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“ What will he do with it?” the hero is a middle-second-rate and unsuccessful, — which have perhaps aged lawyer, surfeited with a material success. very indistinctly shown their learning and ability,

Another still more curious example may be in- but which may curiously have revealed their inne stanced. In the commencement of “My Novel,” character. But we are simply having regard to the which in many points of view is Lord Lytton's ablest self-revelations made by novelists; and here a bad and most autobiographical novel, Audley Egerton novel will serve our turn just as well as a good is represented as a member of the government, of novel, or indeed may have a stronger psychological high consideration indeed, but still not admitted interest within the charmed circle of the cabinet. But while Very often, it may be added, a novel is written the story wound its way through many consecutive with the very purpose of making some sort of selfmonths, the author's political horizon enlarged, and revelation. There are women who rush into fiction he was himself, in esse or in posse, a cabinet minis- just as the meadows break up into daisies, and birds ter; and Lord Lytton, quite forgetting Audley pour out their lives in song. They wish to assert Egerton's inferior position, ultimately makes him a themselves, to explain themselves, to have themselves great minister of state and a leading member of the comprehended, and win sympathy and appreciation, cabinet. It is also believed that Lord Lytton's latest to revolt against the tyranny of the circumstances novel, “ A Strange Story," really represents a vari- that surround them, to create for themselves the fanety of opinions he has formed on supernatural sub-cied circumstances in which their idealized characjects. Mr. Disraeli was long known and spoken of ters would have full expansion ; and these person as Vivian Grey. While he was a political cadet he often make a full confession of the restlessness, trag used to write about cabinet ministers and ministerial edy, and unsatisfied longings of their lives. movements; but when he became a cabinet minis- How great is the difference between the very fast ter and made political movements of his own he was novel and the very quiet novel. It is like turning obliged to leave off that kind of thing. Then as for aside from the heat and glare and dust of a crowded Mr. Dickens, it is impossible without much wonder- street into some chapel, very still and quiet, dimly ment, to contemplate his multitudinous array of lighted through refulgent panes, and with a low, London characters, and we may easily surmise some sweet music sounding. We recognize entirely difof his metropolitan experiences.

ferent orders of mind, entirely different types of cirThere is no novel, however worthless, which may cumstances. I do not like to hear of authors- least not have a subjective value when it is regarded in of all of women authors — who are very “realistico the light of a personal confession. I do not for a about the details of seduction, and show profound remoment say that the writer is to be identified with search on the subject of Old Bailey trials for bigamy. the hero, or that the incidents of the story are to be Depend upon it, my friends, that kind of writer has identified with the incidents of a biography. So not an over-clean kind of mind,- nor, perhaps, an far from this, I think that the novelist will generally over-clean sort of life. Their minds are like the create a set of circumstances as unlike his own as prophetic chambers of imagery, full of cruel and unpossible, so as to take the reader off the scent, and clean things. Worse even than this, perbaps, is the skilfully disguise any substratum of personal facts. constant spectacle of imbecility and little-mindedness Nevertheless, an autobiographical element is there, displayed by many story-tellers in their unwitting if you can only contrive to precipitate it by a pro- confessions. What is the novelist's notion of poetic cess of intellectual analysis.

justice? what is the imagined paradise which he Though this may be difficult or impossible in re-creates for his favorites ? what the rule and law by spect to facts, you may make pretty sure of your which he measures the rightness of persons and ground in reference to modes of thought. Yet things, and the deflections therefrom? We take up even in reference to facts, if the scenery and per- novel after novel, and we are interested or unintersonages of a tale are localized, and belong to a par- ested in plot and dialogue; but we ask ourselves, ticular set, you will often have a set of real facts, “ And this writer, on his own showing, what manner though they may be presented in a glorified kind of of man is he?” And too often it is all of the earth, way. If a man writes a story about college life, or earthy, and amid all the glitter of romance he is the civil service, or the army or navy, and so on, only a vulgar idolater of wealth and ease. you may be pretty certain that there are plenty of people who will identify the incidents, although they may strongly object to the fairness or accuracy

FOREIGN NOTES of the way in which they are put.

THE Dean of Canterbury has a poem in the last But the confession made by the novelist as to his Arcosy, entitled - Room for his Lordship." We disposition and order of mind is of the most ample should judge that there was not much room for his description. A set of interrogatories might be lordship in the world of letters, if the opening coup framed, to nearly all of which every novelist must let of the poem is a fair sample of his powers: yield some kind of answer. Is he earnest ? is he

"Room for his lordship! up the street sincerc? does he love Nature ? is he a man of

Full stately roll the well-fed bays.97 thought and reading? has he really seen much of

There is an immense amount of betting in the life? is he of pure and unselfish mind ? does he

clubs, as to whether Malle. Patti will marry the possess an elevated range of thought ? does he really know much? - these are inquiries respecting

Marquis de Caux. The story goes that he proposed

for her in the following terms: - Mademoiselle, you an author to which the author by his tale yields some kind of answer. Of course these inquiries

are a queen; will you be only a marchioness?" are altogether irrespective of the critical worth of a

Malle. Patti answered, “ Yes." The Figaro says

* No." story. A man might give most gratifying answers to any question, and yet be an execrable writer of HERE is the latest theatrical mol. A London fiction. Without mentioning names, I may say manager, who has never yet been accused of humor, that great philosophers and commentators on the recently wrote to a leading actress, asking her to Bible, and law lords have written novels, - very | play an engagement at the autumnal opening of bus


theatre, and begging her to name her terms. The it for the explanation of obscure points in the origilady, in reply, expressed her willingness to accede nal. Indeed, Mr. Longfellow's work has been reto the proposition; her terms were thirty pounds a ceived with the greatest favor by Italian critics, and night. "The manager's reply was this: “ Dear Mad- our poet has lately had the honor of a public readam, — Make it shillings, and it's a bargain.” ing in the ancient city of Padua, where a version of

1“ Hiawatha " was received with applause by one of The London Review begins a notice of Dr. New

| the largest audiences ever assembled there. All man's poems by saying, — “ As a rule, Christianity

my classes of people attended and the poem became is not happy in its poets." .

the talk in every caffè and salon. It is amazing, remarks a London journalist, that an Irishman should ever be found fool enough to

The London Review devotes two or three of its conspire, when the chances are a hundred to one generous columns to an examination of Mr. Howthat whenever three Irish conspirators are gathered

ells's new book, “ Italian Journeys.” The critic

praises the work warmly, though sometimes at the together, one will turn traitor.

expense of Mr. Howells's countrymen; for example: SPEAKING of “ Foul Play,” the London Review“ He (Mr. Howells]) exhibits all the shrewdness says that “ Messrs. Reade and Boucicault pull ad- and humor of the Yankee [as if we were barbarimirably in the same boat, and, to adapt an old ans, without too much of his vulgarity.” There joke, — would seem not to have different sculls, but is an innocence about this happy touch calculated to use a common one."

to please the most fastidious. To make sure that it is really the body of the Punci disposes of the “ Alabama Claims ” by the Emperor Maximilian which has been brought from following « Original Poem for the Infant Minds of Mexico, the coffin has been again opened ; and Master John and Miss Columbia": there can now be no further ground for the rumors

" How now, my dear children, it's always the way, which have been circulating to the contrary.

You can't be contented with innocent play ;

But you wrangle and squabble, with tempers too high, The event of the day in the Parisian theatrical And then there's a scold, and a sulk, and a cry. world is Emile Angier's play in verse, entitled " What, are there no games you can take a delight in,

But sneering, and jibing, and scoffing, and fighting ? “Paul Forestier.” The Théâtre Français has been

I'm weary of telling you, time after time, crowded on each night when it has been per That you 're cousins, and therefore each quarrel's a crime. formed. Princess Clothilde, Princess Mathilde, “John, do what she asks you, no angry replies, and a dozen Cabinet Ministers were present the

You 're older than she, and you should be more wise ;

And Columbia, my dear, don't speak pettish and tart, first night.

If he's surly sometimes, you've a place in his heart.

" You two, well descended, well fed, and well taught, PARIS is just now entertaining, Manockjee Cur

You should set an example, yes, that's what you ought ; setjee, of Bombay, one of the most distinguished Remember how much on your conduct depends, men of India, although a fervent believer in the You 're Christians and cousins, - there, kiss and be friends.” sacred fire which has burned for 1,200 years in the

The Athenæum notices, the death of Dr. John Temple of Oudouman. He is member of several

Davy, the younger brother of Sir Humphry Davy, scientific societies, and travels over Europe, at

aged 78, at Ambleside, where he had sojourned tracting curiosity, as well as respect.

since he returned from the medical department of "The admirers of Mr. Whittier,” says the

the army. He was able to continue his important Athenæum, “will rejoice to find that he has issued chemical researches nearly to the time of his death, his Winter Idyl' in a form so suitable for a gift and communicated papers to the Royal Society in book. Those who know the book are aware that the course of last year. It was to his observations it abounds in those graphic pictures of scenery and

on the effect of cold on fishes that Australia is indomestic life in which the writer is specially' bap

debted to the introduction of salmon, and the possipy. The illustrations are numerous and charming

bility of moving the ova and fish from place to place in design, and are gems of engraving. We have

| has been proved. The Australian agents had so Mr. Whittier's testimony that they faithfully rep

little faith in his experiment, that when they acceded resent the locale of the poem. The artist is Mr. to the recommendation of taking some eggs out, Harry Fenn; the engravers are Mr. A. y. s. I packed in ice, they forgot or did not think it worth Anthony and Mr. W. J. Linton.”

while to look after the box in the ice-house on their

arrival; but when the ice-house was cleared out to Mr. R. G. Shakespeare, the New York correspond be refilled on the vessel's return to England, the ent of the London Spectator, (“ A Yankee,”) bas box was discovered, and the greater part of the a letter in the last number of that journal, in which eggs were found to be alive. These were the first he says, among other absurd things, that “ President eggs of fish that had ever survived the voyage and Johnson stands guard, as he swore to do, over the been hatched in Australia. Now the plan is in genConstitution !” The Editor's comment is deli- eral use. cious : —

“ DELIGHTFUL Africa!” exclaims an English “We print this letter out of deference to an old and I writer. " When Captain Faulkner was staying able correspondent, who once took a saner view of with a native chief, his host offered him a present of American politics. But we warn our readers that all

a young black lady. He was shown the present, the facts seem to us against the probability of his vaticinations, and that nearly all sound political principles

and asked whether he liked it, and, for the fun of seem to us outraged by his opinions." — Ed. Spectator. |

* the thing,' he answered · Yes.' The captain was

| then told he must catch her himself if he wanted A COMPLIMENT of singular value is paid to Mr. her, - this was the courtship. They are not quite Longfellow's translation of Dante, by the editor of indifferent to appearances, these African chiefs; but an édition de luxe, now publishing at Milan, with they have strange notions of the dignity of the the illustrations of Doré. The Italian editor quotes service. Fancy a British captain chasing a black the American translation in many places, and uses nymph as a Cockney chases a housemaid at kiss-inthe-ring on Boxing-day. The sight would only be ence in the world. We have nothing like him bere inferior in horror to that of the oflicers of the Guards either in life or art. We have enthusiasts, jobbex alighting at the door of the Crystal Palace from an in stocks and in politics, orators, ideologists, and excursion van, which Punch thought would be worth adventurers, but we have no such combination ( 1 looking at. The lady did not like the captain, and all these in one as this extraordinary creature. Oe the captain did not like the chase; so to make mat- men are one thing or the other; this man is a ters pleasant the present was bound with cords and things, and something more. There is a certara brought howling to its white lord.. •Presents' seem solidity in even our flightiest characters, as there i all equally hard to please, no matter what the color a certain gravity in the dancing of an elephant. of their skins. Then the captain said, finely, be and there is much consistency. If they are fous, would treat her as the English always treated slaves; they are fools for good and all; they are expected whereupon he took his knife out, cut the cords, and to make asses of themselves, and they never die set her free. A graceful ending to a pretty story.” appoint. But this man, — who can tell where to

have him? There are as many sides to his characte A PARis correspondent furnishes the Star with as there are facets to a gem, and his aqueous insome pleasant gossip concerning Rosa Bonheur. capacity for peeping still makes it impossible to ge: * She has," he says, " been named Académicienne a view of him twice in the same light. You read by the Antwerp Institute. Honors richly deserved one of his sentences and you think braying in a are rapidly crowning the great artist's career. In mortar would hardly work his cure; another, and 1865, the Empress drove from the Palace of Fon- he seems considerably too clever to be good ; a tainebleau to present her, in person, with the star of third, and he seems too good to be clever. I am the Legion d'Honneur. Malle. Bonheur's country something more than an epigrammatic writer, a place is rather an extensive farm than the ordinary traveller, an orator, or a disputer,' — and so he is. residence of a lady of her position. Every variety He is chief owner of a city; he is shrewd enough of cow, sheep, ox, goat, and horse are to be seen, one day to engineer à colossal railway scheme; the not only on the surrounding lawn, but crowding next he is mad as a hatter on woman's rights. He round their proprietor, who is attired in a cloth | asks 150 editors to dinner, and then takes them to blouse in winter and ruder garments apparently see him pick cob nuts with • Big Mouth,' the Indian borrowed from her brother (the Auguste whose chief. When shut up in an Irish cell he spends the painting we all admired at the Exhibition), a stick night in alternately whistling Yankee Doodle, in hand and hat stuck any way on a small, but re-writing formal protests against the illegality of bis markably well-shaped head; coiffé à la Titus, or, in arrest, and scribbling on all mortal things with s less technical terms, the hair cut like a man's. The mixture of shrewdness, impudence, and earnestness animals know her and follow her about. She abso- absolutely perplexing; wonders whether Stanley, lutely refuses to receive ordinary visitors; but hav- whom he clips of his title, is playing poker with ing purchased some cows of the Nivernais breed | Adams (the American Minister), makes up bis from a farmer, Mdlle. Bonheur admitted him to her mind to get out a new edition of his works, and studio. She had just completed an order for Eng.devote the entire proceeds to the cause of woman, land, the subject of which was a farm-yard in the educated suffrage, eight hours' labor, greenbacks, Nivernais. The peasant exclaimed on seeing it, and the political campaign in Kansas, Missouri, • Why, you have painted my animals, -I know Michigan, and Wisconsin, and amidst all this finds them all; but why did you not put me in instead of time to nearly worry his jailer out of his life. An that man? and that woman and children are not extraordinary man truly, whether for good or for mine.' Needless to remark, the great artist had evil, and certainly a quite new development for us never been at his farm, but she had painted the here." breed so accurately that the farmer believed the picture to have been taken from life, thus uncon- In the course of an essay on sensational literature, sciously paying her the highest possible compliment. Mr. Sala in the last number of the Belgravia magaThe following anecdote has been related to me. A zine pays the following tribute to the author of friend of hers had a little girl of extraordinary “ Pickwick":beauty, to whom Malle. Bonheur was much attached. “I have watched his career as narrowly as I have The child, however, acquired a habit, in which she watched it admiringly; and I think I have read persisted, of making a series of disfiguring grimaces, every line he has written, and have been enabled to constantly putting her fingers in her mouth, puffing trace with sufficient accuracy the successive phases out her cheeks, and even bringing her tongue into of development through which his genius has passed, play in the service of her peculiar line of disobedi- the mellowing of his faculties, the chastening of his ence. Naturally every means of cure was tried, but style, and their gradual culmination into a splendid in vain. The child only grimaced the more. Malle. but sober afternoon of intellect. He is probably, at Bonheur, unknown to her, sketched cach separate this moment, the best-known and the most decontortion, adding a comic expression to the fea- servedly popular author in the world; and in the tures, but perfectly preserving the likeness. The very first number of the very next serial in the sketches were bound in an album and presented familiar old green cover which he might publish, we without any observation to the young delinquent, should probably be constrained to admit that there who turned over the sketches in silence and was was something — in the way of character or of denever seen to grimace again."

scription - as good as, if not better than, Charles

Dickens had ever done before. Yet, having a pretty "IF George Francis Train," says a London pa- retentive memory, and having been all my life more per, “could be taken just as he is and put into a or less intimately connected with what are called novel or play he would make a fortune for his trans- literary circles,' I can perfectly well recollect that, lator. There is certainly nothing like him in all in the year 1842,- and we are now, I take it, in 1868, literature, though he is the great archetype of many — there was no commoner cry in ' polite society' thousands of men who now exercise a mighty influ- than that. Dickens had written himself out.' There

Every Saturday,
Feb. 29, 1868.]



used to be a man called Croker, who had something

Concerning which, I feel it due to state,

The rumor is without the least Foundation. to do with the Admiralty, and did n't know where

“ A Spiteful Letter, by some Chap or Chaps, Russell Square was, and wrote scurrilous articles in

Was wrote to One, in envy of his pelf, the Quarterly Review, especially delighting when it

A Poet Laureate, than whom, perhaps, was upon a woman's shoulders that he could lay his

Wone more so in the World, except myself. dirty lash. You see that a woman is more vascular

“The Muse, just now, finds business very bad, than a man. You can fetch the blood sooner from

And Wealth, alas! forsakes your Poet's coffer.

A small amount would make his Bogom glad, her than from us tough brutes, and she can't hit back

Most welcome will be anything you offer." again. This Croker did his best to scarify Lady

From A******S*******E. Morgan; but he himself has been pilloried to death

** SICK of the perfume of praise, and faint with the fervid caresses

Flushing his face with a flame that is fair, like the blood on a Mr. Thackeray in Vanity Fair. He did almost dove ; every conceivable variety of bad and base thing, but

Weary of pangs that have pleased him, the poet refrains and

confesses, he sometimes said a good one. In the first bright Shrinks from the rapture of death, and the lips and the languors dawn of Charles Dickens's fame, Croker observed

of love ;

The rootless rose of delight, and the love that lasts only to blosthat the author of Pickwick bad gone up like a

som, rocket, but would come down like the stick. This Blossom and die without fruit, as the kisses that feed and not fill; was 'sack and sugar' to the charitable souls who

Famishing pleasure dry-lipped, with the sting and the stain on

her bosom, were so fond of repeating that · Boz' had written And all of a sin that is good, and all of a good that is ill!” himself out.' •Boz' wrote the Old Curiosity Shop,

(This explicit language of Mr. S*******e's will, and pending the appearance of his next book the

we are sure, be satisfactory to all our readers. No charitable souls reported that he had gone raving

ving explanation could make his reply clearer and more mad. He went to America, and the charitable souls put it about that he was dead. He wrote Martin

readily intelligible.) Chuzzlewit, and the charitable souls declared tbat

From W**T W******¥. there was a great falling off in his style.' He went

(An American, one of the roughs, a kosmos.) to Italy, and the charitable souls hinted that he had "NATURE, continuous ME!

Saltness, and vigorous, never-torpid yeast of ME! pawned his plate to raise funds for the voyage.

Florid, unceasing, forever expansive; There was no end to the malice of the charitable Not schooled, pot dizened, not washed and powdered ; souls. Dombey, Copperfield, Bleak House, Hard

Strait-laced not at all ; far otherwise than polite ;

Not modest, nor immodest; Times, the Two Cities, Great Expectations, Our

Divinely tanned and freckled ; gloriously unkempt ; Mutual Friend, were all asserted to be infinitely in Ultimate yet unceasing ; capricious though determined ;

Speak as thou listest, and tell the askers that which they seek to ferior to their predecessors; but somehow the man

know. went on writing, and enlisting fresh tens of thou Thy speech to them will be not quite intelligible.. sands of readers with every new book he wrote.”

" Never mind! utter thy wild common places ;

Yawp them loudly, shrilly; LONDON FUN publishes the following jeu d'esprit

Silence with shrill noise the lisps of the foo-foos.

Answer, in precise terms of barbaric vagueness, touching Mr. Tennyson's recent Lines on Receiving The question that the Fun editor hath sparked through Atlantic a Spiteful letter:


. To W*** W**T***x, the speaker of the pass-word primeval ; " Everybody has been asking everybody Who The signaller of the signal of democracy. sent the spiteful letter to Alfred Tennyson ?' If

The seer and hearer of things in general;

The poet translucent ; fleshy, disorderly, sensually inclined; anybody did, - and nobody doubts that it was

Each tag and part of whom is a miracle really somebody, everybody ought to know all

(Thirteen pages of MS relating to MR. W*** W******* are about it. Impelled by such considerations, Fun

here omitted.) has addressed a circular to everybody who is any Rhapsodically state the fact that is and is not ;

That is not, being past; that is, being eternal; body in the round of rhyme, putting the direct ques

If indeed it ever was, which is exactly the point in question. tion, — Was it you, you, or you? Down to the latest moment of our thinking about making up our

** The fact, rhapsodically stated, occupies twenminds on the subject of going to press, the following

ty-six more pages of MS., but is left in as much answers — which, if they had not been lisped in doubt at the end as numbers, might have been found to be more numerous — had been received :

The French correspondent of the London Morn

ing Star furnishes that journal with an account of a From G****E MCD****D.

royal ball : “Received by a perfect army of lackeys " ONCE I was a lad, Oimé !

in gold lace and green, we proceed by the EmScribbling verses bad,

press's private staircase admiring en passant the Oimé !

oxidized silver balustrade, exquisite in design and Grand, majestic, splendid Seemed whate'er I then did.

sharpness of detail, into the first of her private Oimé ! Oimé !

drawing-rooms, the celebrated “Salon Vert,” dec“Soon I grew up tall;

orated by the chefs d'auvre of Chaplin's brush, Oime! Strong as castle-wall ;

not, if you will, as thoroughly artistic as the BouOime !

chers of the days of Louis XV., but very graceful Clad with ivy meekness, Then I learnt my weakness.

and eminently ornamental productions. Then on, Oime ! Oime !

through other small salons, to the great drawing"Shall I sink again

room, crammed as it happened to be when our Oimé !

party entered it by the whole Diplomatic Corps and Into boyhood vain ? Oime!

their respective suites, — the central figure, Djemil Shall I grudge another

Pasha, fez on head, resplendent with diamond or-
Due of elder brother?
Oimé ! Oime !"

ders, flanked by five Turks and one lady, whom it

was his business to present; and near him GenFROM POET CL**E.

eral Dix, with five-and-twenty Americans, amongst “ A NOTE from you, sir, under Tuesday's date, Refers to what have been in circulation;

| whom were some very pretty women. Of English

there were but seven, marshalled by Mr. Sheffield, the ambassadresses and duchesses on an estrade to Lord Lyons having dined with their Majesties. Of the right of the throne; and the rest of the world to if this number were Mr., Mrs., and Miss Miles, the dance when dancing was possible, and otherwise il latter fair débutante the event of the evening, lovely, amuse themselves, as at all balls, chiefly in inspectand strongly recalling Greuze's “ Cruche Cassée,” | ing their neighbors, and see who was tbere, and who only the toilette, a perfect cloud of snowy talle, on was not. The Emperor looked well, but awfully which white lilac branches had apparently dropped, bored, as did her Majesty. The crush on going was somewhat more complicated than that of into the supper-room - as I told you was the case Greuze's beauty. It is always amusing to watch last year — was perfectly indeseribable. On these the sensation which the golden hair and pearly occasions the escort of any member, however ham complexion of a fair English girl invariably makes ble, of an ambassador's household is invaluable. I in a Paris salon. Truth to tell, critics were divided happened to see a young attaché, on whose arn as to whether the mother was not still the loveliest. leant a beautiful English girl, in the midst of the The great artist Mr. Grove and his daughter were crush, apparently hopelessly entangled in a sea of amongst the seven ; together with a volunteer artil- satin skirts and embroidered coats, speak in a low lery officer, in a uniform of blue and white. One tone to a servant, who at once called out “ Place à hour and a half we awaited their Majesties. A la diplomatie.” The dense crowd gave way as by false alarm was created by the entrance of a squad- the « touch of an enchanter's wand," and the young ron of the Cent Gardes, who marched through to attaché and the fair English girl passed on to the do duty in the ball-room : accordingly, the ladies supper room as though the former had been the jumped up, shaking out their aerial draperies, and heir-apparent of a throne. At the end of the supper evidently assuming their best looks. "How pro- room is the statue, by Carpeaux, of the Prince Imvoking !” exclaimed a young lady, “only Cent perial, which we all'admired at the Great ExhibiGardes"; and, in a lower tone,“ Certainly they are tion. The boy, you will remember, is taken in a the loveliest uniforms I have ever seen, and fine standing position, and leaning on his father's dog men too, but then, they are not royalty.” There Nero. The statue has been placed in an alcove, was a “horrid man," as the same fair malcontent which last night was a bank of red and wbite camel styled him, in a mulberry coat and gold, who seemed lia trees. The famous golden potage Imperiale, the to take a malicious delight in making the ladies salad of sole, and vegetables, pyramid fashion, the move from their place and stand in order for a no perdrix truffé, the foie gras, and the decanters of very evident purpose.

Moët, &c., are scarcely worth recording, however Count Nieuerkerque was the next sensation. He agreeable to partake of. The two Japanese beaupassed through blazing with orders, his red coat ties and the Havanaises were again much admired. scarcely to be seen so many were the stars and ribbons with which it was covered. At last the door opened, and a Cerberus, in a stentorian voice, shouted "L'Emper-r-r-reur," and the Emperor en

AFTER THE BATTLE. tered, on whose arm leant the Empress, exquisite THE wistful hound creeps, listining, to the door; and graceful as ever, wearing a dress of tulle The favorite steed stands idle in the stall; covered by long fronds of yellow laburnum and The wild-fowl, fearless, flutter on the moor; leaves of the same tree,"24 worth," as I heard The old retainers linger in the hall : a lady, after a long and carefal calculation, whisper 0, will he never, never rise again, confidently; being besides adorned with her emerald To look upon them all ? and diamond parure. The Emperor as LieutenantGeneral; his sword diamond-hilted. With them They brought him in with blood upon his face ; was Princess Mathilde in yellow satin and wonder- They told how they had found him in the field, ful jewels. Three ladies in waiting and a host of Where the dead foe lay thickest in the place, chainberlains followed the Imperial party. Djemil With tattered colors grasped, and shivered shield, Pasha was the first ambassador who received the Lying face downward on the blood-soaked plain, Empress, and he at once presented bis Turks. Midst those who would not yield. While he did so a door opened from behind, and those who had dined with their Majesties entered, - He does not know our faces as we stand Princess Metternich first, looking positively lovely, About his bed, watching each fitful breath ; dressed chiefly in white lilac, and wearing a huge In his delirium, as with sword in hand, diamond as a fastening for her dress in front, which “ Freedom," he cries, " in England or in death!" blazed star-like, and shone like a small sun; her Then with a hoarse shout, lifting his hot head, head was coiffe à la Russe, very peculiarly adorned “ The day is ours!” he saith. with diamonds and white lilacs. Her Excellency bas the art of dressing as well as being the most So through long nights and dars that bring no change, popular woman in Paris. With her was Lord Or change but from wild hopes to wilder fears, Lyons, who at once entered on his ambassadorial And still our faces are all dark and strange functions by presenting the English first to the To him; and the long nights of pain seem years Emperor, and then accompanying the Empress as In their duration, and we watch him now she went up to each lady. - Pas possible!" said Through a thick mist of tears. her Majesty, as one fair debutante courtesied low, *la mere est encore si jeune."

And still the hound creeps, wistful, to the door ; At last the wearisome business was over, and very And still the steed stands idle in the stall; tired of it both their Majesties looked; and they The fearless wild-fowl fiutter o'er the moor; proceeded to the ball-room, whither they were fol- The broad notched sword hangs rustling on the wall: lowed by all the ambassadors, the new presentations, And he, O God, may never rise again, and their chanerons, - the Emperor, Empress, and To look upon them all! Princess Mathilde to take their places on the dais; I


Printed at the University Press, Cambridge, by Welch, Bigelow, & Co., for Tic nor and Fies

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