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and apprehension. She was never made savage by, be called upon to meet it. For instance, take the remorse, or cruel by terror.

demeanor of Horatio, Marcellus, and Bernardo, There is nothing that seems to me more false throughout the scene so finely expressive of their than the common estimate of cruelty, as connected terror and dismay at the appearance of the ghost. with the details of crime. Could the annals and and in which the climax is their precipitating thenstatistics of murder be made to show the prevailing selves together towards the object of their horror. temper under which the most atrocious crimes have striking at it with their partisans; a wonderful rep been committed, there is little doubt that those resentation of the effect of fear upon creatures of a which present the most revolting circumstances of naturally courageous constitution, which Shake cruelty would be found to have been perpetrated speare has reproduced in the ecstasy of terror with by men of more, rather than less, nervous sensi- which Macbeth himself finally rushes upon the terribility, or irritability, than the average; for it is ble vision which unmans him, and drives it from precisely in such organizations that hatred, horror, before him with frantic outcries and despairing gesfear, remorse, dismay, and a certain blind blood-tures. thirsty rage, combine under evil excitement to pro It is no unfrequent exhibition of fear in a courduce that species of delirium under the influence of ageous boy to fly at and strike the object of his diswhich, as of some infernal ecstasy, the most horrible may, - a sort of -instinctive method of ascertaining atrocities are perpetrated.

its nature, and so disarming its terrors ; and these · Lady Macbeth was of far too powerful an organi- men are represented by Shakespeare as thus eszation to be liable to the frenzy of mingled emotions pressing the utmost impulse of a fear, to the interby which her wretched husband is assailed; and sity of which their words bear ample witness. Howhen, in the very first hour of her miserable exalta- ratio says: “It harrows me with fear and wonder." tion, she perceives that the ashes of the Dead Sea Bernardo says to him : “ How now, Horatio ! yon are to be henceforth her daily bread, when the tremble and turn pale !” and Horatio, describing crown is placed upon her brow, and she feels that the vision and its effect upon himself and his comthe “golden round” is lined with red-hot iron, panions, says to Hamlet,she accepts the dismal truth with one glance of

"Thrice he walk'd steady recognition :

By their oppress'd and fear-surprised eyes

Within his truncheon's length, whilst they, distille "Like some bold seer in a trande,

Almost to jelly with the act of fear,”' &c.
Beholding all her own mischance,
Mute - with a glassy countenance."

And it must be remembered that nothing in itself She looks down the dreary vista of the coming | hideous, or revolting, appeared to these men, - nothyears, and, having admitted that "naught's had, I ing but the image of the dead King of Denmark, all's spent," dismisses her fate, without further com

familiar to them in the majestic sweetness of its ment, from consideration, and applies herself forth-countenance and bearing, and courteous and friendwith to encourage, cheer, and succor, with the sup-1 ly in its gestures; and yet it fills them with unutter port of her superior strength, the finer yet feebler able terror. When the same vision appears to Handspirit of her husband.

let - a young man with the noble spirit of a prince, In denying to Lady Macbeth all the peculiar sen- / a conscience void of all offence, and a heart yeart sibilities of her sex (for they are all included in its ing with aching tenderness towards the father whose pre-eminent characteristic. – the maternal instinct, / beloved image stands before him precisely as his - and there is no doubt that the illustration of the eyes had looked upon and loved it in life - how quality of her resolution by the assertion that she does he accost it? — would have dashed her baby's brains out, if she had

" What may this mean!

That thou, dead corse, again in complete steel sworn to do it, is no mere figure of speech, but very

Revisit'st thus the glimpses of the moon, certain earnest) Shakespeare has not divested her

Making night hideous, and we fools of nature of natural feeling to the degree of placing her with

So horribly to shake our dispositions," &c. out the pale of our common humanity.

The second time that Hamlet sees his father's ghost. Her husband shrank from the idea of her bearing when one might suppose that something of the bor women like herself, but not “males," of whom he ror attendant upon such a visitation would have thought her a fit mother; and she retains enough of been dispelled by the previous experience, his moth the nature of mankind, if not of womankind, to er thus depicts the appearance that he presents to bring her within the circle of our toleration, and her:make is accept her as possible. Thus the solitary

"Forth at your eyes your spirits wildly peep ; positive instance of her sensibility has nothing espe

And, as the sleeping soldiers in the aların,

Your bedded hair, like life in excrements, cially teminine about it. Her momentary relenting

Starts up and stands on end." in the act of stabbing Duncan, because he resembled her father as he slept, is a touch of human tender

What a description of the mere physical revulsion ness by which most men might be overcome, while

with which living flesh and blood shrinks from the the smearing her hands in the warm gore of the

the cold simulacrum of life, — so like and so utterlr slaughtered old man, is an act of physical insensibil- like, — so familiar and yet so horribly strange! The ity which not one woman out of a thousand would / agony is physical, — not of the soul; for have had nerve or stomach for.

“What can it do to that, That Shakespeare never imagined Banquo's

Being a thing immortal as itself? " ghost to be visible to Lady Macbeth in the banquet- exclaims the undaunted spirit of the young man ; hall seems to me abundantly proved (however infer- and in the closet scene, with his mother, passionate entially) by the mode in which he has represented pity and tenderness for his father are the only such apparitions as affecting all the men who in his emotions Hamlet expresses with his lips, while ba dramas are subjected to this supreme test of cour eyes start from their sockets, and his hair rears it age, - good men, whose minds are undisturbed by self on his scalp, with the terror inspired by the remorse; brave men, soldiers, prepared to face dan- proximity of that " gracious figure." ger in every shape (" but that”) in which they maylIn “ Julius Cæsar,” the emotion experienced by


Brutus at the sight of Cæsar's ghost is, if possible, / with fear, is imperilling his own and that rider's existeven more to the purpose. The spirit of the firm ence, drives the rowels of her piercing irony into *Roman, composed to peaceful meditation after his him, and with a hand of iron guides, and urges, and tender and sweet reconciliation with his friend, and lifts him over the danger. But, except in those suhis exquisite kindness to his sleepy young slave, is preme instants, where her purpose is to lash and quietly directed to the subject of his study, when the goad him past the obstruction of bis own terrors, ghost of Cæsar appears to him, darkening by its her habitual tone, from beginning to end, is of a sort presence the light of the taper by which he reads, of contemptuous compassion towards the husband and to wbich Shakespeare, according to the super- whose moral superiority of nature she perceives and stition of his day, imparts this sensitiveness to the despises, as inen not seldom put by the finer and preternatural influence. Brutus, in questioning his truer view of duty of women, as too delicate for awful visitor, loses none of his stoical steadfastness common use, a weapon of too fine a temper for of soul, and yet speaks of his blood running coll, worldly warfare. and his hair stariny with the horror of the unearthly Her analysis of his character while still holding in visitation.

her hand his affectionate letter, her admonition to Surely, having thus depicted the effect of such an him that his face: betrays the secret disturbance of experience on such men as Horatio, Hamlet, Brutus, his mind, her advice that he will commit the busianu Macbetb, Shakespeare can never have repre- ness of the King's murder to her management, her sented a woman, even though that woman was the grave and almost kind solicitude at his moody solibravest of her sex, and almost of herkind, as subject- tary broodiny over the irretrievable past, and her ed to a like ordeal and utterly unmoved by it. An compassionatu suggestion at the close of the banquet argument which appears to me conclusive on the scene, point, however, is, that in the sleeping scene Lady

“You want the season of all natures, – sleep," Macbeth divulges nothing of the kind; and, even if it were possible to conceive lier intrepidity equal to when she must have seen the utter hopelessness of absolute silence and self-command under the intense long concealing crimes which the miserable murderand mingled terrors of the banquet scene with a per- er would hinuself inevitably reveal in some convulception of Banquo's apparition, it is altogether in-sion of ungovernable remorse, are all indications of possible to imagine that the emotion she controlled her own sense of superior power over the man then should not reveal itself in the hour of those whose nature wants the “illness" with which hers is unconscious confessions when she involuntarily strips so terribly endowed, wlio would “holily” that which bare the festering plagues of her bosom to the night he would laglily," who would not " play false," and and her appalled watchers, and in her ghastly slum- yet would " wrongly win.” bers, with the step and voice of some horrible au- Nothing, indeerl, can be more wonderfully pertomaton, moved by no human volition, but a dire fect than Shakespeare's delineation of the evil nacompelling necessity, acts over again the mysteries ture of these two human souls, – the evil strength of iniquity with which she has been familiar. But, of the one, and the evil weakness of the other. on the contrary, while wringing from her hands the The woman's wiile-eyed, bold, collected leap into warm gore of the murdered Duncan, and dragging, the abyss makes us gulp with terror ; while we watch with the impctent effort of her agonized nightmare, the man's blinkiny, shrinking, clinging, gradual her husband away from the sound of the "knock- slide into it, with a protracted agony akin to his ing" which reverberates still in the distracted cham- own. bers of her brain, alınost the last words she articu- In admirable harmony with the concep!ion of both lates are: “ I tell you yet again, Banquo is buried; characters is the absence in the case of Lady Mac. he cannot come out of his grave." Assuredly she beth of all the grotesquely terrible supernatural never saw his ghost.

machinery by which the imagination of Macbeth I am not inclined to agree, cither, with the view is assailed and launted. She reads of her husband's which lends any special tenderness to Lady Mac-encounter with the witches, and the fulfilment of beth's demeanor towards her husband atter the their first prophesy; and yet, while the men who achievement of their bad eminence. She is not a encounter thein (Banquo as much as Macbeth) are woman to waste words, any more than other means struck and fascinated by the wild quaintness of their to ends; and, therefore, her refraining from all weird figures, — with the description of which it is reproaches at the disastrous close of their great fos-evident Macbeth has opened his letter to her, - her tival is perfectly consistent with the vehemence of mind does not well for a moment on these "weak her irony, so long as she could hope by its fierce ministers" of the great power of evil. The metilstimulus to rouse Macbeth from the delirium of ter- physical conception of the influence to which she ror into which he is thrown by the sight of Banquo's dedicates herself is pure free-thinking compared ghost. While uirging her husband to the King's with the superstitions of her times; and we cannot murder, she uses, with all the power and weight she imagine her sweeping into the murky cavern, where can give to it, the “ valor of her tongue," which she the hellish jugrleries of Llecate are played, and her foresaw in the first hour of receiving the written phantasınagories rovel round their filthy caldron, news of his advancement woull be requisite, 10 without feeling that these petty devils woulil shrink "chastise" the irresolution of his spirit and the fluc- appalled awav tiom the presence of the awful womtuations of his purposes. She has her end to gain an who had made her losom the throne of those by talking, and she ialks till she does gain it; and murdering ministers" who in their “sightless subin those moments of mortal agony, when his terrors stance" attend 011," nature's mischief." threaten with annihilation the fabric of their for- Nor has Shakespeare failed to show liow well, up tunes, - that fearful fabric, based on such infinite to a certain point, the Devil serves those who serve depths of guilt, cemented with such costly blood, - him well. The whole-hearted wickedness of Lady when she sees him rushing upon inevitable ruin, and Macbeth buys that exemption from a present fears" losing every consciousness but that of his own and · horrible imaginings” which Macbeth's ballcrimes, she, like the rider whose horse, maddened allegiance to right cannot purchase for him. In

one sense, good consciences -- that is, tender! The preservation of Macbeth's dignity in a de ones - may be said to be the only bad ones: the gree sufficient to retain our sympathy, in spite of the very worst alone are those that hold their peace, and preponderance of his wife's nature over his, depends cease from clamoring. In sin, as in all other things, on the two facts of his undoubted heroism in his rethoroughness has its reward: and the reward is lations with men, and his great tenderness for the blindness to fear, deafness to remorse, hardness to woman whose evil will is made powerful orer his good, and moral insensibility to moral torture, - partly by his affection for her. It is remarkable the deadly gangrene instead of the agony of cau- that hardly one scene passes where they are brooght terization ; a degradation below shame, fear, and together, in which he does not address to her some pain. This point Lady Macbeth reaches at once, endearing appellation; and, from his first written while from the first scene of the play to the last the words to her whom he calls his * Dearest partner of wounded soul of Macbeth writhes, and cries, and greatness,” to his pathetic appeal to ber physician groans, over its own gradual deterioration. Inces for some alleviation of her moral plagues, a love of sant returns upon himself and his own condition, extreme strength and tenderness is constantly manibetray a state of moral disquietude which is as ill. fested in every address to or mention of her that he boding an omen of the spiritual state as the morbid makes. He seeks her sympathy alike in the season feeling of his own pulse by a sickly self-observing of his prosperous fortune and in the hour of his speninvalid is of the physical condition: and, from the tal anguish: beginning to the end of his career, the several

" Oh, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife ! stages of his progress in guilt are marked by his own bitter consciousness of it. First, the startled mis

and in this same scene there is a touch of essentially giving as to his own motives :

manly reverence for the womanly nature of ber who

has so little of it, that deserves to be classed among “This supernatural soliciting Cannot be ill, - cannot be good."

Shakespeare's most exquisite inspirations: bis re

fusing to pollute his wife's mind with the bloody Then the admission of the necessity for the treach

horror of Banquo's proposed murder. erous cowardly assumption of friendly hospitality, from which the brave man's nature and soldier's “ Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chock! alike revolt:

is a conception full of the tenderest and deepest re* False face must hide what the false heart must know." finement, contrasting wonderfully with the hard, Then the panic-striken horror of the insisting:

unhesitating cruelty of her immediate suggestion in

reply to his :
* But why could I not pronounce Amen?
I had most peed of blessiag, and Amen

* Thou know'st that Banquo and his Fleance lire,
Stack in my throat."

But in them Nature's copy 's not eterne ; The vertigo of inevitable retribution:

by which she clearly demonstrates that her own * Glamis doth murder sleep,

wickedness not only keeps pace with his, but has inAnd therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more !"

deed, as in the business of the king's murder, reacb

ed at a bound that goal towards which he has strug The utter misery of the question :

gled by slow degrees. "How is it with me, when ev'ry noise appalls me ?” At the end of the banquet-scene he appeals to The intolerable bitterness of the thought:

her for her opinion on the danger threatened by

Macduff's contumacious refusal of their invitation, * For Banquo's issue have I filed my breast,

and from first to last be so completely leans on her And mine eternal jewel given ; Given to the common enemy of mankind."

for support and solace in their miserable partnerLater comes the consciousness of stony loss of fear

✓ loss of fear ship of guilt and woe, that when we hear the and pity:

ominous words : * The time has been

“My Lord, the Queen is dead!" My senses would have cooled to hear a night-shriek.

we see him stagger under the blow which strikes

from him the prop of that undaunted spirit in whose Cannot once stir me!"

valor be found the never-failing stimulus of his own. After this, the dreary wretchedness of his detested

In the final encounter between Macbeth and the and despised old age confronts him:

appointed avenger of blood, it appears to me that * And that which should accompany old age,

the suggestion of his want of personal courage, put As honor, love, obedience, troops of friends,

forward by some commentators on his character, is I must not look to have."

most triumphantly refuted. I'ntil his sword crosses Most wonderful of all is it, after reviewing the suc- that of Macduff, and the latter, with his terrible de cessive steps of this dire declension of the man's fiance to the “ Angel " * whom Macbeth still has moral nature, to turn back to his first acknowledg- served, reveals to him the fact of his untimely birth, ment of that Divine government, that Supreme Rule he has been like one drunk, — maddened by the of Right, by which the deeds of men meet righteous poisonous inspirations of the bellish oracles in which retribution * Here, even here, upon this bank and he has put his faith; and his furious excitement : shoal of Time"; that unhesitating confession of the delirium of mingled doubt and dread with which faith in the immutable just ce and goodness of God he plines, in spite of the gradual revelation of its with which he first opens the debate in his bosom, falsehood, to the juggling promise which pronounced and contrasts it with the desperate blasphemy which bin master of a charmed life. But no sooner is the he utters in the hour of his soul's final overthrow, when he proclaims life, - man's life, the precious

* Noteworthy, in min small degree, is this ward "Angel"

used by Maoduir. Who but Shakespeare would wat have views and mysterious object of God's moral govern ** Devir? But what a tremendous visinu or terrine sa ment, —

the wond evokes! what a visible presence of primary pory (rea

of the great prince of pride, ambition, and rehellist " A tale told by an idiot, fatt of sound and fury,

in larid majesty, and overshuulow the figure of the based on Signifying nothing »

of evil!

Direness, familiar to my slaughterous thoughts

mist of this delusion. swept from his mind, by the and gossip of his brethren, he handled the razor piercing blast of Macduff's interpretation of the with unusual dexterity. His reputation, consepromise, than the heroic nature of the man once quently, stood bigh, and his customers were well-tomore proclaims itself. The fire of his spirit Aames do and numerous. above the “ ashes of his chance"; the intrepid Master Galipaud's next-door neighbor was a pascourage of the great chieftain leaps up again in one try cook named Grimaldi, a native of Florence, who last blaze of desperate daring; and alone - desert- drove, in his way, as flourishing a business as his ed by his followers and betrayed by his infernal friend Galipaud. His shop was one of the best allies — he stands erect in the undaunted bravery frequented in town. Certain little patties, made of his nature, confronting the eyes of Death as they after a receipt of his own, were sought by epicures glare at him from Macduff's sockets, and exclaims, from every quarter. The patties, in fact, were * Yet will I try the last." One feeling only mingles prepared with considerable skill; they were better with this expiring flash of resolute heroism, one most seasoned, and more delicately flavored, than any to pathetic reference to the human detestation from be had of other pastry cooks. He sold an enormous which in that supreme hour he shrinks as much as quantity every day. As a matter of course, he from degradation, - more than from death. made a de:1 of money by them. "I will not yield,

One Christmas Eve, as it was getting dark, a To kiss the ground before young Malcolm's foot,

bell-ringer at the cathedral of Notre Dame named And to be baited by the rabble's curse."

Lefèvre, as he was passing down the Rue des MarIt is the last cry of the human soul, cut off from the mousets, had the unlacky idea of getting shaved, love and reverence of humanity; and with that he He stepped into Galipaudi's shop, accompanied by a rushes out of the existence made intolerable by the little spaniel called Carpillon. At a sign from his hatred of his kind.

| master, the dog lay clown in a corner of the shop near the door, while he himself went into the back

shop, where the barber awaited him, napkin in MORE DOGS OF NOTE.*

hand. For many people horrors have an irresistible. A few minutes afterwards Carpillon suddenly charm, and the more horrible the horrors are the leard a groan, immediately followed by a dull, better they like them, especially if founded on a

heavy sound, like that of a door shut firmly to. groundwork of fact. Amongst these, the sale and

The dog pricked his ears, jumped on his feet, and serving of human flesh in unsuspected forms bas

rushed into the back shop, barking loudly. He ever been a favorite topic with the lovers of the

searched for his master, but no master was to be hideous and the terrible. From the time of the

found. The bell-ringer had disappeared. SomeArabian Nights to the present date, many a listen

thing strange and horrible must have occurred, for ing ear has been fascinated by accounts of how the dogs could not be made to cease from howling. monsters in human shape (a race of criminals, it is

Gülipaud, in a rage, seized a thick stick, with the believed, now quite extinct) beguiled honest and

evident intention of knocking the dog on the head. healthy appetited men into acts of unconscious can

Carpillon avoided the blow, and, becoming furious nibalism. It is a pleasure analogous to hearing the

the in turn, attacked the barber's legs, which he bit serain beat, and the tempest howl, while you are 'erely m several places. After, wreaking this parsnugly ensconced in your chimney corner. It is so tai vengeance, he retreated under a heavy piece of utterly unlikely, so impossible, now, that you should furnit

von should I furniture, where he recommenced his cries and be made, under any conceivable circumstances, to Yell

yells. commit true and real anthropophagy, that it merely

While this was going on two of the bell-ringer's gives you a pleasing shudder, a delightful fright,

friends entered the barber's shop. Carpillon, recogwhen you hear of such things occurring in bygone

nizing them at once, crept out of his retreat, ran times. They are legendary lore, you think, no

towards them, and renewed his plaintive lamentamore authentic that Bluebeard's biography; their

hombre haintions. actors are imaginary beings, as unsupported by

" Why, it's Carpillon!” one of them exclaimed. fact as European ogres or oriental ghouls. Such

ds. Such “What is the matter, Carpillon? Where is your legendary tales have, nevertheless, been almost al- | master : ways taken from history. In such cases, to arrive

These words redoubled the dog's excitement. He at the historical fact, it suffices to strid' it of the rushed again upon the barber, and followed him to details superadded by popular credulity.

the further end of his back shop. The two men folThus, many a child has been frightened by

lowed, thinking to calm him; but they stopped nurses' tales about butchers and pastry cooks selling

short as if petrified, at beholding Galipaud hastily human flesh in Paris. Those tales were doubtless pick up a bloody nightcap. The barber's fearful greatly exaggerated ; nay, we might utterly refuse pallor, his haggard eyes, bis strange embarrassment, to credit them, if such facts were not attested by

treated by were a complete revelation for ihese two witnesses. authentic documents. In parchment records, sey. They turnell pale, and trembled with horror themeral centuries old, it is stated that a butcher at selves,"

er at selves. “Lefèvre has been murdered !” they involTournus, a small town in Burgundy, publicly sold untarily exclaimed. human flesh, passing it off for veal. Another mem

The words struck Galipaud like a thunderbolt. orable instance occurred in the year of grace 1260,

He saw that he was lost, and tried to escape. The when Louis IX., commonly called Saint Louis, was

bell-ringer's friends barred the passage, shouting for king of France.

help. In a few minutes the shop was crowded. At that time there dwelt at the corner of the

The legal authorities soon arrived. Toey then set Rue des Deux-Ermites, at the entrance of the Rue

about scarching the premises, which speedily resultdes Marmousets, a master barber, whose name was

ed in a frightful discovery. Olivier Galipaud. With the usual obsequiousness

| Olivier Galipaud was a practised assassin, and

Grimaldi, the pastry cook, was his accomplice. • See Every Saturday, Number 94.

| In the barber's back shop they found a trap-door,


swinging on a hinge, and opening into the cellar be- !rver-increasing anxiety. On the morning of the neath. As soon yo the wretch bad cut a victim's fifth day, their dog, who had accompaniert his mas throat, he threw him down backwarile upon the ter in his journey, arrived alone. The poor creatrap-door, and the body immediately disappeared. ture was in a pitiable state. Every sound et his At night, after the commission of stery murder, voice, every movement he made, annarunced tide. Galipaud went down into his collar, and (nt up the Herpest griet. Ile lieked his inistress's hands. Las ! body into joints, exactly as a professional buteher down at her feet, and began to howl. world. The head and the bones wepos pnt into a " Misfortune has come to the house," she said ! sack, to be thrown into the Seine at the first oppor- " A presentiment of evil chokes my breath. If your tunity. The Aesh was sold to his gosip Grimaldi; father should be cleal! The Lord have pity on and it was with this meat that the wretch made the us!" famous patties which all Parig enjovial with so keen “ If you wish, mother, I am ready to go in search å relish. A small door, excavated in the fonndation of him." of the building, established a commmmiration be- Go, my hoy: go by all means. Take Bristol tween the adjoining mellars orcupied by this couple with yon. He will be sure to lead you to his masof cannibal accomplices,

ter, alive or dead." The number of persons mor lerert bry Galivaul Bristol, hearing what was said, rose to his feet and could never be prerjeely ascertainert. When the walked slowly towark the door. The young man officers of justice serrcher the cellar, they found, saddled a good horse, and set off at once upon his ! besides the Notre Damne bell-ringer's corpse, two mission. He did not return until the following dar. 1 beads separated from their bodies. They were still During the whole time of bis absence his mother had lying close to the butcher's block on which the mon-prayed and wept. steried to cut tij human flesh. Probably be had " You are alone,” she said; “I understand wat not had time (uring the preceding night to go and that means. Your father is no more, and I am left throw them into the river. A fi dlara alter their a widow." arreet, these atrocious villains received the chastise- lle knelt by her side, and Bristol licked their inent due to their crime's bir beinir burnt alive in bands while they wept together.. the Place de Grote. The house where such deeds"What information have you obtained ?" she bail heen rommittee was remolished. A large asked. square atone marked the accused spot; and on the "My father has been murdered in the forest of stone was sculptured the likences of the faithful Cruyniou." dog, who had airnged his master bydlenouncing the For a whole month, the authorities on one hand, criminals to justice.

and the wiilow and her son on the other, made every The log of Montargis undoubtedly stapıls the very lort to discover the murderer ; but all in vizin; they foremost on the list of ranine arrusers; but the story could not even find out any individual on whom is too well known, too legendary, and too long, to they could fix a reasonable suspicion. Six months allow of repetition here. My clier readers will re- elapsed. The attention of the others of justice bemember the melodrama rön posel on this apbjret, ing directed to more recent crimes, they thout and which, in their yonth, maile the top of all the no more of the pap(-1-merchant. But those he British provincial theatre's. It first appeared in I had left still monrned his loss. Bristol bad lost Paris, at the Ambiga ('omique, with intense sic all his gavety. lle spent whole hours 0.70wfully fpe&; thence it travelled all over France, and was stretched on a little straw in the couri-rand of the afterwarıls produced in Lennon, Vienna, and other houses. forciun capitals.

1 One evening, while following his young master The performance of the doo Montarvis in Ger alont the town, be entered with him into a case in many furnishe's an aner loote wil is Viper furious which several strangers Werk 293 mbel. The and little known. An actor of the name of Korten. young man took his sat at a table desde a couple was travelling about from turns to town with the of acquaintances, and Bristol having nothin: liter famous dog who har plave in Paris the part of hito do, beguiled the time by walking up an.) down Dor The court of Saxe-Weimar inviteil him to go, the room. Suddenly, after ustering a lung o la there. It that time Goethe, the author of Faret," furiously flew at a tall thin man who was ar wa minister and manager of the theatre at Ve.! himsel with a game odmanghts. mar. Ile strenuously opposed the rep poentat:on ofl. The man, in alanın, called out for his Te this illeritinate drama, founding his resistance on poets mee from their seats and Towel m n m the regulation which fophuvide the product on oi ani, They tried to keep the dau back; tu bwai kuran mals in the Weimariton

i verely about the head and brains; Init al: it, the The count disposar loud the poet's position, and pose. It only redou strad Brutal fari. II. D. Tra resolved on bring its own war. At which, no attention to the persons who maltretten till Goetlie set off in a rage for Jenn, where he wrote his rage was alirerted against the man w rose to the Grand Dute that his Transparency hai to plaring draughts. As soon as he was driven ut. tak choose between liim, Geite, and the dog

attackel him again. He tort his clothes and bit luas The dog ostained the pretirence, and Goethe's "ler resignation was alopet.

* This is inen Teralle, abominable*** shoutre the Another Denunciating Dog, hearing the sinmlar bretuinders, addressing Bristol- ounier. (wal ut name of Bristol," is recorded in the judicial annois your lov, and take him ont of the rooni." of the South of France. It dates from the rear With some difficulty the youn man mrepair in 1718

making the enraged anima: love his tolus ad A Marseilles paper-merchant went to make pur rould find no other means of calming him ex ve chases at Torlon. That done, he left Toulon to carrying him qnite out of the pate. Bai belanthus return to Marseilles. His wife and son, apprisert bail set a hundred step, Bristol left dus SIETI oi' his departure. awaited his coming. For four long returned to the café, and again atturke i thar ut days they waited in vain, in a state of fearful and thin stranger. Once more the youn DA WE

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