accustomed to dwell on obstacles never gets beyond ordinary course of nature. In the sense in which them. Every obstacle has one quality in common all natural events, such as the daily rising and set--that, once realized, though no bigger than a ting of the sun, the annual course of the seasons, or straw, it concentrates the critical faculties upon itthe monthly phases of the moon, are providential, self. Till the obstacle is overcome, judgment and and illustrate the design and intelligence of a Crea-conscience feel themselves absolved from considertive Power; so must the hurricane, in its wildesting the ultimate question ; indeed the obstacle fills and most frightful horrors, be regarded no doubt as the whole vision, and allows nothing else to be seen. indicating the finger of God. But it is so in no It is not that the mind designedly renounces action; other sense. It is not a special visitation, in the it only assumes action to be impossible so long as sense of involving a special exercise of Divine will; the obstacle holds possession of the field, which, for it is one of the modes by which equilibrium is re- under such circumstances, it is very apt to do. stored upon the earth's surface, and is the result of Some go beyond this, and regard every obstacle, as a very simple modification of force essentially be- such, to be final and without appeal, — simply an longing to the established order of creation.

award of fate. An old and resident clerical fellow Since the earth has existed there have been such once related how, soon after his ordination, he had, storms ; since the land existed in its present position upon a certain occasion, officiated at a village they have taken their present course ; and as these church, and had been alarmed by a passing sense of events long preceded the advent of the human race, | faintness while reading the Second Lesson. it follows that they are neither sent to clear the air This experience was told with such gravity that of cholera, to sweep away wicked men from the his hearer felt it necessary to inquire if the sensaearth, nor to act as warnings to the indifferent and tion had ever returned on a like occasion. “Oh!” careless among the survivors. The human suffer- was the reply, not without an expression of surprise ings and losses that arise from them may indeed be in the tone, I never tried it again." The dread of a foreseen, and if descried may be prevented. Every recurring qualm had acted through a long and blameone interested in navigation knows well that the less life as an invincible obstacle against all further West Indian Islands have always been subjected to ministrations. In the same way the loss of a tool is hurricanes ; that the island and harbor of St. Thom- seen only in the one light of an obstacle so enoras, known to be unhealthy at certain seasons, lie in mous that invention is paralyzed. One who found the direct path of the tornadoes, - few years pass insurmountable straws in every walk of life came ing without some injury from them. But the station down to breakfast bearing traces of a sleepless night possesses certain conveniences which it is to be pre- of pain. " What a pity you had not your specific sumed counterbalance this risk.

by you," was the sympathizing comment. “I had," It seems as unreasonable to complain and be he answers, “but I had no scissors to cut the cotton astonished, when a serious accident from storm oc wool.” The want of the accustomed instrument curs in such a spot, as it is for the capitalist who in- had so engrossed the faculties that they could not vests in a speculative security at a high rate of in- stretch over the impediment to consider that fingers terest to feel aggrieved when his security is found to could for once answer the same purpose. be somewhat unsound. The speculator must be in very different natures we see the same suprempresumed in each case to have estimated the risk, acy of an obstacle over reason and judgment; not and acted accordingly. We venture to offer these so much smothering suggestion as staving off critiremarks, not to check the liberality of those who, cism. A girl excites the wonder of her friends by after a disaster of this or any other kind, do their encouraging the addresses of a young fellow whom utmost to sympathize with and help innocent suffer- her father “won't hear of.” So long as the paternal ers, but simply to show the real state of the case. face is resolutely set against her lover, she believes The hurricane that swept over the harbor of St. herself to be violently in love, and behaves accordThomas and the adjacent island of Tortola was not ingly. In fact, all her faculties are fixed upon the in any sense an extraordinary phenomenon. It was obstacle in the way of her fancy; she looks at nothone of a class foreknown, foreseen, and certain to ing beyond. Taste and perception are held in happen at one time or other. The risk might have abeyance. Without her knowing it, all this part of been calculated in any required terms; and as far the affair is postponed. Moved by her obstinate as the West India Mail Steamboat Company were constancy, the father's opposition wears out, and concerned, it appears that their insurance fund pro- yields as such opposition generally does. He lets vided for their loss in ships and money. Unfor- | his daughter have her way. Now, for the first time, tunately, although we may insure human life for the she is free to see the object of her choice with the benefit of the survivors, we cannot replace the life eyes of her understanding. Hitherto she has been sacrificed, — and life being lost, money cannot pay engrossed by an irritating obstacle, with a lover for it. Thus there is a sad and painful feature in glittering in becoming indistinctness on the other these events, admitting of no comfort; and naturally side. An instant revulsion of feeling ensues. Havenough the human part of the question is so promi- ing nothing to circumvent, the tardy judgment nent in the eye of human beings that they are apt awakes to an angry sense of having been taken in, to forget or ignore the greater cosmical question and the object of recent infatuation is discarded alwhich is also involved.

most as an impostor. In fact, an obstacle which stirs the temper into action is at the bottom of a

good many infatuations. Everybody has experiOBSTACLES.

enced the sway of the smallest obstacle as an exMANKIND is never less reasonable than on the cuse for delaying a necessary effort of thought subject of obstacles, whether they stimulate our de- against the grain. There is nothing the mind resires or clog our activities. Some people have a sists so pertinaciously as fixing itself a second time scent for them amounting to an instinct. Nothing on some question which it has gone through once can be proposed, however simple, easy, and obvious, and hoped to have settled. The merest outline and

preliminaries of thought it would not willingly go old story, who, stumbling upon Nebuchadnezzi, through twice where the topic is uncongenial. bid her scholars call it Nazareth and pass on.

Thus a rough draft of a letter on troublesome but Among the most painful forms of obstacle is te important business has been written and mislaid ; where we personify it, and feel ourselves in the war, one minute's concentration of the faculties would — a predicament in which weak, shy, and sensitite make good the loss, but how many men will allow natures are constantly placed. To know when to the fact that it has all been gone through once to resist this fancy as a weakness, and, on the other act as a sop to the conscience and justify indefinite hand, to be finely sensitive where the danger is reason and mischievous delay. Half the procrastination is one of the most important elements of good man that clogs the wheels of life is due to a helpless sub ners. It is painful to think how many an eligible mission to small bindrances, and a futile expectation proposal of marriage has been hindered, and a that something unforeseen will clear them off. critical moment lost forever, by some stupid fella's Great efforts are constantly neutralized and wasted blindness to the fact of his being in the way. We in this way, by a moment's carelessness, which half say “ fellow,” for this stupidity is essentially an hour might remedy. Again, we are constantly line. If a woman is in the way on these occasicas, struck by the influence of small obstacles upon it is not generally for want of knowing it. social intercourse. It is wonderful sometimes to Yet we need only look away from ourselves to note the nature of the difficulties that keep neigh- that obstacles are the real secret of happiness, z borhoods dull and unsocial, — difficulties too minute well as of the heroic virtues, which are as it were and various to specify, but familiar, in some form founded upon them. A nice balance between to us all. The strange things that are allowed to ficulties and our power to overcome them, with je " stand in the way” of profit and pleasure and the least leaning in our own favor, keeps up kindness amongst acquaintance, and things to make mind's tone, and constitutes active happiness. us moralize. We are not speaking here of the There must be something in the way of our de affected obstacles assumed for convenience, - the sires, or they cease to be desires in a too hasty ob white lies of civility ; but of cases where the mind filment. Even the sense of touch demands resis acts in good faith, but under the growing laziness ance, and certain substances are delightful to : of habit and subservience to mere straws of hin palate, from their suggesting the idea of toughes drances.

without being tough. « Joy's soul lies in the doing On the other hand, nothing is more important In this consists the satisfaction of real work as of than to know an insurmountable obstacle when you posed to make-believe, and the fiddle-faddle of an see it. Lord Lytton tells of a Spanish scholar “ of teurs meddling with a dozen pursuits, and giving 1, austere morals," who murdered and robbed a travel- one after another when the struggle with a real di ler of his money in order to purchase certain works ficulty comes. In this world, at least, a full see of the Fathers that were required to solve a question of life consists in the idea of prevailing, and getting of casuistry upon which he was engaged; and of an the mastery, and putting hindrances out of the vaj antiquary esteemed for his amiable and gentle All natural wishes and desires, as contrasted wi. qualities, who disposed of his most intimate friend morbid and unhealthy ones, are fixed upon a pie after the same manner, as the only means of pos- consistent with possibility. Mr. Dickens, in a par sessing himself of a medal without which his own turesque passage on the painful contrasts of weals collection was imperfect. These are extreme, and and penury, happiness and misery, to be seen in t. as it were heroic, results of a not uncommon ten- streets of London, describes pale pinched faces boFdency of minds supremely engrossed by some pur-ering round windows displaying good cheer; lor suit or passion. The plea of "I could not help it," gry eyes wandering over the profusion guarded by with impulsive people, overrides alike small and one thin sheet of brittle glass; shivering figure great moral obstacles which interfere with a favorite stopping to gaze at Chinese shawls and glitteric object. They recall, too, the persistency with which stuffs of India. This last is not our experiene, certain philanthropists overcome every scruple of On the contrary, we note in this matter of shop delicacy and consideration in their attacks on their windows a uniform fitness between the gazer ? neighbor's purse. Speculators constantly suffer the things gazed upon. from this want of recognizing a real obstacle, and Shivering, naked figures do not care to survey come to grief or failure from the same cause, whether golden stuffs. It is well-clad folks who can just the theorist is of those

afford to buy them now, but to whom the idea

possessing something like them some day is not a « Philosophers who find Some favorite system to their mind,

ridiculous impossibility, who look over one another's In every point to make it fit

shoulders on the gorgeous display; and if we get Will force all nature to submit";

squalid-looking fellows intent on a jeweller's tres or of the more selfish class of dreamers, “who in ures, we should not attribute the act to mere curs their own favor resolve everything that is possible osity, but to the notion of securing them some da into what is probable, and then reckon on that by possible, though dishonest, means. As for pasu probability as on what must certainly happen." cooks' shops, so tempting to little boys, the grandes

Clamsiness constantly shows itself in blindness to of them has some cates within the compass of the insurmountable obstacles; such as the want of most modestly furnished pocket when at its falla knowledge and the want of tools. Thus officious. We believe that the pleasure of buying is incumness rushes unprepared into the most knotty and patible with limitless wealth ; only the thing (83 difficult enterprises; the village blacksmith accus- hardly be tested, for wealth has expressly provided tomed to overcome the ruder class of obstacles by for it a class of expenses wbose main charm secimas mere force of arm undertakes the nicest and exact-to lie in their power to bankrupt any fortune est tasks with nothing else to back him. Ignorance The attraction, and even fascination, of an obets of the presumptuous sort never knows an obstacle cle may be seen in a hundred familiar examples when it sees one, and gets over it by assuming one who is so fond of making speeches as the stars thing to be as good as another, like the dame of the er? When are we ourselves so disposed to talk


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Soon after

when tbe doctor warns us that our chest needs ab-hibition gained him the first prize and the cross of solute rest, and we cough at every second word ? an officer of the Legion of Honor. Soon after Who cares for travelling like those who have to these honors were awarded to Father Secchi, some scrape and save and overcome a hundred difficulties scientific men examined the “metereograph," and to compass a journey ? Many an obscure life is found that it was simply a copy of Morland's steelmade heroic to the possessor by a succession of yard barometer, which was presented by its inventriumphs over all but impossibilities.

tor to Charles II. in the seventeenth century. The joys of contrivance, which are the supreme

| A Paris letter-writer is responsible for the folfelicity of many minds, lie in this direction, in the

| lowing statement: A spectacle, which draws a leap towards an encounter with difficulties which are just not insurmountable, and which are overcome

crowd daily to the Tuileries gardens, is that of a

lady who does not make a profession of her powers each in their turn after a real tussle. To these

of charming, but who, in her daily walk, attracts natures ample means and inexhaustible affluence

| around her flights of the wild pigeons who lodge in would be stagnation. People who are great at

the old trees, and scores of sparrows and other birds, overcoming obstacles cannot well do without them.

who perch on her shoulder, and even have the auThey are a necessary aliment. Such persons will

dacity to peck at her mouth. The lady is daily esmake them if they do not find them; and there is

corted to her home by a perfect squadron of her all the difference in wholesomeness between the

feathered friends, who then return to their quarters. natural and the artificial obstacle. It is an old observation that small causes are sufficient to make A xEw Parisian toy just now in great demand on a man uneasy where great ones are not in the way. the Boulevards, is called la question Romaine, or the For want of a block, he will stumble at a straw. two points of interrogation. It consists of two pieces

of thick iron wire so interlaced as to be a difficult FOREIGN NOTES.

puzzle to separate. It is impossible to enter a café

or drawing-room without seeing gray-headed officials, MR. CHARLES MATHEWS is reputed to be father as well as their younger brethren, puzzling over the of the following jeu d'esprit on hippophagy:

twisted notes of interrogation. Whoever invented " If horseflesh won't suffice to feed the masses,

the joujou has made his fortune. On New Year's
The next resource will certainly be asses;

Day fifty thousand were sold at two francs each;
And Heaven only knows where that will end !
Some people won't have left a single friend.”

now you can purchase one for twopence. The MR. TENNYSOx is said to be about to issue a question”; he failed, but handed the toy to the

Emperor tried his luck at solving the “Roman “ Standard” edition of his works in four library

young Prince, who instantly separated this new volumes. This edition will be carefully corrected | Gordian knot, exclaiming - J'ai résolu la question by the poet, and will contain some notable additions

Romaine plus vite que vous, mon père.” The toy havto his published writings.

| ing been the success of the hour in France, will probThe Austrians have lately made experiments at ably turn up in England as “ The Fenian Question." Fiume with a new species of torpedo, the peculiar

One of the principal attractions in Paris for some ity of which is, that it can be set in motion under water, and directed against the object to be de- Dons pas

le months past has been “ L'Homme Masqué.” This stroyed. Its use, therefore, if successful, will by nope

I personage, who reveals neither his name nor his face means be confined to the defence of coasts and

to the public, gives a series of athletic performances harbors, as it may be equally well employed in the

in the circus in the Rue Lepelletier. He makes his

appearance in the arena with a black mask on his open sea.

face and black gloves on his hands, the rest of his SOME of the gilded youths of Paris are startled person being covered with white “tricot,” and by the intelligence that one of the most celebrated though his muscular development does not seem to actresses of the Odéon, Malle. Thuillier, is about to be extraordinary, he performs wonderful feats of take the veil at the Convent of the Carmelites, and strength. Hitherto he has always been victorious that Madame Arnould Plessy is likely to follow her in numerous contests with adversaries apparently example. It appears that Father Hyacinthe, the much stronger than himself, such as “ le Colosse des celebrated Lent preacher, has effected these conver Alpes” and the Marseilles wrestler known as “ le sions.

Fauve des Jungles.” The mania for athletics with THE " Tatler" of the London Review says: “ We

which he has inoculated the Parisians is burlesqued are told that during the year 1867 four hundred

in a farce entitled “ Des Lutteuses," at the Bouffes. and ten novels have been published, - nearly a

A middle-aged milliner, roused to enthusiasm by the novel and a half a day! - enough for the most in

performances of " l'homme masqué," determines to satiable reader; and this does not include magazine

convert her shop into a gymnasium. She has her tales. But religion and politics are still the staple

son taught boxing, takes shower-baths every mornmental pabulum of Englishmen ; hence we have

ing, and makes her shopwomen lift heavy weights eight hundred and forty-nine religious essays and

and perform other gymnastic feats. While this is pamphlets. Here, indeed, must be many shades of going on her husband returns from a journey, bring

ing with him a husband for his daughter and a opinion, both political and religious.

notary. He finds, to his utter amazement, ropes THE Moniteur Scientifique asserts that one of the hanging from the ceiling of his wife's shop, and foils exbibitors at the late Paris Exhibition obtained a and single-sticks in every corner. Soon his wife prize from the commissioners for an instrument appears in boxing costume, and perceiving the which has been known for the last two hundred notary, whom she mistakes for the celebrated athlete years as an original invention. The exhibitor in " le Rocher de St. Malo," gives him a playful dig in question is Father Secchi, the well-known Jesuit the ribs, which knocks him head over heels. The professor of Rome, and the instrument (which he husband here interposes, but she stops bis grumbcalled the “ metereograph ") sent by him to the Ex- | lings by swinging him on a trapèze, and at length

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