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Arba; Jebus (Jerusalem) was also a colony of the The walls of Tiryns, near Nauplia, alluded to by Rephaim, and thence came Melchisedek, probably a Homer, and those of Lerma, in Italy, are examples sort of Canaanitish Zoroaster or Confucius. The of the ruder style ; those of Mycenæ and Epirus of giants appear to have become very rapidly extinct. the more advanced ; in these the blocks are carefully As they were talented in war and strong in person, fitted together. And not only are these ruins found this appears extraordinary, but possibly the same over Greece and Italy, for Asia Minor, Phænicia, Percauses which induced the extirpation of the mam- sia, Malabar, Brittany, Great Britain, and even North moth and other large mammals may have affected and South America, afford examples of cyclopean the giant races of antiquity. Sir S. Baker is of architecture. Now, in most of these cases, popular opinion that the elephant, rhinoceros, and larger tradition refers the origin of these relics to giants. In mammals can scarcely survive the present century, Italy and Greece they are attributed to the Cyclops, at the present rate of destruction. Years after, Og, a primitive race of giants, skilled in architecture, the last survivor of the giants, is found ruling over whose leader was said by Homer to be one-eyed, and the old stronghold, Bashan. The remnant took ref- hence this peculiarity was extended, by subsequent uge amongst the Philistines, whence issued, in the writers, to the whole race. In Malta is a remarkatime of Saul and David, the giant champions, — ble cyclopeen structure, supported on huge pillars, Goliath, Lahmi, and Sippai.

and popularly called, “The Giant's Grave." Some An interesting question suggests itself: Were the of the blocks of stone are thirty feet long. Stonegiants confined to Palestine alone? We have ear-henge itself was said by Welsh tradition to have lier (authentic) records of the history of Palestine been built by “ giants who came from Africa." This tban of any other country, and, finding giants there is significant, since the Carthaginians, the greatest at a very remote period, may we not reasonably employers of mercenaries, colonized a portion of premise that, if we had similar information regard- England and Ireland. ing other countries, we should find gigantic races in The very names of some of the British cyclopean them also ? But we are not left altogether to con- antiquities show the evidence of tradition as to their jecture, for oral tradition (especially of Celtic na-origin, as, for instance, “ The Giant's Bed,” “ The tions) and archæology both favor the theory that Giant's Grave," “ The Giant's Load,” “ The Old giants were widely distributed at least over the Wife's Lift," “ The Giant's Quoit,” “ The Hag's countries which border the Mediterranean. It may Bed," &c. In Brittany it is very curious that the be objected, — why are their bones not discovered grandest relic of antiquity, a whole valley full of if they were so widely distributed ? To this it may huge stones, is called “ Carnac," – a name evidently be replied, that until they are found in Palestine, identical with that temple in Egypt upon which where we know the giants once existed, we cannot the exploits of the Rephaim are recorded. logically dispute the existence of gigantic races in A curious light has been lately thrown upon the other countries, on the ground that no remains are antiquities of Western Europe by the discovery in found.

the old region of the giants, now inhabited by the Respecting the archæological proofs to which Druzes, of the homes and cities of the Anakim. I have adverted, the philosophic Schlegel remarks in The Rev. Mr. Porter and Mr. Cyril Graham have his “ Philosophy of History” (p. 106) : “ There ex- found the whole of ancient Bashan covered with ist also monuments, or rather fragments of edifices, ruins hitherto unknown to Europeans. In the of the most primitive antiquity, which, as they are cities of Kerioth and Kiriathaim are houses strong connected with the subject, are here deserving of a enough to resist the violence of man or of nature; slight notice. I allude to those cyclopean walls the roofs are formed of beams of stone in juxtapowhich are to be found in several parts of Italy, and sition, twenty-five feet long, supported by square which those who have once seen will not easily for- stone pillars, and huge doors, formed of a single get, nor the singular stamp of antiquity they bear. stone. “These ancient cities of Bashan contain In this very peculiar architecture we see, instead of probably the very oldest specimens of domestic the stones of the usual cubical or oblong form, huge architecture now existing in the world,” says Mr. fragments of rock rudely cut into the shape of an Porter. In conclusion, there is no doubt that the irregular polygon, and skilfully enough joined to-cromlechs of Celtic countries irresistibly suggest the gether. Even the great and often-admired sub- idea of habitations ; indeed no other use can be terraneous aqueduct or cloaca of ancient Rome is assigned for them. Their height is too great for considered as belonging to this cyclopean architec- use as altars. It is just possible that the vast physture, remains of which exist also near Argos, and in ical and mental powers which characterized the several other parts of Greece. These edifices were giants may have caused their deification when excertainly not built by the celebrated nations that at tinct by inferior races, and thus their temples and a later period occupied these countries; for even residences might even come to be regarded with they regarded them as the work and production of a superstitious respect or copied and reproduced as primitive and departed race of giants; and hence objects of worship. At any rate, this cannot be the name the monuments received. When we con- denied, - giants once existed as races, not as indisider how very imperfect must have been the instru- vidual exceptions. That they were confined excluments of those remote ages, and that they cannot be sively to Palestine, I have shown to be, to say the supposed to have possessed the knowledge in mecha- least of it, improbable. nics which the Egyptians, for instance, displayed in the erection of their obelisks, we can easily conceive how men were led to imagine that more vigorous

FOREIGN NOTES. arms, and other powers than those belonging to the In noticing that first-class carriages have been present race of men, were necessary to the construc- placed on the railway between Boston and New tion of those edifices of rock."

York, an English journal remarks : “ The idea of The cyclopean remains in Italy and Greece are republican equality in railway travelling is very apparently progressive, and yet perfectly distinct pretty in the abstract; but it happens that an infrom the Etruscan and Latin styles of architecture. I vidious distinction between classes is a necessary الله الره په دومره نه زمانه مني و لا

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Koncombat of S tation Tue railaar ears in A PORTRATO of the pureh Menken, takea Aukt. We the price w Budul Aydirty conjunction with the funt modest Mr. Algers was tauki desery way but the sleeping anzur Obarley EXTITLE tas been used by the Land are sul SALAT ) tur augod. titula Iubgut tave suutated to Stereoscopic Count, and is the occasion of a

Ederabie O RL.. Tax n or on the conclusa ftar Mart that - Tbt To learn tiburonoh the Loodon Bookseller t BOXY Poul's W Mi Cassis Brade and Mr. Mr. Kendrik Constnere, the celebrated Flex Il Bu i lding is far away the most thrilling story-teller, seien tro lume fisilowed the examp Bu niya ay maw a urrent in the magazines Mr. Darkes : for he is reciting his own tales in These As A alune Writing in it, and the interperdan. just mom, to crowded and gratified and At Akku Wild &very way of the wory,"

ences Thas fashion, instead of being a new Mu, topunu is said to be now in a private lunatic

. i unworthy thing in literature, is a very old and pe

efectis classical thing. No need to speak of Herodi hylum, where he has been plan bakause he latani

te reading his own bistory, or of the poets, orator under the blusion that his family dielike him. Ir the ineuntets of his family cherished any great ad.

and some of the emperors of Rome who delivere .

their compositions before large audiences. T) miration for the reverend gentleman after his abs

fashion has also a romantic prestige, for the best Fun fade, they ought to be placed in #trait

the old diseurs and troubadours followed it. TA jackets

custoin is good enough to be generally revived and The fullowing parody of one of Mr. Tennyson's

made a popular feature in modern literature, tend

ing as it does to bring the people into contact with recent poems is going the rounds of the English papers. It is consilierea (hoy the author) as an im-1;

| the finest intellects of the time, and so train them forovement on the Laureate's verres :

into better tastes and more civilizing ideas. 1967 -- 180B.

The Table-Talk of Once a Week thinks it strane I wat in a 'bue in the wet,

that amid all the discussions to which the disappear Gol Words I had happened to get, With 'Tennyson's fast bestwing i

ance of Mr. Speke has given rise, no mention ka Aud lud" (, bard! who work so hard,

been made of one of the most remarkable cases of Have you sught that is worth thu kuowing ?

disappearance on record. As the clown Grimald Verses e ough, and so horing Twaddle quite overflowing

was playing at Drury Lane in the winter of 1868, Rubbish mush for deploring i

he was called to see two visitors, in one of whom be But aught that is worth the knowlog?

recognized his only brother, who had run away to Placards ou walls were glowing, Puits lu the papers pouring,

sea long before. After the performance was ore Good Worits roaring and blowing,

he retired to dress, leaving his brother on the stage Oudou Week blowing and rouring."

Being a little startled by the event of the evening,

he took a longer time than usual to dress. When Tux London Fun published the following timely he was ready to depart, he found that his brother warning:

had but a moment before left the theatre. He wä 0, ladies! who the privilego

never seen again. The most urgent inquiries were Obtain this year of popping,"

set on foot for his discovery ; but to no purpose. Pray ponder ere across the hedge

of prud noo you are hopping;
Bor Sixty light perchance may bo

A dear, and not a cheap, year,
Vuless you take advice from mne,

Aud i look, before you Leap' - Year!

My heart is heavy, I am forlorn,
Of course, I know, a single lot
Is singularly dreary,

Travelling forty miles an hour,
But very many wives, I wot,

From the town of all fair towns the flower,
Are only doubly weary.
Their lives que simply sums of grief,

And the house where I was born.
Ou wrtohed year they heap year
To quake burdeu past relief;

I see the happy fields go by,
So look before you Loup" – Year!

And long to hear the linnet's note,
That " looking after Number One »

With a choking feeling in my throat,
A proverbis, quite true isi
But that I lount if rightly done

And one tear in my eye.
By huling Number Twv in
I know that he soon runs to waste,
Chat quick 4 year will rep years

The vine-clad bills of Italy
And settla ill to wud iu hasta

Less pleasant memories can yield,
Su u look belure you hap"-Year;

Than the thought of one green pasture field
JOU INDOX l his good-wife

Wakes up again in me.
lufaid ad kwa w Wether,
I'W W U ons will of life
Want hand,

By one still lily covered pond,
Thir di li hut tle sive,

At sunset I would sooner stand,
'This is all and Pau

au Das w hope

Than amid the lakes of Switzerland,
L. " You!

With glittering Alps beyond.

My heart is heavy. I am forlorn,
T ulbatta di

Travelling torty miles an hour,
Be wat dilihat

From the town of all fair towns the flower,
t ill att

And the house where I was born.
si uL" YA.

T. Asus

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A Journal of Choice Reading,


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| her still fixed in the attitude into which terror had

transfixed her. The poor girl had remained moHAZEL advanced hurriedly into the grove, which tionless for an hour, under the terrible fascination of he hunted thoroughly, but without effect. He satis- the reptile, comatized. He spoke to her, but a quick fied himself that she could not have quitted the spot, spasmodic action of her throat and a quivering of since the marsh enclosed it on one side, the canals her hands, alone responded. The sight of her sufon the second and third, the sea on the fourth. Ile fering agonized him beyond expression, but he took returned to the boat more surprised than anxious. her hands, — he pressed them, for they were icy He waited a while, and again shouted her name, cold, — he called piteously on her name. But she stopped, — listened, - no answer.

seemed incapable of effort. Then stooping he raised Yet surely Helen could not have been more than her tenderly in his arms, and carried her to the boat, a hundred yards from where he stood. His heart where he laid her still unresisting and incapable. beat with a strange sense of apprehension. He heard With trembling limbs and weak hands, he launched nothing but the rustling of the foliage and the sop the cutter; and they were once more afloat and of the waves on the shore, as the tide crept up the bound homeward. shingle. As his eyes roved in every direction, he He dipped the baler into the fresh water he had caught sight of something white near the foot of a brought with him for their daily supply, and dashed withered cypress-tree, not fifty yards from where he it on her forehead. This he repeated until he perstood. He approached the bushes in which the tree ceived her breathing became less painful and more was partially concealed on that side, and quickly rapid. Then he raised her a little, and her head recognized a portion of Helen's dress. He ran to- rested upon his arm. When they reached the enwards her, - burst through the underwood, and trance of the bay he was obliged to pass it, for the gained the enclosure. She was sitting there, asleep, wind being still southernly, he could not enter by as he conjectured, her back leaning against the the north gate, but came round and ran in by the trunk. He contemplated her thus for one moment, western passage, the same by which they had left and then he advanced, about to awaken her ; but the same morning. was struck speechless. Her face was ashy pale, her Hazel bent over Helen, and whispered tenderly eyes open and widely distended; her bosom heaved that they were at home. She answered by a sob. slowly. Hazel approached rapidly, and called to her. In half an hour, the keel grated on the sand, near

Her eyes never moved, not a limb stirred. She the boat-house. Then he asked her if she were sat glaring forward. On her lap was coiled a snake, strong enough to reach her hut. She raised her - gray, mottled with muddy green.

head, but she felt dizzy; he helped her to land ; all Hazel looked round and selected a branch of the power had forsaken her limbs; her head sank on his dead tree, about three feet in length. Armed with shoulder, and his arm, wound round her lithe figure, this, he advanced slowly to the reptile. It was very alone prevented her falling helplessly at his feet. quiet, thanks to the warmth of her lap. He pointed Again he raised her in his arms and bore her to the the stick at it; the vermin lifted its head, and its but. Here he laid her down on her bed, and stood tail began to quiver; then it darted at the stick, for a moment beside her, unable to restrain his tears. throwing itself its entire length. Hazel retreated, the snake coiled again, and again darted. By, repeating this process four or five times, he enticed the creature away; and then availing himself of a mo

CHAPTER XXX.. ment before it could recoil, he struck it a smart blow It was a wretched and anxious night for Hazel. on the neck.

He watched the hut, without the courage to approach When Hazel turned to Miss Rolleston, he found it. That one moment of weakness which occurred

* Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by TICKNOR AND FIELDS, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the

District of Massachusetts.

to him on board the Proserpine when he had al- | ing the boat-house, he measured out a portion of the lowed Helen to perceive the nature of his feelings poppy liquor, one third of the dose he had previosh towards her, had rendered all his actions open to taken, and drank it. No headache or nausea suspicion. He dared not exhibit towards her any ceeded; he felt his pulse; it became quick and to sympathy, — he might not extend to her the most lent, while a sense of numbness overcame him, az ordinary civility. If she fell ill, if fever supervened! he slept. It was but for a few minutes. He amet how could he nurse her, attend upon her? His | with a throbbing brow, and some sickness ; but with touch must have a significance, he knew that; for, as a sense of delight at the heart, for he had found a he bore her insensible form, he embraced rather than opiate, and prescribed its quantity. carried the precious burden. Could he look upon "He drained the liquor away from the poppy lezte her in her suffering without betraying his forbidden and carried it to the hut. Measuring with grey love ? And then would not his attentions afflict care a small quantity, he lifted the girl's head 2. more than console ?

placed it to her lips. She drank it mechanical Chewing the cud of such bitter thoughts, he Then he watched beside her, until her breathin passed the night, without noticing the change which and her pulse changed in character. Sbe slepi was taking place over the island. The sun rose; He turned aside then, and buried his face in is and this awakened him from his reverie, which had hands and prayed fervently for her life, - prare replaced sleep; he looked around, and then became as we pray for the daily bread of the heart. He sensible of the warnings in the air.

prayed and waited. The sea-birds flew about vaguely and absurdly, and seemed sporting in currents of wind; yet there was but little wind down below. Presently clouds came flying over the sky, and blacker masses gath

CHAPTER XXXI. ered on the horizon. The sea changed color.

The next morning, when Helen awoke, she wa Hazel knew the weather was breaking. The wet very weak; her head ached, but she was bers season was at hand, the moment when fever, if Hazel had made a broth for her from the fleshy part such an invisible inhabitant there was on that island, of a turtle; this greatly revived her, and by mat would visit them. In a few hours the rain would be day, she was able to sit up. Having seen that be: upon them, and he reproached himself with want of wants were within her reach, he left her; but is care in the construction of the hut. For some hours few moments, she heard him busily engaged on the he hovered around it, before he ventured to approach roof of her hut. the door, and call to Helen. He thought he heard On bis return, he explained to her his fears to her voice faintly, and he entered. She lay there as the structure was scarcely as weather-proof 5 by he had placed her. He knelt beside her, and was desired; and he anticipated hourly the comments appalled at the change in her appearance.

ment of the rainy season. Helen smiled and pointed The poor girl's system had received a shock for to the sky, which here was clear and bright. But which it was unprepared. Her severe sufferings at | Hazel shook his head doubtingly. The wet sease sea had, strange to say, reduced her in appearance would commence probably with an atmospheric editless than could have been believed ; for her physical vulsion, and then settle down to uninterrupted ran. endurance proved greater than that of the strong Helen refused obstinately to believe in more fun men around her. But the food which the island than they had experienced on board the boat, -, supplied was not suited to restore her strength, and genial shower. the nervous shock to which she had been subjected] " You will see," replied Hazel. " If you do not was followed by complete prostration.

change your views within the next three days, then Hazel took her unresisting hand, which he would call me a false prophet.” have given a world to press. He felt her pulse; it The following day passed, and Helen recovered was weak,.but slow. Her cheeks were hollow, her more strength, but still was too weak to walk; eyes sunken; her hand dropped helplessly when he she employed herself, at Hazel's request, in making released it.

| a rope of cocoa-nut fibre, some forty yards love Leaving the hut quietly, but hastily, he descended This he required to fish up the spar to a sufficient the hill to the rivulet, which he crossed. About height on the great palm-tree, and bind it firmly n half a mile above the boat-house the stream forked, its place. While she worked nimbly, he emplore one of its branches coming from the west, the other himself in gathering a store of such things as far! from the east. Between this latter branch and Ter-would require during the coming wintry seascar rapin Wood, was a stony hill; to this spot Hazel She watched bim with a smile, but be perse rente went, and fell to gathering a handful of poppies. So that day passed. The next morning the tur When he had obtained a sufficient quantity he re-was finished. Helen was not so well, and turned to the boat-house, made a small fire of chips, about to help herself to the poppy liquor, when and filling his tin baler with water, he set down the zel happily stopped ber hand in time; he show poppies to boil. When the liquor was cool, he meas- her the exact dose necessary, and explained minu ured out a portion and drank it. In about twenty the effects of a larger dranght. Then be sh minutes his temples began to throb, a sensation dered the rope, and set out for Palm-tree Porn! which was rapidly followed by nausea.

He was absent about six hours, of which Hek It was midday before he recovered from the ef-slept four. And for two, which seemed very long fects of his experiment sufficiently to take food. she ruminated. What was she thinking a Then he waited for two hours, and felt much re- made her smile and weep at the same promet stored. He stole to the hut and looked in. Helen and she looked so impatiently towards the lay there as he had left her. He stooped over her: He entered at last, very fatigued. It was e her eyes were half-closed, and she turned them miles to the Point and back. While eating 11 słowly upon him ; her lips moved a little, - that was gal supper, he gave her a detail of his day's an all. He felt her pulse again; it was still weaker, tures. Strange to say, he had not seen a singie and slower. He rose and went away, and regain on the sands. He described how he had to

end of her rope to the middle of the spar, and with bly for your great forbearance and your respect the other between his teeth, he climbed the great for the unhap- I mean the unfortunate girl thus palm. For more than an hour he toiled; he gained cast upon your mercy." its top, passed the rope over one of its branches, and she held out her hand; he took it between his hauled up the spar to about eighty feet above the own, and faintly expressed his gratitude for her ground; then descending with the other end, he kindness; and so she sent him away brimful of wound the rope spirally round and round the tree, happiness. thus binding to its trunk the first twenty feet by The rain was descending in torrents. She heard which the spar hung from the branch.

it, but he did not feel it; for she had spread her She listened very carelessly, he thought, and be angel's wings over his existence, and he regained trayed little interest in this enterprise which had his sheltered boat-house he knew not how. cost him so much labor and fatigue.

When he had concluded, she was silent a while, and then, looking up quickly, said, to his great sur


“I think I may increase the dose of your medi- THE next day was Sunday. Hazel had kept a eine there. You are mistaken in its power. I am calendar of the week, and every seventh day was sure I can take four times what you gave me." laid aside with jealousy, to be devoted to such sim

" Indeed you are mistaken," he answered, quick-ple religious exercises as he could invent. The ly. "I gave you the extreme measure you can take rain still continued, with less violence indeed, but with safety.”

without an hour's intermission. After breakfast be « How do you know that? you can only guess at read to her the exodus of the Israelites, and their its effects. At any rate, I shall try it."

sufferings during that desert life. He compared Hazel hesitated, and then confessed that he had those hardships with their own troubles, and pointed made a little experiment on himself before risking out to her how their condition presented many its effects upon her.

things to be thankful for. The island was fruitful, Helen looked up at him as he said this so simply the climate healthy. They might have been cast and quietly. Her great eyes filled with an angelic away on a sandy key or reef, where they would light. Was it admiration? Was it thankfulness? have perished slowly and miserably of hunger and Her bosom heaved, and her lips quivered. It was exposure. Then they were spared to each other. but a moment, and she felt glad that Hazel had Had she been alone there, she could not have proturned away from her and saw nothing.

vided for herself; had he been cast away a solitary A long silence followed this little episode, when man, the island would have been to him an intolershe was aroused from her reverie.

able prison. Patter - pat-pat-patter.

In all these reflections Hazel was very guarded She looked up.

that no expression should escape him to arouse her Patpatter - patter.

apprehension. He was so careful of this, that she Their eyes met. It was the rain. Hazel only observed his caution and watched his restraint. smiled a little, and then ran down to his boat-house, And Helen was thinking more of this than of the to see that all was right there, and then returned holy subject on which he was discoursing. The with a large bundle of chips, with which he made a disguise he threw over bis heart was penetrable to fire, for the sky had darkened overhead. Gusts of the girl's eye. She saw his love in every careful wind ran along the water; it had become suddenly word, and employed herself in detecting it under chilly. They had almost forgotten the feel of wet his rigid manner. Secure in her own position, she weather.

could examine his from the loopholes of her soul, Ere the fire had kindled, the rain came down in and take a pleasure in witnessing the suppressed torrents, and the matted roof being resonant, they happiness she could bestow with a word. She did heard it strike here and there above their heads. not wonder at her power. The best of women have

Helen sat down on her little stool and reflected the natural vanity to take for granted the sway they

In that hut were two persons. One had foretold assume over the existence which submits to them. this, and feared it, and provided against it. The A week passed thus, and Hazel blessed the rain other had said petulantly it was a bugbear.

that drove them to this sociability. He had preAnd now the rain was pattering, and the Prophet pared the bladder of a young seal which had drifted was on his knees making her as comfortable as he ashore dead. This membrane dried in the sun could in spite of all, and was not the man to re- formed a piece of excellent parchment, and he demind her he had foretold it.

sired to draw upon it a map of the island. To acShe pondered his character while she watched complish this, the first thing was to obtain a good his movements. He put down his embers, then he red ink from the cochineal, which is crimson. He took a cocoa-pod out from the wall, cut it in slices did according to his means. He got one of the tin with his knife, and made a fine clear fire; then he vessels, and filed it till he had obtained a considerran out again, in spite of Helen's remonstrance, and able quantity of the metal. This he subjected for brought a dozen large scales of the palm-tree. It forty hours to the action of lime-juice. He then was all the more cheering for the dismal scene with added the cochineal, and mixed till be obtained a out and the pattering of the rain on the resounding fine scarlet. In using it he added a small quantity roof.

of a hard and pure gam, — he had found gum But thanks to Hazel's precaution, the hut proved abounded in the island. His pen was made from weather-tight; of which fact having satisfied him an osprey's feather, hundreds of which were strewn self, he bade her good night. He was at the door about the cliffs, and some of these he had already when her voice recalled him.

secured and dried. “Mr. Hazel, I cannot rest this night without ask- Placing his tin baler before him, on which he had ing your pardon for all the unkind things I may scratched his notes, he drew a map of the island. have done and said ; without thanking you hum- “ What shall we call it ? ” said he.

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