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+15 has the most irresistible charts - by world that in these charming is there should perhas solado, senzity, power, and a re. These se- be for steal perfectaco. a shade more on Carers are exterior pot, bat they are goods: 3 I oftes, therefore, when I want to distinga be who is kindered by them from caring fre 5ght dearly the aristocratie elas from the Philistina zod ideas. is 50 mach doing what is pertence as proce. o teclas, name the forget, in

own mind. Sie Bororov: and when I go throci Kecding bis in ver, I bave in

mind tbe country. ze this and that beautiful oben ized myself with the fancy of patting side reposizg seat of theirs crorning the landscape by side with the idea of co aristocratie class, the: - Tbere. Iey to urself, is a great fortifed per idea of de Barborian. The Barbarians, to bom' of the Barbarians we all are so much and bo reinriorate and it is boos that that part of the workingese TEDETol or 070-oert Evrope, bad, as is well known. ch. Torting Eligently by the light of V enesest merits; and in this country, where we are Gooch's Golex Rale, looks forward to tbe base for the most part srung from the Barbarians, we dat when it Ist on thrones with Mr. Bezler sa have never had the prejadice against them which other milleclas potentates, to sufrey, as prevails among the races of Latin origin. The Briget beautifly says, the cities it has built Barbarians brought with them that staoch indi-' railroads it has made, the manufactures it has a vidualism, as the modern phrase, and that passion! daced, the carries which freight the ships at for doing as one likes, for the assertion of personal greatest bertantile navy the world has ever seen. liberty, which appears to Jr. Bright the central it is obvious. I ar, that this part of the workins idea of English life, and of which we have, at any class is or is in a fair way to be, one in spirit te sate, a very rich supply. The strong bold and the industrial middle-class natural seat of this passion was in the pobles of It is notoriods that our middle class Liberals bar

bona cor aristocratic class are the inheriton; and long looked forward to this consummation, the this class, accordingly, bare signally manifested it. the working-class shall join forces with them, as and have done much by their example to recommend them heartily to carry forward their great works it to the body of the nation. =bo already, indeed, go in a body to their tea-meetings, and, in short had it in their blood. The Barbarians, again, bad enable them to bring about their millennium. Tot the passion for held sports; and they have handed part of the working class, therefore, which dori it on to our aristocratie class, who of this passion really seem to lend itself to these great aims, ET too, as of the passion for asserting one's personal with propriety be numbered by us among the Pre liberty, are the great natural strongbold. The care istines That part of it again which so much as of the Barbarians for the body, and for all manly cupies the attention of philanthropists at present.exercises; the rigor, good looks, and bright com- the part which gires all its energies to organizar plexion which they acquired and perpetuated in itself, through trades anions and other means, 50 x ibeir families by these means - all this may be to constitute, first a great working-class power, obeerred still in our aristocratie class. The chivalry dependent of the middle and aristocratic clase of the Barbarians, with its characteristics of high and then, by dint of numbers give the law to thes spirit, fine manners, and distinguished bearing, and itself reign absolutely, - this lively and inte what is this bat the beautifal commencement of esting part must also, acconting to our definitie the politeness of our aristocratic class? In some go with the Philistines; because it is its class and it Bartarian noble one would bare admired, if one class-instinct which it seeks to afinn, its ordinar could have been then alire to see it, the rudiments self not its best self; and it is a machinery, an inof Lord Elcbo. Only, all this culture to call it by dustrial machinery, and power and pre-eminere that name) of the Barbarians was an exterior cul- and other external goods which fill its thoughts, ni ture mainly: it consisted principally in outward not an inward perfection. It is wholly occuted gifts and graces, in looks, manners, accomplishments, according to Plato's sabtle expression, with prures: the chief inward gifts which had part in it things of itself and got its real self, with the thing vere tbe most exterior, so to speak, of inward gifts, of the state and not the real state. That ra* those which come nearest to outward ones; they portion, lastly, of the working-class which, raw and were cograge, a high spirit, self-reliance. Far half-developed, has long lain half-hidden amidst its within, and unawakened, lay a whole range of poverty and squalor, and is now issuing from is powers of thought and feeling, to which these in hiding place to assert an Englishman's heaven-bora teresting productions of nature had, from the cir- privilege of doing as he likes, and is beginning to cumstances of their life, no access. Making allow-perplex is br marching where it likes, meeting ances for the difference of the times, surely we can | where it likes bawling what it likes, breaking what observe precisely the same thing in our aristocratie it likes, — to this vast residuum we may with great clas. In general its culture is exterior cbiefly; all propriety give the name of Populace. the exterior grace and accomplishments, and the Thus we have got three distinct terms, Parker more external of the inwand virtues, seem to be ans, Philistines, Populace, to denote roughly the three principally its portion. I now, of course, cannot great classes into which our society is divided; and but be often in contact with bose studies by which, though this humble attempt at a scientific nomerfrom the world of thongbt and feeling, true calture clature falls, no doubt, very far short in precision teaches us is letco Feetges and ligti: but its hold of what might be required from a writer equipped

ith a complete and coherent philosophy, yet from dicated several times already. It is this. All of notoriously unsystematic and unpretending writer, us, so far as we are Barbarians, Philistines, or Popi will, I trust, be accepted as sufficient.

ulace, imagine happiness to consist in doing what But, in using this new, and I hope, convenient one's ordinary self likes. What one's ordinary self ivision of English society, two things are to be likes differs according to the class to which one beorne in mind. The first is, that since under all longs, and has its severer and its lighter side; alur class divisions, there is a common basis of hu-ways, however, remaining machinery, and nothing aan nature, therefore, in every one of us, whether more. The graver self of the Barbarian likes ve be properly Barbarians, Philistines, or Populace, honors and consideration ; his more relaxed self, here exists, sometimes only in germ and poten-field-sports and pleasure. The graver self of one ially, sometimes more or less developed, the same kind of Philistine likes business and money-making; endencies and passions which have made our fel- his more relaxed sell, comfort and tea-meetings. ow-citizens of other classes what they are. This Of another kind of Philistine, the graver self likes onsideration is very important, because it has great trades' unions; the relaxed self, deputations, or hearnfluence in begetting that spirit of indulgence ing Mr. Odger speak. The sterner self of the Popvhich is a necessary part of sweetness, and which ulace likes bawling, hustling, and smasbing; the lightndeed, when our culture is complete, is, as I have er self, beer. But in each class there are born a ceraid, inexhaustible. Thus, an English Barbarian, tain number of natures with a curiosity about their vho examines himself, will, in general, find himself best self, with a bent for seeing things as they are, o be not so entirely Barbarian but that he has in for disentangling themselves from machinery, for iim, also, something of the Philistines, and even simply concerning themselves with reason and the omething of the Populace as well. And the same will of God, and doing their best to make them prewith Englishmen of the two other classes. This is vail; for the pursuit, in a word, of perfection. an experience which we may all verify every day. To certain manifestations of this love for perfecFor instance, I myself (I again take myself as a tion mankind have accustomed themselves to give sort of corpus vile, to serve for illustration in a mat- the name of genius; implying, by this name, someter where serving for illustration may not by every thing original and heaven-bestowed in the passion. one be thought agreeable), I myself am properly a But the passion is to be found far beyond those manPhilistine, - Mr. Swinburne would add, the son of ifestations of it to which the world usually gives the a Philistine, and though, through circumstances name of genius, and in which there is, for the most which will, perhaps, one day be known, if ever the part, a talent of some kind or other, a special and affecting history of my conversion comes to be writ- striking faculty of execution, informed by the heavten, I have, for the most part, broken with the ideas en-bestowed ardor, or genius. It is to be found in and the tea-meetings of my own class; yet I have many manifestations besides these, and may best be not, on that account, been brought any nearer to called, as we have called it, the love and pursuit of the ideas and works of the Barbarians or of the perfection, culture being the true nurse of the purPopulace. Nevertheless, I never take a gun or a suing love, and sweetness and light the true characfishing-rod in my hands without feeling that I have ter of the pursued perfection. Natures with this in the ground of my nature the seli-same seeds bent emerge in all classes, — among the Barbarians, which, fostered by circumstances, do so much to among the Philistines, among the Populace. And make the Barbarian; and that, with the Barbarian's this bent always tends, as I have said, to take them advantages, I might have rivalled him. Place me out of their class, and to make their distinguishing in one of his great fortified posts, with these seeds characteristic not their Barbarianism or their Philof a love for field-sports sown in my nature, with istinism, but their humanity. They have, in general, all the means of developing them, with all pleasures a bad time of it in their lives; but they are sown at my command, with most whom I met deferring more abundantly than one might think, — they apto me, every one I met smiling on me, and with every pear where and when one least expects it, they set appearance of permanence and security before me up a fire which enfilades, so to speak, the class with and behind me, — then I, too, might have grown, I which they are ranked ; and, in general, by the feel, into a very passable child of the established fact, extrication of their best self as the self to develop, of commendable spirit and politeness, and, at the and by the simplicity of the ends fixed by them as same time, a little inaccessible to ideas and light; not, paramount, they hinder the unchecked predominance of course, with either the eminent fine spirit of Lord of that class-life which is the affirmation of our ordiElcho, or the eminent power of resistance of Sir nary self, and seasonably disconcert mankind in Thomas Bateson, but, according to the measure of their worship of machinery. the common run of mankind, something between Therefore, when we speak of ourselves as divided the two. And as to the Populace, who, whether he into Barbarians, Philistines, and Populace, we must be Barbarian or Philistine, can look at them with be understood always to imply that within each of out sympathy, when he remembers how often — these classes there are a certain number of aliens, every time that we snatch up a vehement opinion if we may so call them, - persons who are mainly in ignorance and passion, every time that we long led, not by their class-spirit, but by a general humane to crush an adversary by sheer violence, every time spirit, by the love of human perfection ; and that that we are envious, every time that we are brutal, this number is capable of being diminished or augevery time that we adore mere power or success, mented. I mean, the number of those who will every time that we add our voice to swell a blind succeed in developing this happy instinct will be clamor against some unpopular personage, every greater or smaller, in proportion both to the force of time that we trample savagely on the fallen — he the original instinct within them, and to the hinhas found in his own bosom the eternal spirit of the drance or encouragement which it meets with from Populace, and that there needs only a little help without. In almost all who have it, it is mixed with from circumstances to make it triumph in him un- some infusion of the spirit of an ordinary self, some tamably?

quantity of class-instinct, and even, as has been The second thing to be borne in mind I have in- shown, of more than one class-instinct at the same

time; so that, in general, the extrication of the best which is an authority, while inferior spirits are note: self, the predominance of the humane instinct, will it is enough to gire importance to things that the very much depend upon its meeting, or not, with or that person says them decisively, and has a la what is fitted to help and elicit it. At a moment, following of some strong kind when he says the therefore, when it is agreed that we want a source This habit of ours is very well shown in that all of authority, and when it seems probable that the and interesting work of Mr. Hepworth Disor right source is our best self, it becomes of vast im- which we were all reading last year, “ The Yr portance to see whether or not the things around us mons, by One of Themselves." are, in general, such as to help and elicit our best Here, again, I am not quite sure that my menu self, and if they are not, to see why they are not, and serves me as to the exact title, but I mean the e the most promising way of mending them.

known book in which Mr. Hepworth Dixon da Now, it is clear that the very absence of any pow- scribed the Mormons, and other similar religio erful authority amongst us, and the prevalent doc- bodies in America, with so much detail and trine of the duty and happiness of doing as one likes, warm sympathy. In this work it is enough for : and asserting our personal liberty, must tend to Dixon that this or that doctrine has its Rabbi in prevent the erection of any very strict standard of talks big to him, has a stanch body of disciples excellence, the belief in any very paramount author- and, above all, has plenty of rifles; that there are ity of right reason, the recognition of our best self any further stricter tests to be applied to a doctis as anything very recondite and hard to come at. before it is pronounced important never seems t It may be, as I have said, a proof of our honesty that occur to him. “It is easy to say," he writes of the we do not attempt to give to our ordinary self, as we Mormons, “ that these saints are dupes and fanatis have it in action, predominant authority, and to to laugh at Joe Smith and his church, but when impose its rule upon other people; but it is evident, then? The great facts remain. Young and by also, that it is not easy, with our style of proceeding, people are at Utah; a church of 200,000 souk: 2 to get beyond the notion of an ordinary self at all, army of 20,000 rifles." But if the followers of or to get the paramount authority of a commanding doctrine are really dupes, or worse, and its prom. best self, or right reason, recognized. The immor- gators are really fanatics, or worse, it gives the da tal Martinus Scriblerus well says: “The taste of trine no seriousness or authority the more that there the bathos is implanted by nature itself in the soul should be found 200,000 souls - 200,000 of the itof man; till, perverted by custom or example, he is numerable multitude with a natural taste for the taught, or rather compelled, to relish the sublime." | bathos — to hold it, and 20,000 rifies to defend But with us everything seems directed to prevent And again, of another organization in America: any such perversion of us by custom or example as “ A fair and open field is not to be refused wher might compel us to relish the sublime ; by all means hosts so mighty throw down wager of battle oa be we are encouraged to keep our natural taste for the half of what they hold to be true, however strane bathos unimpaired. I have formerly pointed out how their faith may seem." A fair and open field is ex in literature the absence of any authoritative centre, to be refused to any speaker; but this solemn var like an Academy, tends to do this; each section of of heralding him is quite out of place unless he has the public has its own literary organ, and the mass for the best reason and spirit of man, some signitof the public is without any suspicion that the value cance. « Well, but," says Mr. Hepworth Dixon,“ of these organs is relative to their being nearer a theory which has been accepted by men like Judg certain ideal centre of correct information, taste, and Edmonds, Dr. Hare, Elder Frederick, and Professr intelligence, or farther away from it. I have said Bush !" And again : « Such are, in brief, the ban that within certain limits — which any one who is of what Newman Weeks, Sarah Horton, Debarad likely to read this will have no difficulty in drawing Butler, and the associated brethren, proclaimed in for himself — my old adversary, the Saturday Rolt's Hall as the new covenant!” if he was sunk Review, may, on matters of literature and taste, be ming up an account of the teaching of Plato or & fairly enough regarded, relatively to a great num- Panl, Mr. Hepworth Dixon could not be more ear ber of newspapers which treat these matters, as a nestly reverential. But the question is, have per kind of organ of reason. But I remember once con- sonages like Jadge Edmonds, and Newman Week versing with a company of Yonconformist admirers and Elderess Polly, and Elderess Antoinette, ani of some lecturer who had let off a great fire-work, the rest of Mr. Hepworth Dixon's heroes and herwhich the Saturday Review said was all noise and ines, anything of the weight and significance for the false lights, and feeling my way as tenderly as I best reason and spirit of man that Plato and S could about the effect of this unfavorable judgment Paul have? Evidently they, at present, hare mt: ! upon those with whom I was conversing : -0,” said and a very small taste of them and their doctrice one who was their spokesman, with the most tran- ought to have convinced Mr. Hepworth Dixon that quil air of conviction," it is true the Saturday Re- they never could have. "But," says he, "the mas view abuses the lecture, but the British Banner" (I netic power which Shakerism is exercising on Ameer am not quite sure it was the British Banner, but it ican thought would of itself compel us," and so on. was some newspaper of that stamp) “says that the Now as far as real thought is concerned, - though Saturday Review is quite wrong." The speaker which affects the best reason and spirit of man, te had evidently no notion that there was a scale of scientific thought of the world, the only thought value for judgments on these topics, and that the which dieserves speaking of in this solemn war, – judgments of the Saturday Review ranked high on America has up to the present time been hardly this scale, and those of the British Banner low; the more than a province of England, and even non taste of the bathos implanted by nature in the liter- wonld not herself claim to be more than abreast ary judgments of man had never, in my friend's England; and of this only real huruan thought case, encountered any let or hindrance.

| English thought itself is not just now, as we xx Just the same in religion as in literature. We all admit, one of the most significant factors. Vos have most of us little idea of a high standard to ther, then, can American thought be; and the mus choose our guides by, of a great and profound spirit, netic power which Shakerism exercises on America

bought is about as important, for the best reason | ifestly dictated by the passions and prepossessions of nd spirit of man, as the magnetic power which the a hostile class, and not by right reason, that they Rev. W. Cassel exercises on Birmingham Protes- make no serious impression on those at whom they antism. And as we shall never get rid of our natu- are launched, but slide easily off their minds. For al taste for the bathos in religion — never get ac- | instance, when the Reform League orators inveigh ess to a best self and right reason which may stand against our cruel and tyrannical aristocracy, these s a serious authority — by treating the Rev. W. invectives so evidently show the passions and point Cassel as his own disciples treat him, seriously, and of view of the Populace, that they do not sink into is if he was as much an authority as any one else, the minds of those at whom they are addressed, or o we shall never get rid of it while our able and awaken any thought or self-examination in them. popular writers treat their Joe Smiths and Deborah Again, when Sir Thomas Bateson describes the Butlers, with their so many thousand souls and so Philistines and the Populace as influenced with a nany thousand rifles, in the like exaggerated and kind of hideous passion for emasculating the aristocnisleading manner, and so do their best to confirm racy, that reproach so clearly comes from the wrath is in a bad mental habit to which we are already and excited imagination of the Barbarians, that it oo prone.

does not much set the Philistines and the Populace If our habits make it hard for us to come at the thinking. Or when Mr. Lowe calls the Populace dea of a high best self, of a paramount author | drunken and venal, he so evidently calls them this in ty, in literature or religion, how much more do an agony of apprehension for his Philistine or middlehey make this hard in the sphere with which we class Parliament, which has done so many great and tre at present specially concerning ourselves, — the heroic works, and is now threatened with mixture phere of politics! In other countries, the govern- and debasement, that the Populace do not lay his Ors, not depending so immediately on the favor of words seriously to heart. So the voice which makes he governed, have everything to urge them, if they a permanent impression on each of our classes is the know anything of right reason (and it is at least voice of its friends, and this is from the nature of supposed that governors should know more of this things, as I have said, a comforting voice. The than the mass of the governed), to set it authorita- Barbarians remain in the belief that the great broadtively before the community. But our.whole scheme shouldered genial Englishman may be well satisfied of government being representative, every one of with himself; the Philistines remain in the belief that our governors has all possible temptation, instead the great middle-class of this country, with its earnof setting up before the governed who elect him, est common-sense penetrating through sophisms and and on whose favor he depends, a high standard of ignoring commonplaces, may be well satisfied with right reason, to accommodate himself as much as pos- itself: the Populace, that the working-man, with his sible to their natural taste for the bathos; and even bright powers of sympathy and ready powers of acif he tries to go counter to it, to proceed in this with tion, may be satisfied with himself. What hope, at so much flattering and coaxing, that they shall not this rate, of extinguishing the taste of the bathos imsuspect their ignorance and prejudices to be anything planted by nature itself in the soul of man, or of invery unlike right reason, or their natural taste for the culeating the belief that excellence dwells among bathos to differ much from a relish for the sublime. high and steep rocks, and can only be reached by Every one is thus in every possible way encouraged those who sweat blood to reach her? to trust in his own heart; but " he that trusteth in But it will be said, perhaps, that candidates for his own heart,” says the Wise Man, " is a fool”; political influence and leadership, who thus caress and at any rate this, which Bishop Wilson says, is the self-love of those whose suffrages they desire, know undeniably true: “ The number of those who need quite well that they are not saying the sheer truth to be awakened is far greater than that of those as reason sees it, but that they are using a sort of who need comfort.” But in our political system conventional language, or what we call claptrap, everybody is comforted. Our guides and govern- which is essential to the working of representative ors who have to be elected by the influence of institutions. And, therefore, I suppose, we ought the Barbarians, and who depend on their favor, sing rather to say with Figaro: Qui est-ce qu'on trompe the, praises of the Barbarians, and say all the smoothici? Now I admit that often, but not always, when things that can be said of them. With Mr. Tenny- our governors say smooth things to the self-love of the son, they celebrate “the great broad-shouldered class whose political support they want, they know genial Englishman," with his “sense of duty,” his very well that they are overstepping, by a long stride, "reverence for the laws," and his “ patient force,” the bounds of truth and soberness, and while they who saves us from the “revolts, republics, revolu- talk they in a manner, no doubt, put their tongue in tions, most no graver than a schoolboy's barring their cheek. Not always; because, when a Barbaout," which upset other and less broad-shouldered rian appeals to his own class to make him their repnations. Our guides who are chosen by the Phil- resentative and give him political power, he, when istines, and who have to look to their favor, tell the he pleases their self-love by extolling broad-shoulPhilistines how "all the world knows that the great dered genial Englishmen with their sense of duty, middle-class of this country supplies the mind, the reverence for the laws, and patient force, pleases his will, and the power requisite for all the great and own self-love and extols himself, and is, therefore, good things that have to be done," and congratulate himself ensnared by his own smooth words. And them on their “ earnest good sense, which penetrates so, too, when a Philistine wants to represent his through sophisms, ignores commonplaces, and gives brother Philistines, and extols the earnest good to conventional illusions their true value.”

sense which characterizes Manchester, and supplies Our guides who look to the favor of the Populace, the mind, the will, and the power, as the Daily News tell them that “theirs are the brightest powers of eloquently says, requisite for all the great and good sympathy, and the readiest powers of action.” things that have to be done, he intoxicates and deHarsh things are said, too, no doubt, against all the ludes himself as well as his brother Philistines who great classes of the community; but these things so hear him. But it is true that a Barbarian often evidently come from a hostile class, and are so man- | wants the political support of the Philistines; and he

uguestionabl, when he flatters the welf-love of their children, and I surpose in the matte: Puitistinis, and enok, in tbe approved fashion, its : scibooks, te RT call the Licensed Victolla enerrr, enters and self-relianre, continually the Commercial Traveliers ordinary den, with a striking out new paths industry and fubduing the natural taste for the barbos moured; and a Sco forces of nature EDOW that be * talking dlayitrazh eign with the advice of men lite 11len von Ei and, su tc sat. puts his tongue in his cheek. On 21 boiat a Schleiermacher mat, in this matter, '. matter where Sonconformity and its catch words are better judge, and Denrer to right reaso. As. conrerned, the insincerity of Barbarians needing will be allowed. protehlt, that richt reason on Nonconformist support and therefore flattering the suggest that, to have a sheer school of Lioensei tu! self-love of Konronformity, and repeating its catch-unliers children, or a sheer school of commera words without the least real behef in them, is very travellers' children, and to bring tben all up. E noticeable. Then the Sonconformists, in a trans onlr at home but school too, is kind of ota" port of blind zeal, threw out Sir James Graham's ' licensed rictuals or of bagmatism, is not a zseful Education Clauses in 163, one half of their training to give to these children. And in Gem parliamentary representatives. no doubt, who cried IT, I have said, the action of the national guide: aloud against * trampling or the religious liberty of governors is to suggest and provide a better. Es the Dissenters by taking the money of Dissenters to in England, the action of the national guides teacb the tebete of the Church of England," put their ernors is, for a roval prince oa prest minister tongue in their cheek while they so cried out. And per- go down to the opening of the boensed victuala haps there is even a sort of motion of Mr. Frederic or of the commercial travellers scbool, to take Harrison's tongue towards his cheek when he talks of chair, to exto the energy and self-reliance of the the shriek of superstition," and tells the working-clas licensed victualles or the commercial travelles. that theirs are the brightest powers of syninathy and be all of their war of thinking to predict falls the readiest powers of artion. But the point on 'cess to their schools, and never se euch as to E which I would insist is, that this involuntary tribute to them that they are doing a vert foolish this to truth and soberness on the part of certain of our and that the right way to go to work with their governors and guides never reaches at all the mass of children's education is quite different. And it i

governed, to serve as a lesson to us, to abate our the same in almost every department of als self-love, and to awaken ir. a suspicion that our fa- While, on the Continent, the idea preras that 13 vorite prejudice mar be, to a higher reason, all non- the business of the beads and representatives of sense Whatever br-play goes on among the more nation, by virtae of their superior means, Pore intelligent of our leaders, we do not see it ; and we and information, to set an example and to protare left to believe that not only in our own eyes, but suggestions of right reason, among us the was in the eyes of our representative and ruling men, that the business of the heads and representatie there is nothing more admirable than our ordinary of the nation is nothing of the kind, but to apply self, whatever our ordinary self happens to be, the natural taste for the bathos showing itself to Barbarian, Philistine, or Populace

orously in any part of the community, and t ** This everything in our political life tends to hide courage its works. from us that there is anything wiser than our ordi- Now I do not say that the political system dis nary selves, and to prerent our getting the notion of eign countries has not inconveniences which w a paramount right reason. Royalty itself, in its idea outweigh the inconvenienres of our own ponds, the expression of the collective nation, and a sort of system: nor am I the least proposing to get rid on constituted witness to its best mind, we try to turn our own political system and to adopt then ba into a kind of grand advertising ran, to give publicity a sound centre of authority being what, in this de and credit to the inventions, sound or unsound, of the quisition, we have been led to seek, and right a ordinary self of individual. I remember, when I son, or our best self, appearing alone to oias) was in North Germany, having this very strongly a sound centre of authority, it is necessary to take brought to my mind in the matter of schools and note of the chief impediments which hinder. in 15 their institution. In Prussia, the best schools are country, the extrication or recognition of this Crown patronage schools, as they are called : schools reason as a paramount authority, with a vier. which have been established and endowed (and new afterwards trying in what was they can best ones are to this day being established and endowed) removed. by the Sovereign himself out of his own revenues, to This being borne in mind, I proceed to remai be under the direct control and management of him bow not only do we get no suggestions of right red or of those representing him, and to serve as types of son, and no rebukes of our ordinary self, from what school should be

governors, but a kind of philosophical theory The Sovereign, as his position raises him above widely spread among us to the effect, that there many prejudices and littlenesses, and as he can no such thing at all as a best self and a riglet read always have at liis disposal the best advice, has evi- having claim to paramount authority, or, at dent advantages over private founders in well plan- rate, no such thing ascertainable and capabies ning and directing a school; while at the same being made use of; and that there is nothing that time his great means and his great influence secure, an infinite number of ideas and works of our *-* to a well-planned school of his, credit and authority. nary selves, and suggestions of our tatural taste This is what, in North Germany, the governors do, the bathos, pretty equal in value, which are docum in the matter of education, for the governed ; and either to an irreconcilable conflict, or else to a one may say that they thus give the governed a les- petual give and take; and that wisdom conse son, and draw out in them the idea of a right reason choosing the give and take rather than the cont higher than the suggestions of an ordinary man's and in sticking to our choice with patience ordinary self. But in England how different is the good-bumor. And, on the other hand, w33 part which in this matter our governors are accus- another philosophical theory rife among , tomed to play! The Licensed Victuallers or the effect that, without the labor of perverting ourse Commercial Travellers propose to make a school for by custom or example to relish right rerson, bus,

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