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weep to see you haste away so soon; as yet the early rising sun has not attained his noon. Stay, stay, until the hasting day has run but to the even-song; and having prayed together, we will go with you along.

3. Compose or find new examples of (1) An heroic couplet. (2) A quatrain, riming a a bb. (3) A quatrain in ballad metre. (4) A Spenserian stanza.

lines of five-accent iambic blank verse.

(5) Five



A. B., or B. A., Lat. Artium Baccalaureus, Bachelor of Arts.

A. D., Lat. Anno Domini, in the

year of our Lord.

ad lib., Lat. ad libitum, at pleas


ad val., or adv., Lat. ad valorem,

according to value.

A. M. (A. M., or a. m.), Lat. ante

meridiem, before noon.

A. M., or M. A., Lat. Artium Magister, Master of Arts.

anon., anonymous. ans., answer.

avdp., avoirdupois.

Ave., Avenue.

bbl., barrels.

B. C., before Christ.

bk., book, bank.

B. Sc., Bachelor of Science.

C., Lat. centum, hundred. Centigrade.

cap., chap., ch., Lat. caput, chapter.

C. E., Civil Engineer.

Co., Company, County.
C. O., Care of.

C. O. D., Cash, or Collect, on delivery.

cont., continued.

cor., corner.

cwt., hundredweight. D. C. L., Doctor of Civil Law. D. D., Doctor of Divinity. del., Lat. delineavit, drew (it). D. L. O., Dead Letter Office. D. V., Lat. Deo volente, God willing.

8vo, octavo.

e. g., exempli gratia, for the sake of an example. Esq., Esquire.

et al., Lat. et alibi, and elsewhere; et alii, and others.

etc., Lat. et cetera, and so forth. et seq., Lat. et sequentia, and the following.

ex div., xd., without the dividend. f., following. ff., plural.

F., Fahr., Fahrenheit. f. o. b., free on board. fol., folio.

F. R. S., Fellow of the Royal Society. 4to, quarto.

Fr., French.

G. A. R., Grand Army of the Republic.

G. O. P., Grand Old Party (Republicans).

H. M. S., His Majesty's Ship or Service.

Hon., Honorable.

h. p., horse-power.

H. R. H., His Royal Highness.

ib. or ibid., Lat. ibidem, in the same place.

id., Lat. idem, the same. i. e., Lat. id est, that is.

I. H. S., Lat. Iesus Hominum Salvator, Jesus, Savior of Men. (Really, IHS, ancient symbol for Jesus.)

incog., Lat. incognito, unknown. inst., instant, the present month. J. P., Justice of the Peace. lib., Lat. liber, book.

LL. B., Legum Baccalaureus, Bachelor of Laws.

1., 11., line, lines.

[blocks in formation]

O. K., approved, all correct.
P., pp., page, pages.
Ph. D., Lat. Philosophia Doctor,
Doctor of Philosophy.

pinx., Lat. pinxit, painted it.
P. M. (P. M., or p. m.), post me-
ridiem, after noon.

P. O., Post Office.

P. P. C., Fr. Pour prendre congé,

to take leave. pron., pronounced.

pro tem., Lat. pro tempore, for the time being.

prox., Lat. proximo, in the next month.

P. S., Lat. post scriptum, postscript.

q. e. d., Lat. quod erat demonstrandum, which was to be proved.

q. v., Lat. quod vide, which


R. F. D., Rural free delivery. R. R., Ry., Railroad, Railway.

Messrs., Fr. Messieurs, gentle- sculp., Lat. sculpsit, engraved men, sirs.

M. D., Lat. Medicine Doctor,
Doctor of Medicine.

Mgr., or Monsig., Monseigneur.
M. P., Member of Parliament.
Mrs., Missis (= Mistress).
MS., Manuscript. MSS., Manu-

N. B., Lat. nota bene, take notice. Nem. con., Lat. nemine contradicente, no one contradicting, unanimously.


sp., spelled.

St., Saint, Street.

stet., Lat. stetit, let it stand (proof


tr., transpose.

12mo, duodecimo.

ult., Lat. ultimo, in the last (month).

vid., Lat. vide, see.

vol., volume.

viz., videlicet, that is to say.


[blocks in formation]

Me., Maine.
Mich., Michigan.
Minn., Minnesota.

Miss., Mississippi.
Mo., Missouri.
Mont., Montana.

N. B., New Brunswick (Canada),
North Britain (or Scotland).
N. C., North Carolina.
N. Dak., North Dakota.
Neb., *Nebr., Nebraska.
Nev., Nevada.

New M., New Mexico.
Nfd., Newfoundland.
N. H., New Hampshire.
N. J., New Jersey.

N. S., Nova Scotia.

N. Y., New York.

O., Ohio.

Ont., Ontario.

Ore., Oreg., Oregon.

Oxon., of Oxford.

Pa., Pennsylvania.

P. E. I., Prince Edward Island.

Phila., Philadelphia.

P. Q., Province of Quebec.

Ptg., Pittsburg.

R. I., Rhode Island.

S. C., South Carolina.

* Official.

S. Dak., South Dakota.
Tenn., Tennessee.
Tex., Texas.

Va., Virginia.

Verm., Vt., Vermont.

Wash., Washington (State). W. I., West Indies.

* Wis., Wisc., Wisconsin. W. Va., West Virginia. Wyo., Wyoming.

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